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Y..r Flit No. NAME 0' OWNEFJ-' I ,;:;':2 ' ,..- ~ ( CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE
, "' Y' Rd, Sch, Port PUO! FPD I
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52 140072 Walter Eckert 1 ...2.4:. G .2. 1_ L
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Vea, Ollt., Timber UnlmproVld Impro....d TOTAL Oy,ter Timber I ",Im".,.d Improved Improvemtnh 8.ofE.
(Buildings) VALUE
52 4.4C 4.40 280 1200 1480
....5...1 -- -- 4.4C 4.40 L..30 1200 1630
54 4.4C 4.40 430 2300 2730
-.22 4.4C 4.40 BofE 430 1220 1650
--2Q 2.7~ 2. 75 270 270
57 2.7~ 2.75 270 1120 1390
~ 2.6' 2.61 220 1120 1340
li ,2, t.1 ;?, (,./ .;2.;1..0 > /87C? 1,f'/iJ
M ~, (.1 :U,I .:2~95 J930 ~;.l..5
l:.3. .1,,$7 ~ .37 P~!7.s /~7.:r '$'070
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Beg at meander corner to frae Sees 8 & 9; th S 2017' W along see line
between sees 8 & 9 , 293.04'; th S 57018' W, 83.16', more or less to point
on Wly R/W line of Co. Rd.; th N 61029' W, 414.48'; th N 89029' W, 320.70';
th N 11037' E, 382.80T, more or less to N line of Govt Lot 9; th S 89013' E
along N line of Govt Lot 9, 166.98', more or less to W meander corner of
Govt Lot 9; th S 660)' E, 578.16', more or less to point of beginning.
Note: Formerly known as Tr. 14 of the N. 1St acres of lot 9 Ex. Trs.
14 A-E
Tax 700 (Inner) - Tax 700-A (OUter) Combined into 700 in 1958
All tidelands of 2nd Class as follows: Beg at a point on the M.L.
Coamon to Sees 8 & 9 on the N side of Island and running th N 68 1/20 W 2.00
chains to te:r:mina1 point, Except 700 B - C
#383114 Recission C.P.
*Ex. Tr. l-A
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Tax 700 EX 700 B-C
= 3'631/1 Rue,>-,;"'" C f
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- - .~NUMBER OF ACRES . .-
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Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved ImproYfld ImPf'ovemenh I B. of E.
(Buildings) VALUE
1;1 /.?7 . ;';2. A'S'Od 5.::1-/1 J"'T .-JO
7.3 :. ,;- ,;< J.; 5.::;/' /.:) R ..7..5
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r .. ) :< :) ':;/ JJon -:I{\Q
1" ~,;- /,'/ ..-: ,~ ,::-
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%3 Co c,' ''':.. .3 t/ 6..id.6 /c;o.3St:J
B5 I,W/.,C. /,8 Z- j,t:A. {,,<:9;0 34~oo IOq 510
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