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T_ "Ie .... MAIIE.r OWJIEft COIlTllACT 10 DISTRICTS .;)Lj I SALE MICE Rd. ... Port PUD FPD ---6!:t... 20282'. Naxie Lyerly a ,f!uAoWQ 2 "'-03 A 3,;z L C 7r' t2L: ~L/PQp , tJ-. d'J;..; . ) ""J/ t !r..,<.{R, IlJo~ II- N ...??"j,/ L 3 d. L C .7 V I - I- - - - - I-- . " ,- ':,e - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS T... Oyat.tr Timber UnlmPNv!ld Imprond TOTAL 0...... Tlmbtr Unimproved Improved Impre.,.."lIIlb B.otE. (8ulldings) VALUE ...62. ' '1/ ,,,/ / /.;..-) :/~-O - / ! ,01 ---/ '/ ~ --- - " , - dl '/'" - /. ~ - c"": /, __ L., P"~.JtJ 2tL I~ ,.~. ~ _~-__-J . ~- ) ,-:.'..J o~ 7':: -'l1J () IJ /1000 2!L I/at. ;?/" ' J7 1'/1/, '- - ~, "71 1.'7':;';' () 1:(..500 .JJ.. 3oC)("'l() ~J~-.... ..,,\,-0. (.F 1ti .....-1 . . ., - ,~- , 0' ~-ll'..'.:' -ft/ </1 ../1 ~ /(J 5lfo Jd. SCJ 0 /, , " [51- I<IS 60/~ LI < C)(JlJ 9?- /-;/. ",,,tI. 7/ :::" ....,., ~ .. " ~ e- e- .. S~().d~d~ 1/ LOT BLI(. - TWN. R8E. 3i(4l.o '. __ .c....... r. _?~ ..' , - --- , 'J;'IQ~ ,ld!KR TR A(!~._,_ _=---, . .'- ~-- .. Beginning <0' N 85<4' W of center of section 5-2<-1; thence S 1~5'31" W 600' thence S 16 25' W 500' to I.P.; thence S 16 25' w 100'; thence N 85 34' W about 190' to E shore of Tiger Lake; thence lily along Lake Shore about 100' to a point about 170' II 85 ~4' W of I.P.; thence on a straight line to I.P., containing 41/100 acres, morc or less. .--:-":". - .. ~ -.-- .", - .,. :~'..t