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I Yur FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS .Y () Rd. Soh. Porl punl FPO I ------ 1 54 G 2..L L 8"'P < ;- <;7" .9...:17 ~, SALE PRICE 52 881711Ernest Hl Humphrey - 2/ ( I /1l ~ ' ~ 'Xl. I "':_ -;::~~.C'i~""70A~ff '--lhf;' ll1~_lf;'~uYA_ ^--' /,1j~il~~d~L~~.~ ~ W?:llJJ/ 1,4'~ ", rY 11 -..e.!.JJ '!i2L f/)./Sr /~(")/ ;,))M 8, {L-I6 I ' " ,r-y )D(~ -------7 _ il:t:668/f' , ______ 76'0,:; I -------1 ~ -5J. .....!ik .5l .1,L ./-..-.1: .-". li M. M 2Q.. ~ Z1. 2!L 16 I ,--~~~--~-------~---~----------------~--~~-----~-~--:~~---------~~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS $'</1 Timber I U I d Imp'."" TOTAL ~.I., Tlmb., I U I d I -..I Improvement. B. of E. n mprov(I..... "', n mprove mprovllN (Buildings) VALUE 24.00 24.00 100 250 350 24.00 24.00 120 250 370 24.00 24.00 120 390 480 23.00 1.00 24.00 170 50 360 580 ,;(,E,Q-V (, crzJ .;('1tn> /'7 () 50 ,~;;lb 7~ /?tJ 5? ~ .:::J~(') ;( /6" ~ 0 ,;1 '7tr 9.< '7;)&:J _ )? /.5' . 9::- 1<I~t: /~c; /h~(j , - /q~ /C'O .:<~.3() -'j'/J/G" ~% .dl~-?t::L ,E'tJtJ 5/8'bO /?t!J.3t!' , <..P C!;$o :2..3~o $t;Pb '/F00 7rf9'o ':<:L~I-- ;)3tM 300 <<P&:o '7,,//r;- "CodY ~ 972/1' 7 .,- (.f-?J;~ /.2.~i<>v,; '1)0;0 .}, Yeu Or1t.r .:::Jt/,~td ;);3,/!J@ ;(;)% !,tP.tJ ,:;1/, ~a ;14-tfJIO LOT Q-C;". I I , I RG'ttlJ:ili5f'7!/,n317'l?Tnf;\0) , 100% see, TWN. ,~.~ ...,,",- ""." -.~...,-:]:..;;, ' ..-, ~. ",,- t",..> ~,,",'~>X,I~ ,;(-:~~>:--\~,'7;'.,~"": t:F.,iIf/IIf-" ~,..",<!".'. .';"""':- . ,.,... ~r' ->"'1~'" 1':",- ',OJ '~->'::"""'e'~ ';" E 24 acres of SV; SW, Except SEly of 'PJW Note: ~ormerly known as - E,,, 24 acre,s or sw SW now TN. 1 of ."-'.~ . -- -' .A- ~'~."_ .>~ bc~t ~ly of R/W ','" " i . I I . NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAL~ ~):.J', )f) --,- ,-------- Oyster -- I I I I I I I I I . -.. VALUATIONS Timber UnImproved Impro....m.nts (B1,lildinQsl Improved f1~ 8. of f. VALUE: .< '/ 9tJI.. ;:)::l7">() 1.f1~SO ,;;J,c/9oo, .;2,3C;~ 17g'~t) d-;'9.~S- .;J39S(J 1c,<f!S _:;;; '/ 3~- ~/,I _.~~, lJ../-'o3!..;;- ~~/3tJ 7{, (()CJ 1.:</:1. 30 ~ . <, "