HomeMy WebLinkAbout120184200010 y'~--I -~-I-,-_w_.'--'-'---NAME of OWNER U I CONTRACT TO DIsTRICTS / gO -""Pf01:jt:i"'f"el~04:> Rd, ,~1!2!UPU1[(fPD i I ! : : ' 7 /78 3~_2~ PhrLI is Anderson I 02 3, 5 'L 'SFP ~~OS~-OM+~t At ,,1- 5_~.n --0._ -~=~f;N ii-ilL:>>I' ~C~~~- - , ~I ~C-- SALE PRlCf i. #68407 ----- ----1---.--.-- -.--------.-- 1--- --- f-- f--- - I I -/ .--/ I I TOTAL r 1_ Oyder. -< " - VALUATIONS . ~. J'(;; B. of E. VALUE *,," . NUMBER OF ACRES '-- Timber I Unimproved Improved Timber Unimproved I Improved Improyernenh I (Build;ngi) 7" rk MoVio-- 1~'0.7 J() I '""-'~'''--. ," c"- ~> . I 7';"""- - o..j.. .,\..,.. .. " ~_ of:' .;, €, ...... !l.O': rA~" 1"- -- 7' .,1-':'..> L/ ~~.:;- L,,'.f't') .5; C~- .vI< 4f( $,2?~ 7 -"-;,~ -'---- "7 ...,- ,/..-) --- ,.~ '" g~ 13 H:.... _ Iif' 2k+___I-___~__ ".-/ r- /7~ 7<,,- '- - 7, ~.;- 79~- goo 7YS- 79S- 600 7f?~ l'ic.b 1___- ~____==l 1---- ,55' ---- -- ___ :2.52.._1-_ 7fS- '7(/.0 --f------ -- --_._- --- --------- I-- SEC. BlK. TWN, 2Q, OGo. I ! :' I 2 0 I .S, t.j ),.LO D,Q\LQ ----- I I I I ; LOT ~ Tract I of Govt Lot 3 CLASS. FOREST '. lW"!, 8:LlJ$. - __ _ _ C _ Z.;;,:;;.s: _. ._," _. u_ ,'. ...,-__ That ptn of G.L. 3, 18-20-1W,W.M. descr as fol lows: BEGINNING at a pnt on the S I ine of sd G.L. 3 that lies S 89031 '39" E a distance of 40' from the SW corner of sd sid; th N 0020'48" along the Eline of Mason County Road 141B right-of-way for a distance of 72.72' to a pnt of curvature; th along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 349.65' for a distance of 495.14' to a pnt of tangency; th N 81029' E for a distance of 518.64' to a pnt of curvature; th along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 15' for a distance of 24.49' to a pnt of tangency; th S 04059' E for a distance of 490.55' to an inter- section with the S 1 ine of sd G.L.3; th N 89031 '39" W along sd S I ine for a distance of 870.85' more or less, to the pnt of beginning. , ,,-- --- -~~-- J Et al :Sandra M. Scott Kenneth W. Scott Richard P. Scott Russel I D. Scott Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS //h SALE PRiCe Rd. Soh, Port PUD FPD '12 121 'ill Earl Gillette et ux 1 W 3- .5 lL 5 "p - 7 :'I,~ .$ "'- -f.-c .s:s-:~ Y!Jd :<'QI51-1 ,-, A//,pill!.. . / , ~u/ ~ l- .'" Or) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-- - - - - ---- ------------------------~------------~----------:--~~-~-------~-~~---------~.~---- I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,c{,3 Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE s; /5.1d i6-; ;2) 350 /3 Z) If. ; () S:5 15:1- 2 16~y7--- 35'0 440 790 -- ,5/ .3 50 3cJO 65'0 g~ -3;W ___~ifL. /7::; ~ -P+- i 75- ~.Z ~.c:L 1/90 ~_3 rf./",f g.~g //f6 //P'o Itt> ~<:"'7 l-/9/i 11'10 . ~~ ~,c::'R ~.<10 e.bR c250 /,f'd !) d<CJ7lJ 7<1 .,-; % 6,j0 3? '/0 71/ -7".0 Z2.. 7'. D () 4./,{? .P. t, P /0 aD 7~7.~ 9.2751- ;'3 .5':3 Y .3'.3t.f ~,f,f I .II ~5' gfgS 'fRo< 0 1'/ 100% ;;J,(,,/lO J' (qGf..~ 171 I/,~.. 4. bi ::z. jr.t ';',81 ,;)3t/--{) /3#5 I:;'PI:;- , ';;'.71 I,/-I ,,!~25 /(J '195 r J,J<:" /3-70 - 7q ( 31625 ~ )J;;2. S- LO.T BLK. - SEC. TWN. RGE. .-.. ~.:;:;;' .--.-........ ._-- --,.....-----........ .,..".~-.. ... -,,-. -.'-. , ._.:,."~:. ~,,'-~ .-~ . ,.....""-.. " ;,--,"-. - .:..-",'" . . ~~" - ~t:?C.. - ~. ,J" _f" ~-~....: j '" Y I[;u;...d:~ / <7 1/'-1 I I I I I I I I I Y.., I 0,..... '-:;:BER OF ACRES I I ... VALUATIONS --=. TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyd... limber Unlmpro't'ed Improved Improvemlnh B. of E. (BllildinQsl VALUE 7f .fe." ;,szJ /,SiJ /,),GsrJ 1.:l.t.stJ , ! - ".- " -- I {. I, ,,[, ('- .-- - -- - --. , , ,I' .' - " - -. - . <-'"