HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020/03/02 - Briefing Packet March 2.1
411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584
Week of March 2, 2020
Monday, March 2, 2020
Commission Chambers
9:00 A.M. Executive Session — RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i) Potential Litigation
9:15 A.M. Closed Session — RCW 42.30.140 (4) Labor Discussion
9:30 A.M. Support Services- Frank Pinter
9:40 A.M. Public Works — Loretta Swanson
Utilities &Waste Management
10:00 A.M. BREAK
10:05 A.M. Community Services — Dave Windom
11:00 A.M. Sheriffs Office — Sheriff Salisbury/Undersheriff Adams
Commissioner Discussion — as needed
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
10:00 a.m. Department Head/Elected Official meeting regarding COVID-19
(formerly referred to as Novel Coronavirus)
Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners' office for the most recent version.
Last printed 03/02/20 at 11:13 AM
If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair
March 2, 2020
In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of
information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing.
This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all
inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners.
Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule.
pI3 CO .
1854 ,.
FROM: Frank Pinter
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530
(If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information)
ITEM: Approval of the January 203.9 — December 2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement
(CBA) for Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 IAM representing Mason County Sheriff's Office
Corrections& Support Staff.
BUDGET IMPACTS: Supplemental—Funded by Ending Fund Balance.
BACKGROUND: The exclusive representatives of Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 IAM
representing Mason County Sheriffs Office Corrections & Support Staff have reached a
tentative agreement with Mason County for the 2019-2023.term.
It is noted and commended to the Commissioner's that the parties reached this Agreement
through a very collaborative negotiations process.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of the January 2019 — December
2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 IAM
representing Mason County Sheriff's Office Corrections&Support Staff.
ATTACHMENTS: Collective Bargaining Agreement on file with Clerk of the Board.
Briefmg Summary 2/27/2020
January 1, 2019 — December 31, 2021 ,
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-Collective Bargaining Agreement
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 1
ARTICLE2-UNION SECURITY...................................................................................................................1
ARTICLE 3-COMMITTEES.........................................................................................................................2
ARTICLE 4-RIGHTS OF MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................................2
ARTICLE 5-DISCRIMINATION...................................................................................................................3
ARTICLE 7-SENIORITY..............................................................................................................................4
ARTICLE 8-CURTAILMENTAND RECALL...................................................................................................4
ARTICLE 9-EVALUATION AND DISCIPLINE...............................................................................................5
ARTICLE 10-GRIEVANCES........................................................................................................................7
ARTICLE 11-WAGES AND ALLOWANCES................................................................................................10
ARTICLE 13-EDUCATION COMPENSATION ...........................................................................................15
ARTICLE 14-ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION...........................................................................................15
ARTICLE 16-HOLIDAYS...........................................................................................................................18
ARTICLE 17-SICK LEAVE..........................................................................................................................20
ARTICLE 18-BEREAVEMENT LEAVE.......................................................................................................21
ARTICLE 19-FAMILY LEAVE/MILITARY LEAVE........................................................................................21
ARTICLE 20-INCLEMENT WEATHER ......................................................................................................22
ARTICLE 21-SALARIES AND SALARY NEGOTIATIONS..............................................................................23
ARTICLE 23-EMPLOYER RELATIONS......................................................................................................24
ARTICLE 24- USE OF RESERVES AND VOLUNTEERS................................................................................25
ARTICLE 25-UNIFORM ALLOWANCE.....................................................................................................25
ARTICLE 26-BULLETIN BOARD AND PRESS RELEASES...........................................................................26
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 11
ARTICLE 27-FALSE ARREST INSURANCE AND CIVIL LIABILITY INSURANCE ................................................27
ARTICLE 28-SAFETY COMMITTEE...............................................................................:..........................27
ARTICLE 29-SAVINGS CLAUSE...............................................................................................................27
ARTICLE 30-DURATION AND TERMINATION................:........................................................................27
ATTACHMENT„A" -WAGES....................................................................................................................29
ATTACHMENT"B"-GRIEVANCE FORM..................................................................................................31
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 111
This Agreement is entered into by and between the County of Mason, a political subdivision of the State
of Washington, and the Mason County Sheriff's Office, acting through the elected sheriff, hereinafter
jointly referred to as'the "County" and the Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 I.A.M. hereinafter referred to
as the "Union".
The purpose of this Agreement is to provide and promote harmonious relations between the County and
the Union, and to establish equitable and peaceful procedures for the resolution of differences and to
establish salaries, wages,. hours of work and other terms and conditions concerning employees and
Job duties of Corrections and Support Staff will be in keeping with the duties outlined in the appropriate
published job description, subject to the right retained by the Sheriff to.assign other duties as necessary
in accordance with written policy.
The County and the Union agree as follows:
The County recognizes .the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the purpose of
negotiations concerning salaries,, hours, and' other conditions of employment for all the
corrections/support staff in the Sheriff's Office,except the Sheriff's appointed positions pursuant to RCW
2.1 Membership
No employee in the bargaining unit shall be required to become a member of the Union as a condition of
employment. It is recognized that the Union is required both under law and under this Agreement to
represent all of the"employees in the bargaining unit fairly and equally without regard to whether or not
the employee is a member-of the Union.
2.2 Union Dues and Fees
/The Employer shall make deductions for Union dues and/or service fees in the amount certified by the
Union Secretary from the wage`s of each employee in the bargaining unit who executes a properly.written
authorization and such deductions shall be remitted each month to the Union. New employees other than
provisional or emergency appointees shall be given thirty(30)days in which to authorize dues deductions.
Union representatives shall be given time with each new employee to discuss Union membership,
consistent with State Law.
The Union agrees to supply the Employer, annually, with a statement of deduction to be withheld each
month. The Employer shall make deductions for.the current month's dues and/or service fees only and
shall not be responsible for the collection of any dues or service fees that may be in arrears., Deductions
shall be promptly transmitted to the Union by check payable to its order or EFT. Upon issuance and
transmission of the check-to the Union, the Employer's responsibility shall cease with respect to the
deduction covered thereby.
An employee may.cancel their payroll deduction of dues and/or service fees by written notice to the
Employer and/or the Union, either-of whom will notify the other.The cancellation will become effective
on the second payroll after receipt of the notice.
2.3 Maintenance
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 1
The Union agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the County from any and all claims and actions
that arise as a result of actions taken by the County in administering this Article of the Agreement. The
Union shall refund to the Employer any amounts paid in error on account of the check-off provision upon
presentation of proper evidence thereof. If a dispute arises,the mechanism for resolution provided under
RCW 41.56 will be followed:
3.1 A-Union official who is an employee in the bargaining unit shall be granted reasonable time off
with pay while conducting contract negotiations or meetings with the County. No more than three (3)
Union official/representatives shall be released from work at the same time, provided they are not all
from the same scheduled shift, and an effort will be made in scheduling to minimize any operational
impact on the County.
3.2 The County shall appoint a Negotiating Committee of one or more persons, which shall act on
behalf of and under the guidance of the Board of County Commissioners.
3.3 The Union will appoint member to serve as a Shop Steward. Each steward will be expected to
perform his/her duties as a representative of the Union Members on his/her own time. However, it is
recognized that from time to time, it will be necessary for the steward activities relating to the
investigation and processing of complaints, disputes, and grievances to be conducted during work hours
when permission has been granted by their immediate salaried supervisor. The County retains sole
discretion on whether permission will be granted and will be evaluated based on the operational needs
of the County.
3.4 The parties have the right to communicate with each other and provide notice on matters of
concern using e-mail,written correspondence,and telephonic communications. Notice is deemed served
if communicated to a member of Command Staff or Human Resources for the Employer or the Business
Representative, Sub Local Chairperson or Steward for the Union, who agree to ensure that their own
constituents are notified and copied appropriately. The parties agree to respond within a reasonable
Except as abridged by this contract, the Sheriff shall retain the exclusive right to exercise the customary
functions of management,including, but not limited to:
A. To determine the Mason County Sheriff's Office mission, policies, and set forth all
standards of service offered to the public.
B. To plan, direct, control and determine the operations or services to be conducted by
the employees.
C. To utilize personnel, methods, and means in the most appropriate and efficient
manner possible.
D. To manage and direct the employees of the Sheriff's Office.
E. To hire, promote, transfer, train, evaluate performance and retain employees in
positions of the Sheriffs Office.
F. To establish work rules and rules of conduct.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 2
G. To determine the size and composition of the work force and to lay off employees in
the event of lack of work or funds. If a layoff is imminent, due to a lack of funds or
work, the parties shall meet to discuss efforts to preserve the bargaining unit
workforce and-develop potential alternatives to curtailment.
H. Determine the methods,maintenance, equipment, number and kinds of personnel,
the job, work, or position content required to accomplish governmental operations
and maintain the efficiency and safety of those operations.
I. Determine and change the number and locations and types of operations, processes
and materials to be used in carrying out all County functions.
J. Control departmental budgets and financial policies, including accounting
K. Take whatever actions are necessary in emergencies or exigent circumstances in
order to ensure the proper function of the Sheriff's Office. Exigent Circumstances are
declared by the Sheriff or designee in writing and are circumstances which, through
no fault of the employer, result in a situation that impacts safety or efficient
The Mason County Commissioners shall retain the authority to determine all items with budgetary
impact, such as rates or pay, amount of vacation, sick leave and holidays, health insurance, life
insurance, overtime rate, call back rate and uniform allowance.
The County agrees not to discriminate against any member for his/her Union activity. It is the policy,
intent, and purpose of both the County and the Union that there shall be no discrimination among
employees as to color, race, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical disability, marital status, sexual
orientation and/or sensory imperfection unless due to a bona fide occupational qualification.
6.1 Process
The County has the right to hire new employees from any source, and all new employees will serve a
probationary period of 365 calendar days of regularly scheduled work on their job,which shall not include
light dutyjobs. During the probationary period,the employee may resign or be terminated without cause
or notice. An employee will be classified as a "regular employee" upon successful completion of the
probationary period. The County may request an extension of the probationary period and the Union will
not unreasonably deny that request.
.6.2 New Classifications
If new classifications are established by the Employer and added to the bargaining unit, if the duties of
existing classifications are substantially changed,or if an Employee is appointed to a position substantially
different than the Employee's classification, a proposed wage scale shall be assigned thereto, and the.
Employer shall forward the new or changed class and proposed wage to the Union for review. The
contract.will then be subject to reopening for the sole purpose of negotiating a wage for the class, and
only if so requested by the Union.
Corrections/Support MCSo Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 3
If either party disagrees with the designation of a new or reclassified position,the parties recognize that
the determination as to whether the position is included within the bargaining unit may be reviewed by
PERC, upon petition by either party or jointly.
7.1 Definition
Seniority, for purpose of this Agreement, is an employee's length of continuous service with the County,
dating from his/her date of hire into a regular position. Seniority within rank shall be determined by date
of promotion to such rank.
7.2 Seniority Preference
The County recognizes the principles of seniority and qualifications considered for its employees. Unless
otherwise stated herein, seniority will only be applied as the determining factor for: (a) shift bidding, (b)
vacation bidding,(c)overtime preference within rank,and (d)computing layoff and reemployment rights.
7.3 Loss of Seniority
Seniority and the employment relationship shall be considered severed and terminated if an employee:
a. Resigns
b. Is discharged for cause;
c. Is absent from work for a period of three (3) consecutive days without prior notification;
d. Is rehired after a break in service of more than thirty(30) days;
e. . Fails to report for work at the termination of a leave of absence or-extension thereof; or
f. Accepts gainful employment without permission while on leave of absence.
Employees who are re-employed following the loss of their seniority shall be deemed a newly-hired
employee for all purposes under this Agreement,except if an employee is recalled consistent with Article
8 and the time-lines therein, they shall regain the seniority that they had as of their last date of
employment. The practice of allowing leave of absence returns with intact seniority will be administered
under the same time frames provided for in Article 8.
7.4 Shift Bidding—Corrections Sergeants/Corporals/Deputies
For the purposes of this section,a "work period" has been defined as a twenty-eight(28) day cycle under
FLSA, section 7(k). Bidding shall commence on September 1 and close on September 30 of each year for
the following year's schedule assignment. The schedule shall be posted by the employer for a period of
two weeks prior to the beginning of the bid period to allow employees ample time to consider bid options.
Shift bidding for the 2021 year's schedule assignments and thereafter,employee shift bidding shall be for
three (3) month increments (Quarterly), for a period of one (1) year from January 1 through December
31. Employees can only bid the same shift schedule three (3) out of the four(4) quarters.
Where operational-needs or special circumstances necessitate,an employee may be temporarily assigned
to a shift other-than which he/she bid for, provided a minimum of a thirty(30) day notice has been given
(if possible) and is seniority based.
8.1 Notice
In the event of a curtailment the County will give a minimum of two (2)weeks notice prior to the
effective date of the curtailment. The County shall meet with the Union, upon request,to discuss
possible alternatives to curtailment, but is not bound to adopt alternatives proposed.
8.2 Displacement
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 4
Employees holding least seniority within a classification will be curtailed first.Curtailed employees will be
able to displace the junior employee in inverse order of classifications previously held without loss of
(E.g. If a SGT is curtailed due to lack of work or reduction in that classification, the SGT would be able to
utilize his/her seniority to displace the junior Corrections Deputy.The SGT would assume seniority among
Corrections Deputies where that employee would have been had they not promoted to SGT)
Employees with no displacement opportunities within their classification will be able to displace junior
employees in other classifications within the unit based upon seniority and qualifications. Qualifications
shall be based upon the job description and the determination by the County as to whether the employee
could adequately assume the role and responsibilities associated with the position the employee seeks to
move into.
8.3 Recall
Employees must notify the County within three (3) calendar days of receipt of notice of recall whether
they will return or not. Employees recalled will have up to seven (7) calendar days from notice of recall
to return. No employee will be required to accept recall to a position not previously held. For recall to
positions previously held, any employee that does not notify the County of intent to return or fails to
return as scheduled will be considered a voluntary quit with loss of seniority for consideration in future
8.4 Recall Seniority
Employees will be recalled in seniority order, most senior first, to positions previously held or to any
available opening which the employee is qualified to fill. The parties recognize the need to maintain an
appropriate male/female officer ratio and will meet to discuss requirements that may be present at the
time of recall. Employees accepting recall to a:position,whether previously held or not,will retain rights
to the initial vacancy curtailed should it become available for recall. Such rights shall be limited in duration
to fourteen (14) months or expiration of certification(s), whichever is greater, required for the initial
position from which the employee was curtailed.
8.5 Restoration of Benefits
Employees recalled pursuant to Section 9.4, above, shall be placed at the same salary range and step, and
time in step,in effect at the time of layoff. In addition,employees shall have the sick leave balance as of the
date of layoff restored(unless the employee received a sick leave cash out at the time of layoff);shall accrue
vacation leave at the same accrual rate in effect as of the date of layoff; and the number of years of
continuous county service at the time of layoff shall be credited towards eligibility for the longevity benefit.
Employees recalled into regular part-time positions shall be subject to pro-rated benefits as described in
other articles of this Agreement.
9.1 Evaluation
The purpose of evaluation is to help an Employee to be successful in performance and to understand the
standards and goals of their position and their Department. The evaluation will assess and focus on the
Employee's accomplishment of their job functions and the goals and standards of the position. Where
the Employee does not meet the above, a plan for correction, training or support should be developed
with the Employee.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 5
All regular Employees should be formally evaluated in writing by their immediate Supervisor and/or Office
head or designee during the probationary or trial service period and at least annually(at date of hire or a
common date) and,thereafter, in conjunction with Sheriffs Policy in effect at the time of evaluation.
Additionally, evaluation of job'performance may occur at any time and on an ongoing basis. Evaluation
may occur in various ways and may include coaching,counseling or written assessment.
The evaluation process shall also include a review of the current job description.
Evaluation shall not, by itself, constitute disciplinary action — disciplinary action must be specifically
identified as such, in writing, consistent with Section 9.2.
Employees will be given a copy of the evaluation. )Employees will be required to-sign the evaluation,
acknowledging its receipt. Evaluations are not grieveable, however, Employees may elect to provide a
written response to the evaluation,which will be retained with the evaluation in the Employee's personnel
file and/or appeal any evaluation to review with their appropriate Command Staff Representative.
9.2 Discipline/Corrective Action
The County has the right and responsibility to assure corrective action when appropriate and,in doing so,
agrees to act in good faith in the discipline, dismissal or demotion of any regular Employee and any such
discipline,dismissal or demotion shall be made only for just cause. While the totality of the circumstances
must be,considered,generally"just cause" is defined as consistent with the "Seven Tests of Just Cause."
The parties recognize that just cause requires progressive discipline. Progressive
discipline may include:
❖ oral reprimands,which will be documented;
❖ written reprimands;
❖ disciplinary transfer;
❖ suspension with or without pay;
❖ demotion;or
❖ discharge.
The intent of progressive discipline is to assist the Employee with performance improvement or to correct
misconduct. Progressive discipline shall not apply where the offense requires more serious discipline in
the first instance. Both the sequencing and the steps of progressive discipline are determined on a case-
by-case basis,given the nature of the problem.
All disciplinary actions shall be clearly identified as such in writing. The Employee will be requested to
sign the disciplinary action. The Employee's signature thereon shall not be construed as admission of guilt
or concurrence with the discipline. Employees shall have the right to provide a written response to any
written disciplinary action to be included in the personnel file, which, together with the action, will be
retained in the personnel file,for so long as the disciplinary action is retained.
A copy of all disciplinary notices shall be provided to the Employee before such material is placed in their
personnel file. Employees disciplined or discharged shall be entitled to utilize the grievance procedure. If,
as a result of the grievance procedure utilization, just cause is not shown, personnel records shall be
cleared of reference to the incident which gave rise to the grievance.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 6
The Employer will notify the Union in writing within three (3) calendar days after any notice of discharge.
The failure to provide such notice shall not affect such discharge but will extend the period within which
the affected Employee may file a grievance. Any suspension or discharge not made the basis of a
grievance within three (3) calendar days from the time thereof shall be considered as waived.
The Employer recognizes the right of an Employee who reasonably believes that an investigatory interview
with a Supervisor may result in discipline to request the presence of a Union representative at such an
interview,provided such is neither a material witness nor the subject of the investigation. Upon request,
the Employee shall be afforded a Union representative. The Employer will delay the interview for a
reasonable period of time in order to allow a Union representative an opportunity to attend. If a Union
representative is not available or delay is not reasonable, the Employee may request the presence of a
bargaining unit witness. (Weingarten rights)
Employees shall also have a right to a notice and a determination meeting prior to any disciplinary action
which may result in an economic loss or suspension. The Employer must provide a notice and statement
in writing to the Employee identifying the performance violations or misconduct alleged, a copy of the
investigative file for review (if requested), and a finding of fact and the reasons for the proposed action.
The Employee shall be given an opportunity to respond to the charges in a meeting with the Employer
and shall have the right to Union representation during that meeting, upon request. (Loudermill rights)
No Employee shall be compelled by the County to give self-incriminating information, either verbal or
written, during any criminal investigation when such investigation involves allegations against the
Employee nor in any internal investigation which could lead to a criminal charge against the Employee.
Any refusal by an Employee to give self-incriminating information under these conditions will not result
in the Employee's termination, suspension, reprimand, transfer, or any other form of disciplinary action
by the County. (Garrity rights)
The Employer shall endeavor to correct Employee errors or misjudgments in private, with appropriate
Union representation if requested by the Employee.
Discipline shall be subject to the grievance procedure in this Agreement as to whether or not such action
(as to any post-probationary Employee) was for just cause.
10.1 Purpose
The purpose of this grievance procedure is to provide an equitable, orderly, and timely process for
resolution of grievances without fear of discrimination and/or reprisal.
10.2 Election of Remedies
Grievances concerning disciplinary matters governed by the Mason County Civil Service Rules may be
processed as an appeal through the Civil Service Rules or as a grievance under this Agreement. The parties
to this Agreement agree that a grievance cannot be processed through both the Civil Service appeal
process and the grievance procedure under this Agreement. If the grievance is filed first as an appeal
through Civil Service, it cannot be filed as a grievance under this Agreement. If the grievance is filed first
as a grievance under this Agreement and is subsequently filed timely as an appeal under Civil Service
procedures,the grievance shall be considered withdrawn and cannot be re-filed.
10.3 Definition
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 7
The term "grievance" shall mean any dispute between the Employer and the Union or an employee
covered by this Agreement, concerning the interpretation, application, claim, breach or violation of the
terms of this Agreement.
Either the Union or the Employer may initiate a grievance.
The Employer may not grieve the acts of individual Employees, but rather, only orchestrated acts or
actions of authorized representatives believed to be in conflict with this Agreement. An Employer
grievance will not be subject to Arbitration and may go to mediation.
The Union may initiate-a Grievance at Step 2 anytime that it involves a group of Employees, as specified
in Section 10.6. Such grievances may be referred to mediation services by mutual agreement prior to
10.4 Non-Retribution
Employees will be unimpeded and free from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal
in seeking adjudication of their grievances.
10.5 Format
Grievances shall be filed on a mutually agreed form (see Attachment "B") which specifies: (a)the facts;
(b)the issue; (c)the date of the violation alleged; (d)the controlling contract provision and the section of
the Agreement alleged to be violated; and (e) the remedy or relief sought. In the event a form filed is
unclear or incomplete and not in compliance with this Section, the County shall make its best efforts to
handle the grievance as it understands it.
10.6 Grievance Submissions
Any employee of this bargaining unit or a Union representative/steward, with or without the aggrieved
employee, may submit a grievance. The Union may in appropriate cases, submit an "institutional" or
"general" grievance on its own behalf. A grievance of interest to several employees may be filed as a
"Group Grievance", directly to Step II of the grievance procedures, within the time limits set forth in
Section 10.7.
10.7 Time Limits
A grievance must be submitted pursuant to Step I of the grievance procedure as applicable herein,within
fifteen (15).calendar days from the date of the occurrence of the alleged grievance or from the date that
,the grievant, any Union representative or steward knew, or through reasonable diligence should have
known of the cause of the grievance. In the case of a grievance ripe for submission directly to Step II,the
aforementioned time period will also apply. Upon mutual written agreement,the parties may extend any
time limits stipulated in the grievance procedure for stated periods of time, with copies provided to the -
Union and the Employer.
10.8 Breach of Time Limits
Failure by an employee or the union to comply with any time limitations of the procedures in this Article
shall automatically constitute withdrawal of the grievance. Failure of the County to comply with anytime
limitations of a procedure of this Article shall automatically permit the aggrieved employee(s)to advance
his/her grievance to the next step of this grievance procedure.
10.9 Grievance Procedure
Step I (Supervisor): Before filing a written grievance, the grievant and/or the Union shall discuss the
problem with the employee's Division Chief or designee within the time period specified in Section
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 8
10.7. If the matter cannot be resolved verbally, the supervisor shall issue a written response within
five (5) calendar days after such meeting, either granting or denying the grievance, and provide the
written response to the employee and Union. If this resolves the grievance,then no further action is
necessary. If the grievance is not resolved at Step 1, it may be submitted to Step II.
Step II (Sheriff): The grievant and/or Union may present the grievance in the format specified in Section
10.5 to the Sheriff or his/her designee within ten (10) calendar days of the supervisor's written
response in Step I or, in the case of a grievance ripe for submission directly to Step II,within the time
period specified in Section 10.7. The Sheriff shall meet with all concerned parties including the Union
representative(s) within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the grievance. The Sheriff shall issue a
written response within ten (10) calendar days after such meeting, either granting or denying the
grievance, and provide the written response to the employee and Union. If the grievance is not
resolved at Step II, it may be submitted to Step III.
Step III (Human Resources Director): The grievance (as was previous set forth in writing under Step II)
may be submitted to the Human Resources Director or designee within five (5) calendar days of the
Sheriff's written response in Step II. The Human Resources Director or designee shall meet with the
Union within ten (10) calendar days of its receipt of the grievance. Within ten (10) calendar days of
the meeting, the Human Resources Director or designee shall issue a written response to the Union
regarding the grievance.
Mediation: The parties may mutually agree to submit the matter to mediation. The
moving party shall contact the proper authority, Public Employees Relations Commission
("PERC") or Federal Mediation & Conciliation Services ("FMCS"), and request a mediator
and hearing date to be conducted within 30 calendar days in attempt to resolve the matter.
Should the mediator be unsuccessful in mediating a resolution s/he will provide an opinion
as to what the likely outcome would be should the matter be pursued to arbitration. The
mediator shall have no authority to modify the bargaining agreement or issue a binding
Step IV: (Arbitration): If the grievance is not resolved at Step III,the grievance(as was previously set forth
in writing under Step II), maybe submitted to PERC within five (5) calendar days of the written
response in Step III. PERC shall provide a list of five(5)arbitrators and the Union and the County shall
strike names until an arbitrator is selected. Within thirty (30) calendar days, the arbitrator shall
schedule a hearing on the matter. In connection with any proceedings of the arbitration held pursuant
to the Agreement, it is understood as follows:
1. The arbitrator shall have no power to render a decision that will add to, subtract
from, alter, change,or modify the terms of this Agreement.
2. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the
County,the Union and the employee(s) involved.
3. The prevailing party shall be exempted from the costs of the arbitrator's fees.
Each party shall bear the cost of presenting its own case.
4. The arbitrator's decision shall be made in writing and shall be issued to the parties
within thirty(30)calendar days after the case is submitted.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 9
11.1 Wages
Salaries for all uniformed employees of the Mason County Sheriff's Office Corrections and Support Staff
from date of ratification through December 31, 2021 shall be established as listed in the wage scale as
set forth in Attachment A and adjusted as follows:
1/1/2019 1.50
1/1/2020 1.75
1/1/2021 2.00%
The salary of the Corporal Step 1 will be five (5%).percent above the top step of the Corrections Deputy,
The salary of the Corrections Sergeant Step 1 will be five (59'o') percent above the top step Corporal.
11.2 Shift Differential
Any employees working between 1800 and 0600 hours shall receive a shift differential at a rate of fifty-
cents ($0.50) per hour for the hours worked between 1800 and 0600 hours.
11.4 Hours of Labor
The normal work schedule for employees of this bargaining unit shall.-begin at the beginning of the
employee's regular scheduled shift, after days off, as indicated herein:
1. Shifts: The normal work scheduleshall be defined as:
(a) Forty(40) hours of work,to consist of five (5)eight-hour(8) days, each day to consist of eight
consecutive work hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period, or
(b) Twelve (12) hour shift bid schedule broken down into thirteen (13), twenty-eight (28) day
cycles (2080 annual hours).The schedule for Corrections Deputies, Corporals, and Sergeants
will be broken down into 4 squads working twelve (12) hour shifts.
L Kelly Day: Each employee working the twelve (12) hour shift schedule is
entitled to one (1) Kelly Day for each twenty-eight (28) day cycle. Kelly Days
will be assigned by each squad supervisor and will not be assigned on days
when it will take overtime to backfill.This excludes times when a squad only
has the minimum number of employees to appropriately staff the shift (ex.
Only 4 employees on a squad).The Kelly Days shall be posted on the schedule
no less than twenty-eight (28) days prior to the next twenty-eight (28) day
work cycle.Scheduled Kelly Days will not be changed once scheduled except
by mutual agreement between the Scheduler and Employee involved. Every
effort will be made to accommodate employee requested;day, providing no
overtime is accrued by granting such accommodation.
ii. Training: Employees working the twelve (12) hour shift schedule shall be
guaranteed a minimum of eight (8) hours off between a regular shift and
training block.The employer will post training dates on the schedule 60 days
in advance of the training date. No training will occur on recognized holidays.
2. Clerical Supoort Staff: Normal hours of labor shall be Monday through Friday on an 8-hour
staggered shift from 7:30 am to no later than 8:00 pm. Eight(8) hours paid time and one(1) hour
non-paid lunch, considered as full-time. Employees may, as necessary and with supervisory pre-
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 10
approval, adjust to an alternate flex shift of continuous hours within the work hours identified
above, to better manage workload. Employees not working specialty positions shall have
weekends& holidays off.
3. Community Service Officers/Evidence Technician/ASU Coordinator/Transport/ Animal Control
Officers: The normal workweek shall consist of a forty (40) hour work schedule, with two (2)
consecutive days off and holidays off. A 12-hour shift may be adopted for Community Service
Officers upon approval of the Chief.
4. Alternate Shifts: Sheriff's Department employees may be assigned to a 4-10 plan at the discretion
of the Sheriff's administration. This is a system whereby an employee works four (4), ten (10)
hour shifts and then receives three (3) days off. Overtime shall be paid at the rate of time-and-
one-half after the tenth (10) hour of work. Time after the tenth (10th) hour shall be accounted
for in increments of fifteen (15) minutes and paid at the rate of time-and-one-half. By mutual
agreement between the Sheriff and the Union,employees may be assigned to a twelve (12) hour
shift plan,or to a workplan which the union may recommend due to exigent circumstances or for
operational efficiency purposes. If either a twelve (12) hour, or a union recommended plan is to
be implemented,the parties agree to negotiate the particulars of how the plan will work prior to
11.5 Meal Periods
Employees shall be entitled to lunch periods in accordance with State and Federal Labor Laws.
(a) Corrections Deputies (CD), for eight (8) hour employees, evidence technicians, community
service officers (CSO), and animal control officers (ACO) shall be entitled to a thirty (30) f
minute paid lunch period. The lunch period will occur at the approximate midpoint of their
shift, but not later than the fifth (5th) hour from the start of shift. Unless out of the area on
assignment,corrections employees shall remain on the premises of employment during their
lunch period, and be able to respond to incidents and operational requirements. The County
shall provide Corrections Deputies & CSO's assigned to the jail, with one free meal per shift
from the jai[kitchen.
(b) Corrections Deputies on assignment away from the jail and out of the county during the
authorized breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner period shall be entitled to re-imbursement at the
per-diem rate for the meal purchased. Corrections Deputies on assignment at Mason General
Hospital during the authorized breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner period shall be authorized a
meal from the hospital kitchen. The Corrections Deputies shall call the hospital kitchen to
request the meal and the hospital shall bill the County directly.
(c) Clerical Support Staff employees (except ACO employees indicated in Section 11.5(a) above)
shall be entitled to a one (1) hour non-paid lunch period. The lunch period will occur at the
midpoint of their shift, but not later than the 5th hour from the start of shift. Employees will
be considered to be off duty during their lunch period and may leave the premises of
employment for their meals.
11.6 Rest Periods
Employees shall be entitled to paid rest breaks in accordance with State and Federal Labor Laws.
Employees shall be permitted during the course of their shift,for eight(8)hour shift,to take two(2)fifteen
(15) minute rest breaks,and for a twelve(12) hour shift,to take three (3)fifteen(15) minute rest periods.
All breaks shall be taken as time permits, and with supervisor approval.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 11
Any regular full-time employee who performs work authorized by the County, in excess of their regularly
scheduled hours per day, or in excess of forty (40) hours per week, depending on their scheduled
workweek and shift, shall be entitled to overtime compensation. Unless expressly stated to the contrary
herein, all employees, including those on the probationary phase, are eligible to perform overtime and
shall be covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act(FLSA).
Premium or overtime pay in this article shall not be duplicated or pyramided.
An ASU Coordinator will be considered a Corrections Deputy for overtime purposes.
12.1 Rate of Pay
Overtime work will be compensated at one and one-half(1 %) times the regular rate of pay. Overtime
hours shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate, in units of quarter hours (15 minutes), for any part
worked thereof.
The twelve (12) hour shift schedule shall receive overtime when working in excess of 160 hours in the
twenty-eight(28)day cycle,and the forty(40)hour FLSA threshold shall not apply per Fair Labor Standards
Act& US Code Title 29, Chapter 8,Section 207(k).Any hours worked in excess of an employee's regularly
scheduled shift,will be paid overtime.
12.2 Comp Time
In lieu of cash overtime payments,where mutually agreed between the employee and the Employer, an
employee may receive comp time. Comp time will be calculated just as the monetary rate for overtime,
at one and one-half(1%)times the regular rate of pay. Upon approval.of the County, employees shall be
permitted to cash out all or part of their accrued time in December of each year, which shall be paid at
the employee's applicable rate of pay. Correction's staff shall be permitted to accrue up to 480 (four-
hundred-eighty) hours of comp time. Support Staff employees shall be permitted to accrue up to 240
(two-hundred-forty) hours of comp time. The scheduling of comp time shall be done in the same manner
as federal statute. Correction's and Support Staff employees hired on, or after January 1, 2020, shall be
permitted to accrue up to eighty(80) hours of comp time,and no rollover comp time can be banked, and
the allowed eighty(80) hours of accrued comp time must be used by December 15,or be paid out. If the
employee does not use all their accumulated comp time, they will receive a payout for the unused comp
time on the December 25 payroll check.
12.3 Call-In Pay
The call-in process is initiated .to provide immediate incidental overtime coverage for operational
requirements(i.e., hospital transports and staffing shortage, illness, injury,etc.)occurring on the on-duty
shift. Employees called back to duty after completion of a regular shift, called-in on their off-duty hours,
or called-in on their regular days off,shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate,and receive a minimum
of two (2) hours overtime. Employees shall bepaid at the overtime rate, from the time of their
acknowledgement of the call to the start of their shift. The two (2) hours minimum overtime provision
does not apply to employees who are called-in within two(2)hours of their regular starting time and work
through their regular shift. In this case, employees shall be paid at the overtime rate from the time the
call is acknowledged to the start of their regular shift.
12.4. Court Appearance
Time spent by on-duty employees required to attend a court hearing or proceeding emanating from
performance of official duties,shall be considered as regular time worked. If the appearance requires the
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 12
employee's presence beyond his/her normal workday, all time beyond the normal workday shall be paid
at the overtime rate. Individuals called in on their time off to attend a court hearing or proceeding
emanating from performance of official duties, shall be guaranteed three (3) hours of:overtime. If,
however, the employee is called in for the court appearance within one-hour prior to their shift, the
employee shall be paid from time the employee acknowledges receiving the call-out to the start of their
shift at the overtime rate.
12.5 Overtime Sign-Up Sheet
All employees wanting to work voluntary overtime will request that the shift supervisor place their name
on the overtime sign-up sheet. An employee may also request that the shift supervisor remove his/her
name from the overtime sign-up sheet. Removal from the overtime sign-up sheet does not relieve
employees from the obligation to work overtime already assigned to them. Newly hired employees may
be required to perform overtime in the course of their training, but will not be placed on the overtime
call-up sheet until they have successfully completed the training phase. The overtime sign-up sheet will
contain the employee's name,seniority date and rank.
12.6 Overtime Contact Log
The shift supervisor will use an overtime contact log to record the overtime offer made to employees on
the overtime sign-up sheet. Employees on the overtime sign-up sheet will be contacted in descending
order of seniority within rank. Management retains the right to only have one supervisor on shift at a
time, except in an exigent circumstance.
12.7 Overtime Categories and Distribution
When staffing levels fall below minimum staffing levels, the method of overtime distribution, overtime
shall be defined in two (2) categories:
1. Incidental Overtime:This refers to unplanned and unscheduled work.that becomes available
with advance notice of one shift or less. If the vacancy is for a Sergeant, a Sergeant will be
offered the position in descending order of seniority.The same process for a Corporal. If the
Sergeant or Corporal positions cannot be filled by those of that perspective rank,, then the
position will be offered to employees on shift/going off shift in descending order of seniority.
Vacancies for Corrections Deputies will offered to employees on shift/going off shift in
descending order of seniority. If the vacancy is voluntarily filled, the process stops. If no
volunteers are found, employees on the overtime sign-up sheet are contacted in descending
order of seniority and offered the overtime.If the vacancy remains unfilled after this step,the
least senior Corrections Deputy or Qualified CSO on shift/going off shift shall be required to
work the overtime.
2. Scheduled Overtime: This refers to available work that is anticipated and which could be
scheduled with advance notice that is greater than one work shift. If the vacancy is for a
Sergeant, a Sergeant will be offered the position in descending order of seniority. The same
process for a Corporal. If the Sergeant or Corporal positions cannot be filled by those of that
perspective rank, then the position will be offered to employees on the overtime sign-up
sheet in descending order of seniority. For Corrections Deputies scheduled overtime will be
offered first,to employees on the overtime sign-up sheet in descending order of seniority. If
the vacancy is voluntarily filled, the process stops. If the vacancy remains unfilled,with one
shift or less remaining prior to the scheduled overtime date, the vacancy will be filled using
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 13
the incidental overtime process. If a Kelly Day results in staffing below minimum staffing
levels,the employee using the Kelly Day shall have first option to work it on overtime.
Posting of Scheduled Overtime Coverage: When scheduled overtime is known with fifteen (15) days or
less prior notice, employees on the overtime sign-up sheet will be contacted telephonically or in person.
When scheduled overtime is known more than fifteen (15) days in advance, the overtime coverage will
be posted in writing.Scheduled overtime will not be posted more than sixty(60)days in advance from the
scheduled overtime date
Limitation of Length of Consecutive Shift Assignments: No employee shall work more than sixteen (16)
hours without eight(8)hours elapsing before working another shift. No employee will be ordered to work
two (2) consecutive days of two (2) consecutive shifts, except in an emergency situation declared by the
Sheriff or his/her designee. The Sheriff may require employees of the jail to begin each shift fifteen
minutes early, dependent on operational requirements. In case of an emergency declared by the Sheriff
or his/her designee, as set forth in the Sheriff's Policy,any employee may be ordered to report for duty.
Overtime Exclusion: The following employee categories are excluded from filling overtime vacancies
unless otherwise stated herein:
a. Employees on limited duty; the exception to this provision is when the following
conditions simultaneously exist. Employees on limited duty status may fill overtime
vacancies when; the vacancy remains unfilled after first contacting all physically
capable (not on limited duty) employees on the overtime sign-up sheet, no other
limited duty employee,is scheduled to work on the shift where the vacancy exists,the
employee can be effectively utilized to perform operational requirements without
compromise to prescribed physical limitations, and officer safety.
b. Employees on administrative leave (paid or unpaid).
c. Employees on sick status.
d. Employees on vacation status. Employees on vacation status may be called to fill
overtime vacancies when the vacancy remains unfilled after first contacting all full
duty status employees on the overtime sign-up sheet.Vacationing employees will be
given first consideration over limited duty status employees if they are in the area.
e. Employees requesting exclusion from voluntary overtime, if approved by the non-
bargaining unit supervisor.
12.8 Jury Duty
Employees called in for jury duty for any municipal,county,state,or federal court shall advise the County
immediately. Employees scheduled for jury duty on their regular duty day shall be paid their regular rate
of pay minus any compensation received from jury duty. Employees must provide documentation to the
Mason County Sheriff's Office Payroll Section detailing the amount of compensation received, if any,for
jury duty.
12.9 On Call
An off-duty employee who is required to remain on-call on the employer's premises or at their place of
residence or so close thereto that he/she cannot use the time effectively for their own purpose, is
considered working and shall be compensated at the overtime rate for the hours on-call: An off-.duty
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 14
employee who is not required to remain on-call on the employer's premises or at their place of residence,
but is merely required to maintain telephonic communications with their employer is not considered
13.1 Compensation
When an employee possesses a higher education degree, additional compensation will be added to base
rate and shall be paid at the following premium rate:
Associate Degree 1.5
Baccalaureate Degree 3.0
Master's Degree 4.5
In order to qualify, individuals must receive their degree from a nationally or regionally accredited
institution as approved by the Sheriff. The above rates are not cumulative but will be paid at the single
higher rate for which the employee qualifies.
Any employee that would potentially see a reduction in stipend would be redlined until such time as the
percent equals or becomes greater than current flat dollar amount — upon grandfathered employee's
request to revise to percent.
14.1 Longevity Pay
Employees shall receive longevity pay in addition to their base pay as set forth below:
Continuous Years of Service Monthly Amount
6th through 10th year $ 65.00
11th through 14th year $ 90.00
15th through 19th year $130.00
20th through 24th year $150.00
25th year and over $165.00
14.2 Officer in Charge(OIC)
An employee (including support staff).who is assigned for less than two (2) consecutive workweeks the
responsibilities and duties of a position or rank above that which s/he normally holds,when no supervisor
is assigned to the shift,shall be paid an officer-in-charge(OIC)shift differential in the amount of$3.00 per
hour while working in that capacity.
14.3 Temporary Promotion
An employee(including support staff)who is assigned the responsibilities and duties of a job classification
that is higher than what s/he normally holds for more than two (2) consecutive workweeks shall be
compensated at the range and step in the higher classification that represents at least a five.percent(5%)
14.4 Assignment Pay
Effective upon signing of this Agreement any Corrections Deputy who has been trained as a FTO and is
assigned the duty of Field Training Officer to actively train, monitor, grade or evaluate Corrections
Deputies shall be paid three percent(3%) per month while certified and eligible for assignment to work in
that capacity. The FTO Coordinator will also be paid the 3%Assignment Pay. No other compensation shall
be received for any FTO functions performed.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 15
'14.5 Instructional Pay
Any employee who is a certified instructor and assigned to train in the following areas: Defensive
Tactics/Use of Force Tactics, EVOC,TD10 Spray, RIPP Restraints,Taser, First Aid/CPR and Firearms/Range
shall receive an additional$1.50 per hour while conducting training.
14.6 Specialty Pay
Additional duty incentives will be provided for the following functions:
Billing or Supply $ 75.00 per month
Classification Deputy or Medical Liaison $ 75.00 per month
Jail DUI Alternative Program Coordinator $100.00 per month
TAC $125.00 per month
FTO Training Coordinator $ 75.00 per month
14.7 Bilingual Pay
Eligible employees that possess bilingual fluency in a County-approved non-English language, and who
use their bilingual skills. in the performance of official duties, shall receive bilingual incentive pay as
indicated herein:
Bilingual Language Fluency $ 75.00 per month
Bilingual Medical Certification $100.00 per month
Bilingual Legal/Court Certification $125.00 per month
Eligibility requirements:
(a) The County shall determine if bilingual pay shall be utilized,_the language(s) that bilingual is payable
for and the number of employees eligible for bilingual pay.
