HomeMy WebLinkAbout120205000018 S~ of Tr 17 Tr 18 & Tax 1134-B PO~SON TRACTS Vea, /~"'NO.,.Q V~ ACT TO DISTRICTS 1"'- SALE PRICE /61-')- Rd. $c.. Port PUD FPD 1;2 11'128~ otto Goldschmid et ux 1 ?02=l~ L H 142467 Wilmot Ragsdale et ux it{CO - - - - 55 J,59595 otto Goldschmid et ux !f:.g: !# - - - - - - - T.L. I ~O~ 3 5- L Ii - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~---~~~--------------"--------------------------------------------------------~~~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber U~lmproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmbor Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (BuIldings) VALUE In, ,7:t- , '7;z.. -50 .:;-,</ 1/./\ ",;'. ~c ;I. r. .;l ;), t./ :<0 /30 /,;;? () .? 7 () - I/A/ -:to /30 ~$5 +I<!1~ Z 9~ .:l.5~ 1155 --'- ;,~~ 3/d / ,y.f0 I~ /.-)'2Jdi ' , - ~ . ..3/.~ ~fi .f!I:)QO ~1/~ n~ - r"1~ 'Y"f7,p- ~() ss- 15 1(1'~ :7.5"dW (, ~(J 9"1 f tJ r;, .~ /!J t!JiJ() L"J 6'0 I~ I~' ,7~ .7.2.. 3tJt:>bO 131./),,0 W3;<{.;20 ~ 'II~oo /("J~o 57'3OD , LOT BLK..:3 Q5'7FU(J ()/~ tKi <:..--/ SEC. TWN. ROE. POINT WILSON TRACTS i ." . . , ~- - ' ' . ~ -. " '-'--~-- ~'.4.~ ~..(~-:;:::~-~ :..-~ .,':"-. - -":.......~ ,-'<11,--. - -- - -' , "",'''''''''' ~.' . ":l1..',""-~~,:'.t-; .....-..~l ':--o..~"'-. _.._c.,_ ..." Seuth 10 feet ef Gevernment Let 1 and the Nerth 40 feet ef Gov. Let 2, Sectien 20, Tswnship 20 North, Range 1 West, W.M., Measur~d aleng the West line thereef; together with a strip of land 40 feet in width adjoining said land on the West. Alse, all tideland of the second class as defined by Chapter 255 sf the Sessien Laws sf 1927, fermerly owned by the State of Washington, situated in frent sf adjacent to or abutting upon the abeve-described uplands. "'"'-- __~~"'__~_.. .~~__~~_,,_o_~~~_~_~, __~__~~__~