HomeMy WebLinkAbout122295002900 ,.. DESCRIPTION: PLAT ALLYN BEACH TRACTS LOT Tr. 41-A BLK 2 # ACREAGE I' IzJzlzl9f51olo1 zJ'iIOlol SEC TWP RGE DISTRICTS .:< 10 AFFIDAVIT'1/' YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER -llONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 67 4f230532 "-uv 1 03 3 3 fI 4/8929 Gordon S.Peterson R.D.Scott A L 1,)1;7 ~~.;c. dY~ ;t~/q) D II II I H..n,v .t>EeeA$e>> tJ'-l$ -60 1154170 q/77 ':':Llln7 (OC ) Alvin Baldv et ux (Pal lie ) tJls 1 3$'1#:;;- - Y:Z~p h~,~, rd'JZ ~ ( -' I , ..---- f------ ---'--'- --, -"_.-- ACREAGE VALUATION 8 OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 72 I 3125 3125 7~ voo"O_ _ -..---- _.f, ;250 -. - --- _h.;). So 7(, .--- - . C:.:l.so (.,;).5?J 77 <;;. ~ //9'41 I / /9lP '1dj / t,L.~ Ie / 10, (In /1'10 uC,() ~ 1.J.~8o .;? ,~~() - ~Z> '-'--. ~ AI I that ptn of Tr 41, Blk 2, Allyn Beach Trs as recorded in Vol. 3 of Plats, pg 2-A, lying Sly of the fol lowing described line: Beginning at the SW corner of sd Lot 41; th N 830 22' E 81.80'; th Ely paral lei with the S line of'sd Lot 41, 74.32' + - to the Eline of sd Lot 41. .