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, Year File No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .f.'1 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port I PUD I FPD I 52 -, """8 ., ' :::veiyn Dec~~ ItII.'1. ..G. ,,1. , 1 .2..!!:.. iL-1Jl_ L ;z;t /9"Rs'l> .1...,]. ~.)"'- A..J...lC''? ~ /9"L ~ /L ' .JI 17 ..J.6 I?u r1, ./ / ~--"., ') - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I - - - f--- - - , - - - - -- - I - - -1- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- -I I ____'.____~~~~_ ~ ___~ ~ ,_._ ~,__,.. ~-.--:'----->---=---..::..--- ~~__-_______::'.:S.'--~- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS v.., Oy.t.r Tlmb., Unlmllrovld Improved TOTAL Oy.tlr Tlmbu I ".Im"",' Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ....51. 1. SO L .C. 2.00 2.001 r, 200 120 ~~ 100 .2!J:. 1. ';C L .c. 2.00 ;:.08 20 :JO 550 670 ...5~ 1.50 "' .c. 2. DC 2.00 20 100 550 670 i.a. ;2..o-t> :J..a-r> ~ ,ff'oo .F~<7 /06'0 !ti.. ~. o--v .;l,,,...,, - <7 (" ;;U; II;;CO 60 .ua :2S'X b::6' r- 776 /f'OQ ~ /.5tJo 7'7-\ ::J..-'1'7;!; 2d.. -q% q /)()t'J /:5'h/J 1'5<:;;61 22- LJ{}Or! /s-Y? SS 5?J :23... <:> /R I tJ loR/o / tJ ()r') #- I dO % IRtXJ?J 9t-, .:to ::i. / &;J.t. 76 /('-_>1/1 3b.2J ;2 jlO"'::)~ v;...'<,/ n ~ ,jG d,A.J d 7 ::c-c 7o:rS- 3 i/ O!5 5'3 I WI: ~ ;!5'i/jC 507tJO , LOT BlK. I --'. . .'\ SEC. TWH. RGE. e' /1..21 IIGJI5tZllt1 (lDI II ()I ~,- -., :;.;-'..',..'.., - .,'1,', '-.", . ,. 1.-.' ,I. . . -- .', , ,'.- T' ~, ..""l The S 100' of the N 730' of Lot 4, less the W 660' thereof except R/W Also tidel~nds lyin~ in front of above desc. Note: "'ormerly known as Tr. 9 or lot 4 & T.L. -.--- _.~~--- - ..a......-: