HomeMy WebLinkAbout120077590052 y~'-I -File ~-:-I'._----'---------NAME of o'^~----I-"CONTRACT TO ______OJST~ICTS /8;<. SALE PRICE -~W 416.306 Rd.,~.!2!!...'U'<:~~~, 6/83 1~308 Rotert L Smith - __ 1______] 30 3 ,_5 ,L ,H, #83~.20 ~/A '/;517'10 (]" ., ~ '7 _.......... 'if7 'I, tt'g~.4g<l ~2..~..lq7_ -O~' I.J,d'lth-<"le ..prt~ _L4..~.Jl.J L'f!.::. --~i- 5'1}:J HI_ &n#-/;;/JOn) -- --i~---I-!- · I t---- +l I --~--- --- -.--- ,---- 1---- - t I , Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I r VALUATIONS '. "'~. ~-- Y..,r I Oyster . NUMBER OF ACRES Oyder Timber Unimproved Impr<:lved Improvern.nh (BuildinQil B. of E. VALUE 13 '~ \,.('. , 1--,-- -- 1,3 z. 1,,3 Z. t/IP2-0C loyC' 0 j'IN't' t ----- -- ---------- -.------ f---- ------- I 1__- -- ---_._---_._-------~---- ---~--------I----- lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. I~~J .. _,2r:l , ~ .Go. ! i [IW;O:O~~7S 1TOrOT-51~ - 'l'rac;t 5 .,. R of 8LlS'! & TIL I ; 1 . 71-" ,~ ~ , Tract 2 of SP #1139 That part of Govt wt 1, 7-20-1 W.W.H., Mason Cotmty DAF: Beg. at the NW corner of the sw" of said see 7, S 0039'35" E, alg the W line of said Govt wt 1, 1336.26 ft to it's SW comer; S 89035' 14" E 317 ft; N 0039'35" W, 834.31 ft; N 83003'44" E, 90.40 ft; N 65032'39" E 131.14 ft TPOB: N 15022'27" E, 138.24 ft; N 3028'51" E 230;00 ft; N 47023'20" E, 141.31 ft; N 35041'38" E, 95.76 ft to the balanced line Governrrent meander line; S 44002'30" E alg said meander line, 132.06 ft. S 35050'00" W. 405.29 ft; S 54010'00" E, 87.23 ft; S 65032'39" W, 149.12 ft TPOB. TCGE:l'HER with TL as conveyed by the State of Washington abutting thereon. :. .--- ~ut ~ 3(03/011 #if.233Y? (jCiJ (J/,''':;',,! ~h-<d.( ]!. '1;. ~ '15'17';0 WKJ ~ v.Jctic"...IL ~.&..~4~<r4 /.<';;.7-5'33 M of",/~..4 d~ c;: -