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V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 8'0 SALE PRICE! Rd, Soh. Port PUO ,PO ')2 Nestor S-vrjala et ux 1 5l.L .JL ..3- ~ .L- ~ p{ '12 lu"i619 Susie S-vr.1ala 4F- ;;,~ 1 'J JJ~" ;::" .f) 'YH.. f ,71. #. 0<03;2,;:, 'lA I~;f~ I ~ul j? - !tJl!!t II" f. All , ,,!t;fJXZ...iu ~ I 'lJtl 312, . _ t, ' I-- - - - - 1%0 3S'.:tiR.3/ k~';;I" , wd0 !.;7cxrf) + 70 &57 - I--- - - - ., " r , "- - - - - - - - - - ;-- - - --- ~-----------------------:---------------------------~----------------------~~-~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .,;?, tl S . Year 011"' 11mb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL Old.r Tlmbtr Unimproved Improved Impro'lllmenta B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE n 10 ItJ 10 ..3.tJ I/O .PI 10 10 too C 60 -3'5 /0 /0 &0 ,;(?O 3.30 55 /0/"0 /C.{JO ~o d?7o 330 l?-? 9<Je/ /. 0(') //J.M 70- 60 -270 :390 I in / 9,0-0 /.0-0 10,0-0 7D SO ~crv S~ Ibh :?s% 9() hO !)<J 0 ?.5t> /,1 . ;:z '7 LI /61:.1 S- cJo JP76 t..? ,{',~5 /~-G CJ f? ::2._--5 '70 ~ -::% /3_-5'.:; ."50/'> /t:. ~ 13 3816 /.;;}:;-o Ll L 'ur IJ'/ /co70 - (/1.5-0 ::t.S3o ~..:lS-C 1'1.5' 7, /'I{) / ~f/) /0 m'i 7.z SZ> 8' L//Po 17?3n 'If-, 'if/' 1/!!0Y , I"/".t, r-. /.~v"J 11~ c.~ , i{q C}/oo ~ /'? I AD LOoT. :'rI"K. .. --1 I , , d SEe, TWN, RGE. 1/ I ~ / I oTSril q]O r G! ol~ f , .. .,~' '4, " - -- ' . '. , ,-.,.I-,. " , .. . ......~ '~.., -- \ \ I I I I I I I .- . ~.J7~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OysfGr Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order Timber Unlmprond Impro....d Irnpro....m.,.ts t. of E. (Bllildin~'l VAtUE 78 (/,OO ;-00 I {) - 00 ;1 IJI)/J -&- 1101/0 ;[/ 1--' , : <)n_ d..", n ,~ 5.e:>t:J 55t"Y) $$00 83 - 150DO /5'OC!() - + , - -- ,- -- I-' .- .- .. ~-;;:-- -- , ......... ~,,' ,