HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/2012 1"l a s b n County Board of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: / A 9 . a y r 1 Taxpayers Name: P al- Mailing Address: 3 3 b City: o Od-5 C Y—+ State: A Zip Cade: S S Taxpayer's Parcel No: J a / 3 d - O d a a 4 Hearing Was Held On: Ir6b r u CL U go Board Members Present: CAe-%le- Iand- - DonaloL KeId- - Vara�-� y IY1Qyerr Decision of Board: Value Sustained: Value Changed From: a`7. 30 - To: Other: Recorded on Tape No: Hearing Began at (time): M Ended at (time): q; V AWL -A 20Z!7 U Chalr arson r Au orize esignee) Date For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/default.asi) or call(360)534-1 400. Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718. REV 60 0002a(w)(10/8/10) N6 5 o n County Board of E-que-Aixation Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: 13 S. c2 d 1 r Taxpayer's Name: �Q '�r t✓k C i. tV1t > n Mailing Address: eQ 66�A City: a r" State: LiJ A Zip Code: Taxpayer's Parcel No: o 6 l '7 O Hearing Was Held On: �b • Board Members Present: DarY I CIe'veland - Dc' na1a Read - TJ) r-of-hy YV1e e-r Decision of Board: Value Sustained: r f7 15 Value Changed From: To: Other: Recorded on Tape No: Hearing Began at (time): 0 : G ii1 Ended at (time): ; R 45ierso4r1o4rIzeesIgnee) Date For tax assistance or to request this document In an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/pro.perty/default.aspx or call(360)534-1400, Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718. REV so 0002e(w)(10/8n0) M a 5 o n County Board of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: 12 5. a d 1 I Taxpayer's Name: 1 a e e- n M P Mailing Address: 1 to cld IA) uY- � �,- 1 City: s )1 ej -f-0 h _ State: 1j) Zip Code: ELI Taxpayer's Parcel No: p 0 pd 0 Hearing Was Held On: ti,.t-Lq Y- b Board Members Present: Do-y-r y I C i e,ve 1 cLri d Ne !oL - Da r•C,4-11 Decision of Board: Value Sustained: a f rj Value Changed From: To: Other: Recorded on Tape No: ,31 Hearing Began at (time): j i ; p l A AA Ended at (time): 1 . 1,5 A Ahapers n r At thori ed Designee) Date For tax assistance or to request this document In an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/procerty/default.aspx or call(360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718. REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110) a L o n County Bard ®f Equalization Board/ Clerk's Record of bearing Petition No: Taxpayer's Name: 7- Mailing Address: 6 f City: -� t Ca a m State: ( L) A Zip Code: Taxpayer's Parcel No: ,3 f �- 5'd _ 0 0 1 $ Hearing Was Held On: �L.a Y- g a d 1 a Board Members Present: �Da rr ve I a.rl -Do r✓o++ M P-V P-r Y Decision of Board: Value Sustained: Va lue Changed From: `� �� �_ To: 3 3 D g a Other: Recorded on Tape No: 29 A Hearing Began at (time): j 3 _� Ended at (time): �. P M Cha person?IAllthori d Designee) Dato For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718. REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110) M a:5,0 County Board of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: a -. 0 I f Taxpayer's Name: C Q Mailing Address: 9 .2 3 a S E- �' P City: Port O r iaJoay-ac State: WA Zip Code: �3 Taxpayer's Parcel No: p - J Hearing Was Held On: LA- 9- g Board Members Present: b n o,1 cL Ck k y N1 a y ex Decision of Board: Value Sustained: 3 rr�o f Value Changed From: ! To: Other: R Pe e_ ll can+ WcLS not pYe-Se-n f Recorded on Tape No: Hearing Began at (time): Ended at (time): a .7 �[ �A d 42 h rpe? r uthorize Designee) Date For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.aov/contentttaxes/property/default.aspx or call(360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718. REV 60 0002e(w)(1018/10) County Board of rcqualnization ------ Board Clot-It's Rocorrd of Hearing Petition No: Taxpayer's Name: 1 r rn e- 1 I e,r-4-o ri Mailing Address: P1 City: --Sin State: / Zip Code: �] S Taxpayer's Parcel No: t 9 a.5 - , 3 - GO b d Hearing Was Held On: re- r-LL a r'y d Board Members Present: Decision of Board: Value Sustained: Value Changed From: ; 1 35 b - To: �, p Other: Recorded on Tape No: -39 Hearing Began at (time): 3 : 5 i°��1 Ended at (time): 9 ; 3 V PM � 92 7 -1,2- Cha rpers horize Designee) Date For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format,visit http://dor.wa.clov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx or call(360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718. REV 60 0002o(w)(10/8110)