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Tr 23-24 &. Tax 1224-B POINT WILSON TRACTS You File No. ~ ~TTO DISTRICTS HJ. SALE PRICE1 'j Rd. Sc'. Port PUD FPO - - - - - - - <;2 E. C. Gemberling et ux 1 302 3- '::> 1L .H. - 14471 Edward Ziegler I- .I' j "kt'r" flIl ?,d, JI ~ ."tlJ ~, Iy - - 1t"~ I :,"7.. I t.G ,,7,n '5noo, 1h1 ?8;J~g 1: ";. '--fCDO - - - - - - # "_d$",,$9 L; V) o'JiJ:1Ji.daJ 3.?a6cJ - - - - - - {/f gq J ~CJ. .J.... ~ .L.. 1L - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - , , l- I- ----4IIF~~-~-----------------------------------------~------------~~-------------~:~~-~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 7/~ Year OYlt.r Tlmbor Unimproved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Bulldlngi) VALUE ,~2 /./4 / /..1 fc! 'i?d .1-' . ~,/L/ .;zp! /&0 /t,O I.n --:1 /,3 ~(I :;20 It; 0 /5IrJ , f..:J / ,;? 00 ~"'O .-i9'~ C) ~~ I- -~ /6~ J-TS /,;1,;25' 4'"" d~l!JZ' ~'J)< -2.3.;15 7.tJ " ~?o 1/ ptJ?J ~~o Z;~~O II , "Y~ 7/1'1 1-7' I 0 1'2.- . it~ 1/0 671C1 '-1'';:; ff Id),ap :7~ g7~ '7;, fen % . /6C!t/d) /t/JtJ F71iJ'~ '1, 1fpdtJo J- /.s;.s 6 ~~34 Iw , l~hJ'_, R, -; F""::n '!OeM/"., pitt;) 1f14tftp go ...]r.3/C.. .".? /1 -< ./:1 ! ~ I..Q..! R..J t:.. ~ 3~OoCJ /'{f 0 .J7'f( 0 1>l.2 (J I I 3{. 0 00 -&- 13{"OOO LOT BLK. "3 057i3 va 01~ (10 "Z-, SEC. TWN. RGE. POINT WILSON TRACTS . .. -. . , .. ,- ~~~ . ~_ _~:<7.-.;"- '" .-,.,., .-' -w.., ---- . ,- .~ ~-~- - ~,_. ",.,...;...,.-' 'I 23-24 &. TL The S~uth 200 feet ef the North 740 feet ef Gev. Let 2, Section 20, Tewnship 20 North, Range 1 West, W.M., measured along the West line thereef; said land being also kn~wn and described as Tracts 23 and 24 ef the unrecorded plat ef Peint Wilsen Tracts, tegether with a strip ef land 40 feet in width adjeining said Tracts 23 and 24 en the West, and reserved fer public roadway. Alse, all tideland ef the secend-class, situate in front ef, adjacent te er abutting upon the abave described land. .,. .-a: - /~ + p. (i V" /, J- // /~ ',--[ /1.. .C-.' (<.. (' L;' 7Hh--/: t:?_~, ~/ b..../.L<.; ~ j \ I I I I 1 I I I -L . NUMBER OF ACRES I. I VALUATIONS . Vear I Oyd.r TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyst.r limber UnImproved Impr-Jved Improvem.nh B. 01 E. (Buildtn.;') VALUE 1'3 1/ '" J 'i-"'- {(1: - I /'1 /,00 ,;) -7/J 7s-, C,). SV 000 ~ 5{)OOO - ,- ---- '. -, .. -- ,--- , -, I .~--- .- --- ------ ------ -, ' 1__,- -- --' -' u -- --'-- ----- n, , , _==l - -- "n f----- , - --.- , - un -. -.--- .L- , i '.... - --