HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/2012 a S n County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: a 1
Taxpayer's Name; 6 e,a `
Mailing Address: SO
City: Q Ca State: WJq Zip Code: (7 a�
Taxpayer's Parcel No: j a .� - �� - D 1 o d /a
Hearing Was Held On: n cer,.ti
Board Members Present:
D a r r y I C I e v eJ a n cL - -D o n a. cL R t d - r04 e "-Or
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: �r,31�d �' -- To: - g ?, 106—
Recorded on Tape No: Pj
Hearing Began at (time): : Q m Ended at (time): q : 3 R AM
f� Z7,,,,
C perso u arized Design-bp) Dale
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.ciov/content/taxes/propertyldefault.asr)x
or call (360)534-1400. Teletype (TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110)
County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: as i 3
Taxpayer's Name:
Mailing Address:
City: �e vit _ _ State: Zip Code: 4 p.5r c
Taxpayers Parcel No:
Hearing Was Held On: e e-&—m ec
Board Members Present:
CIev�P_Iand bona.(
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained: 6 9 Q b 0
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No:
Hearing Began at (time): Q ; A to Ended at (time):
C perso u orized Design e) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/proi)ertvldefauIt.asi)
or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(10/8/10)
Yyl aSo n County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: a D 1
Taxpayer's Name: CY1C E I r-
Mailing Address: I p Ers Ig rd j
City: �h�"t�_Yl
State: t')A Zip Code: qff 0
Taxpayer's Parcel No: 3 a 1;, 7 --51 A p o / 4�
Hearing Was Held On:
Board Members Present:
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No: f A A
Hearing Began at (time): p ; .3rj Ended at (time):
C perso u orized Design e) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit httpJldor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/default.asi)x
or call (360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110)
ryla5 o r County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name: 'j+ j j h L L G
Mailing Address: p 0
City: � ryy o n 6k State: W,4 Zip Code:
Taxpayer's Parcel No: p 1 po j
Hearing Was Held On: Q
Board Members Present:
�4rr�I j CAeveJarl6 - D6mp- cL et�
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: c fD a G p— To: � g z d
Recorded on Tape No:
Hearing Began at (time): j _ p M Ended at (time): 11: 16 A ra
C perso u orized Design e) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit htta://dor,wa.ciov/content/taxesli)ror)erty/default.asl)x
or call (360) 534.1400. Teletype(TTY) users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110)
County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: J .1,0
Taxpayer's Name: H r
Mailing Address: 5 Sfi has+
City: `� C',n m n� State: Zip Code:
Taxpayer's Parcel No: 201Ip -63 o of
Hearing Was Held On: P- C.e-Mk2'PY J DD . '10 1
Board Members Present: o
Dayy-Y ` CIevdan J, — _Donald- Rat J
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained: j --
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No:
Hearing Began at (time): t ; an ry1 Ended at (time):
-Z- 7- ,
C perso u orized Design e) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http;lldor.wa.aovlcontentltaxeslpropertyldefault.aspx
or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype (TfY) users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110)
Y1r'1 Q_ 5 o n County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: 4,0
Taxpayer's Name: �,�,, 12
Mailing Address: 14 4tA�) 4 1
City: ,(� P 1 }� �,�- State: Zip Code:
Taxpayer's Parcel No: _ 3 A o !La -- 6.3 D 16 U 7
Hearing Was Held On: 12 C1Cp—m b of 10,20 1
Board Members Present;
�Q�ry () eve_ Iajj — �dnar�L R � Icy
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained: a grsd .
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No: 9 A
Hearing Began at (time): A Ended at (time): ; rn
C perso7 u orized Design e) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format,visit http://dor.wa.aoylcontent/taxes/i)roperty/default:aspx
or call (360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY) users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018/10)