HomeMy WebLinkAbout122335000043 OLYMPIC SHORE l'P~~T A-22~ F.x DISTRICTS ""3,,~ Rd. Sch. Pori PUD F~I I 1 -52=~~L... I I <I~ _ .z.bi: IL c 1__ L If1.3. _,..1.. 51.1:.1 c.11:L #~~74o -1--1-1-:-1 j ; I , I I--I-i-I-I 1-1-1-1 i_I_I_~I=1 -I--i-I- , ! i i ---1-- r=I-r~~ .----4IJ--------------....----------..-----------------------..----------------------------....---.. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y", FII.No, ~_I.A~rTRACTTO _5<c 940,8 Corron L. p~o;~n1 I:;;:~;:;: t=::::,-::~~~ j9bO I Year Oyster SJ- ~ M 6L iL n.. ?~ .1L 2J;. 1/; +-- 11 .u- /s- I -er- I 1.--1 1 i I 25% II I ! fffi1:) I I ! I~% , 'A-Lf? eJ ~ ! I I /,,11., '... (" ~, I i ~_\-, /1 9~ ,'jJ ~.; LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE, OLYMPIC SHORE .- ,'-~-. . .. '" ,T ,.l::Y_ "'_ ^ 0. SALE PRICE' Timber U II Improvements B. of E. nlmproved mproved (Buildings) VALUE z4tJ i 1IS-6 7cJS" .:<<,Lo i .5,fo ,f3S- i , 1/6l.;:i.O fJ- td I /9/J~ ~ 1.).22dL 1~!l ~~ I ItS/) flc) I'?s,{:,.o i 2~ 9/0'1.33/0 ~3ao / ff/ t) ~ tJ It} .\4";:-,,-,1 /.1/;) 13:~f-, 0 Y/5SL> .::It)5cJ 18(,.tJ~ i.:::t3/oc> I/IM l.:?~o ~/'-;'/-;-" .s~-&_; 3":"-:;r;.:; (,;:,"JX) /I:>O'J5' 1:<016 ,9(" GOo 100 6 ?/"olc; ~7cno(,. 55 fee ,2,5;.;~ ICf05CO f5t.f.c"IJo~r> ',~'~'" , " - : '.. ;". ~.- ~" .~-~-"_. Tr. A-22 All that por of Govt Lot 1, See 33-22-1, desc as fo1iliows: Bgn at an iron pipe set at the H'~ car Of said oec 33, tlm .:; along the .2;. line of said See 33, 70' to a pt on the S. line of the County noad, thn 8. 88035' '.1. partly alone the S. line Of a 20' reserved roadway runni!l{; from an inter- section with said county road 'd. to the ';[ line of said Govt Lat 1, 1328.50' thn S. 0016' \'I. 460.9' to the IF. From said IF run S. 0016' II. 80'; thn M 89044' ':r. 177' nil to the Govt rr~; thn along the ;;4- N. 150 '.1. 82.92' thn S 89044' E. 197' mil to tho pt of bgn and IP, to~;etber wit h a strip of land 20' wide adjoininr; said trs on the E tJ"oreof which is an easeme nt t'or public roadw?y. Also all TL of the 2nd class fornerly owned by the State of 'iashinston, situ,:te in front of, adjacent to or ubuttine upon the above dese upland. -.--' . ~.~,--..---~-.... (k)ueue+ +u! Or) ~e+~6nep 'ues~e+ed '3 euel~V ~e~+ow 'ues~e+ed e5!013 +eu~e8 : Ie +e ~ EXCEPT Des. Below by #447336 : , ':I.. . ..~ =:.::~.,. BEGINNING at the iron pipe set at the Northeast corner of ~aid Section thirtythree (33); thence South along the East line of said Section thirtythree (33), 70 feet, more or less, to a point on the South line of secondary State Highway No. 14B; thence South 88035' \'1est, partly along the South line of said Highway and partly along the South line of a 20 foot reserved roadway running from an intersection with said highway, West to the West line of said Government Lot one (1), 1200 feet: thence South 0016' West 472 feet; thence North 890441 Nest 88.50 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land hereby described: thence run South 00161 West 260 feet, more or less, to the South line of said Government Lot one (1): thence South 63.250 \'1cst, along the South line of said Government Lot one (1), 165.93 feet: thence North 150 West, along the westerly line of said Government Lot one (1), 191.46 feet: thence South 890441 East, 167 feet: thence North 00160 East to a point which is North 890441 West from the point of beginning: thence South 890441 East 40 feet, more or less to the point of beginning: said land being also known and described as 'rracts seven (7), eight (8) and nine (9) of Tract nAO of the unrecorded plat of Olympic Shore, together with a strip of land 20 feet in width adjoining said Tract No. seven (7) on the East: all according to the survey and blueprint thereof. . ---'.----~ ..~ --'------. -~~ .~~ " , . . . . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprCNements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 85 5E6 .34 .34 60050 154C5 75455