(b) Bilingual language fluency eligible employees are those who have taken and passed a language fluency
test from an accredited institution and/or employees who have self-identified bilingual fluency that
has been demonstrated on the job. Bilingual Medical and Legal/Court certification eligible employees
are those who have their bilingual skills tested and certified by an accredited institution. The County
at its discretion may choose which certifications) is a required and acceptable substitute, such as
certification from other states.
14.8 Alternative Sentencing Unit(ASU)Coordinator Pay
ASU Coordinator will receive specialty pay that is 5%above the rate they receive as a Corrections Deputy.
14.9 Shift Differential
Any employee working between 1800 and 0600 hours shall receive a shift differential at a rate of$0.50
(fifty cents) per hour for the hours worked between 1800 and 0600 hours.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 16
15.1 Definition
For the purposes of Article 15,a "squad" is defined as Alternative Sentencing Unit and
15.2 Accrual Schedule
Vacation leave shall accrue at the following rates:
1-3 years 96 hours per year
4-7 years 120 hours per year
8-9 years 144 hours per year
10-11 years 160 hours per year
12-14 years 176 hours per year
15-16 years 184 hours per year
17-19 years 192 hours per year
20+years 200 hours per year
15.3 Probationary Employee Requirement
Vacation leave accrued within the first twelve (12) months of employment cannot be utilized, by an
employee until they have successfully completed their appointment probationary requirements unless
approved by the Sheriff. Any employee terminating employment with the County within the twelve (12)
month probationary period shall not be paid for Vacation leave accrual.
15.4 Maximum Accrual
Vacation leave may be accrued to a maximum of four-hundred (400) hours. No Vacation leave accrued
will be added to an employee's Vacation leave benefit when the maximum accrual has been obtained,
unless for operational reasons the request for leave was denied by the Employer. In this instance, the
employee may continue to accrue leave beyond the maximum so long as the employee utilizes enough
leave to bring his or her leave accrual balance to equal or below the maximum accrual threshold within a
timeframe mutually agreed to by the employee and his/her supervisor.
15.5 Vacation Bidding
For purposes of vacation bidding,the transport unit shall bid as a separate squad with only one employee
off on primary vacation.The year shall be considered January 1 through December 31.Vacation bids will
be approved at the discretion of the Sheriff or designated representative.Vacation bidding will start with
a primary bidding process,, and once that process has completed, secondary leave requests will be
accepted. Regularly scheduled days off will not be counted when computing the number of days bid for.
Staff may include future accruals in their bid, but must have sufficient time accrued to cover the vacation
at the time the leave is taken. All leave requests will be responded to in writing within two (2) weeks.
Upon receipt of a leave request, the Supervisor will initial the request with the date and time received
and staffing levels, in the comments section, approve or deny the request and return a copy to the
employee. If no response is returned within two(2)weeks of receipt of the request,the leave time will be
granted. After such leave time has been approved;the only reason for cancellation shall be if the Sheriff,
or in his/her absence,specified designee, declares an emergency as set forth in the Sheriff's Policy.
15.5.1 Corrections Staff Vacation Bidding:
(a) Primary Vacation Biddine: Annual vacation"bidding windows"are established for the
purpose of allowing,employees to use their seniority to schedule seniority vacation
leave for the year. There shall be two bidding windows, the bidding windows shall
begin when the shift bidding has been completed.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 17
i. The first weekly bidding window shall allow each employee to bid for up to a
maximum of two(2)weeks of vacation time consisting of either a single two(2)
week vacation period or two (2) one (1) week vacation periods. Only one (1)
employee per squad may be on leave at any given time for primary vacation
bidding. When a holiday occurs during a bid vacation period,that day shall be
taken as a holiday and will be included as part of the bid request.
ii. The second daily bidding window shall allow an additional five(5)working days'
vacation time, and no more than two employees within the same classification
or squad shall be off at any one time. Any workdays not bid during the second
bidding window may be requested throughout the year, and as long as a
maximum of two (2)employees per squad,with the exception of the Transport
.Squad which is limited to one (1)employee,shall not be off on annual vacation
leave at any given time.
(b) Secondary Leave Requests (beginning January 1 and ending December 31: Leave
requests submitted after the seniority bid period, shall be granted such leave on a
first come first serve basis, provided the requeste4 leave does not put the squad with
more than one off on vacation, personal holiday, floating holiday, banked holiday,
comp time and/or Premium day.
15.6 Separation Payout
Other than within the first twelve (12) months of probationary employment, upon separation of an
employee by resignation, layoff,dismissal,or death;the employee or beneficiary thereof shall be paid for
unused Vacation leave at the rate of pay being paid at the time of separation. Cash payment for unused
accrued annual leave upon separation by retirement will not be allowed in excess of two-hundred and
forty (240) hours. Vacation leave pay shall include any applicable shift differential for employees
scheduled or assigned for thirty(30) calendar days or longer to swing,graveyard,or night shifts.
15.7 Leave Accrual
Any employee working less than full-time shall receive Vacation leave on a prorated schedule based on.
the hours they have worked, plus they must also meet the qualification for PERS or LEOFF participation to
have the annual leave accrual apply. An employee must work or be in a paid status a minimum of eighty
(80) hours per month to receive Vacation leave accrual. Whereas, the Union and the County recognize
the importance of employees utilizing earned Vacation leave to promote and enhance their mental and
physical well being, employees shall attempt to use annual leave during the year in which it is earned.
15.8 Workers Compensation Consideration
Time missed from work due to worker's compensation will be considered as time worked for vacation
purposes for a maximum of twelve (12) months.
16.1 Recognized Holidays
The following is a list of the annual recognized holidays for employees of the Mason County Sherif Fs
New Year's Day Veterans' Day
Martin Luther King Day Thanksgiving Day
Presidents' Day Day after Thanksgiving
Memorial Day Christmas Eve Day
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 18
Independence Day Christmas Day
Labor Day Two (2) Floating Holidays
16.2 Holiday Pay
(a) Holiday Benefit Pay: Holiday pay shall be equivalent to the straight time hours in the schedule
the employee is working at the time the holiday occurs.
(b) Hours Worked on a Holiday: All work performed on a holiday shall be paid at time and one half
the regular rate of pay in addition to an employee's holiday pay.
16.3 Conflict Resolution
Where there is a conflict or difference between either a federal or state designated holiday, the parties
may agree to honor either one but not both.
16.4. Observed Periods
Recognized Holidays will be observed in the following manner:
(a) Support Staff&Specialty Position Employees: When the holiday falls on a weekday, employees not
required to work on a holiday, shall be given the holiday off, and receive their regular rate of pay for
the day in which the holiday falls. When a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be
observed; when the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as paid
(b) Corrections Deputies: For Corrections Deputies not assigned to specialty positions, recognized
holidays will be observed-on the calendar date on which the holiday occurs. Employees hired before
November 1, 2002 who are required to work a calendar holiday will be given the option of being paid
time and one-half for hours worked or banking the hours worked as Holiday hours at the time and
one-half rate. Employees hired November 1, 2002 or later, who are required to work on a calendar
holiday will be paid time and one-half for hours worked. Upon separation of an employee by
resignation, layoff, dismissal, or death; the employee or beneficiary thereof shall be paid for unused
banked holiday hours at the rate of pay being paid at the time of separation.
16.5 Holiday Pay
When the holiday falls on the employee's regular day off(RDO),and the employee is not called in to work
the holiday,the employee will be paid the holiday hours.
16.6 Floating Holidays/Premium Time-Off
In addition to the recognized holidays, employees are authorized two (2) paid floating holidays and four
(4) days of paid premium time-off annually.
(a) Floating holidays and premium time-off shall be scheduled at the discretion of the employee with the
approval of the supervisor, requiring one week's advance notice, which may be waived by the
(b) Floating holidays and premium time-off must be used during the current calendar year, unless waived
by the County, due to operational requirements preventing the employee from taking such days off.
In such cases,the floating holidays and premium time-off must be used at the earliest time available.
Employees will be given an accounting of holiday and premium hours accrued on an annual basis, in
time for utilization prior to potential loss. For those employees affected by minimum staffing
requirements, floating holidays and premium days not used at the discretion of the employee, with
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 19
approval of the supervisor,will be paid to the employee at the straight time rate of pay at the end of
the calendar year within which they accrued.
(c) On recognized holidays, minimum staffing levels will be maintained. Employees scheduled above
minimum staffing levels on a recognized holiday shall be given the day off,first by volunteer and then
by reverse seniority, and shall receive his/her regular salary only.
17.1 Accrual Rate
Per the Washington State Paid Sick Leave law; RCW 49.46,WAC 296-130 and Initiative 1433, please refer
to the Sick Leave Policy, chapter 7.2 in the Mason County Personnel Policy. Each employee shall receive
eight(8) hours of sick leave for each full month of employment in the calendar year in which s/he is first
employed and thereafter will receive eight(8) hours of sick leave for each month of employment in each
successive calendar year. Sick leave that is not used shall accumulate except that such accumulation may
not exceed one-thousand-two hundred (1,200) hours.
Leave does not accrue nor may it be used until the first day following the pay period in which it is earned
(no "negative" leave use during the period in which it is earned).
17.2 Sick Leave Usage
Per the Washington State Paid Sick Leave law, RCW 49.46, in accordance with WAC 296-130 and
Initiative 1433,the County and he Union mutually agree to comply with all. Please see the Mason
County Personnel Policy 7.2.7 for authorized uses of Paid Sick Leave. -
17.3 Sick Leave Payout
For employees hired before January 1, 2011, payment for unused sick leave shall be made only in the
following circumstances:
(a) Upon termination of employment with fifteen (15) years of continuous service with the
(b) Upon termination of employment 'with the County, when the termination, is
contemporaneous with retirement from the applicable Washington State public employees
retirement system;_
(c) Upon the death of an employee, in which case payment shall be made to his/her estate.
Employees hired on or after January 1, 2011,shall not be entitled to receive any sick leave cash out.
/ 17.4 Absence of Sick Leave Accumulation
When sickness occurs and no sick leave is accumulated,the employee may choose to:
(a) use vacation credits accrued to his/her credit in absence of sick leave;
(b) take leave without pay; or
(c) use accumulated compensatory time, if any.
17.5 Accrual Eligibility
Any employee working a normal schedule,or any employee working fewer hours than a normal schedule
but who maintains the eligibility requirement for PERS or PSERS,shall accrue sick leave.
Corrections/Support'MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 20
The County shall provide regular,full-time and part-time employees with paid bereavement leave for up
to three (3)days in the event of the death of an immediate family member. An additional two (2) days of
sick leave may be taken if necessary for out of state travel,or other extensive travel upon approval by the
Sheriff or designee. Immediate family for purposes of bereavement leave shall be as defined in Section
17.2 and also, inclusive of aunt, uncle, nephew or niece.
The County and the Union mutually agree to comply with all State and Federal Family Leave laws. For
purposes of calculating leave-availability,the twelve (12) month period is measured backwards from the
date an employee is approved for FMLA leave. Each time the employee takes FMLA during the twelve
(12) month period,the leave will be subtracted from the twelve (12) weeks of available leave. If an
employee has any questions regarding the State and Federal Family leave laws,'they may contact the
County's Human Resource Department for guidance.
19.1 Military Leave
In addition to benefits granted under USERRA, Employees shall be allowed military leave as required by
RCW 38.40.060 and as interpreted bythe Court. This provides fortwenty-one(21)working days of military
leave per year(October 1 through September 30).
19.2 Family Leave/FMLA&FLA
Family Medical leave will be allowed consistent with State and Federal law and with existing County
policies and is initiated by the employee having a qualifying event. Please refer to the Family Leave Policy,
chapter 7.7, in the Mason County Personnel Policy, per the Washington State Family Medical Leave Act
and RCW 49.78.
The Employer shall maintain the Employee's health benefits during this leave. If the Employee fails to
return from leave for any reason other than the medical condition initially qualifying for the FMLA
absence, the Employer may recover from the Employee the insurance premiums paid during any period
of unpaid leave.
If a leave qualifies under bothfederal and state law, the leave shall run concurrently. Ordinarily, the
Employee must provide thirty (30) days written advance notice to. the Employer when the leave is
foreseeable. The Employee should report qualifying events as soon as known and practicable.
The combination of FMLA and other types of leave(s) is not precluded and, in fact, leave utilizations are
to be concurrent, with the intent that appropriate paid accruals are to be utilized first, consistent with
other Articles of this Agreement.
19.2.1 Eligibility: Consistent with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA),
and any amendments thereto, and the Washington State Family Leave Act of 2006 (WFLA), please
refer to section 7.7, Family Leave, in the Mason County Personnel Policy for eligible uses.
19.2.2 Intermittent Leave: Personal medical leave, serious health condition leave, or serious
illness or injury leave covered by family medical leave may be taken intermittently when certified as
medically necessary. Employees must make -reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned
medical treatments so as.not to unduly disrupt the-Employer's operations. Leave due to qualifying
exigencies may also be taken on an intermittent basis. Requests for intermittent leave to care for
and/or bond with'a newborn, foster, or adopted child will be considered on a case-by-case
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 21
basis. Before such intermittent leave is taken, the appointing authority or designee must approve
the schedule to be worked.
19.3 Maternity Disability Leave
Consistent with WAC 162-30-020, the Employer will grant a leave of absence for a period of temporary
disability because of pregnancy or childbirth. This may be in addition to the leave entitlements of FMLA.
This leave provides female Employees with the right to a leave of absence equivalent to the disability
phase of pregnancy and childbirth. There is no eligibility requirement, however, the Employer has no
obligation to pay for health insurance benefits while on this leave (unless utilized concurrent with FMLA
or otherwise entitled under disability or sick leave paid status).
Leave for temporary disability due to pregnancy or childbirth will be medically verifiable.There is no limit
to the length of the disability phase, except for the right for medical verification and the right of second
opinion at the Employer's expense. At the end of the disability leave, the Employee is entitled to return
to the same job or a similar job of at least the same pay. Employees must use their accrued vacation and
sick leave, if any, during the leave period and, at their election, any accrued comp time. Once this paid
leave is exhausted,the Employee's leave may be switched over to unpaid leave.
19.4 Compliance
The County and Union mutually agree to comply with all Washington State Paid Family& Medical Leave
laws, per RCW 50A.04, and future amendments with the law. Eligible employees are covered by
Washington's Family and Medical Leave Program, RCW 50A.04.,
19.5 Union Leave
Once approved,any employee selected to attend union training necessitating leave without pay,shall be
granted leave without pay by the County provided sufficient advance notice is given, and is subject to
minimum staffing and.does not create the need for overtime coverage. The duration of such leave without
pay will be limited to one(1)week per calendar year and no more than one(1)employee may be on leave
without pay at any one time.Annual cap of three(3)employees per calendar year attending training shall
be strictly enforced.
This article shall apply to inclement weather, adverse natural conditions or other unusual situations.
20.1 Work Site Remains Open
When an employee's normal work site remains open during inclement weather,the following applies:
(a) The day will be a normal workday.
(b) The appointing authority will require employees who do not report to work, who report late to
work or who leave early on their own initiative to use accrued leave or compensatory time or take
leave without pay for the time they are absent. Employees may not use sick leave.
(c) The amount of leave.taken shall be based on the amount of time that the employee is absent
from their normal workday.
(d) The employee must give notice of intended absence and type of leave requested according to
normal procedures.
20.2 Work Site is Closed for Non-Essential Personnel (as Defined by PERC)
When the closure of their normal work site prevents an employee from working,the following rules apply
for up to the first five (5) days of the closure:
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 22
(a) Employees planning to work that day and prevented from doing so by the closure are not required
to take leave.
(b) Employees who report to work late or leave early due to the closure or due to the direction from
their appointing authority are not required to take leave.
(c) An employee who has pre-scheduled leave whose absence is unconnected with the closure of the
work site shall take the time off as planned. The County shall not adjust the leave due to the work
site closure.
(d) The appointing authority may require an employee to work even though their work site is closed.
If the appointing authority finds that the required work creates an undue hardship for the
employee, the appointing authority may allow an employee required to work to take the time
worked off at a later mutually agreed upon and convenient time.
In cases where the closure lasts beyond five (5) working days, the Board of County Commissioners will
determine what rules will govern. In extended situations, employees may be required to report to
alternate work sites and may be assigned temporary duties in response to the extended closure.
21.1 Bargaining
All collective bargaining with respect to wages, hours,and working conditions, shall be conducted by
authorized representatives of the Union and of the County in open public meetings as required by law.
21.2 Negotiations
The County does hereby agree that its designated committee will meet with Union representatives to
consider and negotiate in good faith by both parties all requests and recommendations of the Union prior
to adopting any salary schedule or making any amendments to the same.
21.3 Civil Service Board Notification
The County will notify the Union of any requested or received Civil Service action regarding any
classification,or proposed classification falling under the jurisdiction of this Agreement. Such notification
will be provided immediately upon request by the County for a modification or re-determination. In cases
where the Civil Service Board initiates an unsolicited modification to a classification, notice shall be given
immediately upon receipt of the Civil Service Board's impending action.
21.4. No Strike/Lockout
It is agreed by both parties that the right to strike for better wages and working conditions is not granted
to uniformed employees (RCW 41.56.490).
22.1 Employer Contribution
The County shall contribute as below each month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible
employee for medical, dental,vision, and life insurance coverage.
A. Effective January 1, 2019 the contribution shall be increased to one thousand and two hundred
and sixty dollars ($1260) per month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible employee for
medical, dental,vision, and life insurance coverage.
B. Effective January 1, 2020 the contribution shall be increased to one thousand and three hundred
and fourteen dollars($1314) per month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible employee for
medical, dental,vision, and life insurance coverage.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 23
C. Effective January 1, 2021 the contribution shall be increased to one thousand and three hundred
and sixty-eight dollars ($1368) per month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible employee
for medical, dental,vision, and life insurance coverage.
If any other bargaining unit or group of employees receive contributions greater than the above amounts
the members of this bargaining unit will also receive those increased amounts on the same effective dates.
In the event the Employer is subject to carrier plan design change or a penalty,tax,fine or increased costs
as a result of requirements or provisions of the ACA, not within the control of the Employer, the parties
agree to meet and negotiate regarding the impacts of any such cost or plan design impacts and
immediately bargain alternative provisions.
Eligible employees are those working or compensated for eighty(80) man-hours(excludes vacation, sick,
comp time payout upon separation)or more per month during the calendar year. Any monthly premium
contribution required above the County's contribution shall be paid by a reduction of the necessary
amount from each employee's salary. Time missed from work due to a worker's compensation claim will
be considered as time worked for employee group insurance and vacation purposes for a maximum of
twelve (12) months.
22.2 Employer Contribution Priority Order
In the event the County's maximum monthly contribution is insufficient to provide 100% of the total
employee group insurance premium as referenced above,the priority order of full County payment shall
be as follows: (1)Vision; (2) Dental, and (3) Medical.
22.3 Employee Pay Deduction
Any monthly premium contribution required above the County's contribution shall be paid by a reduction
of the necessary amount from each employee's salary.
22.4 Workers Compensation Consideration
Time missed from work due to worker's compensation will be considered as time worked for employee
group insurance purposes for a maximum of twelve (12) months.
22.5 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The County shall provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefit for all employees.
23.1 Confidentiality
The Employer and the Union recognize the interest of maintaining confidentiality to the employees
personal information such as home address, home telephone numbers, personal wireless numbers, and
identity of family members, therefore the Employer and the Union agree to take all reasonable lawful
steps to assure confidentiality of these matters.
23.2 Written Policy
Upon request, at the first of each calendar year, unless requested pursuant to Public Records Disclosure
law(s),the County will furnish the Union with a copy of its written policies and procedures. The County
agrees to bargain any policies and procedures which affect wages, hours and working conditions of the
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 24
23.3 Employer Cooperation
The County agrees to permit Union Committee members to use the inter-office mail system and email for
matters related to meeting notifications and contract negotiations. The Union acknowledges such
information is subject to the Public Records Disclosure Act, thereby negating any confidentiality of the
correspondence or any transmittal between Union members through electronic means and the inter-
office mail.
23.4 Mandatory School and Training Sessions
The Sheriff is permitted to conduct or direct the attendance of employees, .and each employee shall
attend, any and all school and training sessions as directed by the Sheriff.
As required in the policy manual, or mandated by Washington State Law, each employee shall be
responsible for obtaining and maintaining certification for matters required in the policy manual and
mandated by law.
The school, training, or certification referred to in the above, shall be mandatory upon each employee
requiring the attendance of such employee whether on their off-duty or on-duty time, depending upon
when such classes occur. Attendance during actual class time shall be considered working time and shall
result in compensation at the applicable rate of pay.
Unless otherwise agreed, it is the Sheriff's policy that reserve officers and volunteers will be used to
support, but not supplant regular employees represented in this contract, in the performance of the
mission of the Sheriff's Office. It is further understood that Reserve Officers and Volunteers may be used
to support, but not supplant represented employees at special events and on holidays.
25.1 Uniforms&Equipment
A quartermaster system of uniform acquisition will continue to be used by the County. Upon either
completion of the academy, or upon lateral hire and acquisition from an outside agency or jurisdiction,
members shall be issued the articles, which meets the Sheriff's Office standards, in accordance with the
Uniform Policies of the Sheriff's Office.
.Management reserves the authority to revise the required uniform list as necessary and needed with the
Sheriff retaining final decision-making authority on Department issued uniforms and equipment.
Effective January 1, 2016, the County will provide a newly hired Corrections Deputy a County approved
duty weapon or sidearm in accordance with County policy and procedures.
All uniform items provided by the County to a member (including the weapon and/or sidearm issued
under this provision and any accompanying magazines) shall be returned to the County upon separation
from employment.
A. Uniform Allowance: All Corrections and Support Staff employees shall receive a monthly
uniform maintenance allowance of seventy-five dollars($75.00).
B. Replacement for Damaged Items: The County will replace County equipment, uniforms
and/or authorized personal items damaged or destroyed while on duty upon request by the
deputy and approval by the County. Requests for replacement of articles set forth in this
Section will be made to the Deputy's supervisor who will review the request and condition of
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 25
the articles and make a recommendation on replacement to the Chief Deputy. The Chief.
Deputy will make the final, binding decision on replacement of an article as established by
County policy and procedure. The County shall also pay to replace-soft body armor at intervals
consistent with the manufacturer's instructions.
For any new assignment requiring different uniforms, deputies may receive used clothing for use on a
temporary basis. Uniform and/or equipment items that are seized pursuant to, or in furtherance of an
official investigation, that will be held for an extended period of time for forensic examination, other
testing, or in evidence, and where the need for immediate replacement of these items is essential to the
return to duty of the deputy,will be replaced and/or provided on loan at the County's option with items
of a like type and quality meeting office specifications by the County.
25.2 Optional Items
The County shall not require employees to purchase, at employee expense, optional uniform or
equipment items. Additionally, the County will not restrict or discourage employees from voluntarily
purchasing and wearing optional equipment items authorized by Sheriff's Policy. It is understood that
optional items that do not meet appearance standards or serviceability requirements will be retired upon
notice of failure to meet standards.
25.3 Basic Entry/Academy Items
Newly hired Corrections Deputies attending the Criminal Justice Training Commission Academy (CJTC),
will be provided, at the employers expense, all required uniform items (athletic wear etc.) required for
attendance by the Academy.
25.4 Maternity Uniform
Pregnant female employees will be provided appropriate maternity uniforms/apparel at county expense,
or, at management's discretion,will be allowed to wear appropriate personal maternity clothing/apparel
for duty.
26.1 Bulletin Board
The County shall provide a portion of a bulletin board for Union notices. The Union agrees to keep the
bulletin board in good order.
'26.2 Press Releases
All press releases are to be made by the Sheriff or his designated representative.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 26
The County shall provide employees with liability coverage through the use of commercial insurance or
self-insurance. In the event-of self-insurance, the County agrees to provide legal representation to
employees requiring such representation only for the acts or wrongful acts committed within the scope
of their duties during the enforcement of their legal responsibilities;and to pay damages awarded against
employees for acts or wrongful acts committed within the scope of their duties during the enforcement
of their legal responsibilities.
28.1 Recognition and Duties
The County and the Union recognize the desirability of reducing injuries arising out of employment to a
minimum and further recognize that the problem can be solved only by cooperative effort.
28.2 Committee Allowances
The Union shall elect bargaining unit members to a Safety Committee,which shall consist of not less than
one (1) union member. The safety committee members will be appointed in writing, and a copy of the
appointment sent to the County. The Joint Safety Committee shall meet monthly. The County is not
obligated to compensate off-duty employees attending Safety Committee Meetings. The Safety
Committee member will be allowed to take approved time off from their regular work to conduct safety
inspections, investigations, or to confer with County officials, without loss of pay.
28.3 Compliance
The Safety Committee shall work with the Sheriff to insure that working conditions shall be made and
kept safe and in compliance with the safety laws, rules and regulations of the State of Washington.
28.4 Dispute Resolution Process
The County will make reasonable efforts^to maintain working conditions in conformance with applicable
Federal, State, and local health and safety laws and/or regulations. The bargaining unit representatives
agree to bring to the attention of the County any conditions within the working environment deemed
unsuitable under provisions of applicable laws or regulations. Should a dispute arise at the workplace
regarding interpretation of applicable directives or the nature of working conditions, or when there is no
applicable law or regulation,and a dispute arises,the issue shall be discussed with the Sheriff by the Safety
Committee. If the issue remains unresolved, the matter will be referred to the Director of Human
Resources. If the issue is not resolved at this step,the matter shall be referred to the Department of Labor
and Industries for consultation, to ensure compliance with Washington Industrial Safety and Health
Administration (WISHA) policy.
Should any clause of this Agreement be found to be in violation of any law,all other provisions shall remain
in full force and effect.
Unless otherwise indicated,this Agreement shall be effective upon the signing of the Agreement and shall
remain in full force and effect up to and including the 31St of December 2018. Either party may commence
negotiations by filing written notice to the other party pursuant to the provisions of RCW 41.56. By mutual
agreement,the Agreement may be extended for a period of one year.
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 27
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this
day of , 2020.
� n
Sharon Trask, Chair Steve Cottrell, President
Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner
Casey Salisbury, Mason County Sheriff
Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 28
Note: Figures may vary slightly due to rounding once calculated in MONIS
2019-1.5% Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
Accountant 4303.44 4395.97 4485.87 4571.74 4669.55
Animal Control Officer 3543.49 3784.04 4031.52 4275.57
Civil Clerk 4106.55 4193.80 4279.69 4362.98 4452.83
Clerk 3265.95 3450.94 1 3635.99 3817.09 4000.36
Community Services Officer 2947.86 3107.52 3264.77 3423.19 3587.42 3750.51 3922.81
Control Room Operator 2950.24 3107.52 3267.10 3424.39 3588.59 3751.66 3923.99
Corrections Deputy 4161.50 4486.12 4725.56 5065.30 5166.60
Corrections Corporal 5424.93 5533.43
Corrections Sergeant 5810.10 5926.30 6044.83 6165.73 6289.04
Financial Assistant 4205.61 4378.77 4559.87 4743.60 4937.89
Food Services Coordinator 3424.39 3508.75 3589.75 3673.02 3758.59
Records Special 3906.96 3990.23 4072.14 4151.47 4238.70
Evidence Tech 3388.76 3604.001 3832.92 4076.36 4336.20
Note: Figures may vary slightly due to rounding once calculated in MUNIS
2020- 2.00% Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
Accountant 4466.32 4562.35 4655.66 4744.78 4846.29
Animal Control Officer 3677.61 3927.27 4184.11 4437.40
Civil Clerk 4261.98 4352.53 4441.67 4528.12 4621.36
Clerk 3389.56 3581.56 1 3773.62 3961.57 4151.77
Community Services Officer 3059.44 3225.14 3388.34 3552.76 3723.20 3892.46 4071.29
Control Room Operator 3061.91 3225.14 3390.76 3554.00 3724.42 3893.66 4072.51
Corrections Deputy 4319.01 4655.92 4904.42 5257.02 5362.16
Corrections Corporal 5630.27 5742.87
Corrections Sergeant 6030.02 6150.62 6273.63 6399.10 6527.08
Financial Assistant 4364.79 4544.51 4732.46 4923.15 5124.79
Food Services Coordinator 3554.00 3641.56 3725.62 3812.04 3900.85
Records Special 4054.84 4141.26 4226.27 4308.61 4399.14
Evidence Tech 3517.02 3740.41 3978.00 4230.65 4500.33
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 29
Note: Figures may vary slightly due to rounding once calculated in MUNIS
2020-1.75% Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
Accountant 4378.75 4472.89 4564.38 4651.75 4751.27
Animal Control Officer 3605.50 3850.26 4102.07 4350.39
Civil Clerk 4178.41 4267.19 4354.58 4439.33 4530.75
Clerk 3323.10 3511.33 3699.62 1 3883.89 4070.36
Community Services Officer 2999.45 3161.91 3321.90 3483.09 3650.20 3816.14 3991.46
Control Room Operator 3001.87 3161.91 3324.28 3484.31 3651.39 3817.32 3992.66
Corrections Deputy 4234.33 4564.62 4808.25 5153.94 5257.02
Corrections Corporal 5519.87 5630.27
Corrections Sergeant 5911.78 6030.02 6150.62 6273.63 6399.10
Financial Assistant 4279.21 4455.40, 4639.66 4826.62 5024.31
Food Services Coordinator 3484.31 3570.16 3652.57 3737.30 3824.36
Records Special 3975.33 4060.06 4143.40 4224.12 4312.88
Evidence Tech 3448.06 3667.07 3900.00 4147.70 4412.09
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 30
Formal Process/Date:
STEWARD'S INFO: (Union Steward filing and representing grievant)
Name: Work Phone:
Facility: Assigned Shift:
GRIEVANT'S INFO: (Member filing grievance)
Name: Work Phone:
Facility: Assigned Shift:
Date of Incident:
Contract Provision(s)Alleged Violated: (Article/Paragraph/ Policy):
Remedy/Relief Sought:
Statement (Issue/Facts):
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 31
*Attach continuation sheet(s) and statement(s)to this form as needed
Employee Signature/Date:
, 20
Supervisor Signature/Date:
, 20
Corrections/Support MCSO Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019-2021 32
FROM: Frank Pinter
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530
(If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information)
ITEM: Approval of the January 2019 — December 2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement
(CBA) for Teamsters Local No. 252 & Operating Engineers Local 302 representing Mason
County Public Works Unit.
BUDGET IMPACTS: Supplemental—Funded by Ending Fund Balance.
BACKGROUND: The exclusive representatives of Teamsters Local No. 252 & Operating
Engineers Local 302 representing Mason County Public Works Unit have reached a tentative
agreement with Mason County for the 2019-2021 term.
It is noted and commended to the Commissioner's that the parties reached this Agreement,
through a very collaborative.negotiations process.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of the January 2019 — December
2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for Teamsters Local No. 252 & Operating
Engineers Local 302 representing Mason County Public Works Unit.
ATTACHMENTS: Collective Bargaining Agreement on file with Clerk of the Board.
Briefing Summary 2/27/2020
January 1 , 2019 — December 31 , 2021
LOCAL NO. 252 and LOCAL 302
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 1
ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS..........................................................................................................5
ARTICLE 2 - RECOGNITION .......................................................................................................6
2.1 RECOGNITION.......................................................................................................................6
2.2 NEW CLASSIFICATIONS........................................................................................................6
ARTICLE 3 -UNION SECURITY..................................................................................................7
3.1 UNION REPRESENTATION.....................................................................................................7
3.2 BARGAINING UNIT WORK....................................................................................................7
3.3 NONDISCRIMINATION-UNION ACTIVITY.............................................................................8
ARTICLE 4- UNION / EMPLOYER RELATIONS.....................................................................8
4.1 UNION ACCESS.....................................................................................................................8
4.2 FACILITY USE.......................................................................................................................8
4.3 STEWARDS ...........................................................................................................................8
4.4 ORIENTATION........................................................................................................................9
4.5 BULLETIN BOARDS...............................................................................................................9
4.6 CONTRACT DISTRIBUTION....................................................................................................9
4.7 NEGOTIATIONS RELEASE TIME............................................................................................9
4.8 GRIEVANCE RELEASE TIME.................................................................................................9
4.9 UNION BUSINESS..................................................................................................................9
4.10 BARGAINING UNIT ROSTER...............................................................................................10
ARTICLE 5 - EMPLOYMENT.....................................................................................................10
5.1 PROBATIONARY PERIODS..................................................................................................10
5.2 TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT....................................................................................................10
ARTICLE 6 - HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME...............................................................11
6.1 WORKDAYIWORKWEEK.....................................................................................................11
6.2 WORK SCHEDULES............................................................................................................11
6.3 REST/MEAL BREAKS .........................................................................................................11
6.4 OVERTIME...........................................................................................................................12
ARTICLE 7 - EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES.............................................................................12
7.1 NONDISCRIMINATION..........................................................................................................12
7.2 JOB POSTING .................:...................................................................................................12
7.4 PERSONNEL FILE/POLICIES.............................................................................................13
7.5 EVALUATIONS.....................................................................................................................13
7.6 DISCIPLINE/CORRECTIVE ACTION....................................................................................14
ARTICLE 8 - SENIORITY............................................................................................................15
8.1 LAY-OFF& RECALL...........................................................................................................15
8.2 BIDDING RIGHTS.................................................................................................................15
ARTICLE9 -WAGES ..................................................................................................................16
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 2
9.1 WAGE SCHEDULE. .............................................................................................................16
9.2 HIRE-IN RATES...................................................................................................................16
9.3 SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL..........................................................................................................16
ARTICLE 10-OTHER COMPENSATION...........................................................................:.17
10.1 CALL-BACK PAY...............................................................................................................17
10.2 WORK IN A HIGHER CLASSIFICATION....................:...........................................................17
10.3 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT...................:...........................................................................17
10.4 LONGEVITY.........................................................................................................................17
10.5 LEAD WORKER(DESIGNATED FOREMAN)........................................................................17
10.6 COMMERCIAL DRIVER'S LICENSE (CDL).........................................................................18
10.7 CLOTHING..........................................................................................................................18
10.8 SPECIALTY PAY(S).........................................................................:..................:...............18
ARTICLE11 - HOLIDAYS.................................................:..........................................................18
11.1 HOLIDAYS ............:............................................. ..........................18
11.2 HOLIDAY OBSERVANCE................:...............................................:....................................19
11.3 HOLIDAY COMPENSATION.................................................................................................19
ARTICLE12 -VACATION ..........................................................................................................19
12.1 VACATION ACCRUAL.........................................................................................................19
12.2 VACATION SCHEDULING BIDDING.....................................................................................20
12.3 VACATION PAY..................................................................................................................20,
12.4 VACATION UPON-TERMINATION........................................................................................20
ARTICLE13 - SICK LEAVE.........................................................................................................21
13.1 SICK LEAVE ACCRUAL..............................................................................................21
13.2 ' SICK LEAVE USAGE......................................................................................................21
13.3 SHARED LEAVE.............................................................................................................21
13.5 FAMILY MEMBER...........................................................................................................22
13.6 SICK LEAVE CASH OUT...............................................................................................22
ARTICLE 14- LEAVES OF ABSENCE..................................:.................................................22
14:1 IN GENERAL..................................................................................:...............................22
14.2 JURY DUTY/COURT.......................................................................................................22
14.3 MILITARY LEAVE...........................................................................................................22
14.4 BEREAVEMENT..............................................................................................................22
14.5 MAINTENANCE OF SENIORITY.......................................................................................23
14.6 LEAVE WITHOUT PAY...................................................................................................23
14.7 FAMILY LEAVE-FMLA..........................................................................:....................23
14.8 PAID FAMILY& MEDICAL LEAVE COMPLIANCE...........................................................23'
ARTICLE 15 - HEALTH &WELFARE......................................................................................23
15.1 HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE.............................................................................:.......23
15.2 RETIREMENT..................................................................................................................23
ARTICLE16 - TRAINING.............................................................................................................25
16.1 TRAINING.....................:.................................................................................................25
16.2 TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT.........................................................................................25
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019-2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 3
ARTICLE 17 - LABOR / MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES.....................................................25
17.1 PURPOSE OF COMMITTEE.............................................................................................25
17.2 COMPOSITION OF COMMITTEE......................................................................................25
17.3 COMPENSATION............................................................................................................26
ARTICLE 18 - HEALTH & SAFETY..........................................................................................26
18.1 SAFE WORKPLACE.............................................. ............26
18.2 HEALTH &SAFETY PLAN..............................................................................................26
18.3 VEHICLE SAFETY...........................................................................................................26
ARTICLE 19 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE..............................................................................27
19.1 GRIEVANCE DEFINED.............................................................................................:......27
19.2 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE..............................................................................................27
. 19.3 UNION/EMPLOYER GRIEVANCE....................................................................................29
19.4 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS.............................................................................................29
ARTICLE 20 - NO STRIKE / NO LOCKOUT............................................................................29
20.1 NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT...........................................................................................29
ARTICLE 21 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES..................................29
21.1 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES...........................................................29
ARTICLE 22 - GENERAL PROVISIONS.................................................................:................30
22.1 SAVINGS CLAUSE.........................................................................................................30
ARTICLE 23 - ENTIRE AGREEMENT......................................................................................31
23.1 DURATION CLAUSE.......................................................................................................31
23.2 ENTIRE AGREEMENT.....................................................................................................31
SIGNATURES ...............................................................................-.................................................32
APPENDIXI -WAGES ...............................................................................................................33
APPENDIX II - TREE REMOVAL DEFINITION & POLICY....................................................39
APPENDIX III - 4-10 WORK SCHEDULE ...............................................................................40.
APPENDIX IV -FLAGGING SNOW REMOVAL.....................................................................41
APPENDIX V-SHOP ASSISTANT...........................................................................................42
APPENDIX VI -WORK ASSIGNMENTS.................................................................................43
APPENDIX VII - TRAINING PROGRAM PROTOCOL...........................................................44
APPENDIX VIII - DAILY WORK ASSIGNMENT PROTOCOL..............................................45
APPENDIX IX - CALL-OUT PROCEDURE.......................:..................:....................................46
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
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Mason County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as the
"County" or "Employer," Operating Engineer's Local 302 and Teamsters Union Local No.252,
hereinafter referred to as the"Council" or"Union,"do hereby enter into this Agreement. The Employer
and the Union agree that the effective, efficient and uninterrupted performance of governmental
service to the community is their common objective. In order to assist them in achieving that objective,
this Agreement represents the establishment of fair and reasonable compensation and working
conditions for the employees in this bargaining unit through the collective bargaining process.
As used herein, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
1.1 Bargaining Unit (Council/Union) shall be Operating Engineers 302 and/or Teamsters Union
Local No. 252.
1.2 Employer (County) shall mean the Board of Mason County Commissioners.
1.3 Employee shall mean a person occupying .a position and paid a salary or wage by the
Employer and who is represented by the bargaining unit (as defined in Article 2.1 hereof)
covered by this Agreement. Employee shall not include any person retained by the Employer
under a'written personal services or consultant contract or agreement.
1.4 Executive,Administrative, and Professional Employees shall mean all employees as defined
in WAC 296-128-500.
1.5 Job classifications and salary steps are listed and categorized in Appendix A of this
1.6 "Immediate family" shall be defined as persons related by blood, marriage, or legal adoption
in the degree of relationship of spouse, registered domestic partner, grandparent, parent
(biological, adoptive, de facto, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of an employee
or employee's souse or registered domestic partner, or a person who stood in loco parentis
when the employee was a minor child), sibling, child (biological, adopted, or foster child,
stepchild, or a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis, is a legal guardian, or is.
a de facto parent, regardless of age or dependency), grandchild, in compliance with WAC
296-130-030 and RCW 49.12.270 (or subsequent statutes) and other persons with the
approval of the Elected Official/Department Head or designee.
1.7 "Overtime" shall mean all Employer-required work which has been performed in excess of
forty (40) hours per week, or eight (8), nine (9), or ten (10) hours per day, consistent with
Article 6.4.
1.8 Promotions, Transfers and Demotions defined and distinguished:
a. Promotion is a change of an employee from a job classification to a different job
classification which is compensated at a higher salary range.
b. Transfer is a change of an employee from a job classification to a different job
classification which is compensated at the same salary range.
c. Demotion is a change of an employee from a job classification to a different job
classification which is compensated at a lower salary range.
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1.9 Vacation shall mean a scheduled work day or accumulation of scheduled work days on which
an employee may, by pre-arrangement, continue to receive the regular rate of compensation
although he or she does not work.
1.10 A Day shall mean for the purpose of timelines associated with grievances, appeals and policy
issues, shall mean a calendar day.
The Mason County Board of Commissioners for MASON COUNTY recognizes that Operating
Engineers Local 302 and Teamsters Union Local No. 252, Centralia and Olympia, Washington, has
the right 'to bargain for all full-time and regular part-time employees of the Mason County
departments of Mason County Equipment Rental and Revolving Division of the Department of Public.
Works, excluding: supervisory employees, and confidential employees, under the conditions set
forth in the Washington State Public Employee's Collective Bargaining Act of 1967.
All collective bargaining with respect to-wages, hours and working conditions shall be conducted by
.authorized representatives of the Union and authorized representatives of the Employer.Agreements
reached between the parties of this Agreement shall become effective only when signed by the
authorized representatives of the Union and by the Board of Mason County Commissioners.
When new Regular or Temporary positions are created within the Departments represented or the
classifications listed in Article 9.1, the Union will be notified within ten (10) working days of the
pending action prior to hire.
When existing classifications are substantially modified within the Departments represented or the
classifications listed in Article 9.1, the Union will be notified of the pending action within ten (10)
working days of the date that the position is first posted /advertised or the proposed effective date
of the action that would change the status of the classification.
Itis mutually agreed that it is the intent of the parties to meet, upon request by either party, in order
to include or exclude new or modified positions in the bargaining unit consistent with the duties,
responsibilities, and organizational level of the classification.
