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~--FII' No -r----.-.--- NAME of OWNER -~- CONTRACT TO Rd, 5th. I Pt;lrt 1n/71 26.2.QQJ.I-JLorothy H. Rarnett A. W. Paulsen 1 30 12LI6W~2Z.8791--~ Da nv R. Schn ItZEr ,/77 3.29-59_2 Rajnier Everqreer ........lhc. . !L1L_3..3!lQQI \'ill...__~ FL'rlprirk ,I N"dlh"r 171. 05-.:z~~C/..-1{)- ~/~, 1iu.,j!~ II 'I I, ~ '10;; !2113?.SJ33+,JJ-u~ 9- 7)~ llL 38b 35''1 ~-,u. ' JQ1J12.. 1- -L-. YelH \ Oyster '-",0"',4 '-". NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved Improved 1l__~__. 7X II I~L y) ~l- 83 ~ ~;; l!/..-------- gtj t./.ou }.2._______ , I ,~<) +)1) &00 -;-. /I) ~-- ,/)/) c/.o () USB / I 0 () -~ -- tp.J2_ _ /00 --- I.M) ~--- I Sf, . J{oU IOu 1- LOT SEC. , I I TOTAL I 500 ..:; () ,--l 5,C)(J 5",) .5'. ("'l ("J ~- ;. (::' - .'~') 50.) Ovder Timber /1/ I iI1 -r j);' .~ , ?ItA. I: -( ~ ~ ~)~ ,1 . /,/" "" Ala.It. 17ftl .t1 ~ II j os.. - . . - -- _. t ~Ll ~.!!-:lQ: .-:-2, ." . ,,-;Y;,.' , ' BLK. TW~. DISTRICTS PUD! fPO I I I / gO I i L H' 35'L!-I I ~ --....... .....,...~ VALUATIONS _...,. Unimproyed Impro....m.llts (Bvildjn9~J Impro....d ;}.;so 1.,50<) (.., s--~ 3130 /",$:0 0 3t9s ,7/I/'J() . '?'..P Zu / ") 00 () 3g~5: /'1,),- :' 1-.(' j70xJ 31C,C , i CURRENT USE _ OPI!:N SPACE I(lIJJ.TURE . SALE PRICE #28965 #50440 wop #52631 ~6~$t4 boRa B. of E. VALUE ,;)~sc) to 50 0 bSno .3730 (" !'-CJ 0 36>9 S-- /70 Ii ?:> .3J'~ /7000 3g~_~ /-;uO (J -:':'\-'1 ....- 11(0.) !/1 q {) ~...,--~.:.-.' .,..... 1 ~. f'- . ~---=~.,.'". ",-,..:",~"-,--,.",,,-, (Tr 2 of Surv. Vol. 2, Pg 141 AF# 327318) The west half of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 1 West, W.M., except road rights of way. -- - ----a .'~-. ."'"-"" ,:~lt.t.~ll~ '." - ;:::;:---------.:;...o..;:...--.;:-~ Zo'--::. ~ -- .~'~:~"~','/~",;;