HomeMy WebLinkAbout121081100080 Year File No. NAME 0' OWNER CONTRACT TO DJ,TRI~lS ;?:) I SALE PRICE Rd. iSch. Pori IPUD IFPD I Poco 1151. '3 I '3 I .ffl2300A 68 '3 581.~ Joe L. HaiZman G L H $6000 __ - ~~=B;-O; ~;;s' 1 I - ."'-.=- c -- - . .... .. . .. .. -,"--, _'4,..~, .. . '. .. I I V ALUA liONS Year Oyder Timber 1 Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Imgrovements B. 0' E. I ( Illldings) VALUE ._ ItJ ,11-t ~, .~5 ..:t5' 735' 7$.3" IJ~ CA dJ / ,,v~ /~7" I~ ..., _. .;?-4 ~ I~ L -S-Ls'" c.~ot:J J/~~ 11"1 I j) 3l>,1 l-::2'11fj ~3"o{) 11L. 1/';:) j /S:;',;ii) ;;?v~J 117 //..3'/70 II?! (.0 ;;2.9<.no 75' ',A:::: 0,- IIn?()/) "it/~c.:; 51()f..~- lL.i::J 1?3 C).5 c,~ > /J t/;OCO bt, S~O LOT ,ue . I r7~j?/f Ti 'i)"i:/O'JjO , SEC. TWN, RGE, , , ., '. ~ .._ ._..., '__ ~ ;,.. __4 ;. ~~'r""'~ '~""~~"","\'~ ,IJII.... .. ; .',",".~ .:"1"'- - '."1"" .".... "..,".;;'.- COIlL'llencing at the meander corner for fractional sections 8 & 9, said corner being the NE corner of Govt Lot 9 of section 8; thence N 68 30' W, along meander line 78.85' to I.P.; thence S 217' w 188.76', more or less, to the Sly line of a tract of land conveyed to Carroll D. Bush and Daisy M. Bush under Auditor's File No. 114104; thence N 66 16' W, along Sly line of said Bush tract and the Nly line of an existing private roadway, 69'; thence NEly to a point on s~id meander line N 68 30' W 48.70' from lIP.; taBnce S 6830' E 48.70' to I.P. ~... -- - - .~ .=.:;;,;':,;r;rr-,:'-i...;~,.;:::... '. "',,,.-... - ......,-..'::""' ~ -"'-.. -~~_.=-'. ..".-~:" .; ......,. ~:: --:::-.:~;~~.-:.~.,~~~ -.. .