HomeMy WebLinkAbout121053400080 - y,.r Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS cYO SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port I puof"F'PD ------ 52 98991 V'P.!. Spooner et ux 1 54 G r-1- 3 L %//5 It"'" /"" '" - 'f-/)u& ,v{, ~tf--;u.:-f/ 6 ,.., ~ 2f2!1:L'lL - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - 1-.- - - - 1-- --I . .' . '-" --~~.--- ___....~ ~'~,~::_~_=--=~ __.....=o~~=~.-'-===~_o. --~=====~---------------------=-----------= " NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Y..r Ol,t,r Timber Unimproved Improv~ TOTAL Or.t.r Tlmb.r I ""'m"",d Improved jlmprovlmenu B.ofE. (Bultdlnal) VALUE ~ 2.09 1 .c. 3.00 3.001 30 800 970 140 ~ 2.09 1 .c. 3.00 3.00 30 140 1140 1310 .31.. 2.09 1 .C. 1.00 2.0C 3.00 30 50 90 1140 1310 .4- .2.09 ~ 3,00 3,o() .':;0 /L/o //'/0 /3/0 k .3, t>'7J 3_0"'7> b90 //"'0 /,5";;}0 .bL 3.~ 3.1H 1.,90 /7'00 ::JlbO (.;~ -2-J~ 6"65 /'?,;;J.S' 2h9o - .i1i .:2 .t,I / ~ //?~--) <<;290 'i't) k)/'h '7'R3o - SC:: 6() ,J''IR !) ":','], tI,::z /,r; <=JL,S() 'l,.f ?, 0 23- / 3/71') 9/3(') 17 ~O/" 2!t /00% -:J !,3 'In J'.;zto 5Y {or ~'-~ :")t:/0J f',7( r,;, '1'/'- " --r-- JL ;?f-. 3 '!.j 1/1 {j 3S-Lk~ 1& 3,0!. ~ . 113'1)0 ';;'c'lt,,(J, t.L/3/"O - - lOT BLK. SE<:. TWN. RGE. - - .-",. ~.. "- "- The S! of the S 92' of the tl 1122' of Lot 4 less the W 66Q' thereof ex. RjW. "'.'f"- ..-~.-- - , \ . The S 92' of the N 1214' of Lot 4 less the W 660' therof ex. RjW Also tidelands in front of the above descriptions. Note: Formerly known as The st of Tr. 13. Tr. 14 of lot 4 & T.L. -1:-- t- ;' ") .....- ~.__""".-=.' ~"':".2 ~ y...1 0",,, .1l. __ 8.2 t:.:L . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL :', 0 (~ ----------- - --- --- --.----- --- -- -~-~---~ ----- LOT BLK. .... SEC. --1-- lWH. RGE. I. I r Oyster 1--- I I I I I ! I .- - VALUATIONS Timblr Unimproved Impr~v.d Impro....m.nts ! B. of E. (8uildinQ') VALUE </3'1'00 "::.5 o. :,7900 ---r31o~ ,;lo'7Ca 1-'-I.3t.o 7S9S0 ';;;3L/ro 993.51:::) I 1___- ~---==i r--- i i --- . --.",-",,-,d