HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/28/2012 n County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: $, a 0 ! 3
Taxpayer's Name: , S
Mailing Address: .S -t` P
City: S k ed hg n State: IAJ A Zip Cade: qg5S7
Taxpayer's Parcel No: ,3 a 3 oZ ~ 112 - q a !
Hearing Was Held On. N)
Board Members Present:
Tarry ! L' ] evil and - Dona-t at R eli Doro4-� y Me y et-
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained: 4 a , a°
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No:
Hearing Began at (time): ; p! A M Ended at (time): 0
Chairpe son ( thorized D ignee) Date
For tax assis ance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit htip:/Idor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx
or call(360)534-1400. Teletype(TfY)users may call(360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(10iai10)
Q-s n n County Bard ®f Equalization
Bard Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name: S e�I I ; o or,
Mailing Address: 0 0
City: J6 eJ Pa; r- State: 1.)A _ zip Code: ey
Taxpayer's Parcel No: c2 a a 4 f 7L _ 0 o 41.T4
Hearing Was Held On: _,jo er, ber 29 . a0t ;L
Board Members Present:
_D aar- t C! 0-veJ a ylCL - !�0 n a.I ci fZ e i 6L - ID ro4'k � rvie, ZQ*---
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No:
Hearing Began at (time): _ �_ 14 rj rvt Ended at (time):
Chair erson r zed De gnee) Date
For tax asslstance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit fittp:/Idor.wa.gov/contenYtaxes/property/default.asr)x
or call(360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018/10)
1y145o n County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Dearing
Petition No: 64. go 13
Taxpayer's Name:
Mailing Address: P d oV, 1 p
City: jam.�� f State: LA Zip Code: 8 S
Taxpayer's Parcel No: 1 0_3
Hearing Was Held On: LV o yer" 12e,. j S, g p 1 X
Board Members Present:
Ta y-ry e v e-.,la m d. - _Da Yia e
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: $a 7 9 ?5 0° To: a �S, 475 f
Recorded on Tape No: A
Hearing Began at (time); 1 ; 09 AV" Ended at (time):
/,2-o F_
on d oslgneo) Date
For taxtance or to request this document In an alternate format, visit htt :I/dor.wa. ov/content/taxesl ro ert ldefault.as x
or call(360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018/10)
M a5o n County Hoard of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: C (O , O ( .
Taxpayer's Name: a n
Mailing Address: eO Qo '7
City: 1 m Q State: Zip Code: q '9 q 17
Taxpayers Parcel No: 1a, d 1 a - j -00 0 54) _
Hearing Was Held On: o y'e— n �j ems - S 0 !
Board Members Present:
'Darr e-vefand - -DanalCk lf�e. I ro4y M&y,! -
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: a.S'7 '7�o o° To:
Recorded on Tape No: 3
Hearing Began at (time): 1 ; 3 Ended at (time): a : p S Pn�
arrp a or Authoft Designee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor-wa.gov/conte_nt/taxes/property/defauIt.aspx
or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype(TfY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(10/8/10)
m aSo n County Bard ®f Equalization
Bard Clerk's Record ®f Tearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name: �i
Mailing Address: 571 Sf Ave, N Lf
City: �ea-f State: LA A Zip Code: S5�
Taxpayer's Parcel No: b 3 _ 3.2 00140
Hearing Was Held On: p\1*Un 01 2--
BoTard Members Present: f
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: (� rj� S3� p° To: 15a,3, ,, !,d --
Recorded on-Tape No: A
Hearing Began at (time): a Ended at (time): a ; m
Chair erso or that zed esignee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format,visit http:!ldor.wa.govlcontenUtaxes/property/defauIt.aspx
or call (360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(10010)
Y�l a So h County Board of Equalization
Bard Clerk's Record ®f Hearing
Petition No: 96 1
Taxpayer's Name: Q a
Mailing Address: 1 1 1 u
City: S h �-o State: tj A Zip Code:
Taxpayer's Parcel No: a a b 1 S - -1 S- g D 0 4 9,
Hearing Was Held On: 10 V
Board Members Present: 1
T O r,r y
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained: $
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No: �{
Hearing Began at (time): 3 : 3 2 PM Ended at (time):
Ci I rr(or Authorize V
esignee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.ciov/contenUtaxes/property/default.asi)
or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV so 0oaze(va)(1ois/to)