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"" I /111 ~ 131dst Ilolnb15-f71 o];""",c M1"" I Y.., AI. NQ. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Sch.' Porl PUD I FPO 2 ,..03 A 3 12 , --=:.u.1 L P H SALE PRIce 70 1253347 W and A Development Co. 1110 L~A<;9""" 71') .~51:3<; d) ~ W, d'7} ~A . 17:J.1;:;'lf"l/.c; '\ " '~."l?~~fh} . f?:J; ,:/ /? } J, ^ 17;;ZL..7/'19/.L;!)1 .~ -J -1/,,-"'1 q~={ ,2,?/5<11.. 1~ / _ J L..L ,~ .:1 ,I 3/'17 ?J1.f.)53 tf' '%>/1 .3.ft?.f5~ ?If'! '1.3N"/o '/..."A .f :0/ W"", .,~ i/ ",.. l.n ~ ~. I ~_ ~<"6.s<T j.f'(, 1','/ . //. " l='7'd0. II I 'I PI L 40" PI [:;" :::2 L- c.l J./ ~.;c6.s;> II/ . O. -' (t..-,., I ~P/J,;q 'v/,/,- ad';? A! 3-'/,{'tJ 3s:s~=<- ~ , I ~ I " " // 2J~~7 Wg.;J)tt.u ..}t..J..(,;(.,p..l 1><.) 3 ~") ( r.ct /Jz) /. f/ _. #6/6- O?(.. -F 0,9""7 .:I7tJIJo ,/Jpl' =H J>'.?6 S2-. s>'/. . NUMBER OF ACRES I I I VALUATIONS . TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved I Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .- /.;! '?.n Jk'?!'J /A' 'Z. .. =?2,Lf' 3dh6 ..3~/d} .~~~ 51)" 0 rAY"",,, 1(' Ih, ,,) \~t~ ,~I"(.l , '3.2Io() 7..110 0 7.500 Vear Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved 17/ 1,7.q IIi 1,1<1 1q !(;).. LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. Beard's Cove 4 _ 5} ~