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?.? - Y..r File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port I Plio I FPD I 52 Swan A. Maki et ux 1 .2iL JL -.l ~- .-k 5 P J!.L 3'9 /~ ~~~t:=~ JJi1~) -l::J::7~-~73 9'r'f'1'~ - - - - I/o,~~~ W.D '1S',;J.. 409.;/;) -I' h?fJf) C,P 'l LJ~ ~A.Jt".j-"... - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -.- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ---_.~'---~::.~~~~~~ .' ....-'. .-- .~--- ",.' .. NUMBER OF ACRES -I VALUATIONS ';;;'.,f'{) Vn, Oyster TImber UnlmproVld Improved TOTAL Oyl1., Timber I ""'m.,md lmprov..:t Improv'menh B. of E. (Buildings) VAL.UE ~ 4.00 4.00 '30 30 ---'2l. 4.00 4.00 50 50 .kfL !62... #0 i4a- ~:70 ..so .52> .i!t c:2 0 C! .::20 CJ .hi.. .L/oo "I0f') ;2IL '" ~;t RIJO 80() 23- /5'nn / SOt) 2t / t'XJ c% ~cMD 30tM k ;;;;~J:J ~(,D::) 7F? If, c.j c ~:) _!~.!i( () . {~L.o:1.~1 n. /-? 5( , 1- =?Q,,- I , lOT BlK. - . - - ----.--- ----.. ---..-. SE<:. TWN. AGE. I ~ I ~ /1 012 SJI!iUlQLLQiQI .' .1. , . - ,--' . -- "'- -- . . . ' . -' .' ~_... s~ of following: Beg at the SW corner of Lot 4; th E 660'; th N 52$'; th W 660'; th S 528' to point of begirrning. Note: Formerly known as ~ of Tr. ~, of lot ~ ~A_~ .;...~ /~.~~ - ~-----