HomeMy WebLinkAbout121053300010 y.:r-;:::- \------~.-,.-~---NAME of OW~-----T-. _ J - DISTRICTS t50 ~TS(;h. ~P?rtPljb--!-f~ I - --, I 54 G 3' 3 , L ; H , I,' 'I i I ,--- I I ! __I_i_J, L I : Ie-, J-.-- i=~ I i1 I I I CONTRACT TO I IA'; I '.9,93.D.9_\.Jnanne..ll'llr:.th C6bD --f--'----f-'- --, --, -----1--'-,--- -- --- -------,-,- -, --, '-1--------- .--- _L_ y.ar' Oyst.r . _u,_. I. I I N UMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS SALE PRICE #76870 $37000 8.~~ g/ c-____c-____4.SO j/3 ~2S- U . d I I d Improvemtntl I B. of E. nlmprove mprQ.... (BvildlnQil VALUE_ 7$00 178~S-1 Z;bS~ /7d5iJ d:ldCCO 4/;.150 ~ ------- -- _+______,__ ,__,_________ __ ~_ I -I---' __ I , 1,__ -- - - ------------------- -------~- i ==l -~~--- ,__ -----r' ! - ~--J-'-' 1---- ! i Tlmb.r I Unimprov.d Impro....d Oyst.r Timblf TOTAL .75' t ,-f--,-- r' LOT SEC. ~~1! SW sW - .' -- , BLK. TWN. RGE. 5_ 21 Tract I of I : ~-- . ,__~....aI --, ,,-...::,'.., Parcel I: The North 5 acres of: The SE SW SW 5-21-IW.W.M., EXCEPTING roadway on S boundary. Parcel 2: The N 198' of the W 55' of the N 1/2 of a tr daf: Beginning at the SW corner of Govt Lt 4, 5-21-IW.W.M.; th E 660'; th N 528'; th W 660'; th S 528' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom foregoing roadways. ''':'.c c _ --~ ~... , Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS to SALE PRICE Year Rd, Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - ~ 151939 Seattle Home Mort/l:.Corpo 1 ....2l%. .Q.. .3 ...2_ L I-- - - - I-- - - - I-- I-- - - - - - - - - - - - r-- - - - - - - - - - - =-" .. ~ --------~---------- ;-- " NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V,.r Oyller Timber Unimproved Improv~ TOTAL Oylllr Timber Unimproved 1I1Iproved Improvlmlnh B.ofE. (Su1ldln"l) VALUE 2.!L 3021 3.21 60 60 5~ .;? cJ 0 .;? 00 ~o r,?o .b4 ;<fJ'} /)0 .5<' .Ja -s:,~ /00 /00 l6- ' ' ".-" /7 -= I:. / :.,- - '. ' ,- ~v -",,' .. - -~ ,- . LOT BLK. --, _ _ ''is ~ .-', '......."'. "." :'~'~", w! of following description; \ Beginning at a point on~~~~der line from which meander corner of Sec. 5 & 32 bears N 29033' W'11.05 ch3ins, said meander corner being on W side of Passage and the meander corner to sees 5 & 32 on E side bears N 64016' E 1460.58 feet; thence S 630ZZ' E 747.78'; thence S 29015' W 386.10'; thence ~ 63022' w 715.44'; thence N 24045' E 384.78' to initial point. -~&.;'h File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRiCe; Year Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD If!r~wr~~oUX - - - - - - 55 eatt 1e Home Mortg 0 Cor'Po .J... ....5li, J1. 1 1 L- - "':>6 /,/,,~o //J . #/.1. ' ).IJ:>, J? J .--7-,-<- k.. - - - - - - 0-.5' /,,~7/"'l Y"': .A J. ~/jU..,.b -.I lK:, - - f--- ',. en /.:2';;<7 1,,;/ "'-,,:' '" - - - - - - ifo/J/), ,.,-S II,? 4."8'6., J:'- /;( {~,. ;( h~'/ . )/r)./-/-(./ . ' '///.71'<-''''''- ,-- , .J-.# fi I~. r. ..,L ~ - - ~~ A /4 j / '/.1 --- / / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - I- I~ ,. -or. -- , , -------=--~ ,---- ," , . ..' "" NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS Veer Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Bulldlnga) VALUE 54- 1.21 1.21 20 20 4 ,71 71 10 /0 , .ku ------=-- -:> LOY BLK. [[[[I-I'I'T'~ ' c. SEC. TWN. AGE.. ',.._ I ; ..' ) '..-., . /"., ..,', ,,' < , , ' ~, . ..,- , , .' . .. -'. ' -" ..~_.- r,"';','. " All that portionof a 24.71 acre oys,ter land tract which lies No of So line Lot 6, Blk 17, Detroit Addn. 2, extended Ely across said oyster land tract and lyingWly of Wly boundary line of plat of Treasure Island (About midchannel between mainland and Reach Island) .=- .~... Y...r Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE 10.1 '170 Rd. .... Port PUD ,PO . - - - - 59 ~74365 Donn Ho Marsh et we rthur Vail 1 A G 1 h L #14290 ..di1. IPN6X' /Jet 7./wA) () 1h;1 ~7~~ - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - I- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~. . "'-"~ -.:.' -- - rt'"" ..J"'A, ... . .. .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vur Oydlr Tlmblr Unlmprovld Improvld TOTAL Oyshr Tlmblr Unimproved Improved ImprOYlmlnb B.oIE. (Buildings) VALUE fl ,CO .!)o 10 /0 .i:Ll ----er- --e- -- - LOT aLK. - --;~\1 , Cl CIILI i lEe, TWN. ROE. I I . . , " ,.~, ._,~.- " .. . ,"'" ....~ '," ," .. '~-"".""..- '. Front or Lots 5, 6 & S 5' or4 in B1ko 17 Detroit #20 ...,---- - -~,::-