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33 ., . II D VILLAGE 6 Year File No. .~"~V ,0 ~I.I :.?l.2.~TRACT TO DISTRICTS 21 5 I SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. i Port ?UD 1..ftQ... I , 70 52653 Anderson and Sons Inc. 1 03 A 3 5 L H ~ ~7.:ls'I_(, ;? cr JI;, L ~ --"'.3.;>.97cf - - - ?.5?1?, 12/7;) 12</.';703 kef Q "'~o7d" $/;1. 31!J~bP6' , ,,. J.'(,fv~' ." J ~< 1::0"",:,,'1;>/6 *2- ';/00.:2.$ :L fS,h': ..L ('0" ,) // </ C#"?7~O -~~fI..~...."""" .,Al, '" SCJ!.:) 'f:I- 'i, I '0'\ ,- ~ I I . NUMBER OF ACRES v ALUA liONS Vear Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL .J Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved I Improvements I B. of E. (BlIiJdinQs) VALUE 4. :::";7~/; \-..:7"' /--;'1', /1 ~ "........j 1;; 3c?j 0 -3 '7 C'""tJ 74 Jor / 71'00 7'?oo 76 :t5C;O :..<;--..:.~O '7~ ,',..-., ~. ~ ...-, " i,.:) , '/9 1 , ~, ,f":s",~ '" ,.. ~ ". "" ,f'S ,~o 11\) ;j.,) DOc) d.X)OO r:! 17ID() 171m 0,1:) LOT BlK. SEC. TWH. RGE. 33 Lakeland Village 6 - - _0 ~'. . ,