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, :l , . " ~"C''-'~ ~ " ,', :J ~. Yaar FiI. NQ. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 'U I SALE PRICE Rd, Sch.1 Port. PUD~ I "'" 70 252193 Weverhaeuser Prooerties Inc. 1 R02 h 5" L H .~ ;l.I. ~'7_" 7:J" /J .J _ ,,;/ /'~, .;Xdllf.Q~.:?- 1'%;/ ~507J -/ L 'J:n !iF,. ff, >-- - - - - - ;S s;""Jf',so(, ).8' 9 ~,,:n .Ji I", "'0 'f5 '217 q/?/ " '.,.,,,,/,,'f I ff4.:t 73.:2 , . 1-1 fof :N1/3+ \ · 'i-ljjtZ"" ;!: Vd ~ $$;;3/6/ ,,' " ~'71 3} 4~J"l ::L J$'J tioso897 /h~ 1JQ!Jc{J ; )})JJ;.7 },,!f: ,W, , 9f",;':'5'13-/ Uf ~8i1 1ffJt.L!!? Wet, ,.......'\ tJ, ,P/1J i, -/, /i '" ' ) '" 1/ "-'6?66? ~o v 14 ~ / 401 ... f 1-1 I . \ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ye"r Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Ilmprovemenh ! B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 7/ .;:'.c;,(J/) 1 -3'.500 1>1 1,,"'/ 701"1: 711 0 0 I , 1(; , "1000 '1 '70 () g~ //60n I I (';(10 : LOT BLK. SEC. TWN, RSE. Hartstene Pointe .8D u u ---.--.---