HomeMy WebLinkAbout120205000016 T~~ V,ar FII. No.. ~ //3 &,t,,, 52 12059C 'Nl< ~-T.v -1-1 66 POINT WILSON TRACTS )" . !" ',<} I "Ire j, ';) NAME'fOW"'''~ ~ 'II DISTRICTS If!:1. SALEPRICIO C.1?.3~"C~-.3',j'j ~~ dl.'?Lh. Port PUD FPD Henry E. Burch et ux ?fr5D 1 302 _2.~~ I-f g4 I ~_...L LLJi.. . -1---- ---- ----~,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'...---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year O)'llel S2- 5"5 ,cv 1;'-9 1/ ) . -? ( ~.L2:"'. 3,~ , (,1 L'" 1./ 10 1-1/ I~;J.- ~ 1-'1 I } ~ Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL /J/J j, ,5"0 /. .5- 0 J..J ::< /..SiJ 1,.5-0 / j-" f,;).), I "c; .~ /, :J5 LOT SEC. BLK:;:3 05" 715 00 ~lJ 0 0 -z.- J TWN. ROE, POINT WILSON TRACTS .- .~_.~ .--- .:~ Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved /~t/ /00 . //) I'J :20 ~j) /so /'JO /ao ~ l~/a QPr; AJ , iJ) Improved lmprov'menb ' B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE /rJ 0 ili tJ 0 -.5-/0 ~ /a 1,fo /o,.fo 'lfo 1130 9f?o //50 /"1,;z .c' LI.:K-_ /.05'0 //J :il'~" ,?,o1s /,5Vc) /;22'0 :269tJ /~O j.:t.?~ ,:;l,1?tJ ~ t7~~ ,;R.,~ .5"r~c Jl nd'1 /JI ) 1Jl'..:f /J L/12z t:l .:> ~ !-1:20 '1'2~ 75"'~t1 /,?2o 9;',;1.0 1/5btJ(P 39'4"lP IIflltJ ~ ff .;lad 1') </3 "lM 7S"96d -~- ~Ol()O ._.- ;""" ~_-_.","-_ . ~ - -. o. ._..,...~ _.... .~ ...,......<----. ;i""'.'.....~"'-.:' f')'M "- Tr. 16 & N! 17 The North 100 feet of the South 160 feet of Gov. Let 1, Sectien 20, Township 20 Nerth, Range 1 West, W.M., measured along the West line there.f; said land being also knewn and described as Tract No. 16 sf the unrecorded plat of Point Wilson Tracts, subject to the reservatien .f the West 40 feet fer read purpeses. A1se, all tide lands .f the second-class, formerly owned by the State ef Washington, situate in front of adjacent t@ or abutting upon the N@rth 150 feet sf the Seuth 160 feet of Gov. Let 1, Sectien 20, TewR- ship 20 North, Range 1 West, W.M., with a frontage of 2.32 lineal chains, mere or less. ,.,--. .~._- - -~ . . , .'- I I I I I I I I I I ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . Y.ar~r TImber I Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL I Oyder limber Unimproved Improved Impro....m.nts .. of E. (BuildinQsl VALUE to /;<,s -- I' ~ --- .00< .-_~~~") -E7- -2> ~\ 1~N)CJ if 3'7(,0 1S-7 ~o Zl - ,~) -0 ~ 0_ -" 14- 2, ''I(" () '7S1!o{) ~ (..~~OQ t:<. 5"tl 0 1,;( 'IS"tJC) &:3- ~, -+:- -b -,- ----- u N I,.?$ /'.A'> C;:.:<,poo C, ;2. 5.00 /.:< '15"00 it! ~;l.'''.J L ' l Il7tJtJ -6 1/700 ---- --- - -. 81_ /;:looo (p~ 1/,;('1.52)0 --- ---------- --- -.--- --.-- -, -,,--- ~ 1_--1l.:l~ 25- ,t.?E ,;)$ f~ I '. .I,!- 1/71)() vtl. ~ 121- ');?-O~ ~y I' , _===1 -- --- -- ---, , - ---- 1----- - r-- - ---- -- -- __n I - I t i 1_~10T m. . ~ -- -- .... .~___-o';': , - . ~. ~ - , . .-' "'_'~__C:-~_ , "