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'7~ I il.7- ( Inq'cf5i;To 10101715'1 HriTS'I'e'Nl< PonT'tl' ""II Yeaf File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1~ I SALE PRICE Rd, Sch.1 Porf PUD I FPO J. " 70 252193 Weyerhaeuser Properties Inc. 1 1302 3 5' ] H !fL L7L :C?o7 UP 4'A.-d~ 0y "".7S',;zX ;;::- I- .. 10,/1;f ~ () r1 -mil fI/'ftr3 ;i.14/l,/. (n lh - 7. .;'dO. Cfht, 3200/,;/ J., ,tI~ - ;.,j< 714.-11' &ci il . " " .R'-flrf1'46 / o-ro IOJ(J '-' !' -' , / 1-1 J 4~ 1 I 1 . I . y", I o,U" NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved ImP'"o".ments I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 1/ .3.5 00 . ~..J /)CJ 7'1 1/t"1 7/ir;.fC. 7tJ"/J 11{ 9'''i~ () 9'7",,,, ?~ IJAA^ II tJl1lj , LOT BU<. SEC. 1WN, RSE. 75 Hartstene Pointe -- - - -.-- J