HomeMy WebLinkAbout121051080622 Y.., FlI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS P,J SALE PRICE Rd. Sch.IPori. PUD ...tfQ.. I 4~0 Ward & Sells D.A.Snuffin et 11 5, G 3 3 L H #20401--- 4/70 J .L.Conrad 1:1 " f-- - - - - $276 10, i;;:'''-:;'~';-9,j .J)- // / /, /d / } .t: 0_~ " , -uJt5ZJ;'7/ J I JroD I r.....~ ..". ' ~ , .. . ~ --:;=.-a" ,. ., -....-.. ~~.. , , -' --' ~T"T-',' y", I oy"" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS I Timber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL I Oy$tar Timber Unimproved Improved Ilmpl'ovemenh I B. of E. VALUe (Buildings) - if ,.1':;- .2..<;' .,;(0 .;:).0 70 50 ~ L'/o Yo '7.l 5' S- 11'1 /Oo~ ItJ /0 7", /.) /cJ 17(( ,'is //) /0 1 ~~ /1) /0 LOT BLK. .11. ..' -',- SEC. TWN. RGE- I /1.21/ I O! :\1110. ?<t ()I /of21.;2J '. ,1 , ..D,/ , . . , . -." ....- - -.... /"".- -~ ' ~. Beginning at the NE corner of Block "A" Plat of Detroit #2; thence N 17"34'55" W 95.69' to the government meander line of Case Inlet and loP.; thence N 43058'09" E 51.83'; thence U 73013'09" E 8G.14'; thence 1i 17013'16" E 120.10'; thence N 80016'15" W 205.91'; thence S 35043' W 119.58'; thence S 46001'51" E165' to I.P. y ',- -'.'---,- ---- ._------,-, l.",..{N,,'.w.:..,....~, the /1/ .... .. -- ~-......;:--~-:-... , Y..n Fil. No_ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS YO I SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. I POrl, i'UDI~ I ,. 440 1tL'?~L 150173. 4 James R. Skar et ux 1 5~ G 3 3 L Ii $500 ,-- - ... . ,..' ,.. _. . --...-----. ". ' ,."~" ..... .... '"' -,'. - .-...-- ---L-- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS V.ar 1 Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved IlmPf"ovemenh I B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE - &9 ,PO ,-?O 0<0 ';;;<d 1-"1L1 5i. ~ 7'" Ci <yo 1:2 .r .s !} ----G- /lrLi 1/.// PZ' / f7/ / '---c3- I LOT BLK. "3 SEC. TWN, RGE. L'..ITDJ:[LLCT 'I . r'., ~ .J _" ". c 1""../'1 ..-- '. ., ".~~. . " .' , '--:"-~ ~ , Beginning at a point on the meander line of Case Inlet which is 125.33' E of the NE corner of Block A, Plat of Detroit #2; thence N 11058'09" E 179.29'; thence S 73013'09" W 76.22'; thence N 17013'16" E 120.10'1 thence S 80016'51" E 69.75'; thence S 63010'58" 'II 71.89'; thence S 2013'09" 'II 224.05'; thence Vi 124' to loP. .' ...iI....''t:~~,t'. .......,.,...,.""f~' . Y..n Fil. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,r/J SALE PRICE , Rd. Sch. I Port PUD 1..Ef.Q.. I 2/7C , 1375 256598 Darrell D. Patterson et ux 1 54 G 3 3 L H .-- r-- - - - - - I I . I ..,~jf' " .. .' . " ,~ ,~, ",,> "I 1 "tt" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Y.ar Oyst.r Timb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Ilmp.-Oyem,nh) B. of E. (Building,) VALUE - 1719 ,").~ ~~ I2J /0 IZl -a- '-..r . / . / ./ ....1'.,., I- I , f 'Ii E I " .. -- /~ /"4, :I -- c, LOr BU(. LlICTT1'l-r'j"i I Iff SEC. TWN, OGE. I , "",' .. ..lI.' -, .. -' -, -- .. .~ rhat part of oyster land tract lying adjacent to and between the Nly & Sly line ot following described uplands extended tly to Ely line of oysterland tract: Lot 2 & N 25' Lot 3, Block B Plat of Detroit #2. i' """;)\J.'~''f. ,._1"' , Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS &,,:1 I SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. I Port. PUQ,L..tf2. I - 1/7 YllJ 313 256808 J. Sells & A. Ward W.B.O'Mallev 1 54 G LH $250 /I J. .tJ !5" J}f;, M. .-- :N{,f(l i f--- - I-- - - - - (I I I I I .... ""'"_. ,,,,"', ..-., ~_.- _. .... -. . '. . ~._-- - Yo., I 0,.." NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TlONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved ) Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ,/~ ~/l> I - 70 /<:) 1:< ./' ,. ,. . ,'// F' /l' !. // -- . . ; " / - / , LOT BlK. r , , , L' I '. .LLL j ,I 3'1 SEC. TWN. RGE. . .. A"A _,. - .-" . - -- ._...;...:0. - rhat portion of oyster land tract lyi~ adjacent te and between the Nly & Sly line ot the following described uplands 'extended Ely to the Ely line of said oysterland tract: Lot 1, Block B, Detroit #2 together with the Ely t of 1st Street abutting thereon. . "*-.;r.J<"~".