The parties agree that new classification(s) designated and approved by the Employer to be within
the non-represented pay plans shall be excluded from the bargaining unit, absent a request to meet
within thirty (30) calendar days. Existing bargaining unit classifications shall remain within the
bargaining unit absent a mutual agreement by the parties or a decision by the Public Employment
Relations Commission (PERC).
If either party disagrees with the pay plan designation for a new or reclassified position, the parties
recognize the determination of whether the position is included within the bargaining, unit may be
reviewed by PERC upon petition by either party or jointly. Should PERC determine the classification
to be included in the bargaining unit, the position shall be placed within the Union salary schedule
at the appropriate rate of pay and at a step arrived at either by mutual agreement / negotiation or
PERC ruling.
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a. It is mutually agreed that only Union members of this unit shall engage in active
participation in Union affairs ofthis unit,orserve in a roleof leadership of the unitsuch as:
serving as a delegate or representative, serving on negotiating or other Union
committees, or participating in-other similar activities to the interest of the unit.
b. The Union shall have up to a thirty (30) minute orientation with new employees during
the employees' regular work hours. The Union will explain that it is the designated as
the exclusive representative for all employees covered under the Collective Bargaining
Agreement. The Union shall inform each new employee that membership in the Union
is voluntary, and only when an employee clearly and affirmatively consents to joining,
the Union may collect fees. In addition, the Union shall explain to the new employee the
rights and the benefits the employee would forgo by being a non-member.
c. The Union agrees to accept employees as members without discrimination as to race,
color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or physical, sensory or mental
disabilityor protected classes under the law.
d. The Employer will provide for payroll deduction of Union dues and initiation fees upon
authorization by the employee. Payroll deduction authorization cards must be received
by the County department by the 15th day of the month to be recognized as effective for
that month. The County will transmit to the duly designated officer of the Union the total
amount so deducted together with the list of names of the employees from-whose pay
deductions were made. All refunds of such deductions which may be required to.be
made to any employee shall be made by the Union, and the Union shall settle all
questions, and disputes between it and its members with reference to the deductions or
refunds of the like without recourse to the County.
e. The Employer will distribute one copy of this Agreement to each employee in the unit and
to each newly hired employee of the unit. The cost of printing this Agreement shall be
equally shared between the Department and the Union.
IF. The Union agrees to supply the Employer with lists of officers of the Union and
representatives and to keep such lists current. The Employer will recognize the officers
and representatives, or shop stewards.
g. Signatory organization will indemnify,defend,or hold the Employer harmless against any
claims made and against any suit instituted against the County on account of any check-
off of dues for the Union organization. The Union agrees to refund to the County any
amounts paid to it in error on account of the check-off provisions upon presentation of
proper evidence thereof by the County.
The County shall have the right to select its supervisory employees regardless of whether such
employees are members of a Council affiliate Union, it is the intent of both parties that all employees
shall be represented by members of their respective Local Unions, consistent with Article 2.1.
Supervisors will not perform bargaining unit work except in emergency situations, for the purpose
of training or demonstration, or incidental assistance to a bargaining unit employee of short duration.
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It is understood and agreed that this Agreement relates and applies to only work directly related to,
or connected with operation and/or maintenance of building and/or projects owned,or operated by
the County and to equipment owned or leased by the County. This statement will be applied as it
has in the past.
Neither party shall discriminate against any employee because of membership in or non-
membership in or activity on behalf of the Union. No employee shall be discharged or discriminated
against for upholding Union principles, fulfilling duties as an Officer in the Union or serving on a
Union committee.
Employees shall have the right to Union representation. The Union's authorized staff representatives
shall have access to the Employer's premises where employees covered by this Agreement are
working for the-purpose of investigating grievances and contract compliance, after notifying the
Employer. Access for other purposes shall not be unreasonably denied by the Employer, provided
however, that there is no serious or prolonged interruption of the Employer's working schedule.
The conduct of Union business on Employer time and premises shall be subject to the limitations
_set forth in this Article and with the understanding that no Union member or Officer shall use
Employer's equipment in the conduct of Union business.
The Union shall be permitted-to use designated premises of the Employer for Union meetings, with
or without Union staff present, provided it is not disruptive to operations and space is available.
Use of Employer's premises for meetings shall be limited to the hours of 5:00 pm to 8:00 am and
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, unless otherwise approved by the Employer.
The Union may designate Shop Stewards for the Bargaining Unit as a whole. Stewards shall be
allowed reasonable time during working hours.to investigate and process grievances. Prior to
undertaking such grievance duties,the,Steward shall inform his/her supervisor of the need to be away
from his/her work. The Department Head shall grant the Steward's request unless the Steward cannot
be spared at that particular time. If such is the case,then the Department Head shall allow the Steward
time to perform his/her Steward duties at the earliest possible time.
The Union shall provide the Human Resources Department with a current list of all Stewards and
Officers. With notice to the Employer, Stewards and/or the Officers shall be allowed reasonable
time during working hours to investigate and process grievances, as defined in Article 4.8, 4.9 and
Union activities other than those provided for in this Article, are to be conducted on the employee's
own time; e.g. lunch or coffee breaks, before or after work. Employees shall attend Union meetings
on their own time.
The duties of the Shop Steward shall be to create harmony between employees and the Employer,
and there shall be no discrimination against the Shop Steward for his/her Union activities.
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During the new employee orientation process, Human Resources provide a copy of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement and will notify new hire of their shop steward. Per RCW 41.56.037, each new
hire will receive a minimum of thirty (30) minutes within the first ninety (90) days from the date of
hire, and will take place at the employee's regular worksite or a mutually agreed upon location.
Human Resources will notify the shop steward and Union representative of each new hire within ten
(10) business days of the date of hire.
The Employer will provide a bulletin board for Union use. No materials shall be posted except
notices of meetings and elections, results of-elections, changes in Union by-laws, notices of
employee social occasions, similar Union notices, letters, and memoranda. Union will limit the
posting of any material on the Employers' premises to its bulletin board.
The Union will provide access to a copy of this Agreement to each new and current employee in the
unit. The Employer will make a copy of the Agreement available on the County Website.
The Employer will make a good faith effort to assist in providing release time for Union negotiating
team members participating in contract negotiations if negotiations take place on work time,
provided that coverage can be arranged.
Prior to any proposed investigation of a grievance, stewards provide notice to their and the grievant's
supervisor, which will be granted unless the steward, Officer or the grievant is working on something
that requires immediate attention. If permission cannot be immediately granted, the Employer will
arrange to allow investigation of the grievance at the earliest possible time. When it is necessary
for stewards to conduct Union business authorized by this Agreement in an area or on a shift other
than their own,they shall notify the supervisor of that area or shift of their presence and of the nature
of their business. No compensation shall be provided by the Employer for such steward activities
outside the employee's work shift, without express pre-authorization.by the steward's Department
Director or Human Resources.
Compensable Union business shall be defined as meeting- with an authorized Employer
representative who schedules a meeting during normal business hours when it is necessary for a
duly authorized Officer of the Union (who is also a member of the bargaining unit) to attend for the
purpose of resolving a grievance filed by a member of the bargaining unit, or other issues that
require the presence of a Union official. When reasonably possible, the Union representative will
notify their Supervisor or designee when they are requested to attend a Union meeting during
regular business hours. Consistent with Articles 4.3, 4.8 and 19.4, stewards and/or the Officers
shall be afforded reasonable time for the investigation of grievance and compliance issues dealing
with this Agreement. Other Union business will not be conducted on Employer time.
Any concerns by the Employer which indicate that a Union or steward is spending an unreasonable
amount of time performing Union duties shall be referred to Human Resources for discussion and
resolution with the Staff Representative of the Union or their designee.
The Union and the Employer have the right to communicate on matters of concern using e-mail,
written correspondence, and telephonic communications.
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The Auditor's Office will provide the Union with a list of all employees within the bargaining unit on an
annual basis. The Auditor will also provide to the Union the-name and date of hire.
All newly hired employees will serve an initial probationary period of six (6) months. A probationary
period may be extended by the Employer with written notice to the employee and the Union.
Trial Service Period - Employees who are transferred or promoted to'another position and/or
classification in the bargaining unit shall serve a trial service period for one (1) month of work,
consistent with Article 7.3.
A regular full time employee is scheduled to work forty (40) hours per week. Regular-Full-
Time employees are eligible to receive the standard benefit package.
A regular part-time employee typically is scheduled to work a minimum of twenty (20) hours
per week but no more than forty (40) hours per week in a regularly budgeted, on-going
position. Regular Part-Time employees are eligible to receive the standard benefit package,
prorated to match the FTE percentage and adjusted by actual hours worked. Medical
benefits are consistent with Article 15.1.
A temporary employee is hired for a-specific assignment or project that has a duration of
employment and.schedule that is anticipated to work one.thousand and forty (1,040) hours
or more in a twelve (1.2) month period.
A temporary employee is eligible for the standard benefits package, prorated to match the
anticipated FTE percentage and adjusted by actual hours worked. Medical benefits are
consistent with Article 15.1 if Part-Time Temporary.
If a regular employee accepts an assignment of a temporary position, that employee will be
eligible for return rights to their former position upon completion of the specific assignment
or term of the temporary employment or upon twenty (20) calendar days' notice from the
Employer or thirty (30) calendar days' notice from the employee, whichever is earlier. The
regular employee shall continue to earn seniority as to their former position during the period
of the temporary position assignment. Any new-hire employee who is hired to fill the
vacancy, which was created by the regular employee accepting a temporary position, will
also be hired as a temporary employee and that employee will cease to have employment
rights.upon the return of the regular employee to the former position.
Employees in temporary positions serve an anticipated, but not guaranteed term. While a
term of employment is anticipated, the assignment/project may be terminated at any time for
any reason, with or without notice.
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An on-call/extra help employee works in a limited, but on-going capacity. They do not have
a specific end date. Their schedule may consist of an intermittent or varying schedule per
week on an as needed basis, and are anticipated to work fewer than one thousand and forty
(1,040) hours within a twelve (12) month period. They are not eligible for the benefits
A seasonal employee works for a specific amount of time and is not anticipated to meet or
exceed one thousand and forty (1,040) accumulated hours in a twelve (12) month period. A
seasonal employee is not eligible to receive the benefits package.
The workweek shall normally consist of five (5)workdays within a seven (7) consecutive day period
beginning Sunday at 12:00 a.m. through Saturday 11:59 p.m. The assignment of workdays and
work schedules shall be determined by the Employer in order to meet business and customer
service needs or in response to budgetary demands.
Where a single shift is worked, eight(8) hours of continuous employment, except for lunch periods,
shall constitute a day's work; time to start when employee arrives at normally assigned shop in
response to County's orders. Five (5) days, 7:00 am Monday to 3:30 pm Friday, shall normally
constitute a week's work.
A guarantee of four (4) hours' pay shall be paid to any employee who reports to work on a work
day but not put to work.
Changes in work schedule, which may include changes in the schedule or total hours (Also, see
Appendix II for 4-10 work schedules.).
Management shall reserve the right to modify the daily schedule of the Roads, Fleet and Sign
Shop personnel to ensure coverage of County needs beyond those of the Road Department itself.
In an emergency identified by the Public Works Director or designee, management may implement
a 12-hour, two-shift operation ('Noon to Midnight' and 'Midnight to Noon'). When the County
implements such two-shift operation, all bargaining unit employees shall be compensated at the
double-time rate of pay for all overtime hours. Employees will be given as much notice as possible
to adjust to the change in hours going into and coming out of the revised work hours. This section
shall supersede any other potential conflicting language in this Agreement.
An earlier starting time than listed above may be adopted for any or all employees during the
months of daylight saving's time. Such earlier starting time shall be mutually agreeable among the
County, the employee(s) and the Council, and shall be paid at the regular rate of eight (8) hours
of continuous work. (Also, see Appendix II for 4-10 work schedules.)
Employees shall receive a thirty (30) minute paid lunch after working more than two (2) hours'
overtime, and an additional paid thirty (30) minute meal period for each additional four (4) hours
of work. When employees are directed to work through their paid meal period(s), they shall have
the option of taking their paid meal period(s) at the end of the shift or adding the equivalent amount
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of paid time to their time sheet.
Normally, employees will be entitled to two (2), fifteen (15) minute paid rest breaks during the
regular work-day; one approximately midpoint through the first half of the work-day, and one
approximately midpoint in the second half of the work-day. However, when operational needs of
the County require a change to the norm and if the nature of the work allows an employee to take
intermittent rest breaks from duty, management may require that such employee(s) take
intermittent rest periods equivalent to the fifteen (15) minutes, as provided for in WAC 296-126-
All time worked over eight (8) hours, or their regularly scheduled nine (9) or ten (10) hours in any
one (1) day, shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half. All work performed between
3:30/4:30 pm Friday and midnight Saturday shall be paid for at a rate of time and one-half. All
work performed between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday shall be paid for at the double-
time rate. All work performed between midnight Sunday and 6:00 am Monday shall be paid for at
the rate of time and one-half. Overtime shall be paid to the nearest quarter hour. The maximum
hours worked shall not exceed sixteen (16) continuous hours, unless approved by the County
Engineer or the Public Works Director.
Mindful of their legal and moral obligations, the parties agree that in their service to the public they will
provide equal treatment and respect for all including the public, as well as the parties to this
Agreement. The Employer and the Union agree that they will not discriminate against any employee
by reason of race, color, creed, national origin, physical handicaps, physical characteristics, sexual
orientation, sex, age, place of residence and marital, family or Union affiliation status as long as the
employee is capable of meeting the job requirements.
Disputes involving this Article may be processed through an appropriate agency and/or the grievance
procedure; however, use of the grievance procedure is encouraged prior to the initiation of any other
official action involving such a dispute when the action is originated by the Union or members thereof.
Whenever words denoting gender are used in this Agreement, they are intended to apply equally to
either gender.
All job vacancies (or newly created positions) under this Agreement shall be posted for one (1)
week for bidding purposes by the Human Resources Department. The posting shall indicate the
salary range for the position, the required or preferred minimum qualifications and/or experience
and the application process. Union positions will be identified as such. Employees interested in the
position must apply for the posted position within the one (1) week posting period in order to be
considered. For employees to be considered they must meet the minimum qualifications of the job
Promotions, Transfers and Demotions defined -As used in this Article the following terms mean:
A) Promotion is a change.of an employee from a job classification to a different job
classification which is compensated at a higher salary range.
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B) Transfer is a change of an employee from a job classification to a different job
classification which is compensated at the same salary range.
C) Demotion is a change of an employee from a job classification to a different job
classification which is compensated at a lower salary range.
Employees who promote, transfer or voluntarily demote to another job classification shall serve a one
(1) month trial service period in their new position.
Employees may elect to revert to their previous job classification and position within thirty (30)
calendar days of the effective date of the promotion, transfer or voluntary demotion. After this time, if
an employee fails to successfully complete the trial service period in the new job classification, the
employee may be returned to their previous position if it has not been either abolished or filled (i.e. an
offer of employment has not been extended). If the position was abolished or filled, such employee
will be laid off and eligible for recall in accordance with Article 8, except that the employee may not
bump another employee. Employees on trial service shall be paid the appropriate established salary
for that position; and, if reverted, will return to their previous salary (including any adjustments due;
e.g. salary increase, step increase, etc.).
Unless otherwise provided by the terms of this Agreement, the Employer Administrative and
Personnel Policies shall apply to members of this bargaining unit: Employees shall also refer to
Employer policies to resolve matters not covered by this Agreement or for clarification of matters
covered by this Agreement. However, where there is a conflict between Employer policies and any
provisions of this Agreement, the provision(s) of this Agreement shall govern.
The official personnel file for each employee shall be clearly identified as such and the Human
Resources Department shall be the custodian of such files. The files shall be locked, and access shall
be limited to the employee's Elected Official/Department Head or anyone designated by the Employer
to act on their behalf, and staff in the Human Resources Department. An employee may examine
his/her own personnel file by making an appointment with Human Resources. Representatives of the
employee may be granted access with the written authorization of the employee, except as authorized
by law.
Conditions of hiring, termination change in status, shift, evaluations, commendations and
disciplinary actions shall be in writing with a copy to the Employee prior to placement in their
personnel file. The Employer's failure to abide by this Article pertaining to personnel file access
shall not affect the Employer's ability to proceed with the merits of discipline or discharge but may
be a separate Union grievable matter and any grievance time-lines will be correspondingly extended
Employees shall have the right to provide a written response to any written evaluations or
disciplinary actions to be included in the personnel file. Upon approval of the Human Resources
Department, employees may add additional documents to their personnel file including, but not
limited to, certifications, degrees, and commendations.)
Medical files shall be kept separate and confidential in accordance with state and federal law.
The purpose of evaluation is to help an employee be successful in performance and to understand
the standards and goals of their position and their Department. The evaluation will assess and
focus on the employee's accomplishment of their job functions and the goals and standards of the
position. Where the employee does not meet the above, a plan for correction, training or support
should be developed with the employee.
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Evaluation may occur in two forms:
7.5.1, All regular employees should be formally evaluated in writing by their immediate
supervisor and/or Department head or designee during the probationary or trial service
period and at least annually (at date of hire or a common date) thereafter.
7.5.2 Additionally, evaluation of job performance may occur at anytime and on an ongoing
basis. Evaluation may occur in various ways and may include coaching, counseling or
written assessment.
The evaluation process shall also include a review of the current job description.
Evaluation shall not, by itself, constitute disciplinary action -disciplinary action must be specifically
identified as such, in writing, consistent with Article 7.6.
Employees will be given a copy of the evaluation. Employees will be required to sign the evaluation,
acknowledging its receipt. Employees may elect to provide a written response to the evaluation,
which will be.retained with the evaluation in the employee's personnel file.
The Employer agrees to act in good faith in the discipline, dismissal or demotion of any regular
employee and any such discipline, dismissal or demotion shall be made only for just cause.
No employee shall be discharged except for just cause. The parties recognize that just cause
requires progressive discipline. Progressive discipline may include:
• oral warnings,-which will be documented;
• written warnings — which may also include work performance improvement or corrective
action plan for poor work performance or misconduct,
• suspension without pay;
• demotion; or
• discharge.
The intent of progressive discipline is to assist the employee with performance improvement or to
correct misconduct. Progressive discipline shall not apply where the offense requires more serious
discipline in the first instance. Both the sequencing and the steps of progressive discipline are
determined on a case-by-case basis; given the nature of the problem.
All disciplinary actions shall be clearly identified as such in writing. The employee will be requested
to sign the disciplinary action. The employee's signature thereon shall not be construed as
admission of guilt or concurrence with the discipline, but rather shall be an acknowledgement of
receipt. Employees shall have the right to review and comment on disciplinary actions in their
personnel file.
A copy of all disciplinary notices shall be provid6d to the employee before such material is placed
in their personnel file. Employees disciplined or discharged shall be entitled to utilize the grievance
procedure. If, as a result of the grievance procedure utilization, just cause is not shown, personnel
records shall be cleared of reference to the incident, which gave,rise to the grievance.
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The Employer will notify the Union in writing within three (3) working days after any notice of
discharge. The failure to provide such notice shall not affect such discharge but will extend the
period within which the affected employee may file a grievance.
The Employer recognizes the right of an employee who reasonably believes that an investigatory
interview with a supervisor may result in discipline to request the presence of a Union representative
at such an interview. Upon request, they shall be afforded a Union representative. The Employer
will delay the interview for a reasonable period of time in order to allow a Union representative an
opportunity to attend. If a Union representative is not available or delay is not reasonable, the
employee may request the presence of a bargaining unit witness. (Weingarten rights)
Employees shall also have a right to a notice and a determination meeting prior to any disciplinary
action (except oral warning). The Employer must provide a notice and statement in writing to the
employee identifying the performance violations or misconduct alleged, a finding of fact and the
reasons for the proposed action. The employee shall be given an opportunity to respond to the
charges in a meeting with the Employer, and shall have the right to Union representation during that
meeting, upon request. (Loudermill rights)
The Employer shall endeavor to correct employee errors or misjudgments in private, with
appropriate Union representation if requested by the employee.
Discipline shall be subject to the grievance procedure in this Agreement as to whether or not such
action as to any post-probationary employee was for just cause.
The principle of seniority shall be used in connection with layoff for lack of work and rehire upon
resumption of work. The last person hired will be the first person laid off and the last person laid
off will be the first person rehired. Persons being laid off and/or rehired under this provision must
be qualified to perform the work available in order to exercise their seniority. Laid off employees
will retain seniority rights for eighteen (18) months from date of layoff; all Seasonal employees will
be laid-off before the lay-off of any regular employee. Seniority shall be lost if the employee does
not return to work when offered their previous position. Employees rehired by the Employer (this
does not apply to those returning from layoff) will be considered as new employees under this
Agreement. Seniority shall also apply to promotion, demotion and transfer from one classification
to another, providing the person exercising his/her seniority is competent and capable of
performing the work. Seasonal employees_will only have seniority rights for available work within
their classification and within that season; a Seasonal worker re-hired for a new season will be
considered a new employee.
8.2.1 All job vacancies (or newly created positions) under this Agreement shall be posted
for one (1)week for bidding purposes. In the case of filling skilled vacancies, the COUNTY
will give consideration to employees who become qualified by vocational training. .
8.2.2 Daily assignment of equipment will be subject to review under the grievance
procedure. .
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8.2.3 Seniority (for the limited purposes of bidding or layoff protection) may be changed
under the following circumstances:
1) If an employee terminates County employment and subsequently
returns to County employment in this bargaining unit,.all past seniority
will be lost.
2) If an employee leaves a bargaining unit position and, without a
break in employment, .takes another position in County service, then
subsequently returns to a bargaining unit position, the employee shall
keep their prior bargaining unit seniority. The employee will not receive
bargaining unit seniority credit for time in a non-bargaining unit position.
3) If an employee is promoted, transfers or demotes from a Teamster
position within the bargaining unit to an Operator position, or an
Operator position to a Teamster position, and subsequently returns to
a position under their prior Union the following will apply:
a) For the purpose of layoff protection, all time counts.
b) For the purpose of bidding, if the employee returns within six
(6) months, all time counts; if the employee returns after six (6)
months, only their prior time counts.
Effective upon ratification through December 31, 2021, each employee shall have his/her base wage
as set forth in Appendix I:
1/1/2019 2.00%
1/1/2020 1.75%
1/1/2021 1.50%
Each move within a range is determined by the employee's anniversary date. The anniversary date
is the day the employee started work within a range. Upon promotion of an employee placing him/her
in a higher range,the date of the promotion becomes the anniversary date that determines future step
increases within that range. The employee's actual date of hire with Mason County will always remain
the same (regardless of promotion)for purposes of vacation leave, sick leave, and retirement.
The COUNTY shall provide a check stub, which shall reflect straight-time, overtime, and premium
pay. The COUNTY shall also provide an accrual slip showing vacation, sick leave, and floating
holiday hours earned/used.
New regular employees shall normally be placed at Step 1 at the appropriate salary classification
(see Appendix I -Wages), or placed consistent with current personnel rules.
Shift differential is not applicable to this bargaining unit.
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When an employee is called out before his/her regular designated starting time, or after
completion of a shift, or on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, he/she shall be paid a minimum of four
(4) hours at the appropriate rate unless the employee chooses to leave work of their own volition
then the minimum shall be two.: (2) hours. When called adjacent to shift, payment is for time
worked. Except, if an employee is called out less than four (4) hours before the start of his/her
regular shift, the employee will be paid to the regular start time.
When an employee is called to work before their regular starting time'and continues to work into
their regularly scheduled start time, the employee will be allowed to remain at work until their regular
quitting time.
Employees performing, work-in a higher paid classification shall receive the higher wage rate
beginning with their third (3rd) assignment to such higher rated work within a year's period; or
shall receive the higher wage rate beginning with the third (3rd) day of performance on.the higher
rated work.
After once qualifying for the higher wage rate on higher classified work, employees shall continue
to receive the higher rate whenever performing such work in the future. Employees performing
work in a higher paid classification shall receive the higher wage rate for the entire day.
All bargaining unit employees who are required to use their own vehicles for Employer business
shall be reimbursed at the mileage rate set by the current IRS Rate for all miles driven on such
The County shall provide additional monthly compensation above each eligible regular full-time
employee's,base salary(or base hourly rate, if applicable)to recognize continuous length of service
as a County employee. Eligible regular part-time employees shall receive longevity pro-rated in
proportion to the hours the part-time employee is in pay status during the month as compared to
that required of full-time employment. The longevity benefit will be implemented in accordance with
the following schedule:
Beginning in 11th and continuing thru 15th year 1.5% above base
Beginning in 16th and continuing thru 20"year 3.0% above base
Beginning in 21 st,and continuing thru 25'year 4.5% above base
Beginning in 26th year and continuing thereafter 6.0% above base
The County may, designate an employee as a Lead Worker / Foreman; such designation is not
considered to be a"job vacancy"or"newly created position"as referenced in Article 8—SENIORITY,
Section 2.
Employees who are assigned to act as working Lead/Foreman shall receive an additional $2.00
per hour for the entire day. Such employee shall be subject to all conditions of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement including distribution of overtime.
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A Lead Worker/Foreman will typically direct, oversee and/or organize the work of other employees,
although the County reserves the exclusive right to make a Lead Worker designation based on other
factors and rationale. The Lead Worker cannot hire, fire, or discipline other employees within the
bargaining unit. This job classification is used at the discretion of management.
The County shall pay for all required medical examinations for employees who are required to
possess a Commercial Driver's License, and also reimburse an employee for the initial and renewal
costs for CDL testing above the basic Washington State Driver's License that are unique to
maintaining the employee's required Commercial Driver's License (excluding any post/fees incurred
as a result of improper driver acts). The initial CDL cost will only be reimbursed as long as Mason
County remains as an approved DOT training facility. The initial CDL training will be covered as long
as Mason County remains as an approved DOT training facility.
The County shall provide an annual clothing allowance to each bargaining unit employee in the
amount of two hundred dollars ($200), payable by the second payday in July. Additionally, the
County agrees to reimburse each mechanic for replacement safety eye glass lenses of up to fifty
dollars ($50) per year.
Tree Removal: Any employee performing tree removal specialty work, as defined in Appendix II-
Tree Removal Definition & Policy shall receive premium pay of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for any day
in which he/she performs such specialty work, only when such work has been specifically
authorized or directed by the supervisor.
Herbicide Applicator Technician: Employees with appropriate license and/or certification who
are assigned to herbicide application duties shall receive an additional $1.00 per hour for all hours
worked on any given day.
Tool Allowance for Mechanics: The County shall provide an annual tool allowance of Four
Hundred fifty Dollars ($450) for each Mechanic, payable by the second payday in July. This
allowance is to cover the cost of the purchase of new tools or the replacement cost of tools rendered
unusable due to breakage, wear-and-tear, and/or loss.
Skilled Tree Falling: Employees who are assigned to skilled tree failing shall receive an
additional $2.00 per hour for the entire day.
New Year's Day Labor Da
Martin Luther King Day Veterans'Da
Presidents'Day Thanksgiving Da
Memorial Day Day After Thanksgiving*
July Fourth Christmas Eve Da
Two (2) Floating Holidays Christmas Day
* For employees on 4-10's (Monday through Thursday), the 'Day after Thanksgiving'
holiday shall be observed on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving.
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When a recognized .holiday falls on Saturday, the work day preceding shall be considered the
holiday. When a recognized holidays falls on Sunday, the following work day will be considered a
holiday. If any of the above holidays, or days celebrated in lieu.of, is worked, the employee shall
receive pay at the double time rate plus holiday pay. Christmas Eve Day may be taken off based
on the operational needs of the County and Public Works, and if this cannot be accommodated, the
employee will schedule an alternate day with their supervisor's approval.
Effective upon ratification of this Agreement, holiday pay for each holiday will be commensurate with
an employee's (daily) normal weekly work schedule (i.e., 4-10 schedule is 10 hours' holiday pay; 5-
8 schedule is 8 hours' holiday pay, 9-80 schedule is 9 hours' pay). Employees must use their floating
holiday(s) on or before December 15.
All regular and Temporary full-time employees of the COUNTY coming under this Agreement shall
be entitled to and receive vacations with pay as follows:
1 st through 3rd year of employment 96 hours
4th through 7th year of employment 120 hours
8th through 9th year of employment 144 hours
10th through 11th year of employment 160 hours
12th through 14th year of employment 176 hours
15th through 16th year of employment 184 hours
17th through 19th year of employment 192 hours
20 or more years of employment 200 hours
Regular and Temporary part-time employees shall accrue vacation leave on a pro-rated basis in
proportion to the number of hours the part-time employee is in pay status during the month as
compared to that required for full-time employment, plus they must also meet the qualification for
PERS participation to have vacation leave accrual apply.
The first day of the month of hire shall be the effective date of subsequent increases in the vacation
leave accrual rate for employees hired between the first(1 st) and the fifteenth (15th) of the month. The
first day of the month following the month of hire shall be the effective date of subsequent increases
in the vacation leave accrual for employees hired between the sixteenth and the last day of the month.
Regular and Temporary full-time employees shall accumulate 1/12th of their yearly accumulation
total per month. Such vacation as is not used shall accumulate, except that such accumulation may
not exceed four hundred (400) hours. No additional vacation leave will be accrued or added to an
employee's vacation leave benefit when the maximum accrual has been attained. Vacation leave
will be charged by the actual number of hours taken.
Regular and Temporary full-time employees must work or be in a paid status at least eighty(80) hours
in a month in order to accrue vacation leave for the month.
Whereas, the County recognizes the importance of employees utilizing earned vacation leave to
promote and enhance their mental and physical well-being, employees should attempt to use
vacation leave during the year in which it is earned.
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It is understood and agreed that employees will be allowed to pre-select their vacations, except from
July 1st through August 15th (however, employees will be allowed to-take a vacation during this
period provided minimum staffing requirements are met), as follows:
A vacation seniority list will be posted as of January 1 st each year.
• Employees by seniority shall have until February 15th to pre-select-their vacation, limited to
two (2) employees at any one time.
• Employees shall be allowed one choice for one period on seniority basis. Second choice for
second period shall be allowed on seniority basis after all employees have had an
opportunity to select first vacations. The same seniority basis shall apply to any additional
• Other requests are subject to approval by the COUNTY and will be on a first-come, first-
served basis. -
Vacation leave days shall be the same as the regular workday schedule for the Department wherein
the employee is employed. Vacation pay shall be the amount that the employee would have earned
if the employee had worked their regular position during the vacation period.
If an authorized holiday occurs within an employee's vacation period,:that day will be paid as a
holiday and not deducted from the employee's vacation accruals. Employees cannot receive
vacation, sick leave or holiday pay simultaneously for the same days.
Employees shall have the option of using comp time or vacation leave for approved paid time off.
12.4.1 Leave Cash-out
Cash payments as a bonus for accrued annual leave that is not actually taken will not be
allowed. However, when an employee is furloughed or separated from service without
prejudice, he/she may be continued on the payroll for the time equivalent to the amount of
annual leave accrued and not previously taken. This provision does not apply to accrued
sick leave. When the employee is discharged for cause, he/she shall be paid in full of all
accrued annual leave.
12.4.2 Where an employee of the COUNTY continues employment, but in a changed
classification, no compensation for accrued annual leave earned during his/her
employment in the first classification will be paid in addition to the salary he/she received
under their new classification. The number of days earned may be carried over and added
to the number of days the individual will accumulate in his/her new classification.
12.4.3. The cash-out of accrued leave or other accrued time off shall be paid and reported in
accordance with the provisions of law regulated by the Washington State Department of
Retirement Systems.
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Per the Washington State Paid Sick Leave law, RCW 49.46, in accordance with WAC 296-130 and
Initiative 1433, the County and the Union mutually agree to comply the with the laws. Sick leave
shall be earned for all Regular and Temporary full-time employees, who have worked or been in a
paid status at least eighty(80) hours, at a rate of eight (8) hours per month for each calendar month
of continuous employment. Regular and Temporary part-time employees shall accrue sick leave on
a pro-rated basis in proportion to the number of hours the part-time employee is in a paid status during
the month as compared to that required for full-time employment. Sick leave accrual may not exceed
one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours.
Usages of sick leave shall be consistent in accordance with the Washington State Paid Sick Leave
law, RCW 49.46, WAC 296-130 and Initiative 1433, the County and the Council mutually agree to
comply with the laws.
Employees are eligible to participate in the County's Shared Leave Policy.
In the event an employee shall be entitled to benefits or payments under any program of disability
insurance furnished by the Employer, Worker's Compensation Act or similar legislation by the State
of Washington or other governmental unit, the Employer shall pay to the employee only the
difference between the benefits and payments received under such insurance or act by such
employee and the regular rate of compensation that he/she would have received from the Employer
if able to work. In such event, the number of hours deducted from the employee's total accrued sick
leave shall be the hourly equivalent of the Employer's payment. The foregoing payment or
contribution by the employer shall be limited to the period of time that such employee has
accumulated sick leave credits as herein above specified.
a. For a period of absence from work due to injury or occupational disease
resulting from County employment, the employee shall file an application for
Worker's Compensation in accordance with State Law.
b. If the employee has accumulated sick leave credit, the County shall pay the
sick leave difference between his/her time loss compensation and his/her full
regular salary, unless the employee elects not to use his/her sick leave.
c. Should an employee receive Worker's Compensation for time loss and he/she
also receives sick leave compensation, his/her.sick leave accrual prior to the
time loss will be reduced by the total number of hours he/she was on sick leave,
minus the number of hours at full salary for which he/she is paid from a worker's
compensation fund, to the nearest hour.
d. Until eligibility for Worker's Compensation is determined by the Department of
Labor and Industries, the County may pay full sick leave, provided that the
employee shall return any subsequent overpayment to the County.
e. Should.any employee apply for time loss compensation and the claim is then
or later denied, sick leave and annual leave may be used for the absence in
accordance with other provisions of this rule.
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f. Nothing herein pertains to a permanent disability award.
g. If any employee has no sick leave accumulated, vacation leave may be
substituted for"sick" leave above.
h. Time missed from work that is due to worker's compensation claims will be
considered as time worked for employee's paid health and welfare and
vacation purposes for a maximum of twelve (12) months. ,
Authorized uses of sick leave may be utilized as referenced above in this article for immediate
family, as defined in Article 1.6.
Employees hired before January 1, 2017, shall receive payment for accrued sick leave upon
termination of employment with fifteen (15)years of continuous county service; or upon termination of
employment with Mason County when the termination is contemporaneous with retirement from an
applicable Washington State Public Employees Retirement System; or upon the death of the
employee, in which case payment shall be made to his/her estate. For employees hired on or after
January 1,2017, neither they nor their estate shall be eligible to receive any cash out of the employee's
accrued sick leave upon separation from county service.
Leaves of absence requests shall not be unreasonably denied. All leaves are to be requested in
writing as far in advance as possible. As appropriate for the type of leave requested, paid leave
accruals will be utilized prior to unpaid leave, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
Leave does not accrue nor may it be used until the first day of the following pay period in which it is
earned (no "negative" leave use during the period in which it is earned).
An employee, who is required to serve on a jury or as a result of official Employer duties is required
to appear before a court, legislative committee or quasi-judicial body as a witness in response to a
subpoena or other directive, shall be allowed authorized leave with pay less any amount received
for such duty.
All Regular and Temporary employees shall be allowed military leave as required by RCW
38.40.060 and as interpreted by the Court. This provides for twenty-one (21) working days of
military leave per year (October 1 through September 30).
Employees enlisting or entering the military service of the United States, pursuant to the provisions
of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994US( ERRA) shall
be granted all rights and privileges provided by the ACT.
Up to three (3) days of paid bereavement leave may be granted in case of death in the immediate
family requiring the attendance of the employee (funerals are included), Two (2) additional days
sick leave may be granted at the employee's request. It is agreed that "immediate family" for
purposes of bereavement leave includes only the following persons, whether related by blood or
marriage or legal adoption: wife, husband, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child, grandchild,
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aunt, uncle, cousin, niece, nephew, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, mother-in-law, father-
in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law of the employee.
The Employer shall adjust the employee's anniversary date to reflect any period of unpaid
leave. Seniority shall continue to accrue and the employee's anniversary date shall not be adjusted,
for periods of legally protected leave, such as FMLA or military leave.
Any absence from duty allowed for which equivalent leave has not been accrued shall be considered
as leave without pay and must be preapproved by Director or Designee. The value of the excess
over the amount accrued deducted from the earnings of the employee and clearly set forth in the
payrolls affected.
The County and the Council mutually agree to comply with all State and Federal Family Leave
Laws (FMLA, RCW 49.78). The Employer will grant leave consistent with the FMLA and the
adopted conditions and provisions of the state and federal law and are not"intended to expand upon
the rights thus set forth.
If an employee has any questions regarding the State and Federal Family leave laws, they may
contact the County's Human Resource Department for guidance
The County and'Union mutually agree to comply with all Washington State Paid Family &
Medical Leave laws, per RCW 50A.04
The County shall contribute as identified below per employee, per month toward the premiums for
Health and Welfare benefits for each employee, including their eligible dependents, compensated
eighty (80) man-hours (excludes vacation, sick, comp time payout upon separation) or more per
month. This contribution is to be applied to premiums for the Washington Teamsters Welfare
Trust Medical Plan B (including the $400 Weekly Time Loss and 12-month Waiver of Premium
options) and current County dental, vision, and life insurance plans. The Trust reserves the right
to modify benefits or eligibility for the purpose of cost containment, cost management,for changes.
The County contribution for Health &Welfare Insurance shall be:
A. Effective January 1, 2019 the contribution shall .be increased to one thousand two
hundred and fifty-eight dollars ($1258) per month during the term of this Agreement for each
eligible employee for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage.
B. Effective January 1, 2020 the contribution shall be increased to one thousand three
hundred ten dollars ($1310) per month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible
employee for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage.
C. Effective January 1, 2021 the contribution shall be increased to one thousand three
hundred sixty-two dollars ($1362) per month during the term of this Agreement for each
eligible employee for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage.
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In the event the County's maximum monthly contribution is insufficient to provide all of the total
Health and Welfare premiums referenced above, the priority order for full County payment shall
be as follows:
(1) Life Insurance; (2) Vision; (3) Dental; and (4) Medical.
Any monthly premium contribution required above the County's maximum contribution shall be
paid by a reduction of the necessary amount from the employee's salary.
The County agrees to contract with a.medical service provider to conduct physical examinations
required to maintain a Commercial Driver's License. Should an employee elect to use a medical
care provider other than that contracted with the County, the employee is liable for any costs.
In the event the Employer is subject to carrier plan design change or a penalty, tax,fine or increased
costs as a result of requirements or provisions of the ACA, not within the control of the Employer,
the parties agree to meet and negotiate regarding the impacts of any such cost or plan design
impacts and immediately bargain alternative provisions.
Employee Assistance Program: The County shall continue to provide an Employee Assistance
Program (EAP) benefit for all bargaining unit employees.
The COUNTY shall continue to participate in the appropriate Public Employees' Retirement
System. Pensions for employees and contributions to pension funds will be governed by the
Washington State statutes in relation thereto in existence during the contract period.
Western Conference of Teamster Pension Trust Fund:
The County shall continue to contribute into the supplemental Teamsters pension plan: Effective
January 1, 2008, based on January 2008 hours, the County shall pay an amount equal to Two
Dollars and fifty cents($2.50) per hour($2.35 Basic contribution, plus$.15 PEER 84)for each hour
for which compensation is paid to him/her into the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension
Trust Fund on account of each member of the Teamster bargaining unit, said amounts to be
computed monthly. The total amount due for each calendar month shall be remitted in a lump
sum not later than ten (10) days after the last business day of such month. The County agrees to
abide by such rules as may be established by the Trustees of said Trust Fund to facilitate the
determination of the hours for which contributions are due, the prompt and orderly collection of
such amounts, the accurate reporting and recording of such hours and such amounts paid on
account of each member of the Teamster bargaining unit. Failure to make all payments herein
provided for, within the time,specified, shall be a breach of this Agreement. Further, the Employer
and Union accept as their representatives for the purpose of such Trust Funds, the present
Employer and Union Trustees and their duly elected or appointed successors.
The contribution required to provide the Program for Enhanced Early Retirement (PEER) will not'
be taken into consideration for benefit accrual purposes under the Plan. The additional
contribution for the PEER 84 must at all times be 6.5% of the basic contribution and cannot be
decreased or discontinued at any time.
Operating Engineers/Employers Retirement Fund:
The County shall continue to contribute into the Operating Engineers supplemental pension plan:
Effective January 1, 2008, based on January 2008 hours, the County shall contribute Two Dollars
($2.00) for each compensable man-hour of Operating Engineers, including working Operating
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Engineer foremen covered by this Agreement, employed by the County in Operating Engineer
bargaining unit work covered by the terms of this Agreement. Said contributions shall be computed
monthly and made on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month in which
the hours were worked, to the Locals 302 and 612 Operating Engineers/Employers Retirement
Fund in'the manner as set forth in the Trust Agreement of the said Trust Fund, and shall continue
for the duration of this Collective Bargaining Agreement. Failure to make all payments herein
provided for, within the time specified, shall be a breach of this Agreement.
The details of the Retirement Plan established by this Trust Fund shall continue to be controlled
and administered by a joint Board of Trustees composed of equal representation from the Unions
and the AGC of Washington who are the signatory to the Trust Agreement of the aforesaid Trust
Fund. Each Trustee appointed by the Union shall be a member of the appointing Local and each
Trustee appointed. by the Employers shall be a member of an affiliated firm of the AGC of
Washington or a regular paid employee of the AGC of Washington.
Approval for attendance at training, the hours intended to be compensated and the reimbursement
for travel and expenses shall be established by the supervisor prior to the training, consistent with
the current policy. r
Compensation associated with training or representation of the Employer on official business shall
be consistent with the current policy and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and WAC 296-128-
The Employer and the Union agree that a need exists for continuing cooperation between labor and
management, and to meet from time to time upon the request of either party concerning suggestions
and issues of a general nature affecting the Union and the Employer relations.
