HomeMy WebLinkAbout120063200000 You ~ ,J) ,,7/,//'"- , II FU.No. ~,"';1.."30 NAME of OWNER b0 n CONTRACT TO Rd. 1cII. DISTRICTS Part PUD FPD - I>; ~-L Ie}, pO> SALE PRice ..' I ~;;l..1U.llf..L \:JJ. ',';aJ..J. 6u Ga..L o;)vu 52 112553 Elizabeth Warren Leonard ~), fOA~~/ t./ /P ..t;? (?hnA_A .-# A. 0f1{l. IfrfJI;J...Jj/t drJ~;~- ~ ..+~ / "Ih-/ .:J.'1j:)''f/f//JfL./' -i'l Ji.+ ~,-A {;'pJ->> .Y'. /' 1 >;02 5 P ~,.. /7~YV ...so --I- 6f 3>.....~ "'3r~,,,'7..g ~ / L . -_. (-'-:;t ...... ~ I- -----1- ._---~-----------------------------------------------------------------------~-~>--- ~.. ,- .". NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeer OYlter Tlmb.r Unimproved Improy~ TOTAL Oyster Timber UnlmprovllC! InlIproved Improvemenb B.ofE. (BuildinGs) VALUE s? II. if" //.L,Lt; 210 ~q() / /. </ti" r 33 il, .ff; .2'jrJ .70 370 &,f ;I-t/s //.'i~ ';<90 50 :'1<,1. 0 ,{,;. //.-(~ I/. </.'7 33J- 0 So 3:170 ILl b/O qq::z.o SD 3980 1~0 I~ ,-;1",; .;- ~/.50 60 dr?P..c; bg\;15)l:~ . '7'?' tJ ;;?:J'dO b~ 7/":<0 110 k;1~ /.5;;. 0 /~ L: /J/. /dZJ /,5"';<7"0 I-?'~ - - - - .f//500 /;;l CJ 41/.h .::7/) rJJ.. 't .j, LI~<" ~'i'1'J.51'i /h? C? ;;;;'9/:70 '1t{ t 11____' 58/01' ;;(IIC) 5"M'-/O 0 -; J/I./S I/<l-J:> .[ ~.__.- / J. F/(1(, :;; /?I'~' . ~ LOT SEC. BLK. I TWN. RaE. - '~...,.. . .~~H~ Y.nt. 1 J(;. - r~:,;l;OlO~ _:_ I ,- ~:..1:P-':':~-~"" /"'~.~ --- . ....;~,..". 7/~.6 .,--...' "T~"<:.r-~~,":>-',_;_,_ -~ ~, L. or 2nd class abutting upon that portion or Lot 1 (McMickin Island) measured along the Govt. meander line as rollows: Beginning at an angle point in ml,w~ich is N 25030' W 2.64 c~ains rrom the auxiliary meander corner in ml, said auxiliary mc being N 440 E 24.72 chains rrom the mc on ~he S line or Sec. 1-20-2, and running thence rrom.said point or beginning S 250)6' E 2.64 chains N 37045' E 7.52 chains, N 330 E 5.00 ct->ains, N 29015' E4.DO :chains N 240 E 5.00 chains and N 0030' E 1.00 ct->ain to the tenninal.point' of this desc. with frontage or 25.16 LC more or less. Ex. however, any of the above described.T.L. that may be included in a tract conveyed to George Wells'tn rough deed issued April 15, 1901 in accordance . with tMe provisions of CMap. 24, Laws of 1995 under App. No. .2914. ., ..~ -,~.~ .,-" ..----..o-_________~ }f-lIJ-Ii IIi A '/,_ " L,/V.' 1/.' / ./ /~L .- i { 1 ~.{<'''V , ('/. /. !//.., , .t: c ,., / .. -.!'~--- --~ Vu, File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS //6' Rd. lah. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE! S2 Hazel C. Hitchcock L0...2.:;11:#~lrLj;-.f? riF* / / L ,- A-j-j} '-J!?J JiJ56?:z VS~}rI~~~~Jf'.k_,,,:h) 7{c-;u ~) fq/~Sg I/) , .c. h -i..il. /q/b1ff 1(./f-1"1A1../ I/O, ~te p ,/;" :3'l6!1JR 1/ /~d~afVj ik/~;, /~jJl'3'j83j5 ';{Jre.,d-;t,'. ,t;.dit I (J :J 1 3021-L5 L s p Plllaf 'FI- s7'1E''1 */'i4.cO() w cfJ d=--!b.':.7~ -- ., ~-" .~ r----~~---~------------------~---------~---------------------------------------------~~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeer ayahr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyat.r Timber Unimproved t,..proved ImpfOv'mellb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 0 J..f'l 1./-7 /.-/00 23,j ~ 3(J , ?'5 -'/7- L7 () t/J:OO 400 ;:?,;zo !r,J--O (PI 5,.'''' /foo -raS' ,foS- ~; 191.'71(7 h"/"';i, ?/ao /00 /.30 --e:r- .;<..30 u ( .00 ~2 l' utY.JP. tj. () 0 1/.00 .:< 79/1 1~?90 I/,t., I-x-%, :3 'fc/ 0 3,16- I/,&' 4,R?o 4"c5'3LJ 1-1t? k~ y..-; 1'.0 ;?~ 70 11,;Z /P:;>::;/J /7'.;>3<2 118 I/"Ju' / 7'/ {/ CJ 7'/ () 0'7-) q$(~X"D ~D 7ff elf. 1';;- , . 1-/,00 Aj,Oo 73370 70.? 7n .6.'? ....:...-: _:.--- ---~.- ............--.- ~~~ I -, ~>!5 ? /1" . '.' '. . /v / , LOT BLK. - SEC. '( 0IlJ ~; , : . I I 11 TWN. ROE. - , , ----'. -' - ,.c_ , ,- .... ,,,.~,,. ,', ' , ~t~. ,,"."".;.0-,:'.'> , .. .& " - - \- ~..,..'~ i r .""",,-.-~.,...",,-'''''"''":'''''' ~.", ~---:~-"":'''''" ~-''- / ~ That part o[Lot 1 and of tidelands lying in front thereof lying N1y and Wly of following described line; Beginning at W t section corner of Section 7; th N 35 50'E 350'; N 55 28'53" E 185.38' and N 35 50' E 395' more or, less, to ,line of extreme low tide of Case Inlet. _-- "---=--__~.._-w-_-_- _=c.-._~~, T'~_..",~-_~~~ '~-'''''-~----'--~-'''~----'-- *Ex. Trs. 1~3 ' Tax 1333 A-:r1 ~~ :267/1/3(, \,,', 7 T"c.. .-J _ -' / -'-', r;{ ";:;:;J.# / ' c, ' :..-. ____r~' .,.