HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/2012 County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name: Pa r i a , a- h e
Mailing Address: r71 E
City: s }� �� �'n State: w A Zip Code: Ll
Taxpayer's Parcel No: b ! q r - D 0 1 C)
Hearing Was Held On: re-b r'u.GL >r V _ 901 ,9
Board Members Present:
paj^f-Y Ie-V.0lan - Dor'o-t'ky Ida e-r•
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: a 3 go 9,7 0 f To: �,Q j g Q
Recorded on Tape No: 3
Hearing Began at (time): ; o 0 Am Ended at (time): q; 3 3 AM
Ch rpers r Authorized eslgnee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document In an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxesli)roperty/default.asl?x
or call(360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110)
County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: 5. 1
Taxpayer's Name: '
Mailing Address: d13 oi 4 47
City: ,5 b r, Ito n State: W A Zip Code: -
Taxpayer's Parcel No: J a U - a d b 00
Hearing Was Held On: �� w v a o� D 1 A
Board Members Present:
Uarr-v 1 All eVa-ICm r-ej+ �l �Yer
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: 3 a 5 US To:
Recorded on Tape No: 3 Lf A
Hearing Began at (time): ryj Ended at (time): j p ; A4 A M
a rpers (or Authori ed Designee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document In an alternate format, visit http:l/dor.wa.gov/content!taxes/property/default.asi)
or call(360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-671 S.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110)
a. Svc County Board of Egualkafion
Board Clerk's Record ®f Hearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name: ;
Mailing Address: ►7 1 �. , 1,50t, C(
City: ,.� State: 4 fa Zip Code:
Taxpayer's Parcel No: ol d�_U 1 7 - U U U 1 U
Hearing Was Held On: �� r"LL ci_r
Board Members Present:
l 'C. ) eVedcLf) e-IO 'DorothY rVI0_ .1 e,r
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: $ 40 5'0 p p o To: 5' `7, SU D
Recorded on Tape No: 3 4 13
Hearing Began at (time): U ; o ! m Ended at (time): j ; L4 ,1 h1
C h ai711.l�r uihoriz Qesigneo) Date � '� 7 ~ f a-
For tax assistance or to equest this document in an alternate formal, visit htip.,//dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/properly
or call(360)534-1400, Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018/10)
a n rn County [hoard of EquailzaUon
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name:
Mailing Address: -7 1 15 o n Ck
City: S 1 n n State: w A Zip Code: 9 g 5 8 q
Taxpayer's Parcel No: a O O_j - rl (v
Hearing Was Held On: �b
Board Members Present:
parr- elar, 0nald� �► d. - �� rb- ,y
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: 1 d a, as b To: 9 4. '1 air
Recorded on-Tape No:
Hearing Began at (time): j ; ja Ended at (time):
Ch irpersrlo"Iluth zed Designee) Date
For tax assistance or,to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/propertyldefault.aspx
or call (360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018l10)
M a.s b n County Hoard of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: a
Taxpayer's Name: lee,
Mailing Address: w 1 ,5 v nRd
City: Sh e.1 State: U)A Zip Code: t�
Taxpayer's Parcel No: 0191601 IL - 60036
Hearing Was Held On: Fe,�rj
Board Members Present:
-Da>^r4! Rer!oL
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: p — To:
Recorded on-Tape No: g
Hearing Began at (time): ; p f A !n Ended at (time): l ; Q A-M
C ai 74of Authori d Designee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document In an alternate format, visit iittp://dor.wa.qov/co_ntent/taxeslpropertVidefault.aspx
or calf(360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(10I8/10)
M a s on , County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: J a �a . 0 0 !
Taxpayer's Name: e f ; Y" ,
Mailing Address: -7 1 r Sb
City: S k e,I +o n State: W A Zip Code:
Taxpayer's Parcel No: 2 6 o ! ?4, - d U D D
Hearing Was Held On:
Board Members Present:
�ar,ry 1 0, 1 eve. IanCk - Don cL ij or6-A- Me�elr
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: q 0 r' To: 6p. D p -
Recorded on Tape No: .�
Hearing Began at (time): Ended at (time): f j ; AN
- 10
C a rpe (or A hori d Designee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.aov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx
or call(360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110)
M a s a n County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Tearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name: r L C4- f I Za 10 et
Mailing Address; L_ H o Lo a J
City: s h�,, �o n State: Zip Code;
Taxpayer's Parcel No: a p 0.3 D GaG O _
Hearing Was Held On: Q,hruG1 i''Q
Board Members Present: l
7] arr� C1 eV&,) an Doro4-A Meyer"
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No: �
Hearing Began at (time): f 3 a Ended at (time):
Ch4rpers �+4 orized esigneo) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format,visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxest2roperty/default.as x
or call(360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018/to)
�l asa n County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: 510 . aD
Taxpayer's Name: T6L r,
Mailing Address: 10 Jr S 1
City: s 1 4 v n State: Zip Code: q q
Taxpayer's Parcel No: a p 15 - 76 - U o 4 j
Hearing Was Held On: � b r LL arm
Board Members Present:
C1 eVe1 aL)IJ - IDOn0LI J- d - Dor6"�t ��
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: g g r]. r 5 6 To:
Recorded on Tape No:
Hearing Began at (time): 3 i P Ended at (time): PM
a ^ - 1�
Cha pe r u izod Dosigneo) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format,visit http:lldor.wa.govlcontent/taxes_/pr_Qperty/default.aspx
or call (360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018l10)