HomeMy WebLinkAbout121055131003 DESCRIPTION: PLAT DETROIT J2 lOT Tract 3 & BUt 31-34 W ~-I ~ i,Q) 51'.5) Ll~'.LbJ;2_1:Li Tax 3-H & 4-H # ACREAGE SEC TWP RGE , DISTRICTS ~ I AffiDAVIT 'if YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FO HD CO SALES $ 56 /1166941 7fc/,to.JJ/.a Sherwood B.Armstrong 1 54 G 3 3 H L :i>? IfY','1' ''I'' -jL~ ..0 d t!U--'''S< fpL-' , ~/7"" 7'-3~c'5,p ~dj;.. 7l:-_..!f'1:J. 3h? ,~ Wa-.N~ c! J/~, 0] Lg:,q,.""Q I I.,,~~_:::;L / - ----- ---- __ ~-l-_ -- ---- ---..------ -~-_._- - -- --- ._- e- 1--- '- ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TlDELANO UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED TOTAL TlOELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 73 _ _1--__4250 1070 5320 , - - ,/'{ 1w2-- - _.%$'60 .2./''.(0_ /tJ .L</.L '1h OL. ,/j;j -- VS1?9 ..2~ ;)<ii L1 ~ - -- -- c . . >--"---. 77 -0 -e- t;- 7~ )00 .:J It} '7!> --), I t.l1.3}' 7F @ -8-- --@-- 7J - -- ~- 3'i17.s- /~ S1J() ~ 19 7S" 1&i -t) ---0- eJJ. ~ V ---- I/~ ~JI'l7~ 13cJ..'i N: rIJ -0 a -e- }/ 1:2 sc r, ?/G-,.!: 34'/7s- 51 I 6> 0 t9- ,. " /.-:1. ~~J I'l (.J ,2/'7'/-:', -::../ <l .7 ~...~ 'tj-.' ZR -e ~ -e- S 20' Lot 7, N 15' Lot 8 and vacated Second St and alleys adj Block 33 N 15' Lot 13, S 20' Lot 14 and vacated Third St and alleys adj Block 33 S 20' Lot 7, N 15' Lot 8 and vacated Second St and Railroad adj Block 34 ALSO, AI I that ptn of a 24.71 acre Oyster Land Tract conveyed to Jesse T. Mi 1 Is by State of Washington under App. #29i I, according to the plat and field notes on file in the office of the Commissioner of Publ ic Lands at Olympia, Washington recorded in Volume 9 O.L., pg 102, records of Mason County, Washington, which I ie within the fol iowing boundaries: AI I that ptn of the above described Oyster Tr including Reversionary Rights, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the S 20' of Lot 7 and the N IS' of Lot 8 Blk 34, Detroit No.2 as recorded In Vol. J of Plats, pg 23, lying between the N & S lines thereof extended S 670 10' E across said Oyster Land Tr and Wly of the Wly boundary I ine of the Plat of Treasure Island as recorded in Vol. 4 of Plats, pgs 114-117. ,J)().lJ.. 3S.J/S7 " ..7( . " ~ , . ACREAGE '/AlUATION . . B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED TOTAL TlOELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVEO BUILDING TOTAl S3 .- JfCJSO d;;'7S0 tfd.ODt1 O? +" / +:- ~ -- -te- N Ie; _/ z; () '/);;!, r,sc> '-/.100b * --f'+- -e- e- ~tj I'JJ.. .Ljlf L .lJ i/ 19;:;' c L ?-' ;', ~) '.::i (,5 -8 c. -A y~ '&'G-::J:!; I S-U ) 9~5u o:'cA '7 s( ) -YdCO( ) - "