HomeMy WebLinkAbout120184490010 - FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /fJ:l- SALE PRice Y..r 56 AFl219B Ea:tl.:Gilhtte,:._ i m. Tinney iJ~~ h";';:L~ ~4000. be, 1,/'1'25'/ ~/2. ,,~ '/f '-II);;" 3 ~ L' ~ ---- II '),101013 f... ~M/<j' /'! CJ - - - - - - '/.j-::':-'/70ff I!/J:L '335761 I) d _ 7JJ.L 'i< '" , " , - - - Do,.... %'0 :37?'I5'f pI '7':' .'7iJ1'IO/f' ' I {,. , "21. 1-0- ?"\ " " - - - 3/.?~ t/50&7t.- .1'1, /J -1- /J1vu.i,. Y />.A/lL We - - - - - (/ - - - - f-- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~. ---- ---_.~=------~= ~~ ==--=~-="~ ~--" . ~-~~~.":"=':"""~'--~"'~~-~ -=--.................--------------- ---- NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA TlONS Yur OYltu Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (BuIlding.) VALUE '\1 9.81 9.81 175 100 L7'\ k /0.1/ /0,// /7S- ~.-.........., OS fA //90 //90 La &'51 \In.'i,! 1190 1/90 -ik tS'% /ffo /190 .12.. ~,51f .:?,OO ~ L.,.-z/ /35 3/$0 :?;JtS 2iL ? ?% -'2 /' tJ ~2 .hO c: 5".. -=? 0 2Z5.. - b_5Lf 1,.5'-1 - /.25.:15 /2 - !fl / "/ hi 0 /'-16/0 ft IN) '7n d-.1;;J.;;J.S d. 9'J.:J.S .J.2... I.. 54 1- 5t-( Ji/jq, ~ 1-{5't.;5 .iL ~)€?;, /, 8/ /, -3/ /5'/2 :;- /'5iz5' k /1,)'/.;;>. c.-:- I- /I',f/,;ls ~ 5~~5(J o::~ ;(Sa w , LOT BLK. , . - '0 IEC. TWN. RGE. I ..:LO, / ,g, 4 4.9 0. () L_ , , - .. ".'--- ;-..., .~- ..--,.... '. .-," - '''lII'f''!'''~~ '" FORM '. -".. ,. N~ Govt Lot 4 and tract of land desc as follows: Com at NW corner of S! Govt Lot 4; thS 890]1'58" E alogg E & W center line of Govt Lot 4,27]' to LP.; th S 2041'52" E, parallel with W line of Govt Lot 4, 175'; th S 890]1'58" E to E line of Govt Lot 4; th Nly, along E line of Govt Lot 4 to intersection with E & W center line 0 Govt Lot 4; th N 890]1'58" W along E & W center line to I.P. containing 1.] acres (Now Tract I of Short Plat #735) The S 30' of the N 1/2, as measured alg the W I ine thereof, of Govt Lt 4 18-20-1 W. W. M.; Also a ptn of the S 1/2 as measured alg the W I ine thereof of sd Govt Lt 4 daf: Commene i ng at the NW corner of the S 1/2 of sd Govt L t 4; th S 890 31' 58" E alg the E & Well of sd Govt Lt 4, 273' to TPOB; th S 20 41' 52" E parallel with the W line of sd Govt L t 4, 175'; th S 890 31' 58" E para II e I with the E & Well of sd Govt Lt 4, to the Eline of sd Govt Lt 4; th Nly alg the E I ine of sd Govt Lt 4 to an intersection with the E & Well of sd Govt Lt 4; th N 890 31' 58" W alg the sd E and Well to POB, .. ...:;; - -;:-.:r-File No - r----. NAME 0' OWNER CONTRACT TO '>2 lU514_._Earl Gillette et we 8L71L.2.9.lii1!L_ 111:L _33]_65.3.. .Graham S. .!JJL hO!J9f ~,.,...uHf!.."",,,(~~ih<.,iPy.;',-1 ~1!...",.jH!(l..~'" <-/1 _-/;;~ I, '/;;-JJ1;//;. " u"It:r fifLl-{;2.$!I2._1!UJ<<2r&,U:M4", d.'Se-r, a 7;,,, u___ . ~.t" .""".. NUMBER OF ACRES '. --. 11 721-- & Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL ,t,t, /. //'5 i,PI i, X r I ('. . t.' () 1-- I' " I" i Oyder Rd, 5ch.I!')rt DISTRICTS / I (., PUD I fPD I I -I 3 I 5 L H 1 I 1 02 t he ;,d 1.10 H Knud..... Davi s " ,'r r,- " " ..... .-.... "". ....