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DISTRICTS , Y.ar FII. No. -!L-5?-::j("7..n ....~MEofOWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. ~IPUD FPD )Vu - - 1<;7 c'd'L77 Samuel .. Baker Eit,ux. 2 .M... L .l. .L JL L . h :;; 1l~/8/,t .L 1//J3 A 3... ..2L. L c.. , ;;'395tF! 711.jfld, Jl.l!Mjflo., ~ 1"3 r1 .:S '~ L <"- ...L tin.. ,')lrrJ/.<lL ~cJ... [f11Jjb -PI- 1:-(4- 81 I ~ 11. cl 2 A- 2- 1:\,.:; >9.3;0,. vC..j-/ !Jt k"'1'1/J1 (j0~ ti.-. X~f;M - - - - 3/Jo7() 1f" t/ ,l&. . ;t, ~ )7,"" 'f '/':;-".j 21L : U'A)ut' ':'-"Y'c0 << WJ -1- - - - - ;Jt'r JI21.. 3t'::j%~" A'''4<-f'A~ e. ~.k -.</1;, 3%8'j .2dfP() - - - - - -- 711 -di 1'o3Y83 3(P3g,f31~,{~. ~.PA ,.d-J - - - -- .$ ~r;.,,, ann - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! ----e--- ~---------------~~-~----~-~---~---------------------------------~~._--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yur Oyst.r Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improvlcl Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~A.1 //J () /00 ~ 5% /00 273;; ::?f3~ izL 35'0 .;; 73~ .=JM6"'" K :2""-% //.~ ~ L3~<J 31Ujt) & 5?J Yo 8'7a ~g,/t) 7? Ie; '1~u ~~ ?o.d-.tZJ /t;R.;<<:. #- ~ L/69o 16tFI,J ::;oR,r/O 2l- MOt) "Y'<'/A :<7-5/" a /.5'060 -4059J J>~J;'.sO EL f?AL// t Vt, .,I/t.~" './ " ; J, cJ tJO .;(15"11) .;< 7S"/O . , 'Ill :;, .:J/.5 h~ -h:;h t= - , lOT BLK. i SEC. TWN. ROE. III:21n"lC"f'dlolo i~t , -A SAM B THELER HOME*_GARDEN TRACTS ,:,-, , . . - -. '~~ '... ,. ~',- ,>: ," -'-', " "-' - - - --- . . " Comm. at the ne, corner or tr. 12, and, thn. west 225 ft. thn. so. 200ft. thn. east to Hy.#14 , thn. No. along Hy. to the point or beg. CORRECTIC;:: Beginning at the II'E corner of Tract 12; thence S 22"4-0' W, along Wly R/W lir,e of Highway, 199.09'; thence II' 67036'24-" W 34-2.82'; thence N lO~2'15" E 72.60', more or less,.to II' line of Tract 12; thence E along N li~e of Tract 12, 399.1', more 'or less, to I.P. ~------------- _ __u__.~ /- ," --