HomeMy WebLinkAbout121064490010 DISTRICTS 7- V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~ SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD . - - - - - 1;2 10>;7711 Geraldin Dahl Morton 1 5lL G l ---2 L --SJ E- bb /1/1 . "c-C 120,.. , ~A'" ~_..~...() , ~~;'tJ !+- ,.,..~33? V ;; I. -7~j~ - - - - f;i- J2ittZ;u - ~- 7.i - - - ~ -'I-< 8y S ~ 246 q'7;; l/ji!,'-;;;."L - - ~ - 7--') 30Z6?!f . FOREST "IX''' acw 81.33 .~ - - - - -:ti:(",7/00 ~t;;~ - . , r,;;1)yJA 7''' P 'f( lh. #. ~:?o ~o /}fftJJ - - -~...:.; ~ - - - - j/liblb5 01 Z\ '.;1i1 ~.. , v ,...i. ~\ $11,95Q roo 3'&2 1-3J/07 ~' ,1 ~ /1 /r wL> TI IJ( ) - - IU mt>f .(~~ (, - - - - - - I - - - - - "---.-: -----------------------------------------------------------~----~~. '!4It----. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyst., TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Bulldlngs) VALUE ~,L ,1() :l 0 / r; () /S-a ,5,2 ,;( cJ, 00 dcJ.OO /60 /5CJ ~ ;< r?"A/ .::< (), (}(J /<')6 /.::7 cJ ~ fa ~ /So /$"0 l,1 ;'<O,O!J ::l (J, [)O - t,cro 600 Il.o / .:;<(j /.Z5CJ 17~ ,~ dZ 6/)0 _~5'~Cl 7:A '375 ~OOO ~ 9'15 - II'J~ .;? c2S .:2CJCJO 1-7L1 /t:d1,', '11'100 .If(Jbt) I1'Ji 1-t~ul'OREST 84.8.'1 ':tiJ, otP 2(J- C/o ?~" 7tm 11Tn .f6cJ ,3'(,,0 77 /1J4(J jOl{.o '78 ~C'- " ~. ,', 10;"'; ,'u,\', - 7'1 ' .-: ') . /C~G ,../,:". lo.l'-~_...' I r r I / 12' / 10101.41 41 qi (\1 Ii / 1 (j - i,~r- '. 'f.Nt."'- RGE. i.., L.. :-':::;;-"--::0 . n ... .. --~~._- -- ~ .~ -~ <<-:-- .~.-..,""'~- ~:::.:-- . .--.~ ;. .-. -- --~ '.. -- - "; ",J;._~ f the E 990 ft thereof, and th~ 30 ft of the following The S 1/2 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec 6, TWP 21N, R 1W, WM., in Mason County '-- --. Ex the following descr. Parcel: -~ The S 23 ft of the N 1/2 of the SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec 6, Twp 21N, R 1W:W-;-M-.-,~ in Mason Sounty EXCEPT the W 30 ft thereof. Fbrrrerly SI, NW SE SE (Tr A of S.P. #1315) 'L'he NN i'H SE SE of 6-,21-1 w,w.r1., TC:X;:.'ill-lER !-IITH an undivided 1/8 interest in the W 30' & the S 30', except for the E 990' thereof, of the following descr parcel: The S I, of the SE SE of 6-21-1 W,W.I1., as ordered in Mason Co Superior Crt Suit #14971, to provide access to lDmbard Co. Rd.. ,--~--- -....- ..... -- ,";-/.;< ~/ ,-, _...:.';:::;:"<c-- c// c:r - ,/ C'" _ ---.~....,.-- E-XGEP-T':-W2-N4---5t-5f _or". - I I I I I I F'-f:""" I I . NUMBER OF ACRES I- I VALUATIONS ~: :::r':;~. '~i' p Yur 1_ 2!st.-:.,_ ,!!.rn=r I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyd... limb.r Unimproved fmprtlud Impronmlnt. B. of E. (lluildinQS) V.A.\.\)~ 2< In............ v...... ;9000 /7'000 /'700 C> OW-Z2/J J?, ,;(tJ,OC ., S:no _c:. no 1/'lS-t::' '-I-7Sa ~I ~EG 8--:? - IS-()Cn 15"000 1.3 Se,', 2 "lu ,~ ")n 7::.:)'00 75"00 ",.( I ' I 1<1 ( 15:Ju "15-(J 0 ~. - 7 ~-;)'J - e--- ---- - -. - - -- --- --- I -- f------- --.--. --- - 1- -- I -- ~._. ---- - ---- '----- 1--- - - - -- - ~ ~. --- , - I i , .\.,,,...... '- , ~. ~- .