HomeMy WebLinkAbout120185100902 ... DESCRIPTION: PLAT ISLAND SHORES 2ND ADD LOT Tr. 16-A BLK # ;::: ACREAGE ~ . I. SEC .TWP RGE YEAR AUO. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: , I~____- ___ RD; SC DISTRICTS I i' 6..~J AFFIDAVIT i PT ' UD I FD i HO , CD . I SALES $ 36H L un ____~.___.._ ---------- 65 7]i{fft;/f-t~ ~ !hQ.2i!.!..1-()~ - ~~. I). Jf-)J; -d - /J ,~_::--u Alvin Anderson 1 302 _ 5":2 d~_ y~ I 4()), 3 5" H , A.' ""Y<i"S$>- , t:J~/1 L i ------ __not , - -;------ --.. --....... ~ -=t- i ___------L--___ _ i 74 i . I -)g; -~ I --~-I---. -- I ! ACREAGE ~ 'IALUATION 1----- B OF E UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL I 100% 3000 3000 , ---~ -- I - <"tJOO 5'00 cJ ;I7IPOP /,:It:> ~ 0 ~R ~. LTIDELANO ~ -+ - . - --- +~- --.-. j ----1---- - --1-- ---r~ -- I I i I I -r----.u I . -----L ----- I. I . ." Beginning at the SW corner of Tract 16; thence along its Sly line E 223.10' thence N 37028' E 136.15'; thence N 38049' W 60.14'; and N 38030' E 120'; thence N 38049' W 110' to Nly line of said Tract 16; thence along said Nly line S 38030' W 78.52' and on a curve to the right with a radius of 286.48' for a distance of 257.50' to Ely R/W line of Orchard Lane; thence along said R/W line S 0020'48" W 165' to I.P. EXCEPTING 'lliEREFRCM Tract 16-B