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11 I/bllll ~9"5-lc,k~dOblJl HAaTSTENE POINTE Yeer FII. No. NAME of OW~"}> </ao~":" CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 18R I SALE PRICE Rd, Sc;h.: Pori i>UD I FPD I - 70 252193 Weverhaeuser Pronerties Inc. 1 02 11 !J L H ,,- .- bonald R Chase TT~~795-- ~ J-- - - - 4500. '117/ bt:j'~07 '7'L" ("J / -I- fA_~ )J " I' -""'.::? g~o.:< t1/7t. 3:JOO1..5 ---f~ ~ HI -/4/ 72J/ p~ fj, /I " " I Itc jI~f/?4 ~I jj.fj~1 J:Jo-" Af----/ /! {!Ld " .#.. .~" b " 7?_~"',f' U'O *( .3,f'7?tSt, J.o ,tl-{ :.t:j;,.()~ I-L L_ \ ..:t::t 7~/3S- .<$ :z?5"DO .eE<- %2- Idn<'oo'7 I~// 7. -h (HI9/Z5H/I 4) l::;~/.}" (/ #78~o6 ~~ I~p ~ -- I L H 1 . I I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyster Timber Unimproved 1 Improved TOTAL!I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impl'ovemenh I B. of E. (Buildlng$) VALUE - 11 .;z;l S 6 02 ,;2. ..5 " '/4 /u'1 'IS 0 a "'/.5 O:J 11~ 1500 7So'cJ I~ /IOOD :::;>?d"6 I/d' ;:1.0 Q " LOT BLK. SEC. TWN, RSE- 33 Hartstene Pointe - -- - -- - - ,