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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7S SALE PRiCe Rd, Soh, Port PUO FPO - - - ;- SF N <;2 111685 Charles Somers et ux 1 54 G 3 3 L .J%. 1/7~H1 (o/J.(>.1J" rftrYn,,", ..J..P a8~t!1.- ,1,j' ...,:" -#/1,5711 - I '-II.Y() , /,,<:' 1.1/6~~:;(, (O/a-~J cv~.,. d!",f"-fJ J -Pl.3E:? 70 ~j'7/b~ (lLq ~ 0, A ) 0,' fA ) ~~.~ 7<,1(.77> -#t t/tf 7'!;;l/2. ~ I. I)(L, 1/ "'A_ ;=1:7' v,,~ V S/~LJ~O 1-un {/ 1/(1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . : \ ----4IIF-~~-----------------------------------------------------------------------~~--~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS / 8,,/ Year Oy.tor Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprov~ Improv~ Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE S} /2d.Q :<5 ,;(O,cJo /:<0 SCJ )trl :;"7~ SJ if..cJc9. .LL #o~ .L/.t; I/O ~ /0 c/ /-2 74S' .5:~ I/o 1.1 t> " 100 1.2i/o ,<7/- '? i) () //.00 ~/tO ~o /100 .2J/o 13.5'0 57 7c? // !Yo Af/O /1//6 (p( 9,o-z} II, 0-0 ~O_tJ-D 70 I /tJ 0 .s-~s /7/b ~ ,;(~ff, II~ /3'75 -Mo b/~o ~() IJ /';;,0'-; .;l.o,()O 3t7V IMS &""?o I..,~ ~ ~.s; ~ ~otJ) /5tJtJ 43- ::2-9 tJl"> 71JJ -:'2' /(,tJ{') ,3 tJ"o -9~"() '0 U /$'0 1,,/00 3.aoO 4jr~a '73 7'0 /tloo '30 0 0' 1/49'0 ;>;,g /? 0-0 b.7o /~16 90 /~t:) /~75 $/~5" 14 /tfO % - ..:z,f' cJ 0 g.3~o 6/$;2> 7~, .' :~~J ~ /, 'J) I I -, " \ ' La.or BlK. I SEC. TWN, AGE. '--.'j"''- ',." 1 J.4.q,OJ :5,.Q :'-' c (J,,:] JiO/f~ -.~.". - -. .,~..' ':i, .."'~-." ,- . . , .- .. - ..," _.._.~. . ..~-....... fQ~MERLY; S 1/2 SE NE 'Tow Tract A of Short Plat #1454: The S 165' of that ptn of the S 1/2 SE NE 7-21-1W.W.M" lying Ely of the W 330' and Wly of/the E 350', EXCEPTING road rights-of-way. " _~..-,_~. 0 '..' -~ h, fJlV ~~ tfl G:, a-.-~ ~~... 1 '__ I ~__. __J ../ } \ \ I I I I I I I , I I . I . 6.jJ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS YUt Oyster Timber I UnImproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder limber Unimproved Improved Improyemtllh 'B. ot I!. (Building,) VA'lUE 72 IS' /~ (-, -)r: I 'f, 70 ~/59l bll !;'-9j '. C , . c f---.--e---. j:', "':;;)3'-/0, 3~3</D 8315.<='h :;),7tJ b.~~ l. '/ (! Z(!)/lo 2/~l/-o I~- '9,70 "/,70 ;:(5CJoa ';<S-OOC'l 5.l, 5//1 1---- 2,1/3 .21,L~ ~2.;iCJ 62..;;;0 ~. 1- 'i<;t:Jn 9s-",0 1'i5 --, . 1- ,---- ---- --' 1------. , ---- _,..,e-___ --' . . -- ~,. ~- , -- . . - . >-.',"" "