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Year Flit No. NAME of OWNER Seattle Home Mort~a~e ,1 " CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ----:-~/''\ ~d. ~: P~' P; ";0 L l-i I SALE PRICE' -- .2.-r;ytf.1b7.3 ------ ------ s~~:o~x ---- ------ --1-- -- ____ '~~"'~'-:... Q.c...-___ __""~~ _ .-__.....__......_..._....._____ _.- ..._..;..__ ___.....~_c____:.:..::_....~:..:..;.~_~~ :.::~'":~_.____ NUMBER OF ACRES Vtar Oydtr 5'4 ~ b;a g dL '1,' II /~ 11./ 7c 8:3 LOT SEC. Timber Unimproved Improvtd TOTAL BLK. TWN. RGE. .. -~ Oyster ...;0 --"/' (K':"'//) '-'':> tic' 'lj.: . VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improvtd Improvtmenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~6 ,;eO /O~ /~ :f!..V!?P .:e e> 1b o?"~ " -() ,/ r,b --y,cO -7"cb ~ .Pc'..;?) A'c-:' /..350 /..1'50 :171';1J ,j7()O -"- 3000 :/(.."J,;,)() .39,- ,) 3'1oC; tOSO() 10500 -._.-. L1;.:aJ /~ ~dl<~ ...~~, - .-.... ;".~'- .,-,.,... ,,,', . .