- -.~ J~ .~'- VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improvement. (BuildinQI) Improved 33::) 3S'c{) ,;20000 /~ '- II"""A ,h n,,~ld --,;,;: O".'FdA'n' ,~f.6 I ---- ,- ----. 1------- ___________.+____1-__ - - - 1- LOT BlK. , SEC. TWN. RGo. ~. 20 1 Tract 2 of Govt Lot 4 r''';-'':" "_.~- . I i -~ .1_~-'"C---'-IJJ' " "'- SALE PRICE #40552 IDd86 w~p "U """8'/ of" /"", ..5.-'1" "'5/1>'17 .:5./9, B. of E. VAlue ~J30 ,;20000 (~- r0J, '/ Y r _ -f""~ """'>'0"... ~--~-.'!(-~'"'' (Tract 0 of Survey Vol. 3 Pg 86) lSii (, -\ \:-~."e -n, I C,F S/', SE) "":."jl~'.... '-'_:_~- '" That par of the swt, SEt and of Covt Lot 4 in See 18-20-1W, W.M. in Mason Co. Wa. dese as follows; Beginning at a pt on the S line of sd swt, SEt S 89-45'32" E 578.00' from the SW cor thereof; th N 00020'48" E 390.00'; th S 89045'32" E 268.00'; th S 00-20' 48" W, 290.00'; th S 89045' 32" E 1230.00' more or less to the E line of sd Lot 4; th Sly a1g sd E line to the S line of Covt Lot 4; th N 89045'32" W. 1505.00' more or less to the POll. EXCEPTIN!> rd R/W. ~"';,~ ..--' - ~-~------~._----- -_.~. -.' - . w.;.;.... ............,., ~- File No -r---- - I lit. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Sch,l!!)rf PUD I fPD 1---1 --- I 52 121514 Earl Gillette I et ux 1 02 ~5 L H ..- -- - 8/74 12J874 Donald H. Kn~ !Len et UX #40552 -. !j4/:>U ~Q/n 33~7],Z_ Theodore J, IGl s~ In ~t: 1 ,(JFC- 16000 I~~ t/-i03J'''l ~J.~~LfM . /, " "-'0 ')1 !bPL i~E/ZA/ !/tlLT",O L/..c~ ~'RII'7N(U:,' t;,. '" " .- " '!:i/as",-".-'9. _.'fL jj~ 'fJ'ppIS _ ~.&Y3!1.Lf~ /')..ev a,. La.. " , " "':5'/,3<7,;' .:5,# '. -.-.... '. . . . .' , ... .. , ,. -.. -,- . . Y." I 0,,,,, NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TIONS Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - 71- /. tJk .J ~ . '/~ J,/.2,O J/J7.;L.t'J _. ' J. n', , 7f? -- .? 7.::!. :2. 72 ;1.2 [JOO .2.;;1.000 .6L .....'" ..--, .....-) .- , , , I _ I "- .rU ;; U -,:" '),,~,.v' ~ rt, i -,,;;. ..' -. .. --~- ..-- --.- - -.- ------ - - -- '1 , i LOT BLK. -~_. -'~-'---" , I '-' } , I ' 1 I SEC. TWN, RGE. '. .'. ."- . I . . . ..1_ .--i 'I). :.I. ). , . ~I> 1 Tract 3 of Go~ 4, .' . . ,~,.__ , d". .. . .. - ~"-' .,.- ~'~ (Tract 10{ of Survey 3/86) (See also Tr 2 of SW SE) That par of the swt SEt and of Govt Lot 4 Sec 18-20-1101, W.M. in Mason Co, Wa. desc as follows: BEGINNING at the NW .cor of sd Lot 4; th S 00020'48" 101 alg the 101 line of sd Lot, 638.79'; th S 89031'39" E, 273.00'; th S 00020'48" 101,175.00'; th S 890 31' 39" E, 380', more or less, to the E line of sd Lot 4; th SEly alg sd E line to a line Sly 100.00' , measured at right angles to and parallel with the last above desc course; th N 89031'39" 101, 704', more or less, to the 101 line of sd Lot 4; th on a curve to the left of 70.00' radius, 109.96'; th N 89039' 12" 101, 55.00'; th N 00020'48" E, 844.06', more or less, to the N line of sd swt SEt; th S 89031'39" E, 125.00', more or less, to the pt of beginning. .... .,..--.+"-~ - --_.- '-"" -....-_- ---- --. -- .:l ,{~/i - JO/'J/V/II";' ./. C" -tl'fl LV