HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/2012 County Board of EqujaNxAon
Hoard Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name: Hu.rr ca
Mailing Address: 10001 o r ha r
City: ! �a ; ,� _ State: b)A zip Code: q 8 5 a 8
Taxpayer's Parcel No: a a, 10 —50 -_ bo
Hearing Was Held On: � 2 d !A
Board Members Present:
-Dar a rial d �a I'd - Vor-6AV Meyer-
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: 3 3 1 , $6 To: 4
Recorded on Tape No: a3
Hearing Began at (time): 9; p 1 Am Ended at (time):
Ch irp n-(-or uthor ze l Designee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http:l/dor.wa_gov/content/taxes/properly/default.aspK
or call(360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110)
N_ra.s a n _ County Board of E__-qtMb:aUon
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: 5b. a o 11
Taxpayer's Name: + .4 KCA n c Cu e,
Mailing Address: C +r a n e,
City: ,I, e,1 t b r, State: LJ A Zip Code: 9 8 5 g 41
Taxpayer's Parcel No:
Hearing Was Held On: � a rj 4 1 a.
Board Members Present:
-Do 441 y o—y6-r
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained: ,� �� 336 --
Value Changed From: To:
Recorded on Tape No: A
Hearing Began at (time): Ended at (time): m
/02 -
Cha rpers or uthorized esignee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format,visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx
or call(360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018/10)
Board CIorrk's Record ®f Hoariwg
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name: A ['� r era-
Mailing Address: 51 q ! &I E ortl-+sh r'
City: 13 e j �'a c State: bj pi Zip Code:
Taxpayer's Parcel No: a a a 1 a - Sa- 0 100Ie
Hearing Was Held On: J4
Board Members Present:
1eve1and- -- -Donal6( RP_ t6L
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: 5�b yS- To:
Recorded on Tape No: 4
Hearing Began at (time): 1 ] : G rn Ended at (time):
horrzed D ignee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/propey /default.aspx
or call(360) 534-1400. Teletype(TfY)users may call(360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018110)
fvl a n on . County Bard of EquaUation
Board Clerk's Record of Hearing
Petition No: p 1 j
`I-axpayer's Name:
Mailing Address: ,� f'►�
City: e, 1 State: A Zip Code:
Taxpayers Parcel No: a a a 10 - it - D UOSo
Hearing Was Held On: � n tLar- y 5 f ao !a
Board Members Present:
� arrY ! Cleveland - VonQ1d- 'RQrd - c> rof-ky Me-V e.r
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: 3 7 ram- To: 3 q 1 a'7 j r
Other: A f fe, o f W CL5 no+- pr-e, sa r1+
Recorded on Tape No: a
Hearing Began at (time): Ended at (time): I pry,
CAirpoer2_�Au2thorlzfbd Designee) Date
For tax assistance or to request this document In an alternate format, visit htkn://dor.wa.rtoyLco_nkent/taxeslpro erfYldefauf#.aspx
or call(360)534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call(360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1018/10)
M a s 0 0 County Bard of Equalization
Bard Clerk's Record ®f Hearing
Petition No:
Taxpayer's Name; Pc r r `
Mailing Address: 50 Vr
City: e_r-f a n _ State: WR Zip Code: 1
Taxpayer's Parcel No: o? a o?(5 a - 5a - O O O
Hearing Was Held On:
Board Members Present:
TarrV 1 CIevelcLriA - -Dona ]c�, 'eicd. Darwo- ti Dever'
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: r] 6 , q 0,0 To:
Recorded on Tape No:
Hearing Began at (time): a • P.M Ended at (time): a 47 M
o�- T Aft
C airperso hor od Designee) Date
For tax as stance or to request this document In an alternate format, visit htt ://dor.wa. ov/content/taxesl ro ert /default.as x
or call(360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV s0 00028(w)(10/ei10)
Mason County Bard ®f Equalization
Board Clerk's Record of bearing
Petition No: 69. .2011
Taxpayer's Name:
Mailing Address: Is 7`'4 St
City: Q e l l e y u e. State: (L)A Zip Code: 9 "A
Taxpayer's Parcel No: _ $- 1 ,4 - o b i 1 e)
Hearing Was Held On:
Board Members Present:
marry if leve J.and - 7j)ohojc( Re,i d - Doro ftl er
Decision of Board:
Value Sustained:
Value Changed From: To: a7 4r �pd —
Recorded on Tape No: (n $
Hearing Began at (time): 3 : 4 1 _ Ended at (time): Ll
cb airpe t�(o Authariz Designee) bate
For to assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit htto://dor.wa.govlcontenYtaxes/property/default.asp
or call(360) 534-1400. Teletype(TTY)users may call (360)705-6718.
REV 60 0002e(w)(1 DI6110)