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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD / ,?O SALE PRICE ~2 1~121~ Charles Lombard .;r. 10 "/J-M Cl /h1 ' /?)A '/--}L{ --<.} V~/ q /73//'..5- , .1. ' (b, ~/C.Arj"Y "1,,..0 1,).~nA (, d .. -, 1/ /1 ,I..L- /J J t 7 "'''' d'~/1 U..-/. J.IJ.#.. . --- . 67 2:J-fj./~ .~. /. "].' /' ~f ;;;;~ ~ h./~, 'yiAti J"f -' J+.//},If ,~A !~l "~---- -;7';195(:).:::7'(,'2, /1 , -J> . -, ',\ ~ /7"< ,;l.'l!1I.IO '7J~ JJ~~ ~.:!,J 4" I,.}-) hJr-r" . - ,f !!/%-3"'1[/J> ~- ~ '-;;",Yd ~~~ ~/;I t~tt;:,; :"__o,/~J.", /_....h a: I ffis r;r; 7 t; s:~ -;;ii tt-U u 0< -:;;; _ tI ----4IIf-------------~------------------------------------------------------------ 1 '--5ld G.3---3.. L --; P .l-- 1>"-- ',ocJ 0, ~- 'UQAd ~"ll/ ~(;-;;,. '" /J_ '.L!. --- ~. // ',,~ :-:------- ~ .... /;L.q,sp ~d27d~ ~ -'=- 7",:,,?- 7- ~---- '#-73f'2C'f ())L)'i .J4 c _ .----, NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber U"'mp,,,,d I,mp""d I Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~- , :to .;;!.o /50 '-' , 1<,,, fl.:r l) ,- -11../ ~ ~ /,-:>-r::> ..5'$0 .:>"30 ~ 070.0c. ~O,oo 150 3 go S3CJ ffz It? ;j/J /dO 2.1.tJ() Li!tL 50 38'(} 57cJ LL , /9.tMJ 1.0-0 ':<'0. CJ-o 1<1-0 be; b0~ 75"'E' Iw ::J-<.% /70 (.,0 7/0 9.y-o (p1 /~oo 3.#() 20.$0 5/0 //0 7/0 /530 I~ / a.tO 450 1~5' 1~35' /~h/J ~50 6- /6/0 1 -'11') .~~ ;;1/30 9/J~ 3/130 ~ 121'3#/> /,/00 900 .2.'1/_'S" ~ /90 170d 960 ;;;./790 1-14 1/6(') ttIn ~ 9,ij"c. /[f,:)l l::l 00 6ij 00 , . () I--i_ $69 , - , ~,' ~/ .J 7y /7,0: 3.00 c..:..-? " , , - . J :::~: (, ~3 goo -:.:-;' - ".,.- - LO.T BLK. , - -- - ,_s SEC. TWN. RGE. [2DTi\bl?i4 _1ro~!;~1pIm .- - ,- , . .-4 -, - " ~- "~-' ,----""'~.' C. F_ # 14971 The 5 23 ft of the N 1/2 of the 5E 1/4 5E 1/4 5ec 6, Twp21N, R1W, W.M., in Mason County, EXCEPT the W 30ft thereof. EXCEPT the following Parcel: The 5 30 ft, except for the E 990 ft thereof, and the W 30 ft of the following described Parcel: The 5 1/2 of the 5E 1/4 5E1/4 of 5ec 6, Twp 21N, R 1W, W.M. in Mason County. ~ Jwud Z-lfLI t./ . 4' "e~ J.. cf:~, .'~~ / ~ (-- j-i . , . _ ':, c'&! /~"'_ /DrV, "fM -/L~ ')h ,t., ~ ,,' ~ , . i' , .. /J..-[/, ~....::J / -j .J ~'I I ~--"--~ 9,4.- ; ~ . I ""--' .c:l-cl.-=; \ I I I I I I I I . . -- NUMBER OF ACRES I b.te) VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber I Unlmpro....d Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved lmpr::lnd Impro..m.nh B. of E. (auildinQs) VALUE 3'3 r).C' 0 <c de :- () Ejl500 '1soo '!~ lJO 0 f---- - ~- ---- - -<-- I -- ---~-_. ------ -- 1__- -- - - I --.- ~--- 1--- - - --- - -- ---- , , --.- ..