HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/2012 a _50ia County Board of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: q , o? d Il
Taxpayer's Name:
Mailing Address; r s ,.-
City: f State: Zip Code:
Taxpayer's Parcel No: 2 3 U _ 1
Hearing Was Held On:
Board Members Present:
Tra .rry f C1e-vej(And 1)6ra+t y Me-ye-r'
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From; ,T ---To:
Recorded on Tape No: �7 8
Hearing Began at (time): Ended at (time): p
cl per Authori ed Designee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document In an alternate format,visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/procer-ty/default.aspx
or call (360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718.
REV 60 000ze(w)(t 018n 0)
County Hoard of Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name:
Mailing Address: b i u.0- o nn e-
City: 's f�t o �, State: WA Zip Code: 9
Taxpayer's Parcel No: ,3 a d - 3 d Goal
Hearing Was Held On: Ja a ! !
Board Members Present:
n cL - Tanald Re gat
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained: $4 q 6
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No: a A
Hearing Began at (time): f A Ended at (time): A r
Cha' person Auth ized Des)gnee) Date
For tax as ' tance or to request this document In an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/defauIt.aspx
or call(360)534-1400. Teletype(TfY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018/10)
County Hard of Equalization
Bard Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: 10
Taxpayer's Name: r o , / L_
Mailing Address: 1
City: _ u n State: b�A Zip Code: $5'
Taxpayer's Parcel No: ,� � 1,2
Hearing Was Held On:
Board Members Present:
�arr-y1 Clevela.r�a�- �anald- �e.� d - Coro-l-1,y
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No: Q g A
Hearing Began at (time): a : �9 _ Ended at (time): 9: 0 q
Cha per uthori ed Designee) Date
For tax assistance or to req st this document in an alternate format, Visit http://dor-wa.gov/content/tax_es/property/default_aspx
or call (360)534-1400. Telet e(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
Rev 60 0002e(w)(1018/t0)