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Year FIi. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I DISTRICTS d I~ I SALE PRICe Rd. ~~~fFPD __ ..2L Liles Howell 12 .b!i... i l L C 1;;,: , , .) ;t~~, n, d.. Z'ill 1 d d. .k.. .s: .. ,"" /430 "<'7<"7-, ,(,/1 rAA p~ y fc>nr4, -$ ~h..J " (/ '103- L. C 1L IPSb ~\- 1)/ -L 3 d. !ilL -:;OJ -, 1- J,i/'IH'()' .J:f//h'hA'f-tf jlp ,it' (/3::JDD J/ 45'c ''OJ :)16~..)r; - - - - - - .?hk. II-c> S- '177; ;?, 'l_ 1/'1/, ~&>rl --!:.. ./ L:J,-r.: " '\ ~~ '?Sfl76 ~'r - -- - - - /MoM ",-" (f / , I - - - - , - I - - --- - - - r--- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -I "~-;.. _,t_,., . ~-----,-~-----:- t>.-_~ -";.-.....f'j =-...... =---'- NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA liONS Y..r Oyster Timber U.'m"".d I Improved TOTAL Oylt.r Tlmb.r UnImproved improv.d limprovemenb B. of E. (Bulidlngs) VALUE ..fl. '10 '/0 I~ 9C arC h60 ~[ 6~V t!i '78 /ow'-C; ..b.L 0b-0 J7aS' I~.?S- b.:J... 7S-o J?.3S- / S- ,f',<;" ML Z6-0 1:29/J 2 at/6 ;;; /'" ;: -~ , ' , " jc.-;'~-:( ~ ---',_J /.::,. a /,.;:',LJ...-J /d /..) e7,Ic{. ('1 Zz. ~ '/ ) ;j .!.--.... , - ~/ ~ , , > , , 7'7 "ISJo /?,:;'(} /'::S3fJ .-e..:c.. LL L 9( /" 1,,1 (I'. ' LiC;,t 0 1L /:5)' 3h' - ~ ;:,~'i :..tL ,'5/'JOO{l 7''i(l~/' "J'! 1 ::('; 79 . , It. "~r ,'j -)'/0"" i;f//-,':..." S"J, ~5o~ 0, ~5:::,.l...':;, 7u,,-0-51 LOT BLK. I/I~,~ ^ ~-.s:()" (J ~~L{ /:- SEC. TWN. RGE. TIGER LAKE TRACTS , , ' W;E,ij. IRAC'l'8 - , -' -.--. Tract 26: 5-23-1 Commencing at a point 30' N 85034' W of center of section 5; th S 1035'31" 600'; th S 16025' W 700'; th S 2)"40' W 110'; th S 52~20' W 300' to J.P.; '. th S 52020' W 100'; th N 25040' VO shore line of Tiger Lake; th NE1y along lake shore to a point thereon N 24040' Wof I.P.; th in a straight line to J.P. .-- ~~... ,- ~ ----,,--.- - - '-.' -,- - . - >-...-- - UJ'{: G 2-~- c 'i 74:--:;z.7