HomeMy WebLinkAbout121053400020
Rd. Soh. Port PUO!FPD I
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52 13605 Emma M. Merritt 1 54 G 3 3 L
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54 15472 Pete G. Hansen et we I--- $8500
- - - -
58 17263 E. R. Grigg. et ux ~ int & #11669
Dolores White ~ Into - - - - - - 41.i.::,uuO
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Year Ordlr TImber I UnlmJOroved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber I U,'m",," Improved Improvemenb B. of E.
(Buildings) VALUE
-52. '3 LoCo 3.7L 3.75 30 350 580
~ ....l..J,.C. 3075 3075 30 200 620 850
..51.. 3 L.C. 3.75 3075 30 200 620 850
k 37~ 375' --6--' /C;?CJO 60LtJ /6,2 0
ft,/ 375' 3.7!; 1000 9Rf;' 19~'S'
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~ ~g (OOOlJ ~Lj71? I? ,/70
1L 6Z /"S-- 2/'6- :3000 / ;:< 35 </c23S
2.2.. 4000 /'::{3":;- S-.;J -=<<'
23... 787<; /3oS '7/8'0
2:L ~~ lJL /O6~ /57.<;2 ?h I () /tJ3c'(
2L 1cJ-f. 9 f,.% 3. 75" 3. 7j- 3/5'O<l 6220 '3(,1:1 ()
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SEC. TWN. RGE. IdolO1211)l !
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All t}.at Vbor of L :3 ~ying within th~\ fol desc lines: Bee: at the If..
of Lot :3; run 1260' ~ ~lon~ the ~ 11~-Or L:3 to pob; th'S 150'; th
tre 1.1.; tb I: "lonn: t"e ".L. to interseCt-- the i. line; th \i to pob.
containinl'; 22,500 c"uare feet.
t; ::<.'
Her; at -a point on the :: Lne of L :3, (.90' .:. of U8 ;'... cor of L :3; th S 150'
tl G 250'; tl :: 15:,' to Ve j; li'18 of L 3; th ';, 250' to the pob, "the 'oi 20'
of tr ct bein~ hereby reserved for public rd. containin~ .80 acres.
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Be~ at a point on t}e ~ line of L 3, 1240' ~ of the h~ cor of L 3; th S
150'; th S 20'; th J: 150'; t", '" 20' to pob; , ,ilso, bd,---: at a point 990' ~
and 15U' S of the J,,', cor of L 3, th '" 50'; t!1 ;:. I,;'u', r.:ore or lCJss, to Ue
i:.1.; th n alonr; i..L., 50', Lvr'" or less, to a point 0irectly ~ of the
pob; th W to pob; t0e ~ 20' bein" reserved for public r~. Cont. .55 acres.
Bep; at t 118 S'" cor If t -- e Fresent Scrool Lot; U' S 100'; th C; to extrerue
hio;r tide on C3ses Inlet; th Cllonr->; s,-tid hi'r, tide line on a I; course 100'
to intersect with t~e pres6nt oc~ocl lot; th t alon~ s~id Jchool lot to
pob. The s'iici JisL'ict bO:ircl of Liirectol's of ";i,, ;;chaol ;t54 "aq;rees" po
rrive Tl" Oijlo'S \i. ~ .31:, nev J.n.~A tLe p"en Dublic 20' of lc.nd on L si;le of S-1 id
~chool lot--on top of' tle bank,'als~ 20' on tbe auove desc property.
Also, on top of the bank in "lew" of 20' across the -I, side of school
lot in s~id Sch. Dist. J64, also 20' across the ~ dide of above dese. prop.
Tl-e said 2U' of lar,d on tee ~ sicie of s"i,; school lot is to co::nect with
5th Street County road.
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//;<::#11,25377'; OM ULT O~ 4/VN'h' //. ;ft;,.t.C'NE1 K6T-9TE
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uk,e.o r,~ ~N""OL)
#1/2,f"IJO: 1./:'.> Ii;N:.J~'/:' 70 SI:,LJr~ T;':C. IN
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Beg at a point in Lot 4, which is E 660' and 230' from the NW cor of
Lot 4; th S 200' to a point; th E parallel with the N line of Lot 4,
to the E line of Lot 4; th Nly along the Ely line of Lot 4, to a point
directly E of point of be; th W to I.P.
Also tidelands in front of above desc.
Note: Formerly known as Tr. g of lot 4 & T.L.
I -- I I I I I I I
Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro....d TOTAL r Oyder Timber Unimproved I m pr~ved Impro....m.nt. B. of E.
Ullildif'\(~~) '1.11.lU'C
f3 '? 7:; 3. r' _-- 'E.5 ~{J / S?tJ CJ /'::;,<ldCJ0
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