HomeMy WebLinkAbout123055000011 V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS OJ <./ i SALE PRiCE! Rd, Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - "2 11868< Phyllis Branch et vir .2... 45- ..A ~ - .L... C ...- ?J. 1M> T 7Y. 7!:- 2 -Yd.'! A. .3 '7 L c ~ ~""-".._~. Y339' -"'L bhq b&'/1;f<1,q ~.d- ..J' 1L'h p..fq go/ I '-/03 iL La- ~ L C It- ~ Y'j3- JStJ/3,';- r/{t,6'- lJAAtAU h ./',ly - - - - 3/oc,;SS7'ff i^!~ '35{,.:7/ J,)41.mA""h ]C6~ :Ir'-6'1-7.2/ ~:t" i'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----.- ' ~ ------------------------------------------- ---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved improvod Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE Sd. ' '/0 ,.y'i# j'() ..j &'0 S- .? () ,("l/ '-It,. IL/C, 50 /1:< 0 /200' - _'fe:: ,yO I ~'lo 131" 0 1->- ,~ ,4& 0.&0 /.2 to /910 hi ,</& ,'/-t" (,,30 ;;;<0/10 ::<710 c,-> 4h ,sih 7.;;' 0 .,;{Ocfo .;( ,.? ZJD .~ .. . ". 91')'~ ,;' ~ ()( \ ~.:S/' Z' ,- , i~ /,/ ,~~ - r2d U& ~'/'~~- '-,'-/.r~ ....' JJ , ~.~ J. ,- ~ ;;"./"'; 7 7'~v I ..-"~~ :.) 17.;2: -- Z2.. r r. 0;, 7/}{> II..:?,,!? 2!j.. 1/,.1,F r 'r, /:tLj'{ () .J ;',-'j() tJ ':1(. . 77 /5";.,( N3'j() :;'>' " r( 11 ;<'J~()O "10</" r b } 7~Q 79 ,"/c, , <It.. C',:;" /.,5-(( c. /9.~/(' ~ll.-<,i" J;;. tf'lo 0 --IS53n ?'I.5?d LOT. BLK. '.A 0 ~ () ,() eJ :d t/ II' 07- ~ TIGER LAKE , I SEC. TWN. ROE. TRACTS l TIGER LAKE rRACTS ~--~_"f -, -- , Tract 11: 5-23-1 - Beginning at the t corner between sections 5 & 6; th S 85034'31" E along E & W center line of section 5, a distance of 1559'; th S 9026' Wa10ng E line of existing road a aistance of 1430'; being I.P.; th S 9P26' W along E side of road 100'; th S 85034' E 180' to W shore of Tiger Lake; th Nly along W shore of Tiger Lake about 115' to a point on W shore of Tiger Lake 120', S 85034' E of I1P.; th on a straight line to I.P. _-:, ~.__~, ~~_ ___~,_ _00- _, . _ , ','- _ ,__ "--~__~_-...~.A-, , ~~.._a