HomeMy WebLinkAbout120313300060 y.~-r-fll. No -f-----..-.-----NAME of OWNER ---r--CONTRACT TO ~Sctl. :P?rt;U~~~-~~~S: -4f.~ ,'~, (H~ L;)I --i , : . 817' 3J?()220 c-P. A I bert Petersen et ux j 1 1)02 3 :_5 i L: SFP ~8 " 6 f'l/' Ii, --I--'----f--- _ I ,________:p_W,,-. _",LI s .L' Hi IL=- "'I ---- ~------- "--------" -------- i 1---1. I ~I -~ -, ~-- ----r----X SALE PRICE' , ~-' 800 #64751 ____I- __~n_n' ~-------C--' -,-- - - ..' NUMBER OF ACRES Vellr Oyster TOTAL H VALUATIONS -.- TImbu I Unimproved 1 Improved }}~~-r---- . '27 (' (}J'i\ _c.o-nJ 'y C -1.\ _ h, 7 AI A/I,{ -b:, \!J, k. ^ ,\ V r))1'--, ii. Oyster Timber Unimproved Impr~....d Improvem.nh I (Bvild;nQ~) 8.01 E. VALUE 2..7 300 thlO W 4- I/i) Iu,.)'\ (-~I b J b . (I i1 300 b;O .tJJ '-1----- - -- ------- ~-- --~-I--- LOT BLK. SEC. TWN, , '"",I ",20 ,> RGE. I-! I fl ;r;l~l()1 ~\J I~ {! Ll! O'()! 0' 6 610 " ~- '. . ""-"" l.U I -.'f" . ,n, "~'''" ~ I 1._- ---,~ r-' -- --,-'---,----------- I- -1-----1-------- ----- --~- '---I Tr. -.-, .~._-:- If!./ , That prt. of lot 4, 31-20-1, daf: Beginning at the intersection with the Wly I ine of Camus Dr. as shown on the plat of Harstine Island Estates and the Sly I ine of tr. conveyed to Robert H. Burnett; thence S 47058030' W along said Wly I ine of Camus Dr. 47'; thence S 89058'30" W 250'; thence N 47015'20" E 47' to the Sly line of Burnett Tr.; thence N 89058'30" E along Sly I ine of Burnett tr., 250' to the pob. . '. ~ ,