The parties therefore establish a Labor/Management Committee consisting of up to six (6) members
from the Bargaining Unit and the Union staff representative, and up to six (6) members from the
Employer, including a representative from Human Resources. The committee will meet upon mutual
agreement during working hours to discuss matters of mutual interest or concern.The committee shall
not have the authority to change this Agreement, nor shall it substitute for the grievance procedure.
The above provision does not preclude and in fact encourages the parties to also meet informally
and expeditiously on an as needed basis on matters of mutual concern.
Policy Work Groups: The Union will be given an opportunity to designate participants to Policy Work
Groups related to employment policies. Policy Work Groups will be chaired by Human Resources.
Policy Work Group participants will not negotiate on behalf of the Union regarding employment
policies that would impact wages, hours and working conditions.
The Labor Management Committee meetings will include a minimum of three (3) representatives of
the employer and a minimum of three (3) representatives appointed by the Union, unless otherwise
mutually agreed upon. Said committee shall attempt to meet for the purpose of discussing and
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facilitating the resolution of issues which may arise between the parties other than those for which
another procedure is provided by law or other provisions of this Agreement.
All meeting time spent by members of the joint Labor-Management Committee will be considered
time worked if'during duty hours and will be paid at the appropriate regular rate of pay.
The Bargaining Unit and Public Works Management or designee may meet to discuss complexities
of scheduling. The parties may meet monthly at a mutually agreed upon time and location and may
bring in anyone they wish to assist them.A member of Labor may meet with Employer's scheduling
management and discuss the day to day necessities of staffing management between areas and
workgroups. This in no way infringes on management's right to assign work and schedule
employees. (Article 21.1.G.)
The Employer is responsible for maintaining a safe and healthful workplace. The Employer shall
comply with all federal, state, and local laws applicable to the safety and health of its employees.
Employees shall not be required to perform work if they have a reasonable basis for believing the
assignment would constitute a danger to their health and safety. The employee shall immediately
contact a supervisor who shall make a determination with regard to safety. Upon the supervisor's
review and liability,. the employee will perform the work but may refer the matter to the safety
committee or risk management.
The Employer shall develop and follow written policies and procedures to deal with on-the-job safety
and shall conduct an ongoing site specific safety and security plans in conformance with state and
federal laws.
Safety equipment; protective gear; appropriate supplies: The County may utilize a `quartermaster
system' to supply employees with appropriate safety equipment, protective gear, and other
appropriate supplies on an as-needed basis. When such time, as any or all of such equipment
wears out, the County shall replace such items, free of charge to the employee, so long as it can be
shown that the items were no longer functional due to standard `wear and tear' and not due to the
negligence or intentional misconduct by the employee to damage such equipment items.
Staffing and proper equipment required for.job assignments will be made with consideration for
employee safety. Under potentially hazardous conditions, a minimum of two-person crews for
safety purposes will always be provided. Employees are expected to report, and encouraged to
refuse, job assignments that are unsafe until the issue is resolved. '
No employee shall be required to drive a vehicle that does not meet the requirements of the State
Vehicle Safety Code with regard to brakes, running gear and mechanical soundness. However,
a member shall not refuse a piece of equipment because of faulty clearance light or headlight
during daytime hours. No employee will be requested to drive a vehicle in violation of this clause.
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The purpose of the grievance procedure is to promote harmony and efficiency between employees
and the County by providing timely settlement of grievances without fear of discrimination or reprisal. ,
A grievance is an allegation by an employee, group of employees or the Union that there has been a
violation, misapplication or misinterpretation of this Agreement.
Employees will be unimpeded and free from.restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal
in seeking adjudication of their grievance.
Any grievance procedure time limit may be extended by mutual written agreement.
Failure by an'-employee and/or the Union to comply with any grievance time limitations shall constitute
withdrawal of the grievance. Failure of the County to comply with any grievance time limitations shall
permit the Union or the employee to advance the grievance to the next step in the grievance
A grievance of interest to several employees may be filed as a "group grievance."
The processing and adjudication of grievances shall be conducted during working hours.
In the event of a grievance, the following procedure shall be used:
Step 1. A grievance must be presented within ten (10) calendar days of the incident giving
rise to the grievance or the date the grievant knew or reasonably could have known of the
incident to the employee's immediate supervisor or manager if the grievance is not related to
a salary issue. The supervisor or manager may schedule a meeting with the employee and
his/her Union representative or he/she may respond to the grievance when presented. In
either case, the supervisor shall respond to the grievance within seven (7) calendar days of
the employee raising the issue. If the grievance is not resolved informally, then a written
grievance may be filed at step 2. However, if the incident is related to a salary issue, the
employee and/or the Union Steward shall submit a written grievance at Step 2 to the
Department Head within ten (10) calendar days of the incident giving rise to the grievance.
.Step 2. The grievance shall be presented in writing on an official Union grievance form. This
shall include:
1. The specific details of the incident or issue giving rise to the grievance;
2. The Article(s) and Section(s) of the Agreement allegedly violated; and
3. The remedy sought.
The written grievance shall be submitted by the employee and/or the Union Steward/Union
Representative to the Department Head within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the
discussion in Step 1 above. A copy of the grievance will be filed concurrently with the Human
Resources Department. Within ten (10) calendar days after the receipt of the official written
grievance, the Department Head_(or designee)rshall schedule a meeting with the employee
and Shop Steward and/or Union Representative to hear and seek to resolve the grievance.
The Department Head shall provide a written response to the Employee and the Union
Steward/Union Representative within fourteen (14) calendar days of the meeting. A copy of
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\ Page 27
the grievance response shall be provided to the Human Resources Department. If the
grievance is not resolved at Step 2, the grievance may be advanced to Step 3.
Step 3. The written grievance shall be submitted to the Human Resources Director within ten
(10) calendar days of the date of the written response at Step 2. Within ten (10) calendar days
of receipt of the grievance, the Human Resources Director or designee shall schedule a
meeting with the-Employee, Union Steward/Union Representative, and the Department Head
to hear and seek to resolve the grievance. The Human Resources Director shall provide a
written answer to the Employee, Union Steward/Union Representative, and Department Head
within fourteen,(14) calendar days of the meeting. If the grievance is not resolved at Step 3,
the grievance may be advanced to Step 4.
Step 4. The Union may choose to submit the grievance to arbitration and in such case will
deliver written notification of its intent to arbitrate to the Employer within fourteen (14) calendar
days. The Union's request for arbitration shall be in Writing and may be filed with the Public
Employment Relations Commission (PERC), Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
(FMCS), or a mutually agreed upon arbitrator or arbitration service within thirty (30) calendar
days of submitting its notice to the Employer of its intent to arbitrate. In addition, the Union
shall request the arbitration service supply a list of seven (7) qualified arbitrators. If a list of
seven arbitrators is requested, both parties will attempt to agree upon an arbitrator from this
list. If they cannot agree within fourteen (14) calendar days from the receipt of the list, a flip of
the coin will determine which party strikes the first name from the list. This striking.of names.
will alternate between the parties until one name remains. This person shall be the arbitrator.
The referral to arbitration shall contain the following:
1. Question or questions at issue;
2. Statement of facts and position of each respective party; and
3. Copy of the grievance and related correspondence.
GRIEVANCE ARBITRATION: A hearing shall be scheduled at a date, time and location mutually
convenient for all parties. In connection with any arbitration proceeding held pursuant to this Article,
it is understood as follows:
A. The arbitrator shall have no power to render-a decision that will add to, subtract from
or alter, change, or modify the terms of this Agreement, and his/her power shall be limited to
interpretation or application of the terms of this Agreement, and all other matters shall be
excluded from arbitration.
B. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the Employer,
the Union and the employees involved, provided the decision does not involve action by the
Employer which is beyond its jurisdiction.:
C. _Each party may call such witnesses as may be necessary in the order in which their
testimony is to be heard. -Such testimony shall be sworn and shall be limited to the matters
set forth in the written statement of the grievance, and shall be subject to cross examination.
The arguments of the parties maybe supported by oral comment and rebuttal. Either or both
parties may submit post hearing briefs Within a time mutually agreed upon. Such arguments
of the parties, whether oral or written, shall be confined to and directed at the matters set forth
in the written statement of the grievance.
D. Either party may request that a stenographic record of the hearing be made. The party
requesting such record shall bear the cost thereof; provided, however, if the other party requests
a copy, such cost shall be shared equally.
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E. The cost of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union, and
each party shall bear the cost of presenting its own case.
Either the Union or the Employer may initiate a grievance at Step 2 if the grievance is submitted in
writing within ten (10) business days from the date the Employer/employees became aware or
reasonably should have known that the grievance existed. The Employer may not grieve the acts
of individual employees, but rather, only orchestrated acts or actions of authorized representatives
believed to be in conflict with this Agreement. An Employer grievance will not be subject to
Arbitration and may only go to mediation upon mutual agreement.
The Union may initiate a Grievance at Step 2 anytime that it involves a group of employees involving
different supervisors or from different Departments. Such grievances may be referred to mediation
services by mutual agreement prior to Arbitration.
Upon request, and without unnecessary delay, a steward's immediate supervisor or designee shall
allow the steward during normal work.hours without loss of pay, reasonable time to:
a. Investigate any grievance or dispute so that same can be properly presented in
accordance with the grievance procedure.
b. Attend meetings with the Director or other Employer representatives when such
meetings are necessary to adjust grievances or disputes. Meetings with designated
personnel will be by appointment and held without delay when possible.
c. Confer with a staff representative of the Union and/or employees on Employer premises,
at such time and places as may be authorized by the Director or designee in advance of
the intended meetings.
For the purposes of this Article and Article 4.3, obtaining coverage to insure minimum staffing levels
shall not be considered an unnecessary delay. The Employer shall not be obligated to provide
coverage immediately if the use of overtime is the only means of providing that coverage.
The Union agrees that there shall be no strikes;slow-downs, or stoppage of work, or any
interference with the efficient operation of the Department. Any such action shall be subject to
disciplinary action, including termination and replacement of the involved employees. The
Employer shall not lockout any employee during the life of this Agreement.
The Council recognizes the County's right to manage, subject only to the terms and conditions of
this Agreement. Except as specifically abridged, granted, delegated or modified by this Agreement,
including amendments, the County reserves all customary management prerogatives including, but
not limited to the right to:
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Page 29
A. Establish, plan for and direct the work force toward the organizational goals
of County government.
B. Determine the organization and merits, necessity, and level of activity or
service provided to the public.
C. Determine the County budget and financial policies, including accounting
D. Determine the procedures and standards for hiring, promotion, assignment,
transfer, layoff, discipline, and retention.
E. Discipline employees for just cause.
F. Determine the methods, means, equipment, and kinds and number of
personnel required to accomplish the governmental operations and maintain
the efficiency thereof.
G. Assign work and schedule employees.
H. Establish work rules and rules of conduct.
I. Evaluate employee performance.
J. Reduce staff or reduce working hours due to a lack of work or lack of funds. .
K. Take all actions necessary to carry out the mission of the County in
The Parties recognize that RCW 41.56 may impose an obligation to negotiate changes in wages,
hours and working conditions not covered by this Agreement. The Union recognizes the County's
right to manage subject only to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
It is understood that the parties hereto are governed by the provisions of applicable Federal and State
Law,which provisions shall prevail over this Agreement. Where there may be conflict between County
ordinances or resolutions and this Agreement, the Articles of the Agreement shall prevail.
Should any part thereof or any provision herein be rendered or declared invalid by reason of any
existing or any subsequently enacted legislation, or by a decree of a Court of competent jurisdiction,
such invalidation of such part or portion of this Agreement shall not invalidate the remaining portions
hereof and they shall remain in full force and effect. In such event the Council and the County shall
.meet within thirty (30) days for re-negotiation of such invalid provisions for the purpose of adequate
and lawful replacement thereof and to preserve the intent of the entire Agreement as negotiated by
the Parties.
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Page 30
This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from date of ratification by the parties through
December 31, 2021.
Either party may request negotiations of a successor agreement at least sixty (60) days before the
annual expiration date.
This Agreement may be modified during its term by mutual agreement of both parties concerned.
Such mutual agreement shall be reduced in, writing and shall be incorporated as a part of this
The Agreement expressed herein in writing constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and
no oral statement shall add to or supersede any of its provisions. The Employer agrees not to enter
into any Agreement or contract with any covered employee(s), either individually or collectively, which
is inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement.
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Page 31
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement
this day of _, 2020
Darren L. O'Neil; Secretary-Treasurer Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner
TEAMSTERS Local No. 252 District# 1
Ron Dahl; Business Representative Kevin Shutty; Commissioner
IUOE Local 302 District#2
Bob Franssen; Business Representative Sharon Trask; Commissioner
IUOE Local 302 District#3
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 32
Effective:January 1, 2019 "
Note: Figures may vary slightly due to rounding once calculated in MUNIS
*Advancement from one step to the next is annual and on the employee's anniversary date
Classifications Rates per Hour
OPERATING ENGINEERS: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Equipment Operator I $22.03 $24.37 $25.08 $25.58
Equipment Operator II ** Step 1 Step 2
$26.35 $26.88
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Sign Shop Foreman $28.51 $28.78 $29.04 $29.62
Sign Shop Specialist $25.85 $26.08 $26.35 $26.88
TEAMSTERS: Sfep 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Truck Driver I & Helper $21.15 $23.54 $24.26 $24.74
Truck Driver II ** Step 1 Step 2,
$25.49 $26.00 .
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Parts/Inventory $24.01 $24.26 $24.52' $25.01.
Utility/Maintenance $24.21 $24.91 $25.49 $26.00
Central Stores Specialist $25.31 $25.77 $26.20 $26.72
Mechanic 1 $26.40 $26.63 $26.91 $27.45
Step 1 Step 2
Mechanic II **
$28.25 $28.82
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Radio/Up-Fit Technician $29.04 $29.28 $29.60 $30.19
Traffic Foreman $27.83 $28.10 $28.36 $28.93
Sign Technician $25.17 $25.41 $25.68 $26.19
Seasonal Help (Flat Rate)
Step Advancements:
Step 1: First 6 months.
Step 2: After 6 months of continuous service
Step 3: After 18 months of continuous service
Step 4: After 36 months of continuous service in that classification
Truck Driver 11, Operator II and Mechanic II:
Step 2: After 36 months of continuous service in that classification
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019-2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 33
"Eligibility Criteria for promotion:
1. Upon reaching Step 3, the Operator I/Driver I may- request testing to determine if the
Promotion Criteria#2 or#3 below have been met:
a. If the criteria have been met, promotion to Operator ll/Driver II shall be authorized.
b. If not met, the Operator/Driver shall remain at Step 2 until the promotion criteria-have,
been met.
c., A member may request testing only once in a rolling three-month period.
2. Eligibility Criteria For Equipment Operator II -- must demonstrate proficiency in operation of
five (5) different pieces of equipment on the Equipment Operators list of equipment;
3. Eligibility Criteria For Truck Driver II -- must demonstrate proficiency in pulling all trailers;
4. Eligibility Criteria for Mechanic II -- must demonstrate proficiency and experience in light and
heavy duty vehicles and equipment and diesel applications.
Seasonal Help Classification
1. Within the Seasonal Help classifications only, rights assigned by seniority, such as layoff
and recall within the season, will be acknowledged as described elsewhere within the CBA.
2. If a layoff occurs, all Seasonal Help will be laid-off before the layoff of any Operators/Drivers.
3. All scheduled weekend overtime work will be offered to permanent employees before being
offered to Seasonal Help.
4. The combined total number of Seasonal,Help shall not exceed eight (8).
5. Seasonal Help will not be eligible for benefits under Article 14.4 (Bereavement Leave,Article
8 (Seniority), except within the classification and within the season, and Article 12 (Vacation
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 34
Effective:January 1, 2020
Note: Figures may vary slightly due to rounding once calculated in MUNIS
Advancement from step to step is annual and on the employees anniversary date
Classifications Rates per Hour
OPERATING ENGINEERS: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Equipment Operator 1 $22.41 $24.80 $25.52 $26.03
Equipment Operator II ** Step 1 Step 2
$26.82 $27.35
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Sign Shop Foreman $29.01 $29.28 $29.54 $30.14
Sign Shop Specialist $26.30 $26.54 $26.82 $27.35
TEAMSTERS: Step 1Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Truck Driver I & Helper $21.52 $23.95 $24.68 $25.18
Step 1Step 2
Truck Driver II **
$25.93 $26.45
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Parts/Inventory $24.43 $24.68 $24.95 $25.45
Utility/Maintenance $24.64 $25.35 $25.93 $26.45
Central Stores Specialist $25.75 $26.22 $26.66 $27.19
.Mechanic 1 $26.86 $27.09 $27.38 $27.93
Mechanic II
Step 1 Step 2
$28.75 $29.32
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3Step 4
Radio/Up-Fit Technician $29.54 $29.80 $30.12 $30.72
Traffic Foreman $28.32 $28.59 $28.86 $29.43
Sign Technician $25.61 $25.85 $26.13 $26.65
Seasonal Help (Flat Rate)
Step Advancements:
Step 1: First 6 months.
Step 2: After 6 months of continuous service
Step 3: After 18 months of continuous service
Step 4: After 36 months of continuous service in that classification
Truck Driver 11, Operator II and Mechanic II:
Step 2: After 36 months of continuous service in that classification
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019-2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 35
"Eligibility Criteria for promotion:
1. Upon reaching Step 3, the Operator I/Driver I may request testing to determine if the
Promotion Criteria#2 or#3 below have been met:
a. If the criteria have been met, promotion to Operator II/Driver II shall be authorized.
b. If not met, the Operator/Driver shall remain at.Step 2 until the promotion criteria have
been met.
c. A member may request testing only once in a rolling three-month period.
2. Edibility Criteria For Equipment Operator II -- must demonstrate proficiency in operation of
five (5) different pieces of equipment on the Equipment Operators list of equipment;
3. Eligibility Criteria For Truck Driver II -- must demonstrate proficiency in pulling all trailers;
4. Eligibility Criteria for Mechanic II -- must demonstrate proficiency and experience in light and
heavy duty vehicles and equipment and diesel applications.
Seasonal Help Classification
1: Within the Seasonal Help classifications only, rights assigned by seniority, such as layoff
and recall within the season, will be acknowledged as described elsewhere within the CBA.
2. If a layoff occurs, all Seasonal Help will be laid-off before the layoff of any Operators/Drivers.
3. All scheduled weekend overtime work will be offered to permanent employees before being
offered to Seasonal Help.
4. The combined total number of Seasonal Help shall not exceed eight (8).
5. Seasonal Help will not be eligible for benefits under Article.14.4 (Bereavement Leave,Article
8 (Seniority), except within the classification and within the season, and Article 12 (Vacation
Operating Engineers/Feamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 36
Effective;January 1, 2021
.Note: Figures may vary slightly due to rounding once calculated in MUNIS
Advancement from step to step is annual and on the employees anniversary date
Classifications Rates per Hour
OPERATING ENGINEERS: Step 1. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Equipment Operator 1 $22.75 $25.17 $25.90 $26.42 .
Equipment Operator II Step 1 Step 2
$27.22 ,$27.76
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Sign Shop Foreman $29.44 $29.72 $29.99 $30.59
Sign Shop Specialist $26.69 $26.94 $27.22 $27.76
TEAMSTERS: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Truck Driver I & Helper $21.84 $24.31 $25.05 $25.56
Step 1 Step 2
Truck Driver 11
$26.32 $26.85
Step 1 `.Step'2 Step 3 Step 4
Parts/Inventory $24.80 '$25.05 $25.32 $25.83
Utility/Maintenance $25.01 -$25.73 $26.32 $26.85
Central Stores Specialist $26.14 $26.61 $27.06 $27.60
Mechanic 1 $27.26 $27.50 $27.79 $28.34
Step 1 Step 2
Mechanic II
$29.18 $29.76
J Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Radio/Up-Fit Technician $29.99 $30.24 $30.57 $31.18
Traffic Foreman $28.74 $29.02 $29.29 $29.88
Sign Technician $26.00 $26.24 $26.52 1 $27.05
Seasonal Help (Flat Rate)
Step Advancements:
Step 1: First 6 months.
Step 2: After 6 months of continuous service
Step 3: After 18 months of continuous service
Step 4: After 36 months of continuous service in that classification
Effective September 1, 2021 for all eligible employees on anniversary date
Step 5: After 48 months of continuous service in that classification
Truck Driver II, Operator II and Mechanic II:
Step 2: After 36 months of continuous service in that classification
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019-2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 37
Effective September 1, 2021 for all eligible employees on anniversary date
Step 3: After 48 months of continuous service in that classification 2%`above Flat Rate.
*Eligibility Criteria for promotion:
1. Upon reaching Step 3, the Operator I/Driver I may request testing to determine if the
Promotion Criteria#2 or#3 below have been met: "
a. If the criteria have been met, promotion to Operator II/Driver II shall be authorized.
b. If not met, the Operator/Driver shall remain at Step 2 until the promotion criteria have
been met.
c. A member may request testing only once in a rolling three-month period.
2. Eligibility Criteria For Equipment Operator II -- must demonstrate proficiency in operation of
five (5) different pieces of equipment on the Equipment'Operators list of equipment;
3. Eligibility Criteria For Truck Driver II -- must demonstrate proficiency in pulling all-trailers;
4. Eligibility Criteria for Mechanic II --must demonstrate proficiency and experience in light and
heavy duty vehicles and equipment and diesel applications.
.Seasonal Help Classification
1 Within the Seasonal Help classifications only, rights assigned by seniority, such as layoff
and recall within the season, will be acknowledged as described elsewhere within the CBA.
2. If a layoff occurs, all Seasonal Help will be laid-off before the layoff of any
3. All scheduled weekend overtime work will be offered to permanent employees before
being offered to Seasonal Help.
4. The combined total number of Seasonal Help shall not exceed eight (8).
5. -Seasonal Help Will not be eligible for benefits under Article 14.4 (Bereavement Leave,
Article 8 (Seniority), except within the classification and within the season, and,Article 12
(Vacation Accrual).
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 38
Following is the definition of a Tree Removal and work activities associated therewith:
Any tree, live or dead, which has an unstable trunk or root system. This may include soft snags
as well as live trees with unstable roots or trunk damage that will create risky conditions when
being felled.
Climbing: For the purpose of falling or topping.
Any number of unique situations, such as: a tree that is hung up in other trees, serious hillside
"leaners", and other tree problems that will place the cutter in a dangerous position.
Both "cutters" and "pushers" shall be compensated for the appropriate premium pay.
In all cases, the County Engineer or designee, must pre-determine these conditions. However,
once the tree is judged to be removed, that decision will not be subject to review at a later date.
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 39
It is understood by.the parties' signatory to this Agreement by and between Mason County and
Engineers Local 302 and Teamsters Local No. 252,that effective immediately, the items listed below
are negotiated changes in Road and ER&R Maintenance Work Schedules from the present five 8-
hour work-days to four 10-hour work-days:
Working Hours Road Maintenance Personnel: - Monday through Friday
Last full week of March through the first full week of April: 6:30 am —5:00 pm
Second full week of April through the first full week of September: 6:00 am —4:30 pm
Second full week of September through the last full week of September: 6:30 am -4:30 pm
Working Hours ER&R Personnel: - Monday through Friday 6:00 am —4:30 pm
Stewards and management will meet to discuss adjusting start times as needed.
If the level of service in the areas of responsibility deteriorates, we will correct this by splitting
the four day shifts to include one shift Monday through Thursday and the other shift Tuesday
through Friday.
Sick Leave & Vacation Accumulation — No change; one day accumulation shall mean eight
(8) hours.
Sick Leave—Will be charged by the number of hours taken.
Vacation -Will be charged by the number of hours taken.
Overtime—Will be paid for work authorized and performed in excess of the 10-hour work day
or 40-hour workweek.
Lunch and Rest Breaks— No change.
Call-Outs— If a call-out is required on a scheduled day off(Friday or Monday), it will be treated
in the same manner as any Saturday call-out.
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 40
It is understood by the parties signatory to this Agreement.by and between Mason County and
Engineers Local 302 and Teamsters No. 252, that effective immediately, the following shall apply:
Mason County supports safety in the work place and encourages safety practices; e.g., the use
of Flaggers, when appropriate, when plowing snow on steep hills, or the use of multiple people
while loading and unloading equipment. The determination of when and where extra individuals
shall be used is subject to the determination of the Road Supervisor(s).
Should the crews feel they are being subjected to unnecessary risks, they shavcall it to the
attention of the Manager for his/her determination.
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 41
It is understood by the parties signatory to this Labor Agreement between Mason County and
Engineers Local 302 and Teamsters No. 252, that effective immediately the following shall
A non-bargaining unit position may be created at the Mason County Central Shop as follows:
1) Washing vehicles
2) Vehicle detailing (waxing, vacuuming, etc.)
3) Gassing vehicles
4) Running parts
5) Inspecting vehicle fluids, and tires (downtown)
6) Checking vehicle mileages for servicing
7) Transporting vehicles to the shop (from downtown) for servicing
8) Collecting monthly meter readings and mileages of department vehicles
9) Other duties as assigned by the Maintenance Supervisor
Operating Engineers/Teamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 42
General Policy
Daily work assignments shall be made by the managers and supervisors, and given to
workers having the skills and abilities to perform the work efficiently. Seniority will be the
-primary consideration for truck and equipment daily work assignments. All assignments,
including training assignments,will be made in good faith and not in an arbitrary or capricious
manner. Training needs will be determined by the County as provided in Appendix VIII.
Outlying Shops
The following criteria pertain to Belfair Shop and any other satellite shops that may be
opened away from the Central Shop facility: .
1. Seniority shall be taken into consideration when assigning employees
permanently to the outlying shops. If no senior employee-wants the
position, the least senior employee with the necessary skills and ability
will be transferred.
2. Employees shall not be temporarily assigned to an outlying shop to
perform manual labor when the shop they are permanently assigned to
has truck or equipment work available for which they are qualified,
unless mutually agreed to by the employee and supervisor.
3. Employees temporarily assigned to another shop shall report to work
at their normally assigned shop and travel-to the other shop via a
County vehicle, unless mutually agreed to by the employee and
Operating Engineersfreamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 43
The intent of the training program is to train Mason County public Works road operations and
maintenance employees in the safe, efficient, legal operation and required preventative
maintenance of all County owned or rented equipment'and trucks..
Level I (Initial training)
All employees will learn the basic safe operation and necessary pre-trip or equivalent checks to
start, load, secure, and move for legal transportation all Mason County equipment. This would
include sanders and snow plows. The County will maintain records showing the amount of time and
check-off for each employee for each type of equipment an employee has received this initial
training on. ER&R will specify the necessary pre-trip or equivalent checks for all equipment/trucks.
This training would be completed not later than the end of the employee's 8th month of employment..
1. Single and Tandem axle trucks. 8. Graders
2. Load/unload and connect patch box, sanders, and plows. 9. Gradalls
3: Brooms 10. Patch Box
4. Bruch cutters 11. Track Loader
5. All rollers 12. Wheel Loaders
6. Chip.spreader 13. Athey
7. Backhoes
(Any new equipment purchased by the County in the future to be added to this list.)
Level II (Intermediate training)
1. Employees desiring trainingon equipment or trucks within their respective craft will be
allowed to sign up to receive training they want or the County deems they need, given
operational needs and demands are meet. Employees will be chosen from the-list in order
of seniority within their respective craft.
2. Trainees will operate said equipment/trucks under the direction of the trainer, contingent
upon safety and experience requirements of the particular job. The designated trainer shall
be determined by the County.
3. Management will schedule training days to coincide with the operational needs and time
constraints per job.
4. When`an employee is deemed competent, as agreed upon by the trainer and management,
the employee's name will be placed on a check-off list showing that they have been deemed
competent to operate said equipment/truck within their respective craft without the presence
of a trainer.
Operating Engineersfreamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 44
1. Whenever possible, daily work assignment sheets will be posted prior to the start of each
2. Joint crew meeting at the beginning of each shift to explain any deviation from the normal
work assignment, such as:
a. Job continuity
b. Training opportunity
c. Specialty requirement
d. Unforeseen requirement
3. The joint crew meeting is to be short and informative. Except for safety issues, any
questions/complaints will be directed through the appropriate Shop Steward for resolution
with management.
4. This protocol may be adjusted by mutual agreement between management and the Unions.
Operating Engineersfreamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 45
Term of the trial period is from the time the new Agreement is approved until the expiration date of
this Agreement. The Union and management representatives will meet following that date to
discuss the procedure and decide the actions that are appropriate. If either party finds the procedure
is not working, the procedure will be discontinued pending discussions to resolve the
The following process will be used for call-out of Main Shop and Belfair Shop road crew members,
respectively (this process does not apply to overtime that is scheduled or overtime that results from
tasks that need to be extended beyond the regular shift):
1. The manager or supervisor will assess the need for resources to deal with an emergency.
2. The manager or supervisor will call-out a crew member based on the following selection
Qualified for needed work
■ Special Factors
■ Ability to respond in a timely fashion
■ Seniority
3. The manager and supervisor will keep a record of the situation evaluation and the decision
basis for call-out. That record will reflect the contacts or contact attempts made and the
results. A sample of the record is as follows: .
■ Date, Time, and Location of Emergency:
■ Emergency description:
■ Call-Out needs:
■ Crew member and date/time called:
■ Result of Call: will report left message refused
Special Factors:
Operating Engineersfreamsters and Mason County 2019—2021 Public Works Collective Bargaining Agreement
Page 46
MARCH 2,2020
Briefing Items
• SWAC Application from Sherri Dysart
• Private Line Occupancy Permit Application for Port of Grapeview
• Franchise Agreement Application for multiple water systems- Set Hearing for
April 7, 2020@ 9:15am
Discussion Items
• Public Works Equipment Purchases
Commissioner Follow-Up Items
• Hoodsport Agreement
Upcoming Calendar/Action Items
Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public:
_Randy Neatherlin _Mike Collins
_Kevin Shutty _Loretta Swanson
_Sharon Trask _Richard Dickinson
Others: (List below)
FROM: Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director/U&W Management
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 199
BRIEFING DATE: March 2, 2020
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance o Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAG) Appointment
The Board created the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAG) for developing and
implementing a Solid Waste Management Plan for the County in order to carry out the
priorities of the state as specified in the Solid Waste Management Act, Chapter 70.95 RCW.
The membership term is for a period of three years per Resolution 08-05.
We currently have five (5) members and four (4) vacancies that U&W Management has
actively, through the advisory webpage and news releases, been recruiting new members.
An application from Sherri Dysart has been received. Staff recommends appointing Sherri
Dysart to fill one of the vacant positions.
Applications will continue to be accepted for the vacant positions until filled.
Cost Impact to the County:
No cost impact to the county.
County Solid Waste Advisory Committee webpage.
Recommend the Board appoint Sherri Dysart to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee for a
three-year term that would expire March 10, 2023.
Attachment: SWAC Application
Briefing Summary
uce'UMMRS Neatherlm,:Shutty, Trask
Clerk GV-1 -1 I
, f C .
ib 4
t s v SHELT01V WA;985.84
� ,� R��
Fax36D=4278437;Vt�ce 360-427-9670,Ext.498;275-4467 or482-52.69"
`j (1 0— O
p 5 .
t S�'"� et__IL ID YRS
POSITION: Poi.q o j Off c bafZ
COMPANY:. `w 16f2S.' -
Z" 1 L _
In your words;w.,hat do you perceiue is the role:or purpose of the Board, Committee or Councii forinrhich yolft aie appiy[ng, '
C" '
What interests,skii(s.do%you wish to offer the Board,_.C.ommitteei o Cauncil i`
lIease list any fnanciai',"professional, 4r vo tintary.a_i f� ns i nfl er 'e or ect youposion onthis Board: i
(ie.create a potential conflict of interest)
Yourparticipation is dependent upon'attending certain frainings.made available'by the County during regular business hours
(such as.Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The"trainings-would be at no.'cost to you,Would you be
able to aftend such trainings?
Reaiisfcaily,how Much•tirne can you give to this-,posito.,0 f�
Quarferly monihiy WeelJy� .yUi,g4, Daly office, ise®n13+ y iQ.
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Signahire i}afe" raS{�, t>� t .
FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: March 2, 2020
(If this is a follow-up briefing,please provide only new information,)
ITEM: Private Line Occupancy Permit
The Port of Grapeview has applied for a Private Line Occupancy Permit to install a
pressurized sewer line that would run under and across Grapeview Loop Road from
5053 E Grapeview Loop Road to parcel 5070 E Grapeview Loop Road (Parcel No.
12105-51-63005) and parcel no. 12105-51-63003 to build a turnaround area,
additional parking and public restrooms for the new boat launch just past Griswold
Avenue (the boat launch road).
The application fee of $200 has been paid to process the proposed Private Line
Occupancy Permit.
Recommend the Board approve the Private Line Occupancy Permit for the Port of
Grapeview, granting permission to run a pressurized sewer line across Grapeview
Loop Road from parcel number 12105-51-66001 to 12105-51-63003.
Attachments: PLO
Vicinity Map
Briefing Summary
Application of PORT OF GRAPEVIEW,with principal residence located at 510 E Grapeview
Loop Road Grapeview, WA 98546, for a private line utility occupancy permit to construct,
operate and maintain a private waterline under county roads and highways in Mason County,
Washington, as set forth in attached Exhibit `B", having come before the County
Commissioners of Mason County,Washington during a regularly scheduled public meeting,on
the day of , 2020, and that it is in the public interest to allow the private
line utility occupancy permit herein granted;
NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that a non-exclusive private line utility occupancy
permit be, and the same is hereby given and granted to operator, and its successors and assigns,
hereinafter referred to as the "Permittee", for a period commencing from and after the date of
the entry of this order for the purposes, at the location(s), and upon the express terms and
conditions as described herein, and terminating as provided herein.
For the purposes of this private line utility occupancy permit, terms, phrases, words, and their
derivations not defined herein that are defined in Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the
Manual on Accommodating Utilities in the Mason County Right-of-Way published by the
County Engineer(the"Manual"), shall have the same meaning or be interpreted as provided in
Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual. Words not defined here, in Title 12 of the
Mason County Code or the Manual shall have their ordinary meaning. A reference to Title 12
of the Mason County Code or the Manual refers to the same as may be amended, revised,
updated,re-enacted or re-codified from time to time.
The County of Mason(hereafter the"County")hereby grants to the Permittee a non-exclusive
private line utility occupancy permit(hereinafter"Permit")which, once it becomes effective
shall authorize the Permittee to enter upon the road rights-of-way located within the Permit
Area for the purpose of maintaining,repairing,replacing, which grant shall be limited to the
following described purpose(s): Pressurized Sewer Line.
Such grant is subject to and must be exercised in strict accordance with and subject to this
Permit, Title 12 of the Mason County Code, the Manual and all applicable laws, rules,
regulations and ordinances. Permittee's exercise of any rights granted pursuant to the Permit
is subject to the exercise of the County's police powers, and other regulatory powers as it may
have or obtain in the future. No rights shall pass to the Permittee by implication. This Permit
does not include permission to enter into or upon the road rights-of-way for any purposes others
than the purposes expressly described herein. Permittee has a duty to notify the County of any
change in use or condition of the utility facilities that may affect the status of the utility facilities
as (a)private line(s) or the impact of the utility facilities upon the road rights-of-way.
Permittee shall not commence or perform work to install, construct, maintain repair, replace
adjust, connect, disconnect, rebuild, or relocate its utility facilities within the road rights-of-
way (hereafter collectively or individually the "Work"), without first applying for, paying all
associated fees, and obtaining a utility permit as required pursuant to Title 12 of the Mason
County Code. In any utility permit so issued, the County may impose, as a condition of the
granting the utility permit, such conditions and regulations as may be necessary for the
protection, preservation and management of the road rights-of-way, including, by way of
example and not limitation, for the purpose of protecting any structures in the road
rights-of-way, maintaining proper distance from other utilities, ensuring the proper restoration
of such road rights-of-way and structures, and for the protection of the County and the public
and the continuity of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Permittee shall first file with the County Engineer its application for a utility permit to do such
Work together with plans and specifications showing at a minimum:
A. The position, depth and location of all such utility facilities sought to be constructed,
laid, installed or erected at that time, showing their relative position to existing county roads,
rights-of-way or other county property upon plans drawn to scale, hereinafter collectively
referred to as the"map of definite location;
B. The class and type of material and equipment to be used, manner of excavation,
construction, installation, backfill, erection of temporary structures, erection of permanent
structures,traffic control,traffic turnouts and road obstructions;
C. The manner in which the utility facility is to be installed;
D. Measures to be taken to preserve safe and free flow of traffic;
E. Structural integrity of the roadway, bridge, or other structure;
F. Specifications for the restoration of the county road, right-of-way or other county
property in the event that the road right of way will be disturbed by the Work; and
G. Provision for ease of future road maintenance and appearance of the roadway.
Provision shall be made for known or planned expansion of the utility facilities, particularly
those located underground or attached to bridges or other structures within the road right-of-
The location,alignment and depth of the utility facilities shall conform with said map of definite
location, except in instances in which deviation may be allowed thereafter in writing by the
County Engineer pursuant to application by Permittee.
All such Work shall be subject to the approval of and shall pass the inspection of the County
Engineer. The Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination,
inspection and approval of such work on account of granting the said utility permits.
In any Work which disturbs or causes damage to the road rights-of-way subject to this Permit,
public or private property,the Permittee shall at its own expense and with all convenient speed,
complete the work to repair and restore the county road right-of-way, or the public or private
property so disturbed or damaged, and leave the same in as good or better condition as before
the Work was commenced, to the reasonable satisfaction of the County Engineer. The
Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination, inspection and
approval of such restoration or repair.
The County Commissioners and/or County Engineer may at any time do, order or have done
any and all work that they consider necessary to restore to a safe condition such County road
right-of-way or other County property left by the Permittee or its agents in a condition
dangerous to life or property, and the Permittee,upon demand, shall pay to the County all costs
of such work.
Permittee expressly agrees and understands that,with regard to Work within the road rights-of-
A. All of Permittee's utility facilities and Work within the road rights-of-way or other
County property shall be performed in compliance with the provisions of Title 12 MCC, the
Manual, the administrative regulations adopted by the County Engineer, other
County-established requirements for placement of utility facilities in road rights-of-way,
including the specific location of utility facilities in the road rights-of-way, and all applicable
laws,rules, regulations and ordinances;
B. In preparing plans and specifications for the Work the Permittee shall use the
Manual. Prior to commencement of any Work, Permittee shall submit such plans and
specifications to the County Engineer for review and approval together with the adequate
exhibit depicting the existing or proposed location of the utility facility in relation to the road,
including right-of-way or easement lines; relationship to currently planned road revisions, if
applicable; and all locations and situations for which deviations in depth of cover (including
the proposed method of protection)or other locational standards that are anticipated;
C. All Work subject to this Permit shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere,
other than in ways approved by the County, with the construction, operation and maintenance
of other utilities,public or private,drains,drainage ditches and structures,irrigation ditches and
structures,located therein,nor with the grading or improvements of such County roads,rights-
of-way or other County property;
D. The owners and operators of all utility facilities (public or private) installed in the
Permit Area or other county property prior in time to the utility facilities of the Permittee, shall
have preference as to the alignment and location of such utilities so installed with respect to the
Permittee. Such preference shall continue in the event of the necessity of relocating or changing
the grade of any such county road or right-of-way;
E. Permittee shall perform the Work and operate its utility facilities in a manner that
minimizes interference with the use of the road rights-of-way by others, including others that
may be installing utility facilities; and
F. The County may require that Permittee's utility facilities be installed at a particular
time, at a specific place, or in a particular manner as a condition of access to a particular road
or road right-of-way;may deny access if a Permittee is not willing to comply with the County's
requirements; and may remove, or require removal of,any utility facility that is not installed in
compliance with the requirements established by the County,or which is installed without prior
County approval of the time, place, or manner of installation and charge the Permittee for all
the costs associated with removal; and may require Permittee to cooperate with others to
minimize adverse impacts on the road and road rights-of-way through joint trenching and other
G. The County may inspect the utility facilities at any time reasonable under the
circumstances to ensure compliance with this Permit and applicable law, including to ensure
that the private line utility facilities are constructed and maintained in a safe condition. If an
unsafe condition is found to exist,the County, in addition to taking any other action permitted
under applicable law, may order the Permittee, in writing, to make the necessary repairs and
alterations specified therein forthwith to correct the unsafe condition on a time-table established
by the County which is reasonable in light of the unsafe condition. The County has the right to
correct, inspect, administer, and repair the unsafe condition if the Licensee fails to do so, and
to charge the Permittee therefor. The right of the County to conduct such inspections and order
or make repairs shall not be construed to create an obligation therefore, and such obligation to
construct and maintain its utility facilities in a safe condition shall at all times remain the sole
obligation of the Permittee.
H. When required by the County, Permittee shall make information available to the
public regarding any Work involving the ongoing installation, construction, adjustment,
relocation, repair or maintenance of its utility facilities sufficient to show(1)the nature of the
work being performed; (2) where it is being performed; (3) its estimated completion date; and
(4)progress to completion.
underground work, Permittee will contact the appropriate personnel to have such facilities
located and make arrangements as to protective measures that must be adhered to prior to the
commencement of any work within the road and road rights-of-way. In addition to the liability
terms elsewhere in this Agreement, Permittee shall indemnify and hold the County and its
elected and appointed officers, employees and agents harmless against and from all cost,
liability, and expense whatsoever(including,without limitation, attorney's fees and court costs
and expenses) arising out of or in any way contributed to by any act or omission of Permittee,
its contractor,agents and/or employees,that cause or in any way or degree contribute to(1) any
damage to or destruction of any such facilities by Permittee,and/or its contractor, agents and/or
employees, on the County's property, (2) any injury to or death of any person employed by or
on behalf of any entity, and/or its contractor, agents and/or employees, on the road rights-of-
way, and/or (3) any claim or cause of action for alleged loss of profits or revenue, or loss of
service, by a customer or user of services or products of such company(ies).
