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61 r ( ii-i n ( '1 5'" ". D'i 0 :',0 I:{, 1 !j HARTSTENE POINTE lellr FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1111\ SALE PRICE Rd, Sell. I Port PUD .l!P.. , -- 70 252193 Weyerhaeuser Properties Inc. 1 B02 3 ,c;' L H ~lnt/-Z/., I ."-- !LJL A 77S!j.:?UdS 0J ~1.3"i'/)7 'itA /]~ J ,7- /'~ ~ " -' "'~~d ;7. t:?h;" 3:20015 -lA, iii -Ie1/' )'/d fth ~ II " 'I t/79 1.-" ,n If'~A.-I ,/}1", % *.6?'Iib 7'1 )fl 11 7,)W, '%'1 360 NY l1n. n' Al ;t ...14. Jf'-", iJA I' J Q01 < "'" H L . \ . NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS y..,r Oyster I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAl. I Oyster limber Unimproved I Improved IlmPfo....m.nh I 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE -- 7/ -:J...... ~?~<?,!J{) ::.:7,J 0 7H l(jt"}~/ 7o(J1') 7000 11~ !'71"'.'J '79/'lO 'li Iqq"o ~1oo ,<,,,, ^ ~ /1/;/','-' 3~LjIJt' L/.3lJo () LOT SLK. SEe, TWN, RSE. 61 Hartstene Pointe - - - ,<