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Tax ~CTS , TR B & DISTRICTS 01 :J, SALE PRIC~ . <'1 Year FU. No. ACT TO Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD ~ ; '12, - E. C. Gemberling et ux 1 ~ l 12: Ii. Ji F - 144716 Edward Ziegler "1/'11 Cf#oib ~!p- A'l1t j iJ- ~.d~ - - - - - ~"It.~~' 03 1!f~~7 // ' ;' " /,; J __ P. i'-J !:.a....... r:?L, - - - - ~n. q;; 6()8SJo ~ t:,;.f (J, d'i-.J/o'!'''f' , IJ-j?" ~jpqj-/ ft;;o'~~/a'l,Lp) , u II II - - ~ ~f.-b!f ~J) /x.& --.:p 7 ~ ~ - - ~'~ &';>'0 3 71.-f6- /lfMf~~.-k&.r-~ 4ufi' 2(dJ[) 37'1702 - - - - - - . ~q I 'iM.. L L L H - ., , - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - ----4IIt--~-----~--------------------------------------------------------------~ -.---~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS (, .,pO Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 52 -51.$0 #- ,'--.0 /&'<1 /(70 1: Roo Roo .7.5% //Mt' /~GJtJ I/A /0 /~.t! , , , f ,!j'E7t' 'S~p l.qfj 6'"'b"J'v 9~tfJ,fJi /%;:'0'" liJ 'l1yt>> :A~i~ 1"1~ ,::u7~/) .;2. / 7t:JtJ ~rJi , /.0.0% t/34'.adi #.::WtJrlJ ! ,<;; 4,sCJ if. S-D '13 'loa t/ 2 '/00 , 1< ~ '13'100 f'!!10a -.; . , , '. LOT eLK. 3 C) ~78 CJ() () CJ"L-- 0 c: """-f SEC. TWN. RGE. POINT WILSON TRACTS . . ~. " , - - ..-+;>-.. d:~.~_.~_:":""..,,-;..;, -"'r~";.;;...,'-"-'_...:..~:. -- ,- ." .,._-~ ._~~ -- , - ~'--- ^ ".-': . The Seuth 500 feet ef the Nerth 740 feet ef Gev. Lst 2, Sectien 20, Tewnship 20 Nerth, Range 1 West, W.M. and further described-as Lets 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 ef Peint Wilsen Tracts, Masen Ceunty, Washingten. Alse all that porti0n sf Gev. Let 2 lying Seuth 8f the Nerth 1190 feet ef the said GGv. Let 2 and further described as Tract "B" Peint Wils@n Tracts, Sectien 20, Tewnship 20 Nerth, Range 1 West, W.M. Alse all that pertien mf the Mertheast Quarter ef the Seutheast Quarter sf Sectien 19, Tewnship 20 Nerth, Range I West. Excepting the Seutherly 5aO feet thereef and excepting public reads ef right-ef-ways, if any. , ',:.e-- --- . _:- ...., -----: .-_____..,,--~_-_,..~.,-+-__,--,~~____-~__~__-c~~- -.,-- ____ _-.-~-___-____,_-",,_____----,- ,~ ... ~." .M. ..--- FII. No. I I I I I I I II I 'I_L ,tACT TO DISTRICTS /'%1. SALE PRice i V..r Rd. Ie'. Port PUD FPO - - - - - ~ 144714 Edward Ziegler 1 ~02 3- 5' L 1+ -- elf L '10). 2- L ~ J:L - - i--- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _. .~ . " -, " "".-. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r OYlbr Tlmbe, Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Improvlmlnh B.ofE. (BuildIng.) VALUE ./.e.Q .5:.5 1- 7fP 30 3d ~ ~ ~ /./.& f/A - --- -', ~-, , '1 \ \ "'i '<' , ", ---, V" ! f= - f- BLK.3 C;5"7" 02> 1:,:,7'-1- oCJ "z..-'\ , LOT I i SEC. TWN. RGE. 1.- '. , " , ' ._,.~_.._.~,.,~-:. .~ Tideland's in front of Trs. 25, 26 & 28 The tidelands ef the secend class, ewned by the State ef Washingten, situate in front ef, adjacent te, er abutting up~n the seuth 950 feet ~a~ae.R~-~eT-8P-ae~~~!Rg-~~ea-~Re-Se~~R-9~ixiIBX ef the Nerth 1190 eet ef let 2, Sectien 20, Tewnship 20 nerth, Range 1 West, W.M., with a frentage .f 14.90 lineal chains, mere er less. ~..~;-:. r-_ ' ."- I-/r~ /,;?;It/,/J - e - '~."'.'-J'-- Tax 1359 POINT WILSON TRACTS --r~ Y.., File No. I I I N+EoIow'ER I I I I I COfTRACTTO DISTRICTS ie1.. SALE PRICe !"~ Rd, "'.. Port PUD ili SL State of Wash. E.J.Zi!3~ler 1 ~ ....2 H ~4 I 'W.. ...L II - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - .. ----- --._'..- .---- ._, ~._... . ,- :. ,--- - ,- - ,. - ._. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS YaIr OYlwr Timber Unlmprovld Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timber Unimproved lmprovtd Improvemlntl B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ffdL I cf.;" P:i, ~€ .J<CJO ;100 I#- .2& ? .26"tJ .;7!~ -- - . . ...L , . .......;H Itl 6 , I ,L 6 ~"7'-g cX...::I 0\",."'7 O(J "L.,\ I LOT BLK. .J SEC. TWN. ROE. I , , , >~->> ~ '.. ~ Front of Tr. B . ,- --~.-=-~