J. Permittee shall continuously be a member of the State of Washington one number
locator service under RCW 19.122, or an approved equivalent, and shall comply with all such
applicable rules and regulations.
K. Except in the event of emergency as described below,Permittee and its agents may
not enter upon the permit area to perform work for which a utility permit is required,unless and
except upon two-business days notice to the County Engineer.
L. In the event of an emergency involving the threat of imminent harm to persons or
property,.and for purposes of taking immediate corrective action,Permittee and its agents may
enter the Permit Area without advance notice to the County as long as such entry is for the sole
purpose of addressing the emergency; provided however, that if any entry for such purposes
would require issuance of a utility permit, Permittee shall give the County verbal or telephonic
notice of the places where and the manner in which entry is required prior to such entry,
promptly followed by written notice. In all cases,notice to the County shall be given as far in
advance as practical prior to entry or as soon as practicable after entry upon the road right-of-
M. Permittee shall promptly reimburse the County for its reasonable and direct costs
incurred in responding to an emergency that is caused,created by or attributable to the presence,
construction,maintenance,repair,or operation of Permittee's utility facilities in the road rights-
N. If, during any Work, Permittee or its agents discover scientific or historic artifacts,
Permittee or its agents shall immediately notify the County of said discovery and shall protect
such artifacts in a manner as specified by the County. Any such artifact shall be the property
of the County if the County wishes to own it.
All Work done under this Permit shall be done in a thorough and workman-like manner. In the
performance of any Work, including without limitation, the opening of trenches and the
tunneling under county roads, right-of way or other county property, the Permittee shall leave
such trenches, ditches and tunnels in such a way as to interfere as little as possible with public
travel and shall take all due and necessary precautions to guard the same, so that damage or
injury shall not occur or arise by reason of such Work; and where any of such trenches, ditches
and tunnels are left open at night,the Permittee shall place warning lights,barricades and other
appropriate protective devices at such a position as to give adequate warning of such Work.
The Permittee shall be liable for any injury to person or persons or damage to property sustained
arising out of its carelessness or neglect, or through any failure or neglect to properly guard or
give warning of any trenches, ditches or tunnels dug or maintained by the Permittee.
The County,in granting this Permit,does not waive any rights which it now has or may hereafter
acquire with respect to county roads, rights-of-way or other county properly and this Permit
shall not be construed to deprive the county of any powers, rights or privileges which it now
has or may hereafter acquire to regulate the use of and to control the county roads,right-of-way
and other county property covered by this Permit. The County retains the right to administer
and regulate activities of the Permittee up to the fullest extent of the law. The failure.to reserve
a particular right to regulate, or reference a particular regulation, shall not be interpreted by
negative implication or otherwise to prevent the application of a regulation to the Permittee.
Permittee shall, in the course of any Work, comply with the following requirements:
A. The Permittee shall,by a time specified by the County,protect, support,temporarily
disconnect, relocate, or remove any of its utility facilities when required by the County by
reason of traffic conditions; public safety; road right-of-way construction; road right-of-way
repair (including resurfacing or widening); change of road right-of-way grade; construction,
installation, or repair of County-owned sewers, drains, water pipes, power lines, signal lines,
tracks, communications system, other public work, public facility, or improvement of any
government-owned utility; road right-of-way vacation; or for any other purpose where the
County work involved would be aided by the removal or relocation of the utility facilities.
Collectively, such matters are referred to below as the "public work."
Permittee acknowledges and understands that any delay by Permittee in performing the above
described work may delay, hinder, or interfere with the work performed by the County and its
contractors and subcontractors done in furtherance of such Public Work and result in damage
to the County, including but not limited to, delay claims. Permittee shall cooperate with the
County and its contractors and subcontractors to coordinate such Permittee work to
accommodate the Public Work project and project schedules to avoid delay, hindrance of, or
interference with the Public Work. The County shall make available to the Permittee a copy of
the Six Year Transportation Program and the County's annual construction program after
adoption each year. It is anticipated these programs will aid the Permittee in planning
construction programs.
B. Permittee has a duty to protect its utility facilities from work performed by the
County within the road rights-of-way. The rights granted to the Permittee herein do not
preclude the County, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, and agents from blasting,
grading, excavating, or doing other necessary road work contiguous to Permittee's utility
facilities; providing that, the Permittee shall be given a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours
notice of said blasting or other work in order that the Permittee may protect its utility facilities.
C. In the event of an emergency, or where the utility facility creates or is contributing
to an imminent danger to health, safety, or property, the County may protect, support,
temporarily disconnect, remove, or relocate any or all parts of the utility facility without prior
notice, and charge the Permittee for costs incurred.
D. If any Person that is authorized to place facilities in the road right of way requests
the Permittee to protect, support, temporarily disconnect, remove, or relocate the Permittee's
utility facilities to accommodate the construction, operation, or repair of the facilities of such
other person,the Permittee shall, after 30 days' advance written notice,take action to effect the
necessary changes requested; provided that, if such project is related to or competes with
Permittee's service, or if the effect of such changes would be to permanently deprive Permittee
of the beneficial enjoyment of this Permit for its intended purposes through interference with
the operation of Permittee's utility facilities or otherwise, Permittee shall not be required to
relocate its utility facilities. Unless the matter is governed by a valid contract or a state or
federal law or regulation, or unless the Permittee's utility facilities were not properly installed,
the reasonable cost of the same shall be borne by the Person requesting the protection, support,
temporary disconnection,removal, or relocation at no charge to the County, even if the County
makes the request for such action.
E. The Permittee shall, on the request of any person holding a valid permit issued by a
governmental authority,temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of buildings
or other objects. The expense of such temporary removal or raising or lowering of wires shall
be paid by the person requesting the same.
The County of Mason will accept liability for direct and actual damages to said Permittee that
are the result of the negligence of Mason County, its trustees, officers, employees, contractors,
subcontractors or agents while performing County improvement or Public Works projects
enumerated in Section VIII, paragraph B. Direct and actual damages are specifically limited
to physical damage to properly installed and located infrastructure of the Permittee and the cost
to repair such physical damage. Mason County retains the right to assert all applicable defenses
in the event of a dispute including contributory_negligence on the part of the Permittee. Mason
County shall in no way be liable for incidental damages claimed to arise from such actions.
All Work to be performed by the Permittee under this section shall pass the inspection of the
County Engineer. The Permittee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination,
inspection and approval of such work.
Before any Work is performed under this permit which may affect any existing monuments or
markers of any nature relating to subdivisions,plats,roads and all other surveys, the Permittee
shall reference all such monuments and markers. The reference points shall be so located that
they will not be disturbed during the Permittee's Work and operations under this Permit. The
method of referencing these monuments or other points to be referenced shall be approved by
the County Engineer. The replacement of all such monuments or markers disturbed during
construction shall be made as expeditiously as conditions permit in accordance with RCW 58.24
and WAC 332-120, and as directed by the County Engineer. The cost of monuments or other
markers lost, destroyed, or disturbed, and the expense of replacement by approved monuments,
shall be borne by the Permittee.
A complete set of reference notes for monument and other ties shall be filed with the office of
the Mason County Engineer.
If at any time the County shall vacate any County road or right-of-way or other County Property
which is subject to rights granted by this Permit and said vacation shall be for the purpose of
acquiring the fee or other property interest in said road or right-of-way for the use of the County,
in either its proprietary or governmental capacity, then the Board of Mason County
Commissioners may,at its option,and by giving thirty(30)days written notice to the Permittee,
terminate this Permit with reference to such county road right-of-way or other County property
so vacated,and the County of Mason shall not be liable for any damages or loss to the Permittee
by reason of such termination. It has been the practice of Mason County to reserve easements
for utilities at the time of road vacation, and will continue to be the practice until such time the
Board of Mason County Commissioners direct a change of practice.
A. Insurance It is intended that the following insurance requirements shall apply to the
person performing the Work in the road right-of-way. Permittee and Permittee's contractors
shall not perform or cause to be performed any Work,unless and until Permittee(to the extent
Permittee performs any of the Work in the road right-of-way) or its contractors (to the extent
Permittee's contractor performs any of the Work in the road right-of-way) provide certificates-
of insurance evidencing that Permittee or Permittee's contractors are in compliance with the
following requirements, including,maintaining insurance in at least in the following amounts:
1. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY insurance to cover liability,
bodily injury, and property damage. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be
written on an occurrence basis, with an aggregate limit location endorsement for the Permit
Area, and shall provide coverage for any and all costs, including defense costs, and losses and
damages resulting from personal injury, bodily injury and death, property damage, products
liability and completed operations arising out of the Work. Coverage must be written with the
following limits of liability:
Bodily and Personal IniM&ProperlyDamagge
$ 1,000,000 per Occurrence
$ 2,000,000 aggregate
2 WORKERS'COMPENSATION insurance shall be maintained by Permittee's
contractor to comply with statutory limits for all employees, and in the case any work is sublet,
the contractor shall require its subcontractors similarly to provide workers' compensation
insurance for all the employees.
3. COMPREHENSIVE AUTO LIABILITY insurance shall include owned,
hired, and non-owned vehicles on an occurrence basis with coverage of at least $500,000 per
The required insurance shall be maintained from the time that Work in the road right-of-way
commences until the Work is complete and the utility permit issued for said Work has been
released by the County Engineer, or his or her designee.
If the Permittee or its contractors and subcontractors do not have the required insurance, the
County may require such entities to stop operations until the insurance is obtained and
Permittee shall, or shall cause its contractors to, file with the application for a utility permit,
certificates of insurance reflecting evidence of the required insurance in a form and content
approved by the County's Risk Manager. All coverage shall be listed on one certificate with
the same expiration dates.
The certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under these policies will not
be canceled until at least 30 days'prior written notice has been given to the County.
In the event that the insurance certificate provided indicates that the insurance shall terminate
or lapse during the period of the Work, then, in that event, the Permittee shall furnish, at least
days prior to the expiration of the date of such insurance, a renewed certificate of insurance as
proof that equal and like coverage has been or will be obtained prior to any such lapse or
termination during the balance of the period of the Permit.
The County reserves the right, during the term of the Permit, to require any other insurance
coverage or adjust the policy limits as it deems reasonably necessary utilizing sound risk
management practices and principals based upon the loss exposures.
Each insurance policy required pursuant to this Permit shall be primary and non-contributing
as respects any coverage maintained by the County and shall include an endorsement reflecting
the same. Any other coverage maintained by County shall be excess of this coverage herein
defined as primary and shall not contribute with it. The certificate of insurance must reflect
that the above wording is included in all such policies.
Each insurance policy obtained pursuant to this Permit shall be issued by financially sound
insurers who may lawfully do business in the State of Washington with a financial rating at all
times during coverage of no less than rating of"A" and a class of"X" or better in the latest
edition of"Best's Key Rating Guide"published by A.M.Best Company,or such other financial
rating or rating guide approved in writing by the County's risk manager. In the event that at
any time during coverage, the insurer does not meet the foregoing standards, Permittee shall
give or shall cause its contractors to give prompt notice to the County and shall seek coverage
from an insurer that meets the foregoing standards. The County reserves the right to change
the rating or the rating guide depending upon the changed risks or availability of other suitable
and reliable rating guides.
Comprehensive general liability insurance policies and coverage obtained pursuant to this
Permit shall include an endorsement (standard ISO form CG 24-17) deleting all exclusions
for work or incidents occurring within any distance from a railroad track or railroad property,
or on, over, or under a railroad track.
Insurance policies required pursuant to this Permit shall have no non-standard exclusions unless
approved of by the County Risk Manager or designee.
Commercial general liability insurance policies obtained pursuant to this Permit shall name the
County as an additional insured without limitation,pursuant to an endorsement approved of by
the County's Risk Manager or designee.
Permittee or Permittee's Contractors' insurers, through policy endorsement, shall waive their
rights of subrogation against the County for all claims and suits. The certificate of insurance
must reflect this waiver of subrogation rights endorsement.
B. Contractor Bond. All contractors performing Work on behalf of Permittee shall
be licensed and bonded.
C. Limitation of Liability. to the fullest extent permitted by law, permittee shall, and
shall cause its contractor(s) only as to subsection (9) below, to release, indemnify, defend and
hold harmless the county and the county's legal representatives,officers(elected or appointed),
employees and agents (collectively, "indemnitees") for, from and against any and all claims,
liabilities, fines, penalties, costs, damages, losses, liens, causes of action, suits, demands,
judgments and expenses (including, without limitation, court costs, attorneys' fees, and costs
of investigation,removal and remediation and governmental oversight costs),environmental or
otherwise(collectively"liabilities")of any nature,kind, or description, of any person or entity,
directly or indirectly, arising out of,resulting from, or related to (in whole or in part):
1. this permit;
2. any rights or interests granted pursuant to this permit;
3. permittee's occupation and use of the road right of way;
4. permittee's operation of its utility facilities;
5. the presence of utility facilities within the right of way;
6. the environmental condition and status of the road right-of-way caused by,
aggravated by, or contributed to, in whole or in part,by permittee or its agents; or
7. the acts,errors,or omissions of third parties when arising out of the,installation,
construction, adjustment,relocation,replacement, removal, or maintenance of such third party
utility facilities within the road rights-of-way when such work is performed under authority of
the operator's utility permit or at the direction or under the control of the operator; or
8. any act or omission of permittee or permittee's agents; or
9. any act or omission of contractor or its employees, agents, or subcontractors
when arising out of the work.
Even if such liabilities arise from or are attributed to,in whole or in part, any negligence of any
indemnitee. The only liabilities with respect to which permittee's obligation to indemnify the
indemnitees does not apply are liabilities to the extent proximately caused by the sole
negligence or intentional misconduct of an indemnitee or for liabilities that by law the
indemniteees cannot be indemnified for.
Upon written notice from the county,permittee agrees to assume the defense of any lawsuit or
other proceeding brought against any indemnitee by any entity, relating to any matter covered
by this permit for which permittee has an obligation to assume liability for and/or save and hold
harmless any indemnitee. Permittee shall pay all costs incident to such defense, including, but
not limited to, attorneys' fees, investigators' fees, litigation and appeal expenses, settlement
payments and amounts paid in satisfaction of judgments. Permittee will fully satisfy said
judgment within ninety (90) days after said suit or action shall have finally been determined if
determined adversely to mason county. upon the permittee's failure to satisfy said judgment
within the ninety(90) day period, this permit shall at once cease and terminate and the county
of mason shall have a lien upon permittee's utility facilities and all other facilities used in the
construction, operation and maintenance of the permittee's utility system which may be
enforced against the property for the full amount of any such judgment so taken against any of
the indemnitees
Acceptance by the County of any Work performed by the Permittee at the time of completion
shall not be grounds for avoidance of this covenant.
This Permit shall not be deemed to be an exclusive Permit. It shall in no manner prohibit the
County of Mason from granting rights to other utilities under, along, across, over and upon any
of the County roads, rights-of-way or other County property subject to this Permit and shall in
no way prevent or prohibit the County of Mason from constructing, altering, maintaining or
using any of said roads rights-of-way, drainage structures or facilities, irrigation structures or
facilities, or any other county properly or affect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them
with full power to make all necessary changes,relocations,repairs,maintenance, etc.,the same
as the County may deem fit.
All the provisions, conditions, regulations and requirements herein contained shall be binding
upon the successors and assigns of the Permittee and all privileges, as well as all obligations
and liability of the Permittee, shall inure to its successors and assigns equally as if they were
specifically mentioned wherever the Permittee is mentioned. Any reference in this Permit to a
specifically named party shall be deemed to apply to any successor, heir, administrator,
executor or assign of such party who has acquired its interest in compliance with the terms of
this Permit or under law.
Permittee may assign or transfer this Permit by contacting the County of Mason to obtain an
Assignment Agreement. The Agreement must be signed and delivered back to the County of
Mason. Assignees shall thereafter be responsible for all obligations of Permittee with respect
to the Permit and guaranteeing performance under the terms and conditions of the Permit and
that transferee will be bound by all the conditions of the Permit and will assume all the
obligations of its predecessor. Such an assignment shall relieve the Permittee of any further
obligations under the Permit, including any obligations not fulfilled by Permittee's assignee;
provided that, the assignment shall not in any respect relieve the Permittee, or any of its
successors in interest, of responsibility for acts or omissions, known or unknown, or the
consequences thereof, which acts or omissions occur prior to the time of the assignment. No
Permit may be assigned or transferred without filing or establishing with the county the
insurance certificates, security fund and performance bond as may be required pursuant to this
Whenever any of the County road rights-of-way or other county property as designated in this
Permit,by reason of the subsequent incorporation of any town or city,or extension of the limits
of any town or city, shall fall within the city or town limits; then, except to the extent allowed
by law, this Permit shall terminate in respect to the said roads, rights-of-way or other county
property so included with city or town limits; but this Permit shall continue in force and effect
to all county road rights-of-way or other county property not so included in city or town limits.
A. Term. This Permit shall commence upon acceptance by the Permittee as provided
at Section XVIII herein and continue in PERPETUITY until terminated or otherwise
superseded by a subsequent franchise, private line utility occupancy permit, master road use
permit or other agreement of the Parties. In the event that it is determined by a court of
competent jurisdiction that, as a matter or law, the term provided for herein is unlawful, this
Permit shall be deemed to have a term for the maximum period allowed by law, and if no such
maximum period is readily and easily capable of being identified,for a term of not longer than
B. Termination by County. Permittee has elected to obtain a Permit in lieu of a
franchise agreement. Permittee understands and agrees that,unlike a franchise,this Permit may
be terminated by the County with or without cause. This means that the County is not required
to have or provide a reason for the termination and that the County may terminate this Permit
in its sole discretion without penalty to the County and regardless of whether or not Permittee
is or is not in default;provided that,the County may not terminate this Permit for a reason that
is unlawful. The Parties agree that the only condition of termination by the County of this
Permit is that the County must give not less than ninety(90)days written notice to the Permittee
of termination. The County Engineer is authorized to exercise the right of the County to
terminate this Permit.
C. Termination upon Transfer/Assignment/Conveyance. This Permit shall
automatically terminate upon: (1)assignment of the Permit without the prior written consent of
the County in substantially the form of an Assignment Agreement (obtained by request), (2)
transfer of the utility facilities located with the Permit Area without prior written notice to the
County and mutual acceptance of an assignment of the Permit, (3) conveyance of the real
property or any part thereof benefited by the installation and operation of the utility facilities
without prior written notice to the County and mutual acceptance of an assignment of the
Permit,or(4)use of the utility facilities for the benefit of persons other than the owner/operator
in a manner that no longer constitutes a de-minimis use of the road right-of-way.
D. Termination upon Removal of Utility Facilities. This Permit and all of the rights,
duties and obligations contained herein, shall terminate upon removal of all Permittee utility
facilities from the road right-of-way or abandonment and de-commissioning in place to the
reasonable satisfaction of and in the manner approved by the County Engineer and restoration
of the road right-of way to the satisfaction of the County Engineer.
E. Effect of Termination. On or before the effective date of termination or as otherwise
mutually agreed to by the Parties, Permittee shall remove its utility facilities from the road
rights-of-way and restore the road rights-of-way to the reasonable satisfaction of the County
Engineer. In lieu of removal, the County Engineer may authorize abandonment in place and
de-commissioning of the utility facilities in the manner approved by and to the reasonable
satisfaction of the County Engineer. In the event that the Permittee fails to timely and
completely perform such work, the County may perform or complete such work at the cost of
the Permittee and Permittee shall be obligated to reimburse the County for such work within 30
days of invoice by the County.
F. Remedies. In addition to the right of the County to terminate this Permit,the County
has the right to exercise any and all of the following remedies, singly or in combination, in the
event of Default. "Default" shall mean any failure of Permittee or its agents to keep, observe
or perform any of Permittee's or its agent's duties or obligations under this Permit:
1. Damages. Permittee shall be liable for any and all damages incurred by
2. Specific Performance. County shall be entitled to specific performance of
each and every obligation of Permittee under this Permit without any requirement to prove or
establish that County does not have an adequate remedy at law. Permittee hereby waives the
requirement of any such proof and acknowledges that County would not have an adequate
remedy at law for Permittee's commission of an Event of Default hereunder.
3. Injunction. County shall be entitled to restrain, by injunction, the actual or
threatened commission or attempt of an Event of Default and to obtain a judgment or order
specifically prohibiting a violation or breach of this Permit agreement without, in either case,
being required to prove or establish that County does not have an adequate remedy at law.
Permittee hereby waives the requirement of any such proof and acknowledges that County
would not have an adequate remedy at law for Permittee's commission of an Event of Default
4. Alternative Remedies. Neither the existence of other remedies identified in
this Permit nor the exercise thereof shall be deemed to bar or otherwise limit the right of the
County to commence an action for equitable or other relief and/or proceed against Permittee
and any guarantor for all direct monetary damages,costs and expenses arising from the Default
and to recover all such damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees.
Remedies are cumulative;the exercise of one shall not foreclose the exercise of others.
The County reserves for itself the right at any time upon ninety (90) days written notice to the
Permittee, to so change, amend, modify or amplify any of the provisions or conditions herein
enumerated to conform to any state statute or county regulation,relating to the public welfare,
health, safety or highway regulation, as may hereafter be enacted, adopted or promulgated.
Permittee shall execute and return to County a signed acceptance of the Permit granted
hereunder. The acceptance shall be in the form of the acceptance attached hereto as Exhibit
"A", and in accepting the Permit, Permittee warrants that it has carefully read the terms and
conditions of this Permit and accepts all of the terms and conditions of this Permit and agrees
to abide by the same and acknowledges that it has relied upon its own investigation of all
relevant facts, that it has had the assistance of counsel or an opportunity to have assistance of
counsel, that it was not induced to accept a Permit, that this Permit represents the entire
agreement between the Permittee and the County. In the event the Permittee fails to submit the
acceptance as provided for herein within the time limits set forth in this section,the grant herein
is and shall become null and void.
The Parties agree that a"Memorandum of Permit" in substantially the form attached hereto as
Exhibit`B",shall be filed for record with the Office of the Mason County Auditor upon written
acceptance by the Permittee. The cost and expense of such filing shall be borne by the Permittee
if not already included in the fee for issuance of this Permit. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
this Permit is not intended nor shall it be construed to create an interest in land or constitute the
grant or conveyance of a real property interest by the County to the Permittee. The requirements
of this Section KX are intended solely to provide notice of the existence of this Permit and the
terms and conditions there under, including inter-alia, the limitations upon assignment of the
Permit. Permittee shall at the time of its acceptance of this Permit identify the assessor's tax
number of the parcel or parcels benefited by this Permit and a legal description of each such
parcel to be included in the Memorandum of Permit.
A. Controlling Law/Venue. Any disputes concerning the application or interpretation
of any of the provisions of this Permit shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington.
Venue of any action or arbitration brought under this Permit shall be in Mason County,
Washington or the Western District of Washington if an action is brought in federal court,
provided; however,that venue of such action is legally proper.
B. Liens. Permittee shall promptly pay and discharge any and all liens arising out of
any Work done, suffered or permitted to be done by Permittee on any Permit area.
C. Waiver. No waiver by either party of any provision of this Permit shall in any way
impair the right of such party to enforce that provision for any subsequent breach, or either
party's right to enforce all other provisions of this Permit.
D. Attorney's Fees. If any action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce or interpret
the terms of this Permit, the substantially prevailing Party or Parties shall be entitled to
reasonable attorney's fees, costs and necessary disbursements in addition to any other relief to
which such Party or Parties may be entitled.
E. Amendment. This Permit may be amended only by a written contract signed by
authorized representatives of Permittee and County of Mason.
F. Severability. If any provision of this Permit is held to be illegal, invalid or
unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision will be fully severable and this
Permit will be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision is
not a part hereof, and the remaining provisions hereof will remain in full force and effect. In
lieu of any illegal,invalid or unenforceable provision herein,there will be added automatically
as a part of this Permit, a provision as similar in its terms to such illegal, invalid or
unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid and enforceable.
G. Joint and Several Liability. Permittee acknowledges that, in any case in which
Permittee and Permittee's contractors are responsible under the terms of this Permit, such
responsibility is joint and several as between Permittee and any such Permittee's contractors;
provided that, the Permittee is not prohibited from allocating such liability as a matter of
H. Notices. Any notice contemplated, required, or permitted to be given under this
Permit shall be sufficient if it is in writing and is sent either by: (a)registered or certified mail,
return receipt requested; or (b) a nationally recognized overnight mail delivery service, to the
Party and at the address specified below, except as such Party and address may be changed by
providing no less than thirty(3 0) days' advance written notice of such change in address.
Permittee: Port of Grapeview
510 E Grapeview Loop Road
Grapeview, WA 98546
Attn: John Anderson
Grantor: Mason County Public Works
1.00 W Public Works Drive
Shelton, WA 98584
I. Approvals. Nothing in this Permit shall be deemed to impose any duty or obligation
upon the County to determine the adequacy or sufficiency of Permittee's plans and
specifications or to ascertain whether Permittee's proposed or actual construction, installation,
testing, maintenance, repairs, replacement, relocation, adjustment or removal is adequate or
sufficient or in conformance with the plans and specifications reviewed by the County. No
approval given, inspection made, review or supervision performed by the County pursuant to
this Permit shall constitute or be construed as a representation or warranty express or implied
by County that such item approved, inspected, or supervised, complies with laws, rules
regulations or ordinances or this Permit or meets any particular standard, code or requirement,
or is in conformance with the plans and specifications, and no liability shall attach with respect
thereto. County and inspections as provided herein, are for the sole purpose of protecting the
County's rights as the owner and manager of the road rights-of-way and shall not constitute any
representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the adequacy of the design, construction,
repair, or maintenance of the utility facilities, suitability of the permit area for construction,
maintenance, or repair of the utility facilities, or any obligation on the part of the County to
insure that work or materials are in compliance with any requirements imposed by a
governmental entity. County is under no' obligation or duty to supervise the design,
construction,installation,relocation,adjustment,realignment,maintenance,repair,or operation
of the utility facilities.
J. Force Majeure. Neither Party hereto shall be liable to the other Party for any failure
to perform an obligation set forth herein to the extent such failure is caused by war, act of
terrorism or an act of God, provided that such Party has made and is making all reasonable
efforts to perform such obligation and minimize any and all resulting loss or damage.
K. Construction. All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to
the masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or Parties may
require. The provisions of this Permit shall be construed as a whole according to their common
meaning, except where specifically defined herein, not strictly for or against any party and
consistent with the provisions contained herein in order to achieve the objectives and purposes
of this Permit.
L. Incorporation by Reference. All exhibits annexed hereto at the time of execution of
this Permit or in the future as contemplated herein, are hereby incorporated by reference as
though fully set forth herein.
M. Calculation of Time. All periods of time referred to herein shall include Saturdays,
Sundays,and legal holidays in the State of Washington, except that if the last day of any period
falls on any Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State of Washington, the period shall be
extended to include the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State
of Washington.
N. Entire Agreement. This Permit is the full and complete agreement of County and
Permittee with respect to all matters covered herein and all matters related to the use of the
Area by Permittee and Permittee's Contractors, and this Permit supersedes any and all other
agreements of the Parties hereto with respect to all such matters, including, without limitation,
all agreements evidencing the Permit.
O. No Recourse. Without limiting such immunities as the County or other persons may
have under applicable law, Permittee shall have no monetary recourse whatsoever against the
County or its officials, boards, commissions, agents, or employees for any loss or damage
arising out of the County's exercising its authority pursuant to this Permit or other applicable
P. Responsibility for Costs. Except as expressly provided otherwise, any act that
Permittee is required to perform under this Permit shall be performed at its cost. If Permittee
fails to perform work that it is required to perform within the time provided for performance,
the County may perform the work and bill the Permittee. The Permittee shall pay the amounts
billed within 30 days.
Q. Work of Contractors and Subcontractors. Work by contractors and subcontractors
are subject to the same restrictions, limitations, and conditions as if the Work was performed
by the Permittee. The Permittee shall be responsible for all Work performed by its contractors
and subcontractors, and others performing Work on its behalf, under its control, or under
authority of its utility permit, as if the work were performed by it and shall ensure that all such
work is performed in compliance with this Permit, Title 12 MCC, the Manual and other
applicable law, and shall be jointly and severally liable for all damages and correcting all
damage caused by them. It is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that contractors,
subcontractors, or other Persons performing work on the Permittee's behalf are familiar with
the requirements of the Permit,Title 12 MCC,the Manual,and other applicable laws governing
the work performed by them and further, for ensuring that such contractors and subcontractors
maintain insurance as required herein.
R. Survival of Terms. Upon the termination of the Permit,the Permittee shall no longer
have the right to occupy the Permit area. However, the Permittee's obligations under this
Permit to the County shall survive the termination of these rights according to its terms for so
long as the Permittee's utility facilities shall remain in whole or in part in the road rights-of-
way, except to the extent the County Engineer has approved abandonment in place. By way of
illustration and not limitation, Permittee's obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless
the County, provide insurance and a performance/payment bond pursuant to Section XI and
Permittee's obligation to relocate its utility facilities pursuant to Section VIII, shall continue in
effect as to the Permittee, notwithstanding any termination of the Permit, except to the extent
that a County-approved transfer, sale, or assignment of the utility system is completed, and
another entity has assumed full and complete responsibility for the utility facilities or for the
relevant acts or omissions.
DATED at Shelton, Washington this day of , 2020.
County Engineer
Approved as to form:
Vice Chair
Chief D.P.A.
Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit effective 12019.
UWe,_ \hle am/our the p,.o c of parcel(s)
and Uwe am/are the (Operator and) or(representative
authorized to) accept Permit on behalf of o Qr3d, ( c�rtify that this
Permit and all terms and conditions thereof are accepted by C�4N 10 without
qualification or reservation and guarantee performance hereunder. UWe certi that,to the
best of my/our knowledge,the assessor's tax identification number of the parcel or parcels
benefited by this Permit and a legal description of each such parcel are as described in the
attached under Permit Exhibit`B".
DATED this day of , 2019.
Title: C'y�,c-vti�4sycr
COUNTY OF k j fi o 9 )
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that -10 h In A h e rson is the
person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath
stated that he/she was authorizewo execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the
O m In i SS 1 in n e r of the CnT tQ PO(-t- o F C-�=, 2y i et,) to be the free and voluntary
act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
NOTARY PUBLIC Print Name J 0 rd Q n t- Fir I f7t'(n0 )
STATE OF WASHINGTON My commission expires 0-7 / 22- / ')02-0
-My Commission Expires July 22.20200
A- 1
County of Mason
100 West Public Works Drive
Shelton WA 98584
Attn: County Engineer
Title: Port of Grapeview Private Line Occupancy Permit
Grantor: COUNTY OF MASON, a legal subdivision of the state of Washington
Grantee: Port of Grapeview
Description of Franchise Area: SEE EXHIBIT B-4
THIS MEMORANDUM OF PERMIT is dated as of the_day of ,2020
between the County of Mason,a legal subdivision of the state of Washington("County")and
1. Property. County has, pursuant to Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit
granted to Permittee, the right, revocable at the will of the County, to use and occupy certain
road rights-of-way for the construction, installation, adjustment,maintenance, removal,repair,
relocation and operation of Permittee's utility facilities for the benefit of the herein described
Property, upon the terms and conditions of that certain permit agreement between the parties
accepted the day of , 2020 (the"Permit"), which terms and conditions are
incorporated herein by this reference. The property to be benefited by this permit is situated in
the Mason County, Washington, legally described in Exhibit B attached hereto (herein called
the"Property"). The road right-of-way permit area("Permit Area")is also described in attached
Exhibit B.
2. Term. The term of the Permit is in perpetuity unless terminated.
3. Termination. County in its sole discretion may terminate all or part of the Permit
with or without cause upon no less than ninety (90) days written notice to the Permittee.
Further, this Permit will automatically terminate upon assignment without the prior written
consent of the County, or upon transfer of the Property without the prior written consent of the
County to an assignment of the Permit or upon transfer of all or part of the utility facilities
located in the Permit Area without the prior written consent of the County to an assignment of
the Permit.
4. Purpose of Memorandum of Permit. This memorandum of permit is prepared
for the purpose of recordation and notice and in no way modifies the Permit and is in no way
intended to or should be construed to create or convey an interest in land or the road right-of-
DATED this day of ,2020
County Engineer
Approved as to form:
Chief D.P.A.
B : -1b tt)V A rgl�, S&-�i
Title: 0 OWN inn ss o+o,eJL
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that "ji w czs the person who
appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that said person signed this instrument, on oath stated
that said person was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged ownership of
parcel(s) 51 to H 00 1 to be the free and voluntary act of such person/corporation for the uses
and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
Dated this (0"h day of Feb rU a rta
(Signature tary)
JORDAN L. HALFFMAN (Legibly Print otstampName of Notary)
NOTARY PUBLIC Notary public in and for the state of W R• ,
My Commission Expires July 22.2020
My appointment expires 0-7 /'2-2-/2-0 10
Permit Area Map
G �
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FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450
BRIEFING DATE: March 2, 2020
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
X Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Franchise Agreement Applications for Multiple Water Systems—Set Hearing
This is the fourth in a series of"bundled"water system franchise agreement renewals. The
agreements include updated franchise language with a provision for automatic renewal for
up to three 10-year terms. The fourth set of water systems that have re-applied for
franchise agreements and to be considered include:
Aquarius Utilities, LLC Island Shores Water, LLC
Detroit Water Service Association Oak Park Water Company, LLC
Applications are not considered"new"and applicants have paid $300 for each re-application
or renewal of their respective franchises.
The public will be notified through the normal public hearing notice process. Public Works
Staff has communicated with the water districts and systems via email, phone call, and/or
letter through their boards and/or committees.
Recommend the Board set a hearing for Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 9:15am to consider
approving the franchise agreement applications between Mason County and Aquarius Utilities,
LLC, Island Shores Water, LLC, Detroit Water Service Association and Oak Park Water
Company, LLC, granting permission to run the utility lines under and across county road
rights of way.
1. Franchise agreement application example
2. Description of franchise areas
3. Notice
Application of(Name of Operator) ,
doing business in Washington as ,
with its principal offices located at
by and through(person authorized to actfor and on behalfofapplicant) ,
for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain (description of type) utility
facilities in,over,along and under county roads and highways in Mason County,Washington,as set
forth in attached Exhibit `B" (Franchise Area), having come on regularly for hearing before the
County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, on the day of
, 20 , at the hour of , under the provisions of RCW 36.55, RCW
80.32.010 and RCW 80.36.040, and it appearing to the Board that notice of said hearing has been
duly given as required by law, and that it is in the public interest to allow the franchise herein
NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that a non-exclusive franchise be, and the same is hereby
given and granted to Operator, and its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as the
Franchisee, for a period of 10 years with automatic renewal at the end of each term of 10 years
unless either party gives the other written notice of termination at least 30 days prior to the end of
the relevant term. (no more than ten years each term and can only be renewed 3 times) from and
after the date of the entry of this order for the purposes, at the location(s), and upon the express
terms and conditions as described herein.
For the purposes of this franchise,terms,phrases,words,and their derivations not defined herein that
are defined in Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual on Accommodating Utilities in the
Mason County Right-of-Way published by the County Engineer(the"Manual"),shall have the same
meaning or be interpreted as provided in Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual. Words
not defined here, in Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual shall have their ordinary
meaning. A reference to Title 12 of the Mason County Code or the Manual refers to the same as may
be amended, revised, updated,re-enacted or re-codified from time to time.
The County of Mason hereby grants to the Franchisee a non-exclusive franchise which, once it
becomes effective shall authorize the Franchisee to enter upon the road rights-of-way located
within the Franchise Area identified in attached Exhibit"B", for the purpose of installing,
constructing, maintaining, repairing,replacing, adjusting, relocating and operating the utility
facilities, which grant shall be limited to the following described purpose(s):
Such grant is subject to and must be exercised in strict accordance with and subject to this franchise,
Title 12 of the Mason County Code, the Manual and all applicable laws, rules, regulations and
ordinances. Franchisee's exercise of any rights granted pursuant to the franchise is subject to the
exercise of the County's police powers, and other regulatory powers as it may have or obtain in the
future. No rights shall pass to the franchisee by implication. This franchise does not include
permission to enter into or upon the road rights-of-way for any purposes others than the purposes
expressly described herein. Permittee has a duty to notify the County of any change in use or
condition of the utility facilities that may affect the status of the utility facilities or the impact of the
utility facilities upon the road rights-of-way.
Franchisee shall not commence or perform work(hereafter"Work")to install, construct,maintain
repair, replace adjust, connect, disconnect, rebuild, or relocate its utility facilities within the road
rights-of-way,without first applying for,paying all associated fees,and obtaining a utility permit as
required pursuant to Title 12 of the Mason County Code. In any utility permit so issued,the County
may impose,as a condition of the granting the utility permit,such conditions and regulations as may
be necessary for the protection,preservation and management of the road rights-of-way,including,
by way of example and not limitation, for the purpose of protecting any structures in the road
rights-of-way, maintaining proper distance from other utilities, ensuring the proper restoration of
such road rights-of-way and structures, and for the protection of the County and the public and the
continuity of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Franchisee shall first file with the County Engineer its application for a utility permit to do such
Work together with plans and specifications in triplicate showing at a minimum:
A.The position,depth and location of all such utility facilities sought to be constructed,laid,
installed or erected at that time,showing their relative position to existing county roads,rights-of-way
or other county property upon plans drawn to scale,hereinafter collectively referred to as the"map of
definite location;
B. The class and type of material and equipment to be used, manner of excavation,
construction,installation,backfill,erection of temporary structures,erection of permanent structures,
traffic control,traffic turnouts and road obstructions;
C. The manner in which the utility facility is to be installed;
D. Measures to be taken to preserve safe and free flow of traffic;
E. Structural integrity of the roadway, bridge, or other structure;
F. Specifications for the restoration of the county road,right-of-way or other county property
in the event that the road right of way will be disturbed by the Work; and
G. Provision for ease of future road maintenance and appearance of the roadway.
Provision shall be made for known or planned expansion of the utility facilities,particularly those
located underground or attached to bridges or other structures within the road right-of-way.
The location, alignment and depth of the utility facilities shall conform with said map of definite
location,except in instances in which deviation may be allowed thereafter in writing by the County
Engineer pursuant to application by Franchisee.
All such Work shall be subject to the approval of and shall pass the inspection of the County
Engineer.The Franchisee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination,inspection
and approval of such work on account of granting the said utility permits.
In any Work which disturbs or causes damage to the road rights-of-way subject to this franchise,
public or private properly, the Franchisee shall at its own expense and with all convenient speed,
complete the work to repair and restore the county road right-of-way, or the public or private
property so disturbed or damaged, and leave the same in as good or better condition as before the
Work was commenced,to the reasonable satisfaction of the County Engineer. The Franchisee shall
pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination, inspection and approval of such
restoration or repair.
The County Commissioners and/or County Engineer may at any time do,order or have done any and
all work that they consider necessary to restore to a safe condition such County road right-of-way or
other County property left by the Franchisee or its agents in a condition dangerous to life or property,
and the Franchisee, upon demand, shall pay to the County all costs of such work.
Franchisee expressly agrees and understands that,with regard to Work within the road rights-of-way:
A. All of Franchisee's utility facilities and Work within the road rights-of-way or other
County property shall be in compliance with the provisions of Title 12 MCC, the Manual, the
administrative regulations adopted by the County Engineer,other County established requirements
for placement of utility facilities in road rights-of-way, including the specific location of utility
facilities in the road rights-of-way, and all applicable laws, rules,regulations and ordinances;
B. In preparing plans and specifications for Work of utility facilities in the road rights-of-
way the Franchisee shall use the Manual. Prior to commencement of work in the road rights-of-way,
Franchisee shall submit such plans and specifications to the Mason County Engineer for review and
approval together with adequate exhibits depicting existing or proposed location of the utility facility
in relation to the road, including right-of-way or easement lines; relationship to currently planned
road revisions,if applicable; and all locations and situations for which deviations in depth of cover
(including the proposed method of protection) or other locational standards that are anticipated;
C. All Work to utility facilities located within the road rights-of-way or other county
property subject to this franchise shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere, other than in
ways approved by the County, with the construction, operation and maintenance of other utilities,
public or private, drains, drainage ditches and structures, irrigation ditches and structures, located
therein,nor with the grading or improvements of such County roads,rights-of-way or other County
D. The owners and operators of all utility facilities (public or private) installed in the
Franchise Area or other county property prior in time to the utility facilities of the Franchisee, shall
have preference as to the alignment and location of such utilities so installed with respect to the
Franchisee. Such preference shall continue in the event of the necessity of relocating or changing the
grade of any such county road or right-of-way;
E. Franchisee shall perform the Work and operate its utility facilities in a manner that
minimizes interference with the use of the road rights-of-way by others,including others that may be
installing utility facilities; and
F. The County may require that Franchisee's utility facilities be installed at a particular time,
at a specific place,or in a particular manner as a condition of access to a particular road right-of-way;
may deny access if a Franchisee is not willing to comply with the County's requirements; and may
remove, or require removal of, any utility facility that is not installed in compliance with the
requirements established by the County, or which is installed without prior County approval of the
time, place, or manner of installation and charge the Franchisee for all the costs associated with
removal; and may require Franchisee to cooperate with others to minimize adverse impacts on the
road rights-of-way through joint trenching and other arrangements.
G. The County may inspect the utility facilities at any time reasonable under the
circumstances to ensure compliance with this franchise and applicable law,including to ensure that
the utility facilities are constructed and maintained in a safe condition. If an unsafe condition is
found to exist,the County,in addition to taking any other action permitted under applicable law,may
order the Franchisee, in writing, to make the necessary repairs and alterations specified therein
forthwith to correct the unsafe condition on a time-table established by the County which is
reasonable in light of the unsafe condition. The County has the right to correct,inspect,administer,
and repair the unsafe condition if the Franchisee fails to do so, and to charge the Franchisee
therefore. The right of the County to conduct such inspections and order or make repairs shall not be
construed to create an obligation therefore,and such obligation to construct and maintain its utility
facilities in a safe condition shall at all times remain the sole obligation of the Franchisee.
