HomeMy WebLinkAbout120311290010 Yur FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS If; SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, Port PUDIFPO ---T- - - - - - 56 1165083 ).ierle ,. Fattersor:. et ux 1 30 2- ~ L SFP ~2000 D. '-- C,h/ 1391:76,S , c;'2.d:) Oo,,~iI,~v. d dm '''' ZL ':;'7'1OS!ioP .-po, i,,;, , '1r..z 1/01 nl ;[ /J Ji,," ~ ,(;(,,- ) $'?P/3 /:S5'.Mr? /p~ (/ )-f)t"'J1J i/ ~ .Ii. 'fa;;; ..!L L - - ,- - -r= - - - f- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -I ----~~-~,.~~~~, ~=.:......- = =...~===~~=~-...:,"----",=--="" ~-~-~ ..--:~_...-_~-:...-- =~:--7--=---=----=-~-- ....:-..-;-:: '"!,:-"",--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.ar Oylt.r Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d Improv.d TOTAL Oyster Tlmb., I ""'mp,...d ImproY~ lmprov.menb B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE -2Q 4'. L. h. 5.83 ;; .83 10 100 . . 90 6J. u Y,t :L~ .;:? f :; /1.%3 ~ 30 3:30 .:{d~ 7~r::;- Iili- ~.5'% I/o (" t C' ;Z~O 960 izX //1) /65() ;(,(,0 d/Jd2.0 ,2!L {:; ~~ ,230 .3.3' LJ ,) .3"/ t'J 7"09'0 2L ,;? ::.? (l _-::i'..ft!J{) 1)50 ></-"JC;O il -7 ~-CJ if/";} () /lSiJ 0/,:( 0 '23- '3SI d.O'.;1. ..5.'R~ o-.L' ~;(O c;;g-{J S'695 - (sl) tj{> 2!1- I/v'c ~ /~btJ q;? tjo Sot) 1/ 3'10 I, ^ . ~ AffC J) R.? 5R" "~Il ~/.(ji -e- '<0 ::?/," iL 2 La. 1.00 I.bo /o/,fl? /,' /'i'1? f3 d-S -c' ,f~ sC() L.?j,- ,O;-;F 0 . . ~ LOT BLK. , 'r;-' ~ ;I,;r/l jl;1l 9\lJllt /U] , SEC. TWN, RGE. " --- .- .- - . . , c- o, o. --:', , -' ,'I""" -..,....,....- ~.~Jl';.---~ .-, -,. ,n,,-'__ _~_~.. N 4 chains of Lot 1 and T.I.. Note: b'ormerly known as Tr. 1 of lot 1 & Tax. 753-B (Tract D of Short Plat #1104) The S 132' of the N 264' as measured alg the W I ine, of Govt Lot I 31-20-IW.W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom thE. W 415' and excepting road rights-of-way; ALSO al I tidelands of the 2nd cl, formerly owned by State of Washington ifo, adj to or abutt upon the above described upland, al I as/measured alg the meander I ine, according to the certified copy of Govt. field notes of the survey thereof on fi Ie in the office of the Commissioner of Publ ic Lands at Olympia, Wa. --'~ ,-----------a.., EXCEPT: Tract 3 of Govt Lot I & Tax 753-A-1