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, DESCRIPTION: PLAT DETROIT In LOT Tract D BLK A ,/ 1/1 ;/11 101sLd; blolulc 1-5"1 ifF ACREAGE SEe TWP RGE I DISTRICTS QD AFFIDAVIT '//' YEAR AUO.1I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 71 #256721 Stephen L.Anderson C.C.Thomas 1 4 G 3 3 H L #25072 -%S' 3tco30 '/1;"/:"',,, tJ };., lJ }t;;,) . 'AI , 11-;/3/73 '7k:J. Co f- /'5/. qt/ e;."IJ?M' ~ h-\"z;, / AJ 3/33 / 'hd.~ Ir:: ~ "'1f'-2-,r J.I/3()3.3 ~w-tuw__ .1, 'I)." [f ~~.&. L Ar Uh t< , (!~O Q.CD. ;If." '-Ii fA q I '1 .'d{ ,to<() . cr ~ " , de "31.~ . F31D7 'f",/ . ~ - ~(j'J"0 C7 '\ - r no - - _.- --- - --- - - - ---- ---,---,-- - - - ~- .- --- . - - . -- f-- --- - -- - ---- ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIOELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVEO TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 72 - -'- 5 -- - 5 -- -- -- JtI - -- 'ntZ .. - - " , - /0 - - - 1<2. _ 7" . --- - .- - jPJ - -- - PCP -r; If) I 10 --- - </;' /0 ) - - .- --- -- - - -------- -- ~- -- - --- ----- ------ -- l- -,-.-----,-~.. - - ) - . . -- . .~---._-_.~- ------ That part of following description lying inside Plat of Detroit #2: Beginning at the NE corner of Block "A". Plat of Detroit #2; thence N 17034' 55" W 95.69' to the Govt meander line of Case Inlet; thence S 43058'09".W 99.91'; thence S 26049'40" E 217.75'; thence E 20'; thence N 125'; thenceUl.1'; thence N 50'; thence W 19' to I.P. ! 2.:r d 1..1 /<. ~'1>_:..( -~---;:-j~~;";l' L ~-t- " ,{~'7. " '/;",- /. :.........'-4...-!_ ---------- ----~-~~ ,J" (ut-l.. !--c!.' //. j :"'. (, I ,"_'_./'.'1.-1 7/ .' , ,[ ~