H. When required by the County,Franchisee shall make information available to the public
regarding any work involving the ongoing installation,construction,adjustment,relocation,repair or
maintenance of its utility facilities sufficient to show(1)the nature of the work being performed;
(2) where it is being performed; (3) its estimated completion date; and(4)progress to completion.
BURIED ON THE RIGHT OF WAY. Before beginning any underground work, Franchisee will
contact the appropriate personnel to have such facilities located and make arrangements as to
protective measures that must be adhered to prior to the commencement of any work within the Road
rights-of-way. In addition to the liability terms elsewhere in this Agreement, Franchisee shall
indemnify and hold the County and its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents
harmless against and from all cost,liability,and expense whatsoever(including,without limitation,
attorney's fees and court costs and expenses)arising out of or in any way contributed to by any act or
omission of Franchisee, its contractor, agents and/or employees,that cause or in any way or degree
contribute to (1) any damage to or destruction of any such facilities by Franchisee, and/or its
contractor, agents and/or employees, on the County's property, (2) any injury to or death of any
person employed by or on behalf of any entity,and/or its contractor,agents and/or employees,on the
road rights-of-way, and/or(3) any claim or cause of action for alleged loss of profits or revenue, or
loss of service, by a customer or user of services or products of such company(ies) (collectively
"Liabilities" for purposes of this Section V.I). The only Liabilities with respect to which
Franchisee's obligation to indemnify the County and its elected and appointed officers, employees
and agents does not.apply are Liabilities to the extent arising out of,caused by or resulting from the
negligence of the County, and its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents and
Liabilities that by law the County and its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents for
which the County cannot be indemnified.
J. Franchisee shall continuously be a member of the State of Washington one number locator
service under RCW 19.122, or an approved equivalent, and shall comply with all such applicable
rules and regulations.
K. Except in the event of emergency as described below,Franchisee and its Agents may not
enter upon the Franchise Area to perform work for which a utility permit is not required,unless and
except upon two-business days notice to the County Engineer.
L. In the event of an emergency involving the threat of imminent harm to persons or
property,and for purposes of taking immediate corrective action,Franchisee and its agents may enter
the Franchise Area without advance notice to the County as long as such entry is for the sole purpose
of addressing the emergency;provided however,that if any entry for such purposes would require
issuance of a utility permit,Franchisee shall give the County verbal or telephonic notice of the places
where and the manner in which entry is required prior to such entry,promptly followed by written
notice. In all cases,notice to the County shall be given as far in advance as practical prior to entry or
as soon as practicable after entry upon the road right-of-Way.
M. Franchisee shall promptly reimburse the County for their reasonable and direct costs
incurred in responding to an emergency that is caused, created by or attributable to the presence,
construction,maintenance,repair,or operation of the Franchisees utility facilities in the road rights-
N. If,during installation,construction,relocation,realignment,adjustment,maintenance,or
repair of the Franchisee's utility facilities in the road rights-of-way,Franchisee or its agents discover
scientific or historic artifacts,Franchisee shall immediately notify the County of said discovery and
shall protect such artifacts in a manner as specified by the County. Any such artifact shall be the
property of the County if the County wishes to own it.
All work done under this franchise shall be done in a thorough and workman-like manner. In the
performance of Work within or near the road rights-of-way, including without limitation, the
opening of trenches and the tunneling under county roads,rights-of way or other county property,the
Franchisee shall leave such trenches, ditches and tunnels in such a way as to interfere as little as
possible with public travel and shall take all due and necessary precautions to guard the same,so that
damage or injury shall not occur or arise by reason of such Work; and where any of such trenches,
ditches and tunnels are left open at night,the Franchisee shall place warning lights,barricades and
other appropriate protective devices at such a position as to give adequate warning of such Work.
The Franchisee shall be liable for any injury to person or persons or damage to property sustained
arising out of its carelessness or neglect, or through any failure or neglect to properly guard or give
warning of any trenches, ditches or tunnels dug or maintained by the Franchisee.
The County of Mason,in granting this franchise,does not waive any rights which it now has or may
hereafter acquire with respect to county roads, rights-of-way or other county property and this
franchise shall not be construed to deprive the county of any powers, rights or privileges which it
now has or may hereafter acquire to regulate the use of and to control the county roads,rights-of-way
and other county property covered by this franchise. The County retains the right to administer and
regulate activities of the Franchisee up to the fullest extent of the law. The failure to reserve a
particular right to regulate, or reference a particular regulation, shall not be interpreted by negative
implication or otherwise to prevent the application of a regulation to the Franchisee.
Franchisee shall, in the course of any Work , comply with the following requirements:
A. The Franchisee shall, by a time specified by the County, protect, support, temporarily
disconnect,relocate,or remove any of its utility facilities when required by the County by reason of
traffic conditions;public safety;road right-of-way construction;road right-of-way repair(including
resurfacing or widening); change of road right-of-way grade; construction,installation,or repair of
County-owned sewers,drains,water pipes,power lines,signal lines,tracks,communications system,
other public work, public facility, or improvement of any government-owned utility; road
right-of-way vacation;or for any other purpose where the County work involved would be aided by
the removal or relocation of the utility facilities. Collectively, such matters are referred to below as
the "public work."
Franchisee acknowledges and understands that any delay by Franchisee in performing the herein
described work may delay, hinder, or interfere with the work performed by the County and its
contractors and subcontractors done in furtherance of such Public Work and result in damage to the
County,including but not limited to,delay claims. Franchisee shall cooperate with the County and
its contractors and subcontractors to coordinate such Franchisee work to accommodate the Public
Work project and project schedules to avoid delay, hindrance of, or interference with the Public
Work. The County of Mason shall make available to the Franchisee a copy of the Six Year
Transportation Program and the County's annual construction program after adoption each year. It is
anticipated these programs will aid the utility in planning construction programs.
B. Franchisee has a duty to protect its utility facilities from work performed by the County
within the road rights-of-way. The rights granted to the Franchisee herein do not preclude the
County of Mason, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, and agents from blasting, grading,
excavating, or doing other necessary road work contiguous to Franchisee's utility facilities;
providing that, the Franchisee shall be given a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours notice of said
blasting or other work in order that the Franchisee may protect its utility facilities.
C. In the event of an emergency, or where the utility facility creates or is contributing to an
imminent danger to health, safety, or property, the County may protect, support, temporarily
disconnect,remove,or relocate any or all parts of the utility facility without prior notice,and charge
the Franchisee for costs incurred.
D. If any Person that is authorized to place facilities in the road right of way requests the
Franchisee to protect, support,temporarily disconnect,remove, or relocate the Franchisee's utility
facilities to accommodate the construction,operation,or repair of the facilities of such other person,
the Franchisee shall,after 3 0 days'advance written notice,take action to effect the necessary changes
requested;provided that,if such project is related to or competes with Franchisee's service,or if the
effect of such changes would be to permanently deprive Franchisee of the beneficial enjoyment of
this franchise for its intended purposes through interference with the operation of Franchisee's utility
facilities or otherwise, Franchisee shall not be required to relocate its utility facilities. Unless the
matter is governed by a valid contract or a state or federal law or regulation, or unless the
Franchisee's utility facilities were not properly installed, the reasonable cost of the same shall be
borne by the Person requesting the protection, support, temporary disconnection, removal, or
relocation at no charge to the County, even if the County makes the request for such action.
E. The Franchisee shall, on the request of any person holding a valid permit issued by a
governmental authority, temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of buildings or
other objects. The expense of such temporary removal or raising or lowering of wires shall be paid
by the person requesting the same.
The County of Mason will accept liability for direct and actual damages to said Franchisee that are
the result of the negligence of Mason County, its trustees, officers, employees, contractors,
subcontractors or agents while performing County improvement or Public Works projects
enumerated in the original franchise agreement under Section VIII,paragraph B. Direct and actual
damages are specifically limited to physical damage to properly installed and located infrastructure
of the Franchisee and the cost to repair such physical damage. Mason County retains the right to
assert all applicable defenses in the event of a dispute including contributory negligence on the part
of the Franchisee. Mason County shall in no way be liable for incidental damages claimed to arise
from such actions.
All Work to be performed by the Franchisee under this section shall pass the inspection of the
County Engineer. The Franchisee shall pay all costs of and expenses incurred in the examination,
inspection and approval of such work.
Before any work is performed under this franchise which may affect any existing monuments or
markers of any nature relating to subdivisions,plats,roads and all other surveys,the Franchisee shall
reference all such monuments and markers. The reference points shall be so located that they will
not be disturbed during the Franchisee's operations under this franchise. The method of referencing
these monuments or other points to be referenced shall be approved by the County Engineer. The
replacement of all such monuments or markers disturbed during construction shall be made as
expeditiously as conditions permit,and as directed by the County Engineer. The cost of monuments
or other markers lost, destroyed, or disturbed, and the expense of replacement by approved
monuments shall be borne by the Franchisee.
A complete set of reference notes for monument and other ties shall be filed with the office of the
Mason County Engineer.
If at any time the County shall vacate any County road,right-of-way or other County property which
is subject to rights granted by this franchise and said vacation shall be for the purpose of acquiring
the fee or other property interest in said road, right-of-way or other county property for the use of
Mason County,in either its proprietary or governmental capacity,then the Board of Mason County
Commissioners may, at its option, and by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Franchisee,
terminate this franchise with reference to such county road,right-of-way or other county property so
vacated, and the County of Mason shall not be liable for any damages or loss to the Franchisee by
reason of such termination. It has been the practice of Mason County to reserve easements for
utilities at the time of road vacation,and will continue to be the practice until such time the Board of
Mason County Commissioners direct a change of practice.
A. Insurance Except as otherwise provided herein,Franchisee shall maintain for itself and
the County,throughout the entire period any part of Franchisee's utility facilities are located in the
Franchise Area, adequate insurance to protect the Parties and their elected and appointed officers,
agents, employees against all of County's and Franchisee's liability arising out of Franchisee's use
and occupancy of the Franchise Area or any part thereof. This obligation shall require the Franchisee
to maintain insurance at least in the following amounts:
1. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY insurance to cover liability, bodily
injury, and property damage. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on an
occurrence basis, with an aggregate limit location endorsement for the Franchise Area, and shall
provide coverage for any and all costs, including defense costs, and losses and damages resulting
from personal injury, bodily injury and death, property damage, products liability and completed
operations. Such insurance shall include blanket contractual coverage, including coverage for the
Franchise as now or hereafter amended and specific coverage for the indemnity provisions set forth
herein. Coverage must be written with the following limits of liability:
Bodily and Personal Injury&Property Damage
$ 1,000,000 per Occurrence
$ 2,000,000 aggregate
2 WORKERS' COMPENSATION insurance shall be maintained to comply with
statutory limits for all employees,and in the case any work is sublet,the Franchisee shall require its
contractors and subcontractors similarly to provide workers' compensation insurance for all the
employees. The Franchisee shall also maintain, during the life of this policy, employer's liability
insurance;provided that this obligation shall not apply to any time period during which Franchisee
has no employees. The following minimum limits must be maintained:
Workers' Compensation Statutory
Employer's Liability $ 1,000,000 each occurrence
3.COMPREHENSIVE AUTO LIABILITY insurance shall include owned,hired,and
non-owned vehicles operated by Franchisee employees on an occurrence basis with coverage of at
least$2,000,000 per occurrence.
If the Franchisee, its contractors, or subcontractors do not have the required insurance,the County
may require such entities to stop operations until the insurance is obtained and approved.
Certificates of Insurance reflecting evidence of the required insurance and approved by the County's
Risk Manager for the GENERAL LIABILITY policies described above,shall be sent to the County's
risk manager. The certificate shall be filed with the acceptance of the franchise, and annually
thereafter, and as provided below. All coverage shall be listed all on one certificate with the same
expiration dates.
The certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under these policies will not be
canceled until at least 30 days'prior written notice has been given to the County.
In the event that the insurance certificate provided indicates that the insurance shall terminate or
lapse during the period of the franchise,then, in that event,the Franchisee shall furnish,at least 30
days prior to the expiration of the date of such insurance,a renewed certificate of insurance as proof
that equal and like coverage has been or will be obtained prior to any such lapse or termination
during the balance of the period of the franchise.
The County reserves the right, during the term of the franchise, to require any other insurance
coverage or adjust the policy limits as it deems reasonably necessary utilizing sound risk
management practices and principals based upon the loss exposures.
Each insurance policy required pursuant to this franchise shall be primary and non-contributing as
respects any coverage maintained by the County and shall include an endorsement reflecting the
same. Any other coverage maintained by County shall be excess of this coverage herein defined as
primary and shall not contribute with it. The certificate of insurance must reflect that the above
wording is included in all such policies.
Each insurance policy obtained pursuant to this franchise shall be issued by financially sound
insurers who may lawfully do business in the State of Washington with a financial rating at all times
during coverage of no less than rating of"A" and a class of"X" or better in the latest edition of
"Best's Key Rating Guide"published by A.M.Best Company,or such other financial rating or rating
guide approved in writing by the County's risk manager. In the event that at any time during
coverage,the insurer does not meet the foregoing standards,Franchisee shall give prompt notice to
the County and shall seek coverage from an insurer that meets the foregoing standards. The County
reserves the right to change the rating or the rating guide depending upon the changed risks or
availability of other suitable and reliable rating guides.
Comprehensive general liability insurance policies and coverage obtained pursuant to this franchise
shall include an endorsement(standard ISO form CG 24-17) deleting all exclusions for work or
incidents occurring within any distance from a railroad track or railroad property, or on, over, or
under a railroad track.
Insurance policies required pursuant to this franchise shall have no non-standard exclusions unless
approved of by the County Risk Manager or designee.
Commercial general liability insurance policies obtained pursuant to this franchise shall name the
County as an additional insured without limitation,pursuant to an endorsement approved of by the
County's Risk Manager or designee.
Franchisee and Franchisee's Contractors' insurers, through policy endorsement, shall waive their
rights of subrogation against the County for all claims and suits. The certificate of insurance must
reflect this waiver of subrogation rights endorsement.
Commercial General Liability Insurance policies and coverage required herein of public utility
operators may include a reasonable deductible or self-insured retention;provided,however,that as to
any Loss or Damage covered as provided herein, if Franchisee elects to include any deductible or
self-insured retention,Franchisee shall itself directly cover,in lieu of insurance,any and all County
liabilities that would otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this Franchise be covered by
Franchisee's insurance if Franchisee elected not to include a deductible or self-insured retention.
Such direct coverage by Franchisee shall be in an amount equal to the amount of Franchisee's actual
deductible or self-insured retention. Franchisee shall be required to provide a certification of self-
insurance retention to the county in a form and content acceptable to the county engineer.
B. Performance/Payment Bond. At the same time Franchisee provides its acceptance of this
Franchise, the Franchisee shall, if required by the County Engineer, provide a performance and
payment bond to ensure the full and faithful performance of all of its responsibilities under this
franchise and applicable rules, regulations and ordinances, including, by way of example, but not
limited to,its obligations to relocate and remove its utility facilities,to restore the road rights-of-way
and other property when damaged or disturbed, and to reimburse the County for its costs. The
amount of the performance and payment bond shall be for ZERO ($0). The amount of the bond,or
cash deposit as described below, may be adjusted by the County every five years from the date of
execution of this franchise,to take into account cumulative inflation or increased risks to the County.
The Franchisee may be required to obtain additional bonds in accordance with the County's ordinary
practices. The bond shall be in a form with terms and conditions acceptable to the County and
reviewed and approved by the County Engineer. The bond shall be with a surety with a rating no
less than "A X" in the latest edition of"Bests Key Rating Guide," published by A.M. Best Guide.
The Franchisee shall pay all premiums or costs associated with maintaining the bond,and shall keep
the same in full force and effect at all times.If Franchisee fails to provide or maintain the bond,then
the County,in its sole discretion,may require Franchisee to substitute an equivalent cash deposit as
described below in lieu of the bond.
Franchisee, may at its election or upon order by the County, substitute an equivalent cash deposit
instead of a performance and payment bond. This cash deposit shall ensure the full and faithful
performance of all of Franchisee's responsibilities hereto under this Permit and all applicable laws,
rules, regulations or ordinances. This includes, but is not limited to, its obligations to relocate or
remove its facilities, restore the road rights-of-way and other property to their original condition,
reimbursing the County for its costs, and keeping Franchisee's insurance in full force.
The County shall notify Franchisee in writing, by certified mail, of any default and shall give
Franchisee thirty(3 0)days from the date of such notice to cure any such default. In the event that the
Franchisee fails to cure such default to the satisfaction of the County,the County may,at its option,
forfeit the entire amount of the cash deposit or draw upon the cash deposit up to the amount of the
County's costs incurred to cure Franchisee's default. Upon the County's cure of Franchisee's
default,the County shall notify Franchisee in writing of such cure.
In the event that the County draws upon the cash deposit or forfeits the same, Franchisee shall
thereupon replenish the cash deposit to the full amount as specified herein or provide a replacement
performance and payment bond.
Before any Work commences in the road right-of-way,the County Engineer may require the operator
to provide a performance and payment bond for each separate project in an amount to be determined
by the County Engineer, but not less than five hundred dollars, written by a surety company
acceptable to the County Risk Manager and authorized to do business in the state of Washington.
The purpose of the bond is to insure completion of construction, including the restoration of
surfacing,slopes,slope treatment,topsoil,landscape treatment,and drainage facilities,and cleanup
of rights-of-way, and payment of costs incurred by the County to enforce the requirements of this
Chapter. The performance and payment bond shall be in place for a period ending not more than one
year after the date of completion.
A project specific performance bond shall not be required in the event that the franchisee has in place
a blanket performance bond and, when required, a payment bond, maintained pursuant to the
requirements of this franchise.
A performance and payment bond for work in the road right-of-way will not be required of the
United States Government or any of its agencies or of any municipal corporation or department
of the state of Washington and its local subdivisions.
C. Limitation of Liability. To the fullest extent permitted by law,the Franchisee shall,and
shall cause its contractor(s) to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the county and the
county's legal representatives, officer(elected or), appointed) employees and agents(collectively,
"indemnitees") for, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, fines,penalties, cost, damages,
losses, liens, causes of action, suits, demands, judgments and expenses (including, without
limitations, court costs, attorneys' fees and costs of investigation, removal and remediation and
governmental oversight costs),Environmental or otherwise(collectively"liabilities")of any nature,
kind, or description, of any person or entity, directly or indirectly, arising out of,resulting from, or
related to (in whole or in part):
1. this franchise;
2. any rights or interests granted pursuant to this franchise;
3. franchisee's occupation and use of the road right of way;
4. franchisee's operation of its utility facilities;
5. the presence of utility facilities within the right of way;
6. the environmental condition and status of the road right-of-way caused by,
aggravated by, or contributed to, in whole or in part, by franchisee or its agents; or
7. The acts,errors,or omissions of third parties when arising out of the installation,
construction,adjustment,relocation,replacement,removal,or maintenance of such third party utility
facilities within the road rights-of-way when such work is performed under authority of the
operator's utility permit or at the direction or under the control of the operator; or
8. any act or omission of franchisee or franchisee's agents;
The only liabilities with respect to which franchisee's obligation to indemnify the indemnitees do not
apply are liabilities to the extent arising out of, caused by or resulting from the negligence of the
county, its officers, agents, employees or contractors and liabilities that by law the indemnities
cannon be indemnified for.
Upon written notice from the county,franchisee agrees to assume the defense of any lawsuit or other
proceeding brought against any indemnitee by any entity, relating to any matter covered by this
franchise for which franchisee has an obligation to assume liability for and/or save and hold harmless
any indemnitee.Franchisee shall pay all cost incident to such defense,including,but not limited to,
attorneys' fees,investigators' fees,litigation and appeal expenses,settlement payments and amounts
paid in satisfaction of judgments. Franchisee will fully satisfy said judgment within ninety(90)days
after said suit or action shall have finally been determined if determined adversely to Mason County.
Upon the Franchisee's failure to satisfy said judgment within the ninety (90) day period, this
franchise shall at once cease and terminate.
Acceptance by the County of any Work performed by the Franchisee at the time of completion shall
not be grounds for avoidance of this covenant.
This franchise shall not be deemed to be an exclusive franchise. It shall in no manner prohibit the
County of Mason from granting other utilities under,along,across,over and upon any of the County
roads,rights-of-way or other County property subject to this franchise and shall in no way prevent or
prohibit the County of Mason from constructing, altering, maintaining or using any of said roads,
rights-of-way,drainage structures or facilities,irrigation structures or facilities,or any other county
property or affect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them with full power to make all necessary
changes,relocations, repairs,maintenance, etc.,the same as the county may deem fit.
All the provisions,conditions,regulations and requirements herein contained shall be binding upon
the successors and assigns of the Franchisee,and all privileges,as well as all obligations and liability
of the Franchisee, shall ensure to its successors and assigns equally as if they were specifically
mentioned wherever the Franchisee is mentioned. Any reference in this franchise to a specifically
named party shall be deemed to apply to any successor, heir, administrator, executor or assign of
such parry who has acquired its interest in compliance with the terms of this franchise,or under law.
Franchisee may assign or transfer this franchise after prior written notice to County of Mason and
assignee's written commitment,in a form and content approved by the County Prosecutor,delivered
to County of Mason,that assignees shall thereafter be responsible for all obligations of Franchisee
with respect to the franchise and guaranteeing performance under the terms and conditions of the
franchise and that transferee will be bound by all the conditions of the franchise and will assume all
the obligations of its predecessor. Such an assignment shall relieve the Franchisee of any further
obligations under the franchise, including any obligations not fulfilled by Franchisee's assignee;
provided that,the assignment shall not in any respect relieve the Franchisee,or any of its successors
in interest,of responsibility for acts or omissions,known or unknown,or the consequences thereof,
which acts or omissions occur prior to the time of the assignment. No franchise or master road use
permit may be assigned or transferred without filing or establishing with the county the insurance
certificates and performance bond as required pursuant to this franchise.
Whenever any of the County roads, rights-of-way or other county property as designated in this
franchise,by reason of the subsequent incorporation of any town or city,or extension of the limits of
any town or city, shall fall within the city or town limits and shall by operation of law or otherwise
terminate in respect to the said roads,rights-of-way or other county property so included with city or
town limits; this franchise shall continue in force and effect to all county roads, rights-of-way or
other county property not so included in city or town limits.
A. Revocation. In addition the right to revoke this franchise as set forth in Title 12 of the
Mason County Code, if the Franchisee shall willfully violate, or fail to comply with any of the
provisions of this franchise through willful or unreasonable neglect or fail to heed or comply with
any notice given the Franchisee under the provision of this grant, then Franchisee shall forfeit all
rights conferred hereunder and this franchise may be revoked or annulled,after a public hearing by
the Board of County Commissioners. The Franchisee shall not be relieved of any of its obligations
to comply promptly with any provision of this franchise by reason of any failure of the County to
enforce prompt compliance,and the County's failure to enforce shall not constitute a waiver of rights
or acquiescence in the Licensee's conduct.
Subject to the required consent, adjudication, permission or authorization of a federal or state
regulatory agency with jurisdiction over the subject matter, upon revocation of the franchise, the
County may require the Franchisee to remove its utility facilities from any road rights-of-way, and
restore such road right-of-way to its same or better condition as existed just prior to such removal,or
de-commission and abandon such utility facilities in place in whole or in part and in a manner
approved by the County Board of Commissioners. If the Franchisee fails to remove utility facilities
that the County requires it to remove,the County may perform the work and collect the cost thereof
from the Franchisee. The actual cost thereof,including direct and indirect administrative costs,shall
be a lien upon all utility facilities of the Franchisee within the franchise Area effective upon filing of
the lien with the Mason County Auditor.
B. Remedies. The County has the right to exercise any and all of the following remedies,
singly or in combination,in the event of Default. "Default"shall mean any failure of Franchisee or
its agents to keep,observe,or perform any of Franchisee's or its agent's duties or obligations under
this franchise:
1. Damages. Franchisee shall be liable for any and all damages incurred by County.
2. Specific Performance. County shall be entitled to specific performance of each
and every obligation of Franchisee under this franchise without any requirement to prove or establish
that County does not have an adequate remedy at law. Franchisee hereby waives the requirement of
any such proof and acknowledges that County would not have an adequate remedy at law for
Franchisee's commission of an Event of Default hereunder.
3. Injunction. County shall be entitled to restrain, by injunction, the actual or
threatened commission or attempt of an Event of Default and to obtain a judgment or order
specifically prohibiting a violation or breach of this Agreement without, in either case, being
required to prove or establish that County does not have an adequate remedy at law. Franchisee
hereby waives the requirement of any such proof and acknowledges that County would not have an
adequate remedy at law for Franchisee's commission of an Event of Default hereunder.
4. Alternative Remedies. Neither the existence of other remedies identified in this
franchise nor the exercise thereof shall be deemed to bar or otherwise limit the right of the County to
commence an action for equitable or other relief, and/or proceed against Franchisee and any
guarantor for all direct monetary damages, costs and expenses arising from the Default and to
recover all such damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Remedies are
cumulative; the exercise of one shall not foreclose the exercise of others.
In the event that after this franchise becomes effective, (a) there is a change in the law which
broadens the authority of the County of Mason or the Franchisee with respect to any act permitted or
authorized under this franchise; or (b)the County of Mason or the Franchisee believe that
amendments to this franchise are necessary or appropriate, then the County of Mason and the
Franchisee agree to enter into good faith negotiations to amend this franchise so as to enable the
Parties to address, in a manner reasonably acceptable to all Parties, such change or other
development which formed the basis for the negotiations. The Parties recognize that the purpose of
the negotiations would be to preserve, to the maximum extent consistent with law, the scope and
purpose of this franchise.
Mason County reserves for itself the right at any time upon ninety (90) days written notice to the
Franchisee, to so change, amend, modify or amplify any of the provisions or conditions herein
enumerated to conform to any state statute or county regulation,relating to the public welfare,health,
safety or highway regulation,as may hereafter be enacted,adopted or promulgated and this franchise
may be terminated at such time a public hearing is held by the Board of County Commissioners,and
the Franchisee's utility facilities are found not to be operated or maintained in accordance with such
statute or regulation.
Franchisee shall execute and return to the County of Mason a signed acceptance of the franchise
granted hereunder. The acceptance shall be in the form of the acceptance attached hereto as Exhibit
"A", and in accepting the franchise, Franchisee warrants that it has carefully read the terms and
conditions of this franchise and accepts all of the terms and conditions of this franchise and agrees to
abide by the same and acknowledges that it has relied upon its own investigation of all relevant facts,
that it has had the assistance of counsel, that it was not induced to accept a franchise, that this
franchise represents the entire agreement between the Franchisee and the County of Mason. In the
event the Franchisee fails to submit the countersigned ordinance and acceptance as provided for
herein within the time limits set forth in this section,the grant herein is and shall become null and
A. Controlling Law/Venue. Any disputes concerning the application or interpretation of any
of the provisions of this franchise shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Venue
of any action or arbitration brought under this franchise shall be in Mason County,Washington or the
Western District of Washington if an action is brought in federal court, provided, however, that
venue of such action is legally proper.
B. Liens. Franchisee shall promptly pay and discharge any and all liens arising out of any
Work done, suffered or permitted to be done by Franchisee on any Franchise Area.
C. Waiver. No waiver by either party of any provision of this franchise shall in any way
impair the right of such parry to enforce that provision for any subsequent breach, or County of
Mason's right to enforce all other provisions of this franchise.
D. Attorney's Fees. If any action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce or interpret the
terms of this franchise, the substantially prevailing Party or Parties shall be entitled to reasonable
attorney's fees,costs and necessary disbursements in addition to any other relief to which such Party
or Parties may be entitled.
E. Amendment. This franchise may be amended only by a written contract signed by
authorized representatives of Franchisee and County of Mason.
F. Severability. If any provision of this franchise is held to be illegal, invalid or
unenforceable under present or future laws,such provision will be fully severable and this franchise
will be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision is not a part
hereof,and the remaining provisions hereof will remain in full force and effect. In lieu of any illegal,
invalid or unenforceable provision herein, there will be added automatically as a part of this
franchise; a provision as similar in its terms to such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision as
may be possible and be legal, valid and enforceable.
G. Joint and Several Liability. Franchisee acknowledges that, in any case in which
Franchisee and Franchisee's Contractors are responsible under the terms of this franchise, such
responsibility is joint and several as between Franchisee and any such Franchisee's Contractors;
provided that,the Franchisee is not prohibited from allocating such liability as a matter of contract.
H. Notices. Any notice contemplated, required, or permitted to be given under this
franchise shall be sufficient if it is in writing and is sent either by: (a) registered or certified mail,
return receipt requested; or(b)a nationally recognized overnight mail delivery service,to the Parry
and at the address specified below, except as such Party and address may be changed by providing
notice to the other Party no less than thirty (30) days' advance written notice of such change in
Grantor: County of Mason Public Works
100 Public Works Drive
Shelton, WA 98584
I. Approvals. Nothing in this franchise shall be deemed to impose any duty or obligation
upon the County of Mason to determine the adequacy or sufficiency of Franchisee's plans and
specifications or to ascertain whether Franchisee's proposed or actual construction, testing,
maintenance,repairs,replacement,relocation,adjustment or removal is adequate or sufficient or in
conformance with the plans and specifications reviewed by the County of Mason. No approval
given, inspection made,review or supervision performed by the County of Mason pursuant to this
franchise shall constitute or be construed as a representation or warranty express or implied by
County of Mason that such item approved, inspected, or supervised, complies with laws, rules
regulations or ordinances or this franchise or meets any particular standard,code or requirement,or
is in conformance with the plans and specifications,and no liability shall attach with respect thereto.
County and inspections as provided herein, are for the sole purpose of protecting the County of
Mason's rights as the owner or manager of the road rights-of-way and shall not constitute any
representation or warranty,express or implied,as to the adequacy of the design,construction,repair,
or maintenance of the utility facilities, suitability of the Franchise Area for construction,
maintenance,or repair of the utility facilities,or any obligation on the part of the County of Mason to
insure that work or materials are in compliance with any requirements imposed by a governmental
entity. County of Mason is under no obligation or duty to supervise the design, construction,
installation, relocation, adjustment, realignment, maintenance, repair, or operation of the utility
J. Force Majeure. Neither Parry hereto shall be liable to the other Parry for any failure to
perform an obligation set forth herein to the extent such failure is caused by war,act of terrorism or
an act of God, provided that such Party has made and is making all reasonable efforts to perform
such obligation and minimize any and all resulting loss or damage.
K. Construction. All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine,feminine or neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or Parties may require.
The provisions of this franchise shall be construed as a whole according to their common meaning,
except where specifically defined herein,not strictly for or against any party and consistent with the
provisions contained herein in order to achieve the objectives and purposes of this franchise.
L. Incorporation by Reference. All exhibits annexed hereto at the time of execution of this
franchise or in the future as contemplated herein, are hereby incorporated by reference as though
fully set forth herein.
M. Calculation of Time. All periods of time referred to herein shall include Saturdays,
Sundays,and legal holidays in the State of Washington,except that if the last day of any period falls
on any Saturday, Sunday,or legal holiday in the State of Washington,the period shall be extended to
include the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the State of Washington.
N. Entire Agreement. This franchise is the full and complete agreement of County of Mason
and Franchisee with respect to all matters covered herein and all matters related to the use of the
Franchise Area by Franchisee and Franchisee's Contractors,and this franchise supersedes any and all
other agreements of the Parties hereto with respect to all such matters,including,without limitation,
all agreements evidencing the franchise.
O. No Recourse. Without limiting such immunities as the County or other persons may have
under applicable law,Franchisee shall have no monetary recourse whatsoever against the County or
its officials, boards, commissions, agents, or employees for any loss or damage arising out of the
County's exercising its authority pursuant to this Franchise or other applicable law.
P. Responsibility for Costs. Except as expressly provided otherwise,any act that Franchisee
is required to perform under this franchise shall be performed at its cost. If Franchisee fails to
perform work that it is required to perform within the time provided for performance, the County
may perform the work and bill the Franchisee. The Franchisee shall pay the amounts billed within
30 days.
Q. Work of Contractors and Subcontractors. Work by contractors and subcontractors is
subject to the same restrictions, limitations, and conditions as if the work was performed by the
Franchisee. The Franchisee shall be responsible for all work.performed by its contractors and
subcontractors,and others performing work on its behalf,under its control,or under authority of its
utility permit,as if the work were performed by it and shall ensure that all such work is performed in
compliance with this franchise, Title 12 MCC, the Manual and other applicable law, and shall be
jointly and severally liable for all damages and correcting all damage caused by them. It is the
Franchisee's responsibility to ensure that contractors, subcontractors, or other Persons performing
work on the Franchisee's behalf are familiar with the requirements of the franchise,Title 12 MCC,
the Manual, and other applicable laws governing the work performed by them.
R. Survival of Terms. Upon the expiration, termination, revocation or forfeiture of the
franchise,the Franchisee shall no longer have the right to occupy the franchise area for the purpose
of providing services authorized herein. However,the Franchisee's obligations under this franchise
to the County shall survive the expiration, termination, revocation or forfeiture of these rights
according to its terms for so long as the Franchisee's utility facilities shall remain in whole or in part
in the road rights of way. By way of illustration and not limitation, Franchisee's obligations to
indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County, provide insurance and a performance/payment
bond pursuant to Section XI and Franchisee's obligation to relocate its utility facilities pursuant to
Section VIII, shall continue in effect as to the Franchisee, notwithstanding any expiration,
termination, revocation or forfeiture of the franchise, except to the extent that a County-approved
transfer, sale, or assignment of the utility system is completed, and another entity has assumed full
and complete responsibility for the utility system or for the relevant acts or omissions.
S. Warranties. By acceptance of this franchise, Franchisee warrants:
1. That Franchisee has full right and authority to enter into and perform this
Franchise in accordance with the terms hereof, and by entering into or performing this Franchise,
Franchisee is not in violation of its charter or by-laws,or any law,regulation,or agreement by which
it is bound or to which it is subject; and
2. That the execution,delivery,and performance of this Franchise by Franchisee has been duly
authorized by all requisite Board/Commission action, that the signatories for Franchisee of the
acceptance hereof are authorized to sign this Franchise, and that the joinder or consent of any other
parry, including a court, trustee, or referee, is not necessary to make valid and effective the
execution, delivery, and performance of this Franchise and acceptance.
DATED at Shelton, Washington this day of 20_.
County Engineer Chair
Approve as to form:
Vice Chair
Chief D.P.A.
Exhibit A
Ordinance No. 115-06, effective November 14, 2006.
I, , am the of
and am the authorized representative to accept the above-referenced franchise on behalf of
I certify that this franchise and all terms and conditions thereof are accepted by
, without qualification or reservation.
DATED this day of , 20
Tax Id.No.
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the
person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument,on oath stated
that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of
the to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and
purposes mentioned in the instrument.
Notary Public
Print Name
My commission expires
Description of Franchise Area
County of Mason
100 West Public Works Drive
Shelton WA 98584
Attn: County Engineer
Grantor: COUNTY OF MASON, a legal subdivision of the state of Washington
Legal Description of Benefited Property
Legal Description:
Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#:
Aquarius Utilities, LLC
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold
two public hearings at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, Commission Chambers, 411
North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday,April 7,2020 at 9:15am.
SAID HEARING will be to consider multiple water Franchise Permit applications between Mason
County and Aquarius Utilities,LLC, Island Shores Water, LLC, Detroit Water Service Association
and Oak Park Water Company, LLC.
If special accommodations are needed,please contact the Commissioners' office,
(360) 427-9670 (Shelton), (360) 482-5269 (Elma) or (360) 275-4467 (Belfair), Ext. 419 or any
questions contact Terry Conley, 360-427-9670,Ext.450.
DATED this day of March,2020.
Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board
Cc: Auditor
Clerk of the Board
Public Works
Listed Water Districts
Journal - Publ 2t: 3/19/20 & 3/26/20 (not less than 5 days prior to hearing)
Post: 3 public places 15 days before hearing—No later than 3/23/20
(Bill Public Works— 100 W Public Works Drive, Shelton, WA 985 84)
FROM: David Windom
BRIEFING DATE: 2 March 2020
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information N/A
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Changes to outdoor burning regulations
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential
Makes changes to outdoor burning regulations as outlined in Chapter 9.48 -
PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements,direct notice,website,community
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Place on the action agenda
Briefing Summary 2/26/2020
An outdoor burning program has been established in Mason County as set out in this chapter.Open
fires are not allowed in the Urban Growth Areas.
9.48.020-Basis for permitting outdoor burning.
All open fires are permitted either by a written permit or under a general rule burn program.
(Res.4-95§ 1, 1995).
9.48.030-Written permits.
(a) Written permits may be issued by designated Mason County offices or fire protection districts.
(b) Written permits will only be issued for:
(1) Land clearing fires(larger than four feet in diameter)consisting of natural vegetation resulting
from land clearing projects;and
(2) Permits will not be issued for the burning of prohibited materials;and
(3) The duration of a written permit shall not exceed ene six months;and
(4) Mason County offices will issue ne fee land clearing open burning permits in those fire districts
not issuing their own permits;and
(5) Land clearing permits can also be issued by those Mason County fire districts that choose to
do so.Fire districts are allowed to charge a fee for the issuance of burning permits;and
(6) Written permits will not be required for residential yard debris fires.
'-'- Formatted:Normal
(Res.4-95§§2,3, 1995).
9.48.040-Residential yard debris burning.
(a) Residential yard debris burning from Oct 15P to May 15th,-_fires no larger than fGUF-ten in_ Formatted:Superscript
diameter and burn barrels will be allowed under a general rule burn program. Burn barrels will be
used for yard debris only, garbage and other solid wastes are not allowed.Under this concept,
property owners will have a total of fourteen days during each calendar year to burn residential yard
(b) Property owners can pick the specific fourteen days to burn, as long as the total, in any calendar
year,does not exceed fourteen days.
(c) No fees will be charged for residential yard debris burning and a written permit is not required.
However,the person in charge of the fire must have a copy of the Guidelines For Outdoor Fires In
Mason County in hand at the fire location.
FROM: Alex Paysse
DEPARTMENT: Community Services, EXT: 279
Environmental Health
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
ITEM: Professional Services Contract w/ Hood Canal Coordinating Council
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
Mason County has again partnered with the Hood Canal Coordinating Council in a
regional Pollution Identification and Correction (PIC) project in the Hood Canal
(HCRPIC). HCCC was successful in securing NEP grant funding with DOH for Phase 4
of this workplan. This latest contract is for the Mason County portion of the approved
scope of work. Other partners on this project include; Kitsap County Health District,
Jefferson County Public Health, Salmon Enhancement Group, and Skokomish Tribe.
All partners working together with a common goal of improving water quality and
commercial shellfish harvest opportunities within Hood Canal. This Phase of the
project will be focused on implementing the Annas Bay response plan (approved by
commission in Oct. 2018) and follow up to problem areas identified in previous
PUBLIC OUTREACH: (Include any legal requirements, direct notice,
website, community meetings, etc.)
Skokomish Watershed Action Team (SWAT) meeting, Annas Bay community outreach
workshop, previous phase results available at www.hccc.wa.gov
None. Included in current budget.
Approval to add contract on March 10th Action Agenda.
Proposed contract with HCCC.
Briefing Summary 2/24/2020
THIS AGREEMENT is a subaward and is between Hood Canal Coordinating Council
(HCCC), located at 17791 Fjord Drive, NE, Suite 118, Poulsbo, WA 98370, and Mason
County Public Health (Consultant), with an address of 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA
98584, and is made effective as of the date signed below by HCCC. HCCC and
Consultant are also referred to as the "Parties" and each as a "Party."
The Parties to this Agreement agree as follows:
1) DEFINITIONS. -- For purposes of this Agreement, the term—
a) "Hood Canal Coordinating Council" means Hood Canal Coordinating Council, also
referred to as HCCC, a Washington Corporation, and its members, directors,
officers, employees and agents;
b) "Consultant" means the Consultant and its directors, officers, employees, agents
and subcontractors; and
c) "Contract Representative" means the person designated below and incorporated
by reference, to serve as representative of HCCC and the Consultant for
purposes of administration of this Agreement.
provide services to HCCC, in accordance with applicable professional standards, as
described in Exhibit A and the Funding Source Programmatic Conditions (if any), as
described in Exhibit A. No work shall commence under this Agreement until it is fully
executed by both Parties.
a) Except as provided herein, HCCC agrees to pay Consultant on a monthly basis
following receipt of an invoice documenting services rendered and costs
incurred, in a manner and amount stipulated in Exhibit A.
b) Consultant shall submit the final invoice, or any claims for payments not already
made, no later than 30 days from the expiration or termination of the
agreement, or as otherwise stated in Exhibit A.
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 1
i) HCCC may, at its sole discretion, retain up to 10 percent of the amount
otherwise due and owing under each invoice until Consultant completes all
work described in Exhibit A, or otherwise authorized by HCCC. HCCC shall
notify Consultant of the amount retained and deposit the retained amount in
an interest-bearing account. HCCC shall release the amount retained,
together with earned interest, not later than 30 days after receipt of a final
invoice and acceptance of HCCC of all work authorized.
ii) HCCC may, at its sole discretion, retain an amount otherwise due and owing
under each invoice until Consultant provides HCCC with evidence that the
Consultant has paid industrial insurance premiums for its employees and/or
is in compliance with state industrial insurance requirements.
c) Allowable Costs.—
i) Travel Expenses. -- HCCC agrees to reimburse Consultant up to the amount
stipulated in Exhibit A for travel expenses (including per diem) from
Consultant's home or principal place of business to meeting sites. HCCC shall
reimburse Consultant for travel expenses in accordance with federal travel
regulations. Payment for expenses over the category amount will not be
honored without prior approval of HCCC's Contract Representative.
