HomeMy WebLinkAbout120077590020 -- y.~-r-FlI' NQ - \ 191358 62 ~191647 ,Lohn 7/!," sl?ff1) w!7 Qfl8_ 4':1a3.8_~__ 1 r~l j]g~ft_____ !hi~.f2 ----- //82 _t.Ji9/,-~ "'.1>_______ _W !f~rP.-E2 ";0 0J'.5 <j3y(}5'j (i. 0.' ,-If, o .-------'-----NAM' of OW~----I-..C~NTRACT TO _Rd:--~!"t;U~3~~~S, /:f!-'Z (Rebecca A.) I ' B. Hitchcock et ux _ 1 302 3 '.5 L: HI #18189 ~ J/tJi}. 3 I s I L: 1-11 R...:-C, LQngbnlllch I ;onl - r.rhiP.a~_ _:-=- 1 1I,7Q,Q wOP I I I I i3~!i'3'3 R;=<!" ____Bo.b~LLLSml.:tJ : E1- 1lJ.6572 WOP ", D.' 'Ii -r'..LL 1 J vH_ I.)! I 1 87J>3~ ~f' .ft.....#JhtP<. Iftwr ~ _JLJ,..=n ,Pc' e" ~~__ ~_!_ "", // 1./ -'- 't-iJL:? I SALE PRICE' jJ~_'.L/ ft /JJ.I -11.\ iJrot) w.o f--- I--- c-I__ --- y", I 0,,,,, . NUMBER OF ACRES . . Timber I Unimproved I Improved I I TOTAL I I Oyder , '. V ALUA liONS limber Unimproved Improved I Improyemenh I (Build;ng$) B. of E. VALUE )z.- M?-/ I _____ ~j ;//')L ' ;;5E6 a /I ~~h ~+ !1?'5 3, 1/8' 2.d7 5:"1.5 5.? ~- , 1~--- - _~j/8 :2,/3 2 13 )...1.3 ~4oS-o fb3ao 460501 3?I?J ~ 3?b 9,j ). ~ '-0" 6~o5o gc. 300 /1.6050 .3~/9o to S 8"} () ------r------ - 1- -------- ---~ LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. "~" - ~Q I ... .---------------------------- - ==l ----.-=----~ ~ :__J---1: r--- ! Iii : [D2i6:o: 7 75~-4 J)~O~JJ?l Tract 2 of Survey 8/159 & T/L ex* i." .L>!'lc ~- ---,---- ~-~--~--_. (Tract I of Short Plat #1l40R) See Tr 2-A for other ptn. That part of Govt Lt I, 7-20-IW.W.M., & Govt Lt 2, 12-20-2W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the SW corner of sd 1336.26' to the NW corner of the tap on the balanced Govt meander t , .. 'st)"-W 335. ~5"-to-ttre-~uv I 3 t t Govt L t I; th N 00 39' 35" W a I g its W line, SW 1/4 of sd Section 7; th N 510 03' 28" E 603.38' line III I~ 44'" 82. 30" \J Collg ::>d IIIOOIIJt::/ I illt:: 2:00' -2ooJ., I h N 370 ell" rner-eommon-1'€l-9tH5ee't-i-0n-7-&-5ee-t-i-0R-I-Z-;---4-ff-S-Go . <'m--+--&-See+ton-!-2-;--1-35759"-l'ap-on I Al;er Rrill 1;11 ~e i Rt Be i fltju€>fl--a-Bl}r-ve--te--t-fie-r-i-ght, o 0<;)' 35" \1/ 19~.18', +k SWly BI~ 3d cu~no , 25", II, S 6:;:0 07'-00" W dig sd -7-&:-1--3"'; . , o e"-oO'f-2-3"'t: 4~3.'!f IV I~Oo. which bears S 37002'30"E 33S.9S' and S 44002'30"E400' from the (".ovt lIEander oorner connon to sd Section 7 & 12; th N 44002'30"W 400' and N 37002'30"w SO' alg sd balanced Gvt !1Eander line to TPOB; th S 4s007'40"w S24.10',; th N 4901S'09"W 164.S3' to the Ely margin of 00. rd known as Glaser Rd.; th N 27046'OO"E c.lg sd Ely margin 7S' to P.C. of a curve to the right having a radius of 178.13'; th NEly alg sd curve and margin, 106.79' tluDugh a central angle of 34021'00"; th N 62007'OO"E alg sd margin 184.0S' to P.C. of a curve to the left having a radius of 109.18'; th NEly alg sd curve & margin lS0.46' tluDugh a central angle of 780S7'2S" and to the section line oormon to sd Sections 7 & 12; th N 0039' 3S''W alg sd section line 13S.S9' to sd Covt lIEander corner OOI1U1Dn to sd Sections 7 & 12; th S 37002'30"E alg sd balanced govt rreander line, 28S.9S' to ':'FOB; TGW tidelands as oonveyed by the State of Washington abutting thereon. . . EXCEPT: Tr 2-A of 2.-6 z-e. Survey 8/159 ","a"?: Th Cl- #- .. s~" S/s-t U (I '" 6'1$3 3 #-6';2.-,?3<lo !.feD 7?J&/i.rA-;;;",;U- j.~ /f".J.v;h! .):>>;,:;t,( :1:1- it'_~;;'-:.~ :'J~ :::>-..1<<"""":,,,,)6. ..', ~,I c^' ",---'; "' ( Tip", 7' Ii." $- 'Is-If 7 '1'''' " .'.. 7.~,. iJ(,~. '<",,'/.,./4 _,~ Q~ 7..<: "'<'0-...7 lY,~ oz""'-( ~. w~ {.J..:;tcLcv..c1r. .-R""-J.L o.s;tjIS';;J... ---