____ -.,1.:',IIt_if,f1:": Year FlI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS fJ SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. I Port. ':"1":1 I 1/71 1m 256902 J. Sells & A. Ward W.H.Post 1 54 G L H 1450 d'5&1c J 12/ Pi. '-P .fi-oT - - - - - - - ;2L,.f3!;/ t 8.u..,,, . . -, -~ . . , .-- - .--.. .._- .-----:' .. NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA liONS Year Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Impro...ed TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro....d Ilmpro...ements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE /k} .:ll..Jt ~I.~ j..., /S 71 ,ao :3.0 I~ '11- '- ~,' ~:- / / , ! - /, '/ /' / -- , LOT BLK. ':5-' SEC. TWN. OSE. i T I I I I I I I T-r i , I . ,~. -- .,;-:, - " ~.-""-"~~ -- ~ ~~",,,-,-,- . - .....- .' That portion ot a tract of Oysterlands lying in frent ot adjacent to and abutting upon the following described uplands and between the N and S lines of said uplands extended Ely and Wly of hereinafter described Line "A": Lots 5 & 6 Block 15, Lots 5 & 6 Block 16, Lots 5 & 6, Block 17 in Plat of DETROIT, togethere with streets and alleys and including the N 30' of Oak Street and N 10' of St of Vacated Oak Street. And N 10' of S 20' vacated Oak St. Adj. Lot 1, Block 18. DESCRIPrION OF LINE "A": Beginning at a point on the N line of oysterland tract, from which the NE corner of Block A of Detroit #2 bears S 35043'00" 'it' 119.58' and S 46001'51" E 165' and S 17034'55" E 95.69' thence S 35043'00" W to a point which bears N 46001'51" W from an intersection of the Wly line of a tract of land conveyed to Otto Kostelecky under Auditor's Fiee No. 243090, produced Nly to the Government meander line of Case Inlet; thence SWly in a straight line to the most Wly corner of the above referenced Oysterland tract. .........~ .'N.....'.... t'fo' ,~"'lr ""'l'l'll. -~----=- . -- ---. ------ -,~-----'-- -.:...- ~ .. -...L~.:..,.- ,..~ Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER -WD 1/71 256809 J. Sells & A. Ward d5t,,'iOQ ~, ',7--/- {7 ..Jt;.4,1)" ',,'f,~ ;.". NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved 7~ "1'12 ,:~I!J LOT SEC. BU<. TWN. RGE. I I TOTAL I ...~'1' CONTRACT TO D.F.Sle1ght Oyster ,;:(e; f'~' Timber - , / DISTRICTS ffcJ Rd. Sch. I Port. PUD!--!=f.Q..--J I SALE PRICE 1 54 G 3 3 L H ,...---- . - - . ,. -.-.-.,----,---' VALUATIONS . Unimproved Improvements I (Bulldin9S) Improved , , A / PI /. / ~ . / ?r.r / I c.cITIDJ::Lr~ . -' ;' $575 B, of E. VALUE .;zo ~- 0'7 That portion of a tract of Oysterlands lying in front of adjacent to and abutting upon the following described uplands and between the N and S lines of said uplands extended Ely and Wly of a line described as line "A": Lots 1 & 10 & N 35' Lots 2 & 9, Block 15; Lots 1 & 10 and N 35' Lots 2 & 9, Block 16; Lots 1 & 10 and N 35' Lots 2 & 9, Block 17, together with st vacated Division Street adjoi For description of LINE "A" see tax 162-F. f,t"'~'1 .!" "'\"'. ' ~~-;-""f"'(!, ,.. Y.., File No, NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS go SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. I Port 'UD ..ffQ.. I YllJ 1/71 256810 J. Sells & A. Ward R.G.Miller 1 54 G 3 3 L H $575 ;}J,J"f; () /f.!/ njd,..) I I ~;f>:~l ,,'. , d." ,.. ... ',., . .' { ,'", NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year OYliter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAl!l Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved I Improvements I B, of E. (Buildings) VALUE 170 ,~~ .;2/'J ~C) f7~ . ,/i /'-1 ~ 1-/ 17/ .,. ./1 ~/ j /- ~'; - LOT ILK. ,; ./ SEC. TWN. RGE. CITTIl I 'l-r-r' J L L" ,- -- .^",-- .,' "'-- , ..-..~ .. ....'..._a,..-,..._'..,...""~__.~ ''''.''-'''-'''--.-. ~- That partion of a tract of Oysterlanda lying in front of adjacent to and abutting upon the following described uplands and between the N and S lines of said uplands extended Ely and Wly of a line described as line "A": Lots 3,4,7,8 & S 15' Lots 2 & 9, Block 15; Lots 3,4,7,8 & S 15' Lots 2 & 9, Block 16; Lots 3,4,7,8 & S 15' Lots 2 & 9, Block 11; tagether with streets and alleys adjoining. For description of LINE "A" see tax 162-F. f'~ ~'~ ",._\,..i''(._~'''''. ~l!j ,...';J,~ ..~;t:#. ._-..;.;~- --