International travel requires advance pre-approval.
ii) Other Expenses. -- HCCC agrees to reimburse Consultant for miscellaneous
expenses specified in Exhibit A, provided those costs are allowable under the
Federal Cost Principles set forth in the OMB Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part
200. Any request over the category amount will not be honored without
prior approval by HCCC's Contract Representative.
d) Unallowable Costs. --
i) Management fees or similar charges in excess of the direct costs are not
ii) If Consultant expends more than the amount of its approved budget in
anticipation of receiving additional funds, it does so at its own risk. HCCC is
not legally obligated to reimburse Consultant for costs incurred in excess of
the approved budget.
e) Invoice. -- Consultant's invoice shall indicate dates of service, a description of
work performed, and time spent on that date in providing service under this
Agreement. The invoice shall include travel claims for travel expenses incurred
by Consultant in connection with performance under this Agreement. The
invoice shall provide a progress report describing all activities accomplished for
the period being invoiced.
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 2
i) Invoices should be sent to the Accountant at the HCCC address listed below
via U.S. Postal Service or email (not both).
ii) Invoices must be submitted by a representative of the Consultant who has
the Consultant's full authority to render such reports and requests for
payment and certify to the following at time of submission:
By signing this payment request, I certify to the best of my knowledge and
belief that the payment request is true, complete, and accurate. The
expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and
objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the Agreement. I am aware
that any false,fictitious, or fraudulent information, or the omission of any
material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties for
fraud,false statements,false claims or otherwise. 18 USC 1001 and 31 USC
3729-3730 and 3801-3812.
4) TERM. --The term of this Agreement commences on the effective date, the date the
agreement is signed by the HCCC Executive Director below, and continues until
December 31, 2021 as stipulated in Exhibit A, or until terminated by the Parties. In
the event funding from state,federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or
limited in any way after the effective date of this contract and prior to normal
completion, HCCC may terminate the contract under the "Term" clause without a
notice requirement.
5) SUBCONTRACTING. —Consultant may not subcontract without prior written
approval by the HCCC. Additionally,the Consultant is responsible for ensuring that
all terms, conditions, assurances and certifications set forth in this contract are
carried forward to any subcontracts.
6) TRAINING. --Consultant acknowledges that no training will be provided to
Consultant under this Agreement. Consultant warrants and represents that its
personnel are fully trained to perform services required under this Agreement and
that additional training provided by HCCC will be unnecessary.
a) Consultant shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain in full force and effect
during the term of this Agreement all required licenses, permits, and similar legal
authorization, and comply with all applicable Federal, State and local regulations.
b) Consultant shall be responsible for payment of taxes, insurance and other
obligations relating to its performance of services under this Agreement.
Consultant shall provide HCCC with verification of its—
i) Unified business identifier number from the State of Washington and that its
business license is in good standing;
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 3
ii) Washington State Department of Revenue account and that the account is in
good standing;
iii) Washington State Labor and Industries account and that the account is in
good standing or that the Consultant is exempt from the state's industrial
insurance requirements;
iv) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number; and
v) Central Contractor Registry(CCR)through SAM.gov.
c) All other necessary licenses and permits to perform the work specified in Exhibit
a) Consultant shall act as an independent Consultant, and in no way shall be
considered an employee of HCCC. Consultant is not required to report to HCCC's
offices at any specific time, except as requested for occasional consultations.
HCCC does not have the right to assign any additional projects to Consultant.
Consultant shall choose the time and manner for performing each part of the
services described in Exhibit A according to its own routines and schedules,
independent from HCCC's normal business operations.
b) Consultant acknowledges that Consultant will not qualify for benefits which may
be available if classified as an employee. In the event that the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) successfully asserts that Consultant is not or was not an
independent Consultant for any period during the term of this Agreement and
reclassifies Consultant as an employee, Consultant agrees to complete, sign and
deliver IRS Form 4669 (Employee Wage Statement) to HCCC for any tax period
affected. HCCC shall then file the Form 4669 with the IRS (along with IRS Form
4670 "Request for Relief From Payment of Income Tax Withholding") to offset
against HCCC's withholding obligation.
c) Consultant acknowledges that it will be liable to HCCC for any industrial
insurance premiums or any other premiums or fees that HCCC is required to pay
on its behalf under RCW 51.12.070, or any other applicable statute, regulation or
ordinance,to the State of Washington or local jurisdiction.
9) NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT. --This Agreement is non-exclusive. Consultant reserves
the right to perform services for others during the term of the Agreement.
10) MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT. --Consultant shall provide all materials and
equipment necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement: Provided,
however, that Consultant may use office equipment located in the offices of HCCC,
as available, and provided however, that if"Other Expenses" have been awarded as
part of this agreement, HCCC may purchase said supplies and services on behalf of
the Consultant as part of this Agreement.
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 4
a) To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant hereby indemnifies and holds
HCCC harmless from any and all loss, damage, suits, liability, claims, demands or
costs, whatsoever, whether arising at law or in equity, or sounding in tort,
contract or other causes of action arising from any claim or liability resulting
from Consultant's performance of services described in Exhibit A under this
Agreement, except to the extent caused by the negligence of HCCC.
b) Consultant hereby indemnifies and holds HCCC harmless from any additional
taxes, interest and penalties due from Consultant or HCCC resulting from
reclassification in the event the IRS or any state or local taxing authority
successfully asserts that Consultant is not or was not an independent Consultant
for any period during the term of this Agreement and reclassifies Consultant as
an employee.
12) INSURANCE. --Consultant shall provide HCCC with a certificate of insurance for each
insurance provision required in this section.The certificate of insurance shall be
effective during the duration of this agreement. HCCC may require that the
certificate of insurance name HCCC as an additional insured party. Consultant shall
also require all of its subcontractors to maintain the same type and level of
insurance as required in this section and provide certificates of insurance to HCCC as
required in this section. Consultant shall, at its own expense, acquire and maintain
the following insurance throughout the term of the Agreement:
a) Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-owned and
hired automobiles, trucks and trailers. Such insured shall provide the Standard
Comprehensive Automobile Liability policy in limits not less than $1,000,000
Combined Single Limit;
b) Commercial General Liability Coverage Insurance, with not less than the
following limits: $1,000,000 for each occurrence limit, $1,000,000 for personal
injury limit, $2,000,000 general aggregate limit;
c) Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per claim
and in the aggregate; and
d) Workers' Compensation and Employer Defense Insurance as required by statute
and employer liability coverage, with not less than the following limits:
$1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, $1,000,000 each
employee for bodily injury by disease and $1,000,000 policy limit for bodily
injury by disease.
e) Notwithstanding the forgoing, Contractor maintains a system for self-insurance
that meets the requirements of this section 12.
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 5
13)CONFIDENTIALITY. -- Information produced or made available to the Consultant
shall not be disclosed to others or used for any other purpose, except as required
under this contract or by law, without prior written approval by HCCC.
products developed under this contract, excluding copyrighted material used with
permission, or other public data that cannot be copyrighted, shall become the sole
property of the HCCC and its assigns. Permission for its subsequent use must be
obtained from the HCCC prior to that use. Any alteration of the data by HCCC for
purposes other than those intended by this Agreement shall be at HCCC's sole risk
and without legal liability upon the Consultant.
a) Consultant gives HCCC the right and authority to publicize HCCC's financial
support for this Agreement and the Project in press releases, publications and
other public communications. Consultant agrees to: (i) give appropriate credit to
HCCC and any Funding Sources identified in this Agreement for their financial
support in any and all press releases, publications, annual reports, signage, video
credits, dedications, and other public communications regarding this Agreement
or any of the project deliverables associated with this Agreement, subject to any
terms and conditions below; and (ii) include the disclaimer provided for in (b).
Consultant must obtain prior HCCC approval for the use relating to this
Agreement of the HCCC logo or the logo of any Funding Source.
b) Disclaimers. -- Payments made under this Agreement do not by direct reference
or implication convey HCCC's endorsement nor the endorsement by any other
entity that provides funds through this Agreement, including the U.S.
Government, as applicable, for the Project. All information submitted for
publication or other public releases of information regarding this Agreement
shall carry the following disclaimer:
i) For Projects funded in whole or part with Federal funds: "The views and
conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should
not be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the U.S.
Government or the Hood Canal Coordinating Council and its funding sources.
Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their
endorsement by the U.S. Government, or the Hood Canal Coordinating
Council or its funding sources."
ii) For Projects not funded with Federal funds: "The views and conclusions
contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be
interpreted as representing the opinions of the Hood Canal Coordinating
Council or its funding sources. Mention of trade names or commercial
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 6
products does not constitute their endorsement by the Hood Canal
Coordinating Council or its funding sources."
16) INSPECTION AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. --The Consultant shall make all
applicable financial records, supporting documents, and all other pertinent records
related to this Project, available to HCCC, the State of Washington,the U.S.
Government or any of their duly authorized representatives,for inspection. Records
shall be retained until the Term date of this Agreement and then submitted to the
Project Manager for retention until required by law.
17)NONDISCRIMINATION. -- By signing this Agreement,the Consultant certifies that it
is an Equal Opportunity Employer and in compliance with all state and federal
nondiscrimination requirements.The Consultant agrees to continue to be in
compliance with all state and federal nondiscrimination requirements. Consultant
agrees to comply fully with applicable civil rights statutes and regulations, including
Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the American Disabilities Act.
from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion,
or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he is
otherwise entitled and remain in compliance with 18 U.S.C. 874 and 40 U.S.C. 276c.
19) PREVAILING WAGE. --The Consultant agrees to pay the prevailing rate of wage to all
workers, laborers, or mechanics employed in the performance of any part of this
contract when required by state law to do so, and to comply with provisions of the
Davis-Bacon Act.(40 USC 3141-3148), Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
(40 USC 3701-3708), other federal laws and Chapter 39.12 RCW, as amended, and
the rules and regulations of the Department of Labor and Industries.
20)APPLICABLE LAW.--This Agreement shall be construed and enforced under the laws
of the State of Washington, irrespective of the fact that any one of the Parties is now
or may become a.resident of another state. Venue for any action under this
Agreement shall lie in Kitsap County, Washington.
21) MODIFICATION. --This Agreement may not be waived, discharged or modified in
any manner other than by written agreement of the Parties.
22)SEVERABILITY. -- No provision of this Agreement is severable from any and all other
provisions of this Agreement. Should any provision or provisions of this Agreement
be unenforceable for any reason, the party finding itself unable to enforce said
provision(s) may, at its sole discretion, declare this entire Agreement to be null and
23)TERMINATION. -- Either party may terminate this Agreement with 30 days written
notification to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the Parties shall
be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 7
terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. If for any cause,
either party does not fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this
Agreement, or if either party violates any of these terms and conditions,the
aggrieved party will give the other party written notice of such failure or violation.
The responsible party will be given the opportunity to correct the violation or failure
within 15 working days. If the failure or violation is not corrected, this Agreement
may be terminated immediately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the
other. HCCC shall have the right to terminate this Agreement in whole or in part at
any time, if the Funding Source issues an early termination under the funding
agreement(s) covering all or part of the Project at issue hereunder.
24)WAIVER. -- If either party fails to exercise its rights under this Agreement, it shall not
be precluded from subsequent exercise of its rights. A failure to exercise rights shall
not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this Agreement, unless stated in a
letter signed by authorized representative of the party and attached to the original
25)COSTS AND ATTORNEYS FEES. -- If either party brings any action against the other
for relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement,the prevailing
party shall recover against the other party all costs and reasonable attorneys'fees,
including costs and reasonable attorneys'fees incurred to enforce any judgment
rendered pursuant to this Agreement.
If the Funding Source, including any secondary funding source, is paid with federal
funds,the Consultant must comply with the following.
a) Uniform Guidance. -- Consultant must comply with the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR
Part 200) to the extent applicable to Consultant as a non-Federal entity receiving
a federal award. With respect to cost principles: Non-Profit Organizations,
Institution of Higher Education,State, Local or Tribal Government, must comply
with the Cost Principles of the Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200; and
Commercial (for-profit) organizations must comply with Title 48 Chapter 1
Subchapter E Part 31. No funds provided pursuant to this Agreement may be .
used to support any activities not authorized under this Agreement or allowable
under the Federal Cost Principles set forth in the OMB Uniform Guidance.
b) Audit Requirements. -- Consultant may be required to comply with the Federal
Audit Requirements found in 2 CFR 200.500 (formerly OMB Circular A-133).
c) Lobbying and Litigation (2 CFR 200.450). --
i) No funds under the Agreement maybe used to engage in lobbying of the
Federal Government or in litigation against the U.S. unless authorized under
existing law.
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 8
ii) New Restrictions on Lobbying. -- In any subcontract over$100,000,
Consultant shall require that subcontractors submit certification and
disclosure forms in accordance with the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment, 31
USC 1352. Any consultant who makes a prohibited expenditure or fails to file
the required certification or lobbying forms shall be subject to a civil penalty
of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such
d) Debarment and Suspensions. -- Unless Consultant has submitted a written
justification fourteen (14) days prior to execution of this Contract, stating the
reason that this term does not apply, which has been expressly accepted and
approved by HCCC prior to execution, by signing this Agreement, Consultant
warrants and represents its initial and continued compliance that it is not listed
on the General Services Administration's, government-wide System for Award
Management Exclusions (SAM Exclusions), in accordance with the OMB
guidelines at 2 C.F.R Part 180 that implement E.O.s 12549 (3 C.F.R., 1986 Comp.,
p. 189) and 12689 (3 C.F.R., 1989 Comp., p. 235), "Debarment and Suspension."
The Consultant further provides that it shall not enter into any subaward,
contract or other Contract using funds provided by HCCC with any party listed on
the SAM Exclusions in accordance with Executive Orders 12549 and 12689. The
SAM Exclusions can be found at SAM.gov.
e) Drug-Free Workplace Certification. -- Consultant shall make an ongoing, good
faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace pursuant to the specific
requirements set forth in CFR Part 1536 Subpart B. Consultant shall identify all
known workplaces under this Agreement, and keep this information on file
during the performance of the Agreement. Consultants who are individuals
must comply with the drug-free provisions set forth in 2 CFR Part 1536 Subpart
C. The consequences for violating this condition are detailed under 2 CFR Part
1536 Subpart E.
f) Trafficking in Persons. --You as the sub-recipient, your employees, sub-
awardees under this award, and sub-awardees' employees may not engage in
severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of time that the award is
in effect; procure a commercial sex act during the period of time that the award
is in effect; or use focused labor in the performance of the award or sub-awards
under this Award and must inform HCCC immediately of any information you
receive for any source alleging a violation of this prohibition during the term of
the agreement.
g) Reducing Text Messaging while Driving, Executive Order 13513. -- Consultant is
encouraged to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving,
including conducting initiatives of the type described in section 3(a) of the order.
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 9
h) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. -- Consultant agrees to good faith efforts
whenever procuring construction, equipment, services and supplies in
compliance with the requirements of EPA's Program of Utilization of Small,
Minority and Women's Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE). 40 CFR 33. Consultant
must receive permission from HCCC to sub-contract with another entity.
i) Additional Responsibility Matters. -- By signing this Agreement, Consultant
warrants and represents that it is not subject to the below circumstance.
i) Was convicted (or had an officer or agent of such corporation acting on
behalf of the corporation convicted) of a felony criminal violation under any
Federal or State law within the preceding 24 months, where the awarding
agency is aware of the conviction, unless the agency has considered
suspension or debarment of the corporation and made a determination that
this further action is not necessary to protect the interests of the
j) Certification and Representation. -- Consultant must submit those certifications
and representations required by Federal statutes, or regulations to HCCC on an
annual basis. Submission may be required more frequently if the Consultant
entity fails to meet a requirement of a Federal award.
executed in counterparts, after execution by all Parties hereto, shall together
constitute the Agreement. The parties acknowledge that a signature in electronic
form has the same legal effect and validity as a handwritten signature.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement effective as of
the day and year signed by the Executive Director below.
Hood Canal Coordinating Council For Mason County Public Health
Scott Brewer, Executive Director Mason County Commissioner
Approved as to form:
Mason County Prosecuting Attorney
This Agreement is made effective as of the date signed by the HCCC Executive Director
on the day of , 2020
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 10
Independent Consultant Scope of Services
Hood Canal Regional Pollution Identification and Correction
Program - Phase 4
Description of Services
Mason County Public Health (MCPH) will provide services to support the
implementation of the Hood Canal Regional Pollution Identification and Correction
(HCRPIC) Program's Phase 4, as described below.The following project information is
excerpted from HCCC's base agreement scope of work:
Contract number: CB024134
Subrecipient Organization: Hood Canal Coordinating Council
Subrecipient Contact: Haley Harguth, Watershed Program Manager,
hharguth@hccc.wa.gov, 360.328.4625; Scott Brewer, Executive Director,
sbrewer@hccc.wa.gov, 360.531.0575
DUNS#: 620533930
CPAR Info (Statewide Vendor#, UBI, Federal Tax ID, etc.): 0011386-00, 602-080-
310, 91-2085994
DOH Contract Manager: Megan Schell megan.schelI@doh.wa.gov 360.236.3307
Federally Approved Indirect Rate: 10% (de minimis)
Period of Performance: DOE—December 31, 2021 NOTE: EPA stretch goals are
to spend awarded funds within 2 years
Project Description: This project funds pollution identification and correction
activities to protect and improve Hood Canal water quality to safeguard public
and ecosystem health and keep shellfish growing areas and recreational beaches
open by preventing bacterial pollution flowing into surface waters. The Hood
Canal Regional Pollution Identification and Correction Program brings together
local health jurisdictions and tribal partners across the Hood Canal region to
coordinate water quality protection actions.This unique regional structure
enables cross-jurisdictional sharing of resources and expertise to solve water
HCCC Contract Agreement Page 11
quality challenges threatening Hood Canal's community and ecosystem health.
Not to exceed: $ 222,353.
Near Term Action ID: 2018-0639
The Hood Canal Regional Pollution Identification and Correction Program (HCRPIC) core
partners will work collaboratively to implement prioritized Pollution Identification and
Correction (PIC)work throughout Hood Canal to help reduce bacterial contamination
and increase harvestable shellfish acres. HCRPIC core members include Jefferson, Kitsap,
and Mason Counties, the Port Gamble S'Klallam and Skokomish Tribes; other partners
include the county conservation districts, Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group, and
WSU Extension.
There are eighteen shellfish growing areas in the Hood Canal Action Area.As of 2019,
the Hood Canal Action Area had 29,766 acres of approved growing areas, 1,515 acres
with conditional approval, and about 3,144 acres of prohibited or restricted growing
area. Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has identified several emergency
closure zones, threatened areas, and areas of concern based on marine water quality
data.There are close to 30,000 onsite sewage systems (OSS) in the project area, many in
close proximity to waterbodies and approximately one third of the systems are over 30
years old. PIC programs have been essential to maintain and improve water quality and
will continue to be vital for the health of Hood Canal and its communities.
The project will primarily address fecal pollution and associated pathogens. As fecal
pollution sources are corrected, less nutrients and organic materials, associated with
human and animal waste, will enter Hood Canal.That will result in less oxygen demand
to break down algae blooms resulting from excess nutrients and the organic materials in
waste. Hood Canal Regional PIC Program implementation will identify and correct
pathogen sources.The resulting water quality improvements will help achieve the Puget
Sound Partnership's Vital Sign recovery target to increase'harvestable shellfish acreage.
Phase 1 of the HCRPIC program developed a coordinated PIC monitoring plan with the
goal to upgrade shellfish harvest areas and prevent future downgrades in Hood Canal
priority areas. In the Phase 2 and 3 implementation phases, priority shoreline areas
were determined by HCRPIC members using current water quality monitoring
information to identify the most important shoreline areas to survey.The prioritization
of shoreline areas will be updated annually as new data emerges. Phase 3 ended in
August 2019, collectively resulting in 66 shoreline miles monitored, 380 site inspections
completed, 55 OSS failures identified, with 28 OSS repairs completed and the rest in
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 12
progress.The incomplete OSS repairs will continue to be tracked in Phase 4. Phase 4
builds off of previous implementation phases but with a reduced scope of work due to
funding limitations. HCRPIC Program - Phase 4 components include: shoreline surveys in
priority Hood Canal shoreline areas, pollution hotspot investigation and correction,
updated GIS mapping of OSS in Hood Canal, outreach and education to Hood Canal OSS
property owners and decision makers, OSS maintenance rebates, ambient stream water
quality monitoring, and regional inter-jurisdictional coordination.
The Phase 4 work plan will be developed in consultation with DOH and will include:
• Remaining Phase 3 priority hotspots and work areas including Hoodsport, Union,
Big Bend, Alderbrook, and Annas Bay, and
• Other areas with urgent public health or emerging water quality concerns
Upgrade 50 acres from prohibited to approved in Acres 50
Hoodsport area of Hood Canal 6
Reopen all closed parcels due to elevated bacteria in Parcels 30
drainages or due to failing onsite septic systems
Number of hotspots identified in Mason County Hotspots Unknown
(will be
Number of site inspections completed in Mason County Site Inspections 50
Number of OSS failures identified in Mason County OSS Failures 3
Number of OSS failures corrected in Mason County OSS Corrections 3
Area of shoreline surveys conducted in priority areas Miles 5
Number of ambient freshwater samples collected Samples 100
The following are the tasks, deliverables, and deadlines associated with this subaward.
Task numbering aligns with the task numbers in HCCC's base grant with DOH.
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 13
TASK 3. Hood Canal Regional Pollution Identification and
Correction Program Phase 4 Implementation
This task includes: collaboration with program partners to establish shared protocols
and work flows, and the Phase 4 Workplan, preparation of invoices and progress reports
for project coordinators, coordination of County staff on work toward Phase 4
objectives, coordination with landowners within the project area, upkeep and quality
assurance of program data, data reporting, and contributions to program deliverables,
including quarterly and final reports, sustainable funding efforts, and outreach
Project Coordination: Coordinate implementation of HCRPIC in your jurisdiction
following HCRPIC protocols described in the HCRPIC Guidance Document and the
project QAPP. Monitor spending and progress toward deliverables.
Submit monthly invoices and progress reports (using HCRPIC Program templates) by
the 15th of the following month. Communicate any concerns to HCRPIC Coordinator
that progress is not on track.
Invoices will be reimbursed upon satisfactory progress and reporting on the
deliverables within each payment period.
- Send invoices via e-mail to admin@hccc.wa.gov
- Send progress reports via email to Haley Harguth (hharsuth@hccc.wa.gov)
HCRPIC Ph. 4 Workplan: HCRPIC partners will work collaboratively to develop the
HCRPIC Phase 4 Workplan, which will establish priority areas for shoreline and ambient
freshwater stream monitoring and sanitary surveys, targeting areas of known pollution
hotspots, or facing shellfish growing area downgrades.The Phase 4 Workplan will be
informed by data from the HCRPIC Program Phase 3 results and GIS analysis, current
water quality information gathered from county health jurisdictions and tribes, and
monitoring data and recommendations from Washington State Department of Health
technical staff. It will outline tasks to build upon supporting work conducted in Phase 3.
The Phase 4 Workplan will outline any changes to HCRPIC Program procedures for data
collection, PIC hotspot investigations, and reporting, including the enforcement process
and timeline, and protocol for communication of public health risks. Field work activities
cannot begin until the HCRPIC Phase 4 Workplan is completed.
Data Collection & Reporting: Submit field work data to project coordinators every
quarter using the HCRPIC Cumulative Data Report template. Data reported to the
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 14
HCRPIC Program should include all PIC field work performed in Hood Canal funded by
the HCRPIC Program grant, as well as other funding sources, in order to provide a
comprehensive report of all Hood Canal PIC efforts across jurisdictions. Data is expected
to be thoroughly reviewed by the submitter for quality assurance and quality control
prior to it being submitted. Final Cumulative Data Reports will be submitted to project
coordinators after field work is completed to prepare for analysis, mapping, and EPA
WQX data entry. All data collected that is funded by this grant must be shared with state
and federal agencies upon request.
HCRPIC Guidance Group Meetings: HCRPIC partners will share information and ideas,
make collaborative decisions, and help guide HCRPIC Program's direction.The Guidance
Group provides oversight, guidance, shared learning, and structure for consistent
procedures across the PIC program. Guidance Group meetings with project partners will
be held quarterly or as needed to advance collaborative work in the PIC project area. At
Guidance Group meetings, partners will:
- Report on Ph 4 Workplan implementation, including current progress updates,
success stories, lessons learned, requests for advice and assistance, next steps,
upcoming events, etc.
- Present hotspots for consideration of elimination following hotspot closure
protocol described in HCRPIC Guidance Document. This information will be
included in the HCRPIC Ph. 4 final report.
- Provide updates on sustainable funding efforts.
Strategic Planning/Sustainable Funding: Strategic planning efforts will be conducted to
develop and implement a plan to enhance the HCRPIC Program's efforts to reduce
bacterial contamination in the shellfish growing areas of Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason
Counties. HCRPIC partners will work with program coordinators to develop a strategic
plan, which addresses the key elements in the Pollution Identification and Correction
Program Draft Protocols Recommendations provided by the Departments of Health and
Ecology.The Guidance Group will determine objectives and scope of activities, which
may include hiring an outreach consultant to support the development of a sustainable
funding outreach campaign, outreach products, and presentations to decision-makers
on water quality protection, program successes and sustainable funding. HCRPIC
partners will provide updates of sustainable funding efforts at Guidance Group
Training/Workshops: Assist project coordinators in preparing and leading HCRPIC Field
Training Workshop.The HCRPIC members will participate in a field training and data
reporting workshop addressing HCPRIC protocols and procedures.The workshop will be
held in the first quarter after contract agreements are in place. LHJ Project coordinator
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 15
and at least one field staff participating in HCRPIC Program field activities must attend
the training.
Project partners may participate in DOH-sponsored PIC workshops and other
trainings/events (subject to grant coordinator approval), as funds allow. Maximum of
two events per sub-recipient, or two people may attend a single event.
The HCPRIC Program members will identify, investigate, and work to correct all pollution
sources found throughout the project period, utilizing a variety of tools, collaborative
problem solving amongst the HCRPIC Guidance Group, and regulatory backstopping, as
needed, in order to achieve project objectives outlined above.
HCRPIC Program partners will determine Phase 4 priority work areas, including:
- Remaining Phase 3 priority hotspots and work areas including Hoodsport, Union,
Big Bend, Alderbrook, and Annas Bay-Skokomish River valley, and
- Other areas with urgent public health or emerging water quality concerns
MCPH will utilize this grant funding to investigate priority area shoreline drainages and
conduct parcel surveys to identify sources of fecal coliform bacteria.They will provide
technical assistance, work to correct identified sources, and conduct post-corrective
follow-up. MCPH will provide the regulatory backstop of enforcement with the help of
WA Departments of Ecology and Health as needed, depending on the facility type.
Shoreline surveys for pollution hotspots: Monitor shoreline for pollution outfalls in
priority areas identified in the HCRPIC Phase 4 Workplan and per HCRPIC Guidance
Document protocols and approved QAPP procedures. Document areas surveyed using
HCRPIC Shoreline Surveys Log (included in the Cumulative Data Report).
Pollution hotspot investigation and correction:Within the priority areas identified in
the HCRPIC Phase 4 Workplan, MCPH will conduct pollution source investigation and
follow-up of hotspots identified in shoreline surveys and ambient stream monitoring,
technical assistance, and enforcement with regulatory backstopping according to the
enforcement protocol developed by the HCRPIC Guidance Group and documented in
the Phase 4 Workplan. Procedures are outlined in the HCRPIC Program Guidance
Document and the QAAP.
Freshwater stream monitoring for pollution hotspots: Collaborate with Hood Canal
Salmon Enhancement Group to support freshwater monitoring of streams identified in
HCRPIC Phase 4 Workplan, per QAPP procedures.
Task 3.2. activities will begin after the HCRPIC Phase 4 Workplan is finalized.
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 16
Water Quality Information Sharing: HCRPIC and DOH have built an information sharing
process to quickly and efficiently:
- Prioritize HCRPIC work areas
- Provide DOH with post-corrective water quality data
- Respond to DOH early water quality warnings
All pollution identification data funded by the grant will be regularly shared with state or
federal agencies. All pollution hotspots identified by HCPRIC partners will be referred to
DOH, and new pollution hotspots identified by DOH will be referred to the local health
jurisdictions. Updates on progress toward pollution source identification and repairs will
be regularly provided by local health jurisdiction staff, and progress toward water
quality upgrades by DOH and remaining information needs will be shared at Guidance
Group meetings, and as needed. Any identified agricultural pollution sources will be
referred to the local Conservation District.
Data Reporting:
- Field work data will be entered into the HCRPIC Cumulative Data Report
template and submitted to program coordinators quarterly. See further
description of data collection and reporting activities in task 3.1.
- Enter monitoring data into Kitsap Public Health's online cloud-based water
quality database to facilitate EPA WQX data entry at.end of project.
- Final Cumulative Data Reports will be submitted to project coordinators after
field work is completed to prepare for analysis and mapping.
Homeowner rebates for onsite septic system maintenance will be provided to priority
parcels by local health jurisdictions.These rebates were very successful in Phases 2 and
3 to incentivize homeowners to properly operate and maintain their septic systems. In
Phase 4, HCRPIC partners will offer rebate vouchers up to $250 per OSS,to reimburse
costs for OSS inspections and pumping, and small repairs.
Rebate notices will be distributed to targeted residences using a consistent format
across jurisdictions.The criteria for rebate recipients will be determined by the
Guidance Group and approved by DOH. In past phases, criteria were set to target
homeowners who had not previously received a voucher, located in priority areas, or
had missing or overdue maintenance records.
Data on rebate recipients and services reimbursed will be tracked and analyzed to
evaluate the effectiveness of the rebate program as a behavior change tool and inform
future phases.
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 17
Task Deliverable Description Due Date
3.1 Describe coordination activities in monthly Ongoing, monthly
progress reports.
Report on workplan implementation progress at
quarterly Guidance Group meetings. At quarterly Guidance Group
3.2 1) Describe PIC activities in monthly progress 1) Ongoing, monthly
2) Report on workplan implementation
progress at quarterly Guidance Group 2) At quarterly Guidance
Group meetings
3) Submit Cumulative Data Report to HCRPIC 3) Quarterly, one week prior
coordinators to Guidance Group meetings;
and at end of field work.
1-3 above will address the following project
a. Number of parcel surveys conducted
b. At least 2 miles of priority shoreline in Hood
Canal Areas monitored per Phase 4
c. Collect approximately 200 water samples
d. Report the number of sites requiring
e. Conduct approximately 50 priority parcel
f. Report number of sites dye tested
g. Report number of failing septic systems
h. Report number of failing septic systems
L Number, location and status of sites
referred to other agencies for technical
and/or corrective actions.
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 18
3.3 OSS Maintenance Rebates
a) Provide input on HCPRIC Phase IV rebate
process for DOH review and approval a) March 31, 2020
b) Develop OSS rebate outreach materials b) July 31, 2020
using HCRPIC template c) Ongoing, complete by Dec
c) Report number of rebates processed in 31, 2021
monthly progress reports and in final
Project Budget
HCRPIC Program Ph.4 Budget—Mason Count
Task 3.1: Program Coordination
Finance Manager $60 per hour x 60 $3,600
Clerical $50 per hour x 30 $1,500
EH Manager $60 per hour x 24.4 $1,464
EH Specialist $60 per hour x 80 $4,800
Personnel Subtotal $11,364
Other Costs
Other(provide description) $
Other Costs Subtotal $0
Indirect Costs 10% $1,136
Task 3.1 Subtotal $12,500
Task 3.2: PIC Fieldwork
EH Specialist $60 per hour x 1029.7 $61,782
Personnel Subtotal 1 $61,782
Other Costs
Lab Analysis 200 samples $29 $5,800
Postage Mailings $300
Materials Paper, dye packets,other supplies $300
Other Costs Subtotal $6,400
Indirect Costs 10% $6,818
Task 3.2 Subtotal $75,000
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 19
Task 3.3: OSS Maintenance Rebates
EH Specialist $60 per hour x 9.47 $568
Personnel Subtotal $568
Other Costs
OSS O&M Rebates 25 rebates $250 $6,250
Other Costs Subtotal $6,250
Indirect Costs 10% $682
Task 3.3 Subtotal $7,500
Personnel Total $74,114
Other Costs Total Lab analysis,postage,materials, $12,250
rebates, other
Travel Total Describe if an ) $0
Indirect Costs 10% $8,636
Grand Total $95,000
Compensation: The Consultant shall be compensated under this agreement in an
amount not to exceed: $95,000. Submit monthly invoices to the Accountant by the 15'
of the following month. Expenses are payable with prior authorization from HCCC
project manager, and contingent upon satisfactory progress reporting toward
completion of project deliverables. Consultant shall submit the final invoice, or any
claims for payments not already made, no later than 30 days from the expiration or
termination of the agreement.
Progress Reporting: Consultant will submit progress reports each month by the 15th of
the following month to accompany invoices. A progress report template will be
provided. Submit progress reports to the project manager.
Travel: If claiming mileage Consultant will submit a mileage Report for reimbursement
with invoice. Mileage and travel costs will be reimbursed at current federal rates or
Contract Duration Date: The effective date is the date the contract is signed by the
Executive Director and ends December 31, 2021.
Consultant Checklist: Consultant will complete and provide requested information on
Exhibit B.
Contract Representatives:
Scott Brewer, Executive Director
Hood Canal Coordinating Council
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 20
17791 Fjord Drive, NE Suite 118
Poulsbo, WA 98370-8430
HCCC Project Manager:
Haley Harguth, Watershed Program Manager
Hood Canal Coordinating Council
17791 Fjord Drive, NE Suite 118
Poulsbo, WA 98370-8430
Hood Canal Coordinating Council
17791 Fjord Drive, NE Suite 118
Poulsbo, WA 98370-8430
Consultant Representative(s):
David Windom, Director
Mason County Public Health
415 N. 6th Street
Shelton, WA 98584
Project Manager:
Alex Paysse, EH Manager
Mason County Public Health
415 N 6th Street
Shelton, WA 98584
360-427-9670, extension 279
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit A Page 21
Consultant is a Subrecipient or a Contractor(Consultant): According to GSA-CX-1.8:
Subrecipient and Contractor Determination guidelines, HCCC has determined that you
are a Contractor, aka Consultant.
UBI No. 232 002 101
Federal Tax ID No. 91-6001354
Provide Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) number: 069 580 751
Consultant Type: Local government
Refer also to information in Exhibit A.
Project Name: Hood Canal Shellfish Strategic Initiative, Hood Canal Regional Pollution
and Identification Correction Program Phase 4
Funding Sources: Environmental Protection Agency (passed through) Washington State
Department of Health
CFDA Program Title: Puget Sound Action Agenda: Technical Investigations and
Implementation Assistance Program
Funding Source Award Date: 07/25/18
Funding Source Number(Federal Award Identification No): PC-01J18001-4
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. (CFDA): 66.123
Note: This award is not for R&D (research and development).
Complete Cyber Certification (if contract involves Collecting and Managing Data in
federal system). N/A
Consultant is hereby provided with Exhibit A-1 WA DOH Agreement CB024134
subrecipient Statement of Work Programmatic Conditions as applicable.
In accordance with 40 CFR 33.106 and its Appendix A, the contractor shall not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the performance of this
contract. The contractor administration shall carry out application requirements of 40
CFR part 33 in the award of contract awarded under EPA financial assistance
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit B Page 22
agreements. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material
breach of this contract which may result in the termination of this contract or other
legally available remedies.
If grant is over$100,000 complete/sign restrictions on Lobbying Certification 40 CFR
Part 34(and disclosure if applicable): Sign and return Certification linked here
Consultant DBE Program Reporting (indicate as appropriate):
Owned and Managed as Disadvantaged Business:
❑ Women Owned Business Enterprise
❑ Minority Owner Business Enterprise
❑ Veteran Owned Business Enterprise
❑ Community Based Organization
If certified by Washington State's Office of Minority and Women Owned Business
Enterprise (OMWBE) www.omwbe.wa.gov or Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA),
enter the certification number: N/A (entity is a county)
Provide proof of WA Dept. of Revenue Account in Good Standing: See attached.
Provide proof of WA Labor& Industries Account in Good Standing (and not debarred)
or Exemption (if no employees): 004,874-00; see attached.
Insurance (as applicable)--Renew during term of contract
– Commercial Auto Liability(if claiming mileage--use HCCC Mileage
Report if included in Exhibit A tasks)
— Commercial General Liability(naming HCCC as additional insured)
- Professional Liability Insurance
— Workers' Compensation and Employer Defense Insurance
Notice: The Hood Canal Coordinating Council as an equal opportunity employer will not
discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital
status, gender, sexual orientation, age [40 and over], maternity, and childbirth,
honorably discharged veteran or military status, disability, genetics, HIV and/or
Hepatitis C status, use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a
disability, or other protected class [legally recognized] under federal, state or local law.
Persons requiring reasonable accommodation or requiring any information in an
alternative format may contact 360-394-0046. Inquiries about the HCCC's compliance
may be directed to Scott Brewer, Executive Director.
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit B Page 23
Washington State Department
jj Services > Business Lookup > MASON COUNTY
License Information: New search Back to results
Business name: MASON COUNTY
Entity type: Municipality
UBI 0: 232-002-101
Business ID: 001
Location ID: 0008
Location: Active
Location address: 100 PUBLIC WORKS DR
SHELTON WA 98584-9714
Mailing address: 100 PUBLIC WORKS DR
SHELTON WA 98584-9714
Excise tax and reseller permit status: Click here
Endorsemenlsheld atthis location �License#r�-- i!Count Details-- ;Status Expiration dale —iFirstissuanct
Underground Storage Tank 2 View Tanks Active
Governing People may include governing people norregisiered mth secretary orsrare
Governing people Title
Registered Trade Names
Registered trade names (Status (First issued
MASON COUNTY Active Mar-26-2018
View Additional Locations
The Business Lookup information is updated nightly.Search date and time:1/3012020 12:36:34 PM
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit B Page 24
a' ryalf<[rymr.rf.4
11a11',i P.leu6xt�i�!i �smv).
Owner ortradesperson CdO HUMAN RESOURCES 411 NORTH 5TH ST
232 002101
061WBE Certifications
No active ce ca woos eAst for Ms business_
Apprentice Training Agent
a a veas i1r ngttwi registered apprentioe:,exist for this business_1MasNngton algovis the use of apprentices
registered a th Oregon or Montana.Contact the Oregon Bureau of Labor&Industries or Montana Department of Labor
&Industry to verify off this business has apprentioes.
Do you know if the business has employees?If so,verify the business is up-to-date on workers'comp premiums.
L&t Account ID Account is current
Doing business as
Estirnated workers reported
Quarter 4 of Year 2019"Greater than 100 Workers
L&I account contact
T9 0 KAITLYN VU QUOC(360)902-5141-Email:VUQM5@Inf wa gov
Public Works Requirements
Verify the contractor is eligible to pert rm work on public works pruj7ecty.
Required Training—Effective July 1,2019
Needs to complee Maining.
Contractor Strikes
No strikes n s have been issued against this contractor.
Contractors not allowed to bid
No debarments have een issued against this contractor.
HCCC Contract Agreement—Exhibit B Page 25
FROM: Kell Rowen
DEPARTMENT: Planning EXT: 286
BRIEFING DATE: March 2, 2020
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
X Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Requested revision to the Alderbrook Resort Conservancy Area Plan — Conservation
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential
solutions): The Alderbrook Resort is proposing to increase its parking capacity by over 70 parking
spaces.They are proposing to develop additional parking within an area currently within an existing
conservation easement.
The proposal includes removal of 0.47 acres from the easement and inclusion of 2.13 acres into the
Future proposal to increase parking includes the development of a retaining wall within a stream
buffer.This request to amend the conservation easement, if approved, does not preclude building
permits,variances, engineering, SEPA review or any other permit that may be required by the
proposal to develop additional parking spaces.
PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice,website,community
meetings, etc.) None currently.
RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Discuss proposal and consider amending the
existing Conservation Easement.
ATTACHMENTS: Covenant amendments, legal description and map of conservation
easement revisions
Briefing Summary 2/26/2020
Alderbrook Resort
Conservancy Area Plan
Conservation Easement
Amended 12-27 - 2019
THIS COVENANT TO Mason County, State of Washington,hereinafter "County" is
entered into as part of the Alderbrook Resort Conservancy Plan, concerning real property
legally described in Exhibit A(attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein the
"Property").North Forty Lodging LLC ("Owner"), on behalf of itself and its assigns and
successors interest into whose ownership the Property may pass, covenants that certain uplands
and streams as shown on the attached Alderbrook Resort Conservancy Area Plan(attached
hereto as Exhibit B and by this reference is incorporated herein the "Plan Area") will be
maintained in their natural state.
Owner herein covenants to the County on behalf of itself and its assigns and successors
in interest into whose ownership the Property might pass, as follows, it being specifically agreed
and covenanted that this is a covenant running with the land.
1. Owner is the sole and exclusive owner of the Property;
2. It is the purpose of this covenant to require that certain uplands, wetlands,
and stream areas shown in the Plan Area shall be left in a natural state in
order to preserve and protect the uplands, wetlands, and stream area
3. Consistent with the purposes of this covenant, uplands and stream areas shown
in the Plan Area shall be left in a natural state, which consists of steep slopes
that rise abruptly from the shoreline of Hood Canal with thickly wooded dense
mature conifer forest. The following activities shall not occur within the Plan
i. The construction of any structure;
ii. The removal, excavation, grading or dredging of soil, sand,
gravel,minerals, organic matter, or material;
iii. The destruction or alteration of vegetation through trimming,
clearing,harvesting, or intentional burning.
4. The creation of a minimally invasive interpretive trail system through the
Plan Area shall be permitted as part of this easement as long as the
appropriate permits are obtained.
5. Nothing in this covenant shall be construed to provide for public use of or
entry into the Plan Area. However,representatives and agents of the
County are hereby authorized to make reasonable entry into the Plan Area
for purposes related to administering this covenant; provided that the
Owner and its successors or assigns are given at least 24-hours advance
notice of any such entry.
6. The provisions of this covenant are enforceable in law or equity by the
County and its successors.
