HomeMy WebLinkAbout121073100010 y.., 13 7'''3. N;/~'I ~:',-'-" NAME of OWNER -~ONTRACT TO OISTRlCTS R CJ D '" ..1" __J__ .... Rd. $cfl. I ''Jrt PUD I fPD I ! 7LI-,~~9801. 'Olvmnic Sav-Loan 1 54 G 3 3 L H ~1l.+~,l1391 , Sheila A. C~ ~ 101Z ..15,21~3 Steven W-Anton a.. .ebE da ~ <!-m75 AJ..u.Au ti., (I.,~. AA "" _%~t .2?'5/';>.Lld~ /7J-,;k/~,d. -~;:/-~-,j . !\l...-oU b /' ..--";1 ,-5;: l ~-: --- . -....,...:.:"'~ - .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yur Unimproved Improved Improved Oyster Timber TOTAL Oyder Timb.r Unlmpro.,ed '1p _, SJ. S~H (' /JJI_':: /1/:.1 '.11 nrx'/'t~/ f /b. tJtJ J/j'IC/ .- '.":' /o,tI/ /;7, ~tJ I /s: ,7.1 13,)?' /73e;O /5.37(;) 1.:'1l'fI .:?oo /, .fc: 347 c-, <1.:) I -"-= - 3; ./ :':;- ,- 1- --" u f-. r' LOT BlK.' SEC. TW!\!. RGE. ',I", . . .,' /1 lfJ2ljl~lZJ S' /191Qf{5fZ]QJ, TrACt 1 pf .,.... ."". '_ ___._',~_. ::;Z., .2.1. ~ SALE PRICE -- :J,lY'-1 #26664 ~~aa L[( t'r6''' 97 I vU cf~ "'LJ Impro....m.nh (8uildin95) h,FP 8. of E. VALUE /73co /.5370 /34X J 311 J :0- , L. ') ~L ' J ,s",fiO S~"'Y1i!'1 '~st. The NEt of the swt of See 7-21-lW.W.M. Excepting the S 10 Ae of that por of sd NEt of swt lying Wly of the Co Rd known as Murray Rei, Excepting the N 7 Ae of that per of sd NEt of swt lying Wly of the Co Rd known as Murray Rd, Excepting therefran the S 344.48' of that part of the NEt of the swt of See 7-21-lW. W.N. lying Ely of Co Rd known as Murray Rd and excepting therefran rd r/w -, . '- - .,-."',;;:~";'( y....-r-~.-f--~--~._._--'.--N~~ O~~-----r~' CONTRACT TO Rd~TSc". : p')rtl;~-~:'~-~~~S: ;rp SALE PRIC;- , I -- --I ' =' .;2,J>f.,f 71 259801 Ob'rrlP i C Say-Loan I 54 G 3: 3 t L : H /126664 78 -~7? ~~9 ,-, ,- She~~~rmak -i-I-I 1*0<.1 <l1~o7Z ddN?1 J~k dt ,J-<</,du (IZIU~ LI1_ · ~ 97/ ~ r ~:~~ -:~'_~~~,u~___~:, u_ -. + -, , .+'-'-- ,- -I--- ~ ., NUMBER OF ACRES I I Oyst.r I Timber I Unimproved Improyed TOTAL r I 0.,.51..- &I----.-f- ;,,f / ,20 ,2'./')/ p.,. ~,Ol .:),01 Ii -e- /~._- , VALUATIONS I I . Timber Unlmproyed Impr::....ed Improyemenh (Bllildin9S) B. of E. VALUE II-,~ 54 / ~4' ;., .~, 19~o cf' S- 0 D. 'J'I I /9;;10 ,p .s- Oij l.--::J - /-"7.. A/;c h/'/ E>i -1------1----,- - f--- -, 'I 1 -+-'--,------ ,--------- ------, I -+--- --' .-- ,- -----,-- _~.=__=I_--~---- c-'-,- ---'~: __.==1 .----1 r-' -,----,----- I I , . - I LOT BlK. , SEC. TWN, RGE. 1 l ~_._- 7 ,Zl I Tract 2 of NE SW i I' ! 1 ! I I , " , / .....-c., , . I That ptn of the NE SW dc,f: .:5EIE tlA?JIJ:IZt a/a - ,', 7-21-IW,W.M" lying Ely of Co. ..~ , "-".:-",""~ - ~, or Rd known as Murray Rd Beginning at the intersection of the N I ine of the S 344.48' of sd S/D with the Eline thereof; th N 890 45' 24" W parallel with the S I ine of sd SID 699,04' to the cll of sd Murray Rd as located in Apri I 1981, th alg sd c/I N /90 44' 16" E 85.98'; N 130 39' 45" E 109.41' and N 230 08' 43" E 76,07' tap that bears N 670 50' 08" W from POB; th S 670 50' 08" E 664,84' to POB; EXCEPTING county road known as Murray Rd, (To be combined with NE SW 7-21-IW.W,M" when fulfi I Iment deeds come through) 'j.' ,,' ". ., .' " ~"$t;: . .;z9~/:( 3-3