HomeMy WebLinkAbout121073100000 V'" FII. No, NAME 0' OWNE'C13 /:( 77;< CONTRACT TO ')2 11091' C. J. Ma t thews et ux '7J"" /I /'~ .Ii to.Y' 13'1 f'1;?/J(;L~~,) Jr rt~ d) ~ f 0. /1 t-,f 5?3fl:7'9 ~~ e" <79J~,I) ~ :?I)/) "I 1:/1, (I::, ,/ ~~____ 1/J ~~, (t'M ,J, D-: c8", /7) V!11?<j II ~/ 7.3 Illtr- . !, / ;~ ~t7{;' :n'~Y'~~'- /. -,./ S'~ei la ;'. Cerm k __ 3/Sr 374444 Larrv Stanlev uc;1man et ux ('lJ;.m.r ic '11:'- lor /'17 Wi> " 'I (%'.2. 4/0015 JAt." lh../!. ,:/.r.lftJAJ'd,>tI/h,"rj;u"xun) Q if u.~ . DISTRICTS ,.YO SALE PRIce Rd. Soh. Port PUD ~_ CL. /#\"'5~ 15LL-1l:.l3JL~~0'66'.(7,' .p, "'II?Pyp /<? dO" F I-- --- r- . ";; ". ~;/J'6)? ./ - *-;;Z6t;';1 1107'32'3 Arn) $57950 ~ wL) ir.;g>ajl'71 """J" w.</ ----~-------------------------------------~------------------------------------------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATI~S Year Oyst.r TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL O,ster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlngs) VALUE S'.:< l5'J ~ .5"cJ 57 1,..L ;.,t:. 1,7 tf! 7L1 '724 '7::f "71/ 170 7-' /.26' 17~ 3.5-0 t/;L/..CJ 1 t 63'&.(2 3.5' d <1'Z- t! ~ /RO 330 ?7o LAg'o Ito 330 ..:;;{blo35" -.:? Y S- .330 .5:2. =' / / <1!.tL. _ ;;U? S- 330 9/s- 15'.3D 3~O 4n) //.y!O 17'/0 IOgD /~O 1/</0 ;iJ,S70 //!?tJ t>tJO 115/0 .:<930 .:? 3l!tJ -/ .:z NJ .:< ;< eft) l...- 1.1 f 711 ;4' 5S-s' 19(:)01/:1100 ~;]/li'tJ 5"1'$.{'" ,5(/0 19tJO /,:foo ~~ZP 5SClo 3Efolf) ~t/oo ij~40 /,.,7?ti (~~ L/5bO /(,~4~ jtjx,O 1/5'10 35''?c.O ~ C2l;2JiO~7Lil/:OicSIaQIQ], " ~ i 5 If -'/ 400 1../-0 Lfo 410 >/0, 00 3, ,;J'to ,1 r;. ,3(.,,00 3(.,,0<> <1.o-v rio, 0'1J ......- II;' '/0 /'1.,.,.0 4,#)() ~3,11O ~ /"0% /-/, (.~ i "~--.! , LO,T BLK, ) SEC. I"WH. RGE. . ,~--"~.-~"",'''',-",,,.' ...5.:-= ..:sUR I/F'1 <J'5h ALSO that ptn of the NE SW 7-21-1W,W.M" lying Ely of Co, Rd known 2S Murray Rd daf: Beginning at the intersection of the N line of the S 344,48' of sd SID with the E line thereof; th N 89045'24"W parallel with the S line of sd SID 699,04' to the ell of sd Murray Rd as located in April 1981; th alg sd ell N 19044'16"E 85,98'; th N 13039'45"E 109,41' and N 23008'43"E 76,07' tap that bears N 67050'08"W from POB; th S 67050' 08"E 664,84' to POB; EXCEPTING co rd known as Murray Rd, :.. ,-4.. ---' it;.~ EXCEPT: S N ~ -~'---.,..-.- '." ---<""....--.. 10 ac 7 ac W of R/W .--.- -H ~ I "<:"~-l'",::t.._.,,-. -S.' I ~ I I I I I I I . . , / NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS 6Ji:) Year rOyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improv.muh B. of E. (Buildin91J VALUE 1f kIf q,oo s: 17C' 6950 //SIO If' ~~C7 " c?,cO 79 ;f /()joo 115(CJ .;2/710 , t? //~ 5/1) 'l5'}{.[ q .:../_r), /" /: IH.. ~H&Hr 2:04') d, 0/ 7,"'1 ?'1 r; ~rJ 7t=; 7t')() ]122 ,ws; /()27CJO -- , 1- ,----- - -- ---- . -- .- . , '-- --~~ ..