7. This covenant and all of the provisions, and each of the shall be binding
upon the Owner and its assigns and successors in interest into whose
ownership the property may pass and any obligations made herein by the
Owner shall be enforceable against its assigns and successors in interest
into whose ownership the Property may pass.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,theparties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed
the day and year indicated below
Dated this day of DzgembeL2LI9.
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before
me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath state that he/she was authorized to
execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of to be the free
and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
Notary Public
My appointment expires:
12 32104-27-00010 PN 32104-12-50120
EAST LLC 10230 PN 32104-21-00000 1d/ss AF 499501 PTN OF W Y
P01 NJ°S DR. PCL 2 OF BL:A#09-10 NE SIZE 5.54 ACRES. 1
2z 1%AF 49950.1 PTN OF W Y
63 NE SIZE 5.54 ACRES.
24 PN 32104.21-00000
31 SIZE 9.39 ACRES 64 1�
1Y6 AF 499501 PTN OF W A22
32 NE SIZE 5.54 ACRES.
s9 �
a sa
34 /
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45 a 51
a1 i fYs AF 499501 PTN OF W}4
\`39 39 47 CREEK
42 \ 49
3630 48
r �ZhsAF499501PTN OFW}4'
34 '3 fed: NE SIZE 5.54 ACRES.
26 �`
24 23 �
PN 32104-21-00000 22
PCL 2 OF BLA 909.10
LODGING.TOTAL ADD m- PN 32104.24-00000
4s 3 c 1
Q 5 16
D -
I2 - 15 76U3 12
a 6! { 1h 76 -
2 Gy
Exhibit A
Legal Description
FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°46'45" WEST 85.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°13'15"
85 FEET; THENCE NORTH 78008'44"WEST, 109.66 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45°06'31"
WEST 83.22 FEET; THENCE NORTH 35°44'56" EAST, 194.74 FEET, TO SAID
FROM: Lydia Buchheit
DEPARTMENT: Community Services-Public Health EXT: 404
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources
❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain
ITEM: Discussion with Homes First regarding low-income Veteran Family Duplex at 414-416
S. 7th Street, Shelton
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
Homes first has shared they have had some difficulty finding appropriate tenants and would
like to make the property"Veteran Preferred" rather than for Veteran Families.
Tenant Eligibility and Rent guidelines discussion to assure the units are truly permanent
supportive housing for low-income veterans.
PUBLIC OUTREACH:(include any legal requirements, direct notice,website, community
meetings, etc.)
Decision regarding how to best keep unit affordable for Mason County veteran families.
Homes First Annual Reports
Homes First Fiscal documents re: duplex
Homes First Contract
Amendment 1
Briefing Summary 2/26/2020
Homes First
Creating&Maintaining Safe,Healthy
l &Affordable Rental Homes
A 501(c)(3)Nonprofit
Annual Report
Mason County Housing
v I
Trudy Soucoup, CEO
Homes First—5203 Lacey Blvd,SE,Ste.A, Lacey,WA 98503
T:360-236-0920 DD:360-915-7513 E:ceo@homesfirst.org
►! , � ,� Annual Report
tl 0.41F5 ii;157 2016 1 2
Executive Summary
Writing this piece for our annual impact statement is one of our favorite things to do at this time of year. It helps us
celebrate our achievements,recognize our successes,and refocus our thoughts on the impact Homes First can have in the
year to come.
One of our biggest and most exciting achievements in 2o16 was our move into Mason County.With an invitation and
funding committed from Mason County and City of Shelton officials and a matching capital budget request from Rep. Dan
Griffey,we were able to purchase and rehab a duplex and a single family home. Both of these properties are specifically
being used to serve veterans.The duplex is now a home for two veteran families and the home has been converted into a
shelter for homeless male veterans. We look forward to working with our friends in Mason County to continue to grow the
housing resources your community needs.
Executive Summary 2
2016 - What Got Done 3
Homes First Mission 3
What We Do 3
Partnerships—The Glue That Holds Us Together 3
2017 - And Beyond 4
Why Move to Mason County? 4
Vs.z 03.01.17
Annual Report
BOa,fS IIRST 2016 1 3
2016 - What Got Done
In late 2o15, Homes First was approached by a group of stakeholders in Mason County to hear about how Homes First
works and how our model might be replicated for your citizens. After that initial meeting,we were encouraged to apply
for funds from Mason County and the City of Shelton to acquire and rehab properties specifically for veterans. Around that
time, Representative Dan Griffey offered to support an application by Homes First to have a Washington State General
Budget Allocation of$200,000 to support the project.
--------------------------------—— — ---------------------------------------------— ——
Homes First Mission k ® ® ~ a o
{ f3 � a ��r QCT. _
-----------—---——-- --——— —— ---— — — — — —— — — — ——— E_—
What We Do
Homes First is a property February 2016
' a Safer,
developer and manager. We '
make it possible for service - RELEASE OF FUNDS
providers not to be property August 2o16
managers. The basis for our Support - AQUISITION
mission is creating and Tenants
maintaining homes. Our goal is August/Septemberzol6
to get people in and keep people & REHABILITATION
in safe,healthy,and affordable Create& September—December zo16
homes. In many cases,this Maintain
means matching our tenants Homes ® OCCUPANCY
with services so they can be
Duplexes—October zol6&February 2017
successful. In Mason County,
the services are key to the Shelter—TBA—still seeking service provider
shelter being successful. All new projects are challenging. It is
—— -- — —---— ——— ---- — -----------------------— extra challenging to move into a new
Partnerships - The Glue That Holds Us Together county and to learn how the new
— — --------------—-----— — — --— --——— —— — governments and service providers
Home First depends on its service-provider partners to make many of our work. In this case,having a staff
projects successful. This is evident especially in our move into Mason County. turnover at the City of Shelton added
When we began this project,we had a volunteer advocate on the team an extra layer of complexity to the
working to ensure the shelter would have the services it needs. We also had process
another local large nonprofit stepping forward to partner with us. Our Homes First staff continues to learn
original hope,was to have the shelter located next door to permanent how best to work within the current
supportive housing in the duplex(PSH). Men would be able to get their systems,including the permitting
emergent needs met in the shelter and move to the PSH or into other housing process.
as available. Things did not go according to plan! Our volunteer chose, Homes First Project Developer attends
before we even closed on the property,to discontinue his involvement with the monthly Housing Coalition meeting
the project. In addition,the nonprofit service provider could not find the to meet potential service partners.
funds needed to operate the shelter. Both ofthese situations,although very The permitting system has also been
disappointing,are not deal breakers. It is taking us longer however,to find challenging. Final permits forthe
tenants and providers. As of os.31.s7,one ofthe duplex units is occupied by a shelter demolition were issued on
veteran family,and we have another family in the application process for the 09.2g.16 but remodel permits for the
other duplex unit. Without service providers,it is not possible for Homes First shelter were received on 12.27.16. This
to put a group of single men in either of those units. We continue to seek a made the process a little slowerthan
partner on the shelter project. Todd Parker,from Mason County Housing,is we were accustomed.
actively involved in that process.
-- --------------------------- ----------
Vs.2 03_01_1 — — —
Annual Report
2016 1 4
Duplex/Veteran Families Single Family Home/Veteran
MASON COUNTY 50,000 50,000
WA STATE 125,000 74,82o
TOTAL COST-AQUISTION Ft 215,382 197,203 Ongoing Costs include principle&
REHAB interest payments and all property
HOMES FIRST OPERATING- 1o,go6 6,467 maintenance and operating costs.
Homes First is committed to providing safe,healthy and affordable homes. We address any maintenance issues quickly
and ensure that all our properties are at local code standards and above. We also try to keep rent at 30%of local median
income for people living between 30&5o%AMI. The rent at the duplex is$600 a month a three bedroom unit. The rent
for the shelter will be$750 per month. The service provider will pay that or determine what if any rent will be shared by the
tenants at the shelter.
2017 - And Beyond
In 2017,we are refocusing our energies on re-developing our strategic plan. We have dynamic new board members who
have energy and commitment to serving the community. They will be the leaders who ensure that Homes First is ready for
the changing landscape of affordable housing and ensure we continue to provide the most basic of necessities to our
neighbors-a safe,healthy,and affordable home with a landlord who treats them with dignity and respect.
Because you are reading this report,we know you are already a supporter of affordable housing and Homes First. In 2017,
we invite you to reach out to us and find new ways to engage in our mission and make Thurston and Mason Counties an
affordable place for all of us to live.
Why Move to Mason County?
People ask us why we have moved into Mason County when there is still such need in Thurston County. According to
an article in the January,03,2017 Olympian,two out of every three kids in Shelton live in poverty. We know we can
help change that.
About 66 percent of the district's nearly 4,300 students qualify for free or reduced-price lunches,which is an indicator
of poverty.About 325 students were homeless during the 2014-15 school year,the most recent number reported by
the state.
We look forward to working together as partners with the Cities,County,State and other concerned community
organizations to ensure all residents of Mason County have access to safe,healthy,and affordable rental homes
when they need them most.
Vs^203.01.17 — -- - -
Homes First
Creating&Maintaining We,Healthy
4 j &Affordable Rental Homes
A 501(c)(3)Nonprofit
Annual Report
Mason County
Affordable Rental Housing
d ..
{ _
Trudy Soucoup,CEO
Homes First—5203 Lacey Blvd,SE,Ste.A,Lacey,WA 98503
T:360-236-0920 DD:360-915-7513 E:ceo@homesfirst.org
Annual Report
Executive Summary
In the past two years,we have made tremendous progress in Mason County. We have ensured three low-
income Veteran-led households serving 21 people had a safe and healthy home they could afford.We
partnered with Crossroads Housing and the VFW to ensure these families were able to successfully maintain
their housing. These partnerships are key to our success in Mason County. We are proud of the work we are
doing to provide scattered site homes that treat people like citizens ratherthan numbers on an apartment door.
The growing support we receive from the Mason County community enables us to reach people who are
homeless or at risk of being priced out of their home. In Thurston County,since 2011,we have almost doubled
the properties we own and the people we serve every year.We want to work with Mason County to achieve the
same results and better serve our neighbors in need.
Executive Summary 2
2017 - A Home is the Foundation to Success 3
Homes First's Vision 3
Homes First's Values 3
Homes First Mission 4
Reaching our Full Potential 4
2018 - and Beyond 5
Page 2 of 6
Annual Report
,111p„f „x„ 2017 1 3
2017 - A Home is the Foundation to Success
In 2017,our focus has been on building the relationships needed to actively support the needs of the
tenants of our current and future homes in Mason County. In order to accomplish this, Homes First is now a
regular and participating member of both the Mason County Housing Coalition and the Shelton-Mason
Chamber of Commerce.We are building partnerships with local financial institutions like Peninsula Credit
Union and local funders like Green Diamond,as well as with social service providers like Community Lifeline,
the United Way, DSHS,Telecare,and many others to ensure ourtenants have the services they need to be
permanently housed and have hope for a better future.
Homes First's Vision
Vibrant communities where everyone has a safe and healthy
home they can afford, so that they have hope for a better future.
Homes First's Values
Instead ofjudging people by their past,stand by them and help them build their future.Treat them with respect and value
the work it has taken for them to survive.
Show each tenant that they are valued and worthy of being treated well,regardless of their past history.
When we treat all tenants the same,they can believe that we want the best for them and understand our expectations and
the outcomes.We make sure that people have privacy when they need and want it.
Life is full of choices.Some are made for us and some we make for ourselves.We encourage tenants to choose to be the
creator of their own destiny,seek solutions,and take positive actions so they can find and retain a home.We work to
empower people to make life sustaining choices.
Rather than being the answer to all our tenants'needs,we seek to partner with other groups to'share the load'.
Community partnerships include the formal and informal community connections,collaborative projects,and relationships
that address tenant's needs and goals.
Building ongoing long-term relationships with organizations which complement our program and meet the needs of our
tenants is a powerful community development strategy.It makes a network of services to make our community stronger.
Page 3 of 6
- -- - - --------- ---- - .
Jr; �r ; Annual Report
k„ 2017 1 4
Homes First Mission
What We Do - HOUSED:
Homes First is a property z-People
developer and manager. We 4207"'Veterans =4-one has moved to
make it possible for service permanent
providers not to be property 414li67`hVeteran-Led Families=3—one
managers. The basis for our • has moved to another community
Buila Safer
mission is creating and Communiity A SERVICE CONNECTIONS:
maintaining homes. Our goal is
to get people in and keep people Support•• • PACEMAKER CONSULTING
in safe,healthy,and affordable Tenants • SUPPORTIVE
means matching our tenants
with services so they can be •
successful. n Mason County • CROSSROADS HOUSING
services are key to success
ousm •ro'ect . Without
service support,tenants are less - - "`----`-- -"�---"---�'
likely to remain successfully In September 203.7,Keith Looker from
housed,find housing that is Pacemaker Consulting agreed to
available when it is available or attempt to manage the Veterans'
connect with the other Shared Home at 420 71h
resources they need to remain According to his reports,largest
successfully housed. challenge is receiving sufficient
-----------------_---_-- - .. ___-_ -- ---_--_-_- communication about potential
Reaching our Full Potential tenants in order to connect and qualify
- - them for the available units.He will be
Housing is the foundation that can change everything for someone. We have given a name but nothing more on
28 years of successful tenants to prove that our model works. While we have how to connect with them.He
made great strides,the potential for greater impact is higher than ever. continues to reach out to a variety of
groups who serve Veterans but is not
• Demand continues to rise for family housing. Everyweek,we are receiving referrals.4
contacted by dozens of people in Mason and Thurston Counties which When new tenants do qualify,they are
we cannot serve because our units are full. coming to the home without having
• Homes are available for purchase.Many homeowners seek us out to any connections made to provide
buy their homes because they would like to see their properties used for them income to pay rent or sustain
affordable housing market rather than redeveloped as market rate their lives on an ongoing basis.
housing.Right now,we know of io properties available for purchase.
• We are unable to take advantage of the available housing to meet Homes First continues to seek a local
the growing need.In orderto purchase those homes,we need a service provider who will take on this
mortgage low enough to keep our rents low along with grants, home as we strongly believe the
donations,and public funds to supplement the purchase and project will be more successful and
rehabilitation costs. Although individual donations continue to increase easier to maintain if a local provider
to our program,grants and public funds are decreasing. commits to it as was originally
Together,we can do more.We want to serve more people and can do so In the duplex,one unit has remained
with the growth of supporters who value what we do-create and maintain consistently filled since it was first
safe,healthy,and affordable rental homes for those who need them most. occupied. The other unit has a three
month period of vacancy but with the
---- ----------- ----- - ---------- -------- ---- I-----
Page 4 of 6 _._. .-__..._.-._.._ _ -- _
Annual Report
2017 1 5
Thank you for all of your support—it is making a difference in the lives of support of Crossroads Housing,has
almost 300 people every year. We are making inroads,and we ask for your remained fully occupied since 203-7.
continued support to reach our full potential and make our region a place It is our plan to apply for a Project
where everyone can live in a home that is affordable for them. Based Voucher from the Mason
2017 INCOME It EXPENSE }not audited County Housing Authority to support
- -""-- ---- ---- eh families in these units in 2o3-8.
INCOME 414-4167`h 420-7th NOTES
PROPERTY 9,581 13,534 includes mortgage,
utilities etc.
PROGRAM SUPPORT 326.5o 326.5o mileage
OPERATING SUPPORT 9,720 9,720 perationalch of s
operational costs
TOTAL PROPERTY 8 OPERATIONS. <7,700.50> <22,080.5o> Homes First needs a
solution to this
unsustainable income
imbalance. -
Homes First is committed to providing safe,healthy and affordable
homes. We address any maintenance issues quickly and ensure that all
our properties are at local code standards and above. We also try to keep The Bell Familv:
rent at 30%of local median income for people living between 30&SO% Can you imagine living in a home,
AMI. The rent at the duplex is$65o-S75o a month per three bedroom unit. paying your rent every month and then
The rent for the shelter is$750 per month. At the shelter,the service finding out that you were being kicked
provider determines what if any rent will be shared by the residents. out from no fault of your own?
As in all Homes First properties,everyone pays rent.It is the only way for This is exactly what happened to the
Bell family.
us to be able to maintain the homes in the affordable housing market in
perpetuity. Dad found Homes First during the
Veterans'Stand Down atthe VFW in
In 203-8,we will be applying for a Project Based Voucher subsidy from the Shelton. He shared his story of how he
Housing Authority for the duplex to help defray the costs for the families had been paying his rent on time every
and to supplement our income so we are not supporting these projects month only to find out that the owner
from our Thurston County operations. of the property was accepting his
money but not paying the mortgage. In
®� 'Q id ��d Beyond fact,the owner was taking the money
and moving to Hawaii!Our partners at
the VFW hall contacted Homes First
In 2o3-8,we focusing on building the relationship necessary for adding more and assisted the family of six to move
homes to the affordable housing market in Mason County. This includes local into our affordable duplex.
service providers who can manage shared housing for unrelated adults and Now Mom&Dad both have jobs,have
possibly youth. We are reaching out to local area philanthropists and regional a safe and healthy home fortheir
funders in order to bring more funds to bare for acquisition and rehab. children and can afford their rent. They
With the Quixote II project well on its way,it looks like Mason County also know their landlord will treat them
Veteran homeless will soon be at functional zero. Homes First is working with dignity and respect and never
with the Mason Housing Coalition to determine where we can best bring cheat them out of their hard earned
our resources and influence to bear to address other needs in the wages.
affordable housing market. We will continue to work with community "I never want to have another landlord
stakeholders to help solve the most foundational of challenges- than Homes First,"says Dad."I trust
affordable homes. them to treat me and my family right."
11---_----------------.-..------------------ ---------__.........------._..__. ------------------------ ._.-..... .......--------------------------------------------
Page 5 of 6
Annual Report
110.1� „k„ 2017 1 6
V, South Sound
Nirtners hilanthropy
Housing Alliance
1 1
.� # i
as of
National Community
Russ Carstensen, Stabilization Trust
President Rep. Andrew Barkis
Annal Joury, Beth Brown
Vice President Steffany Brown of Washington
Chris Lester
Sarah Koch,
Treasurer Sarah Reynierse WA
Hallee Starborn TNURSTON COUNTY k Landlords
Kevin Sparks, KoreyTwombly CHAMBER Association
Building Prosperity[a
—— —
- -------------- -- ----------------- -----------------------------------------------..-------- - -------------------
SEPTEMBER 121 2018
Page 6 of 6
Homes First
Creating&Maintaining Safe,Healthy
&Affordable Rental Homes
Mason County
Affordable Rental Housing
r ,
• M1
' t
Trudy Soucoup,CEO
Homes First-5203 Lacey Blvd,SE,Ste.A, Lacey,WA 98503
T:360-236-0920 DD:360-915-7513 E:ceo@homesfirst.org
11 Annual Report
2018 12
Executive Summary
Successful partnerships are key to our ability to provide permanent and healthy homes in Mason County. Social
service resources are key to the ability of Mason County residents to find the support they need to remain
stably housed and healthy.We want to work with Mason County to identify gaps in both housing availability
and service providers. More units and more services will make it possible for those who have the biggest
barriers to overcome, to find and retain a safe and affordable home.
Executive Summary 2
2018 - It Takes a Community 3
Homes First's Vision 3
Homes First's Values 3
Homes First Mission 5
Reaching Our Potential 5
2019 - and Beyond 6
Page 2 of 7
- 011
� Annual Report
201$ 13
2018 - It Takes a Community
In 2oi8, our focus was on continuing to build the relationships needed to actively support the needs of the
tenants of our current and future homes in Mason County. Homes First is a landlord. We do not provided
case management or other social services. However,overthe 29 years of our work,we have formed many
relationships in Thurston County which help our tenants have the permanent supportive housing they need to
be successful in their lives. Since embarking on our partnership with Mason County in 2015,we have been
working on establishing the same kinds of relationships with local area service providers and the County itself,
in orderto make our model work. This has been a challenging endeavor. In orderto accomplish this, Homes
First is now a regular and participating member of both the Mason County Housing Coalition and the Shelton-
Mason Chamber of Commerce.We are building partnerships with local financial institutions like Peninsula
Credit Union and local funders like Green Diamond,as well as with social service providers like Community
Lifeline,the United Way, DSHS,Telecare, and many others to ensure ourtenants have the services they need
to be permanently housed and have hope for a better future.
Homes First's Vision
Vibrant communities where everyone has a safe and healthy home
they can afford, so that they have hope for a better future.
Homes First's Values
Instead ofjudging people by their past,stand by them and help them build theirfuture.Treat them with respect and
value the work it has taken for them to survive.
Show each tenant that they are valued and worthy of being treated well,regardless of their past history.
When we approach each tenant with a lens to what they need individually to be successful,they can believe that we
want the best for them. They will also better understand our expectations and the outcomes. We make sure that
people have privacy when they need and want it. We treat them as our equals and try to connect them to support
systems they might need to be autonomous, independent and involved in their local community.
Life is full of choices.Some are made for us and some we make for ourselves.We encourage tenants to choose to be
the creator of their own destiny,seek solutions,and take positive actions so they can find and retain a home.We
work to empower people to make life sustaining choices.
Page 3 of 7
Annual Report
Rather than being the answer to all our tenants'needs,we seek to partner with other groups to`share the load'.
Community partnerships include the formal and informal community connections,collaborative projects,and
relationships that address tenant's needs and goals.
Building ongoing long-term relationships with organizations which complement our program and meet the needs of
our tenants is a powerful community development strategy.It makes a network of services to make our community
Fr _
4.•tif '�� h /fir `(` �! \��' - T�� -
Volunteer Group from Studio West Dance Academy
Page 4 of 7
— - - --- -- ------ ----------- --- --
Annual Report
2018 1 5
Homes First Mission STATISTICS {
What We Do - - - - -
Homes First is a property ® HOUSED:
developer and manager. We A People
make it possible for service 420 71h Veterans =housed 4
providers not to be property individuals
managers. The basis for our 414/16 71h Veteran-Led Families=2
mission is creating and families(total of 13 people)
maintaining homes. Our goal . ... - O SERVICE CONNECTIONS:
is to get people in and keep �•mmu
people in safe,healthy,and Crossroads Housing
affordable homes. In many SupportCHALLENGES
cases,this means matching Tenants
our tenants with services so — -
they can be successful In October 2o18,Keith Looker from
ason Count' services ar
Y, Pacemaker Consulting declined to
ey to successful MousinMaintain renew his contract to manage the
ro'ects withI Homes First L
Homes Veterans'Shared Home at 420 S7tn
Without service support,
tenants are less likely to 2 Despite repeated attempts by both
remain successfully housed, Keith and Homes First staff to reach
find housing that is available out to a variety of Mason-based
when it is available or connect groups who serve Veterans,stable
with the other resources they
need to remain successfully referrals were not happening for
housed. people who were capable of sharing
a home without intensive service
Reaching Our Potential provision.
Because of the inability to find
Your Investment: providers, Homes First has had to
• In 2015, Mason County invested $1oo,000. leave the unit empty while we work
• Homes First acquired a further$200,000 grant from the with Mason County staff to find a
Department of Commerce and a mortgage from Olympia Federal solution for best use of the home.
Savings Bank for s1o6,437
Your Return: In the duplex,both units have
• 20 low income citizens of Mason County housed in a safe, remained consistently filled in 2o18,
healthy,and affordable home,since 2o16. with assistance from Crossroads
• Three units of housing guaranteed to be affordable in perpetuity. Housing who provided support for
one of the families.
Through your partnership with Homes First you are providing affordable We reached out to the Mason
homes for your citizens at a time with we are in a state-wide housing Housing Authority in 2o18 to acquire
crisis,without any of the responsibility of being a landlord. Mason County
is not in the business of being a landlord; Homes First is. Project Based Voucher to support
the families in these units.
Cost studies in a number of different states and cities have found that Unfortunately,they still do not have
supportive housing reduces tenants'use of emergency services, medical any available forthe foreseeable
detox and sobering services,and in-patient admissions, resulting in future.
Page 5 of 7
IIIA� �� Annual Report
2018 1 6
significant reductions in healthcare costs.Additionally supportive housing FAMILY STORY
produced estimated public sector net benefits of s3.,3.90 per resident per
month,with reduction in the use of health services,including inpatient
hospitalizations,emergency response and emergency department The unfortunately reality of
services accounting forthree quarters of the savings. In Washington providing low-income/affordable
State,according to the Affordable Housing Advisory Board,50 percent of
supportive housing tenants experienced improved health status,4.3 housing is that not all stories have a
percent had better mental health outcomes,and 3.5 percent reduced their happy ending.
use of illicit substances.
The Smith family moved into the
Housing is the foundation that can change everything for someone. We duplex unit in September 203.7, and
have 29 years of successful tenants to prove that our model works. While have continued to struggle to pay
we have made great strides,the potential for greater impact is higher
rent and find services they need to
than ever.
remain stable.
Together,we can do more.We want to serve more people and can do so
with the growth of supporters who value what we.do-create and Dad has had multiple jobs over the
maintain safe, healthy,and affordable rental homes forthose who need time period he has been a tenant
them most. with Homes First. Although he is
2018 Income Et Expense *not audited willing to find work, he is having a
-- - — --- - -- --- - challenge retaining it.
INCOME 414-4,167`' 420-7th NOTES
RENTAL 15,72s_ 7,500 This is one of the defining features
EXPENSE of being poor in America today.And
PROPERTY 12,413 1o,812 includes mortgage, financial instability exacerbates
utilities etc.--- housing instability.
PROGRAM SUPPORT 37S 375 mileage
OPERATING SUPPORT 11,953 11,953 1142^'oftotal HF Crossroads Housing has been
operational costs
supportive of this family in many
TOTAL PROPERTY Et OPERATIONS <9,o16> <15,640> Homes First needs a
solution to this areas. In fact we would say their
unsustainable income
imbalance. support has been pivotal in our
efforts to keep the family housed.
2019 - and Beyond Disappointingly, the Smiths
In 2osg,we will continue to focus on building the relationship continue to struggle to maintain a
necessary for adding more homes to the affordable housing healthy home and income to
market in Mason County. This includes local service providers support the family's basic needs.
who can manage shared housing for unrelated adults and There are few other available
possibly youth. We have been working with the leaders at the resources for them in Shelton which
Peninsula Credit Union, including participating in their leads us to believe that they will
Workforce Housing Summit in January 20s9. We hope to see continue to struggle.
some progress in the ability of local philanthropic groups and
the local service providers to support more brick and mortar Homes First will work with
affordable homes in the near future. Crossroads or other organizations to
address emergent needs.
Page 6 of 7
- ------- -----
- .. _...
115,fix Annual Report
1101111 201817
------- -- ------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -- -------— ---------------
South Sound
Housing Alliance
as OfI2.31.2018
National Community
Arnal Joury, Leatta Dah1hoff Stabilization Trust
Nate Peters
Chris Lester, Aaron Rodriguez of Washington
Vice President
Jeannine Roe
Kai Neizman, Kevin Sparks WA
Treasurer THURSTON COUNTY Landlords
Hallee Starborn
Sar-ah Reyneirse CHAMBER Association
Ouilding Prosperity In
Mary Roberts, Lacey-Olympia-Tumwater
SEPTEMBER 11, 2019
Page--7 of-7---------
Homes First
Creating&Maintaining Safe,Healthy
&Affordable Rental Homes
A 601(C)(3)Nonprofit
Mason County
Affordable Rental Housing
Trudy Soucoup,CEO
Homes First—5203 Lacey Blvd,SE,Ste.A, Lacey,WA 98503
T:360-236-0920 DD:360-915-7513 E:ceo@homesfirst.org
AnnUat Report
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
IM ,+ Annuat Report
` II ONIS 11 AS 2019 I 3
Executive Summary
Successful partnerships are key to our ability to provide permanent and healthy homes in Mason County. Social
service resources and relationships built on trust are key to the ability of Mason County residents to find the
support they need to remain stably housed and healthy.We want to continue to work with Mason County to
identify gaps in both housing availability and service providers. More units and more services will make it
possible for those who have the biggest barriers to overcome,to find and retain a safe and affordable home.
Executive Summary 3
2019 - The Road to Success is Not Always Smooth 4
Homes First's Vision 4
Homes First's Values 4
Homes First Mission 6
Reaching Our Potential 6
2020 and Beyond 7
------------- ..... - -. .-...... . . _. . .
.r Annual Report
2019 1 4
11 0 M i S (IRS T
2019 - The Road to Success is Not Always Smooth
In zosg, our focus was on finding a service provider to ensure that all tenants of our current homes in
Mason County could be successful. As a nonprofit property owner and manager,we do not provide case
management or other social services.However,during the last 30 years of our work,we have formed many
relationships in Thurston County,which help our tenants have the permanent supportive housing they need to
be successful in their lives. Since embarking on our partnership with Mason County in zozS,we have been
working on establishing the same kinds of relationships with local area service providers and the County itself,
in order to make our model work. This has been a challenging endeavor. In the first half of 2oig, Homes First
participated actively in both the Mason County Housing Coalition and the Shelton-Mason Chamber of
Commerce.Due to staffing changes,we were unable to sustain this participation in the second half of the year.
We continue to work on building partnerships with local financial institutions like Peninsula Credit Union and
local funders like Green Diamond,as well as with social service providers like Community Lifeline,the United
Way, DSHS,Telecare,and many others to ensure our tenants have the services they need to be permanently
housed and have hope for a better future.
Homes First's Vision
Vibrant communities where everyone has a safe and healthy home
they can afford, so that they have hope for a better future.
Homes First's Values
Instead of judging people by their past,we stand by them and help them build their future.Treat them with respect
and value the work it has taken forthem to survive.
We show each tenant that they are valued and worthy of being treated well,regardless of their history.
When we approach each tenant with a lens to what they need individually to be successful,they know that we want
the best for them. They will also better understand our expectations and the outcomes. We make sure that people
have privacy when they need and want it. We treat tenants as our equals and try to connect them to support
systems they might need to be autonomous,independent and involved in their local community.
�'�Y"oZ7 � •` rJVe 1,1
r r r r r r • r • • L r • r
Annual Report
„0M(1 „RST 20.19 1 6
Homes First Mission ' STATISTICS
What We Do i__.__
Homes First is a property ♦ HOUSED:
developer and manager. We 17 People
make it possible for service 4-2o 714 Veterans=empty
providers not to be property 414!16 71h Veteran-Led Families=2
managers. The basis for our families(total of 12 people)PLUS
mission is creating and family of five who left.
maintaining homes. Our goal A SERVICE CONNECTIONS:
is to get people in and keep u Crossroads Housing
people in safe,healthy,and
affordable homes. In many CHALLENGES
cases,this means matching i
our tenants with services so ----
they can be successful. _ When an organization takes on
ason Coin ty,se ices a e housing the people who have the
cyto successful nLusl nicl hardest time finding and retaining a
,roje=ts with Homes First: home,sometimes the stories do not
Without service support, have a happy ending. The Smith
tenants are less likely to Family who resided at 416 S 7th is one
remain successfully housed,
of those unfortunate stories.
find housing that is available
when it is available or connect Starting in February of 2019,the
with the other resources they family started having multiple
need to remain successfully challenges. They couldn't pay their
housed. rent and they couldn't take care of
their unit-two necessities to remain
Reaching Our Potential in a Homes First home.
Your Investment: Leah,the Homes First Tenant
• In 2015,Mason County invested saoo,000. Services Navigator at that time,
• Homes First acquired a further$200,000 grant from the worked with them and tried to find
Department of Commerce and a mortgage from Olympia Federal them connections in Shelton to help
Savings Bank for$1o6,437 Total Investment=$406,437 for them with both problems. By April,
acquisition&rehab. it was apparent that the family was
Your Return: beyond what Homes First,
• 26 low-income citizens of Mason County housed in a safe, Crossroads Housing,and CPS could
healthy,and affordable home,since 2o16. do for them.
• Three units of housing guaranteed to be affordable in perpetuity.
A safety check was completed and
Through your partnership with Homes First you are providing affordable the home had been so completely
homes for your citizens at a time with we are in a state-wide housing neglected that we were in fear for
crisis,without any of the responsibility of being a landlord. Homes First is the health and safety of their
a property owner and manager and we allow service providers to have a children. We let the parents know
home to place their clients while not being a property manager
themselves. We use HUD guidelines to direct our best practices in how that we would have to report the
we manage our properties.In that way,each tenant is treated equitably. situation to CPS. The next day the
------------------------ - - --- -
Annual Report
uowrs riRsr 2019 1 7
con't from p.5
Reaching Our Potential,con't family was gone,never to return to
Cost studies in a number of different states and cities have found that the unit.
supportive housing reduces tenants'use of emergency services,medical $11,263 later,the unit had been
detox and sobering services,and in-patient admissions,resulting in completely rebuilt inside and in
significant reductions in healthcare costs.Additionally supportive housing
produced estimated public sector net benefits of$1,190 per resident per September we moved in a new
month,with reduction in the use of health services,including inpatient family of five. Read below for the
hospitalizations,emergency response and emergency department hopeful story for the new family
services accounting forthree quarters of the savings.In Washington story.
State,according to the Affordable Housing Advisory Board,5o percent of
supportive housing tenants experienced improved health status,43 FAMILY STORY
percent had better mental health outcomes,and 15 percent reduced their
use of illicit substances.
Housing is the foundation that can change everything for someone. v
Baby D-first baby
Homes First has 30 years of successful tenant stories that prove that our born in Thurston
model works. While we have made great strides,the potential for greater -=" County in 2020!
impact is higher than ever. l
Together,we can do more.We want to serve more people and can do so James and Rebecca D,and their two
with the growth of supporters who value our mission to create and children, ages four and two moved
maintain safe,healthy,and affordable rental homes for those who need into one of our units in September
them most. 2019.
James, an honorably discharged
2019 Income &t Expense 'notaudl[ed
- -- - ------------- -- --- — - Navy Veteran and his family were
INCOME 4i4-y167'h 420-7th NOTES homeless in Mason County for four
RENTAL 8 FEES 14,389 0months over the summer of 2o19.
_---------......-. They were thrilled when a friend
PROPERTY 20r771 8189 includes mortgage,
utilities etc. told them about a housing
PROGRAM SUPPORT 1,78 o mileage opportunity with Homes First.
OPERATING SUPPORT 14x694 14,694 1146thoftotal HF After a quick and easy application
operational costs
----- process,they moved into one of the
TOTAL PROPERTY 6t OPERATIONS <21j5SV <2:,883> Homes First needs a
solutiontothis three bedroom units in September
unsustainable income 2019.
2020 and Beyond On January o1, 2o2o, Rebecca
added a new member of the family!
In 2o2o,we will continue to focus on building the relationships The first baby born in Thurston
necessary to support tenant success in Mason County. This County in 2020! Mom says they
includes a new partnership with Mason County Therapeutic couldn't be happier with Homes
Courts to use the 420 S 7th property as shared housing for their First.They love living with us-much
participants.We will also continue our outreach to local betterthan apartment living.James
service providers who can support the tenants in the homes to
tells everyone how Homes First
have a healthy and happy future.
responds quickly to any issues and
--_--_.-___.__.,-. -_._ _- __.----_ help them financially, arranging for
------ payment plans when
necessary.They finally have hope
` fora better future.
A�`a Annual Report{
110mr1 I111ST 2019 I
............................................... .... ...._. __. .. .__.._._..___._..._...__ .. .. .. .-----------........................ ..... ..... ..
South Sound
Partners ob
64k. d
' Philanthropy
Hous ft Alliance
I ( ti '
as of 12.31.2019
National Community
Amal Joury, Thomasina Cooper Stabilization Trust
President Leatta Dahlhoff =�IA
Chris Lester, Dannette Molina Washington
Vice President Nate Peters
Kai Neizman, Aaron Rodriguez WA
Treasurer Jeannine Roe THURSTON COUNTY ""€ Landlords Association
Kevin Sparks �
Mary Roberts, may
Secretary Hallee Starborn Lacey•zpla•Tumwarer
SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
Accrual Basis Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison
January through December 2019
�'; Oet-Dee 16 Jan-Dec 17
an-Dec 18 Jan-Dee 19 Total 4 years
Ordinary Income/Expense
Income 3 months
4100000•Rental Income 1,848.03 11,641.50 15,425.00 14,175.00 43,089.53
4400000•Tenant fees collected 315.00 285.00 300.00 214.00 1,114.00
Total Income 2,163.03 11,926.50 15,725.00 14,389.00 44,203.53
Property Expense
5010000• Debt Service 135.75 560.24 588.89 619.01 1,903.89
5020000•Interest Expense 546.31 1,855.48 1,826.83 1,796.71 6,025.33
5030000•Water Sewer Garbage 337.65 3,978.01 4,413.35 3,978.62 12,707.63
5040000• Property Insurance 197.22 810.81 1,052.04 1,052.04 3,112.11
5050000•Yard Maintenance 0.00 1,469.84 1,191.04 163.20 2,824.08
5070000•Electricity/Natural Gas 103.66 133.08 0.00 246.81 483.55
5080000•Property Taxes 827.54 0.00 2,873.79 0.00 3,701.33
5090000•Maintenance Expense 698.32 773.38 466.89 1,315.90 3,254.49
Total Property Expense 2,846.45 9,580.84 12,412.83 9,172.29 34,012.41
Gross Profit (683.42) 2,345.66 3,312.17 5,216.71 10,191.12
5610000•Legal&Professional 0.00 0.00 0.00 477.91 477.91
Total Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 477.91 477.91
Net Ordinary Income (683.42) 2,345.66 3,312.17 4,738.80 9,713.21
Other Income/Expense
Other Income
4840001 • Landlord Mitigation Fund(DofCo 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
4840000•Restricted Property Donation 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 600.00
Total Other Income 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,600.00 5,600.00
Other Expense
6200000•Cap Replacement in Progress 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,686.66 11,686.66
Total Other Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,686.66 11,686.66
Net Other Income 0.00 0.00 0.00 (6,086.66) (6,086.66)
Net Income (683.42) 2,345.66 3,312.17 (1,347.86) 3,626.55
HF Overhead: (from end of year 11,449.00 14,136.00 12,846.00 14,694.00 53,125.00
Net Income including overhead (12,132.42) (11,790.34) (9,533.83) (16,041.86) (49,498.45)
Unit 2016 2017 2018 2019
#of people 7 7 7 7
Rent charged $650.00 $650.00 $650.00 $650.00
Tenants Name #1 HH #1 HH #1 HH #1 HH
Utilities 141.71 3852.685 5043.03 3360.315 due to vacancy(electricity)we pay water sewer garbage
mortgage 1207.86 1207.86 1207.86 1207.86 per year
maintenance is both units together. See previous page P&L
#of people 4 5 6 4
Monthly rent $850.00 $600.00 $715.00 $750.00
Tenants Name #1 HH #2 HH #3 HH #4 HH
Utilities 323.56 2612.525 3228.92 3111.855-due to vacancy(electricity)we pay water sewer garbage
mortgage 1207.86 1207.86 1207.86 1207.86 per year
maintenance is both units together. See previous page P&L
Note:At 416 S 7th,the tenant at the time we acquired the property,Tenants#1 were Grandfathered in at$850.00 per month
HUD High Home Rent limit for 2016,three bedroom was$1027, can't find utility allowance for 2016,
In 2018, utility allowance was$119.00, utility alowance in 2016 would have been $5-$10.00 less than 2018
If the utility allowance was at$120.00 in 2016, subtract from High Home Rent Limit would be$907.00, we were under High Home Rent Limits
Answers to your two concerns in the contract:
1) When we began this project in 2015,we were told by the staff of Mason County,that you had many
Veterans needing homes. We did not ask for documentary proof at that time. We trusted that the
County had done their research. That has not turned out to be true. Although we have managed to
keep the homes occupied by Veteran-led families, it has from time to time been a struggle to find
families that can meet our three standards of occupancy: a) able to pay rent 2) able to take care of the
unit and 3) allow their neighbors to also have quiet enjoyment of their homes. We also found out that
there is only one service provider in Shelton who is willing and able to provide the necessary supports to
tenants in their homes to ensure they can abide by those three criteria. That provider is struggling to
maintain their own capacity and try to work with the tenants in our homes. Meanwhile,there are other
families living homeless while we work with local service providers to try and find the perfect match. It
is our intention to continue that work but we also want some flexibility to house those needing homes
when we cannot find a Mason County family who meets the criteria. We bear the costs of maintaining
those homes while they are empty.
2) From the HUD website: The Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD) sets income
limits that determine eligibility for assisted housing programs including the Public Housing,Section 8
project-based,Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher,Section 202 housing for the elderly, and Section 811
housing for persons with disabilities programs. HUD develops income limits based on Median Family
Income estimates and Fair Market Rent area definitions for each metropolitan area, parts of some
metropolitan areas, and each non-metropolitan county. You can find all HUD HOME
rents here: https://www.huduser.eov/portal/dat6sets/i1.htmI
These are the standards that guide all our other properties,and properties managed and/or owned by
ALL agencies that accept public funding(passed through from HUD). It is more equitable,and easier
to manage the systems, if we use the same standards for all Homes First tenants and don't have
different standards for different demographics of people. Imagine the challenges with trying to
explain to our tenants and the community why we use different standards to evaluate eligibility based
on income,when we already have guidelines in place that have been approved by the highest housing
standards in the USA. dditionally,when we accept DASH -which we do for these pro erties-we ar
equ�re,% yse HUDstandards asthey are a ty a of Section 8 voucher.
2/26/2020 FY 2019 Income Limits Documentation System—Summary for Mason County,Washington
HUD.gov HUD User Home Data Sets Fair Market Rents Section 8 Income Limits MTSP Income Limits HUD LIHTC Database
FY 2019 Income Limits Summary
Selecting any of the buttons labeled "Explanation" will display detailed calculation steps for
each of the various parameters.
FY 2019 Median
FamilyFY 2019 Persons in Family
Income Income Limit
Limit Category
Area Explanation g y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Very Low
Income 22,600 25,800 29,050 32,250 34,850 37,450 40,000 42,600
Limits ($)
Mason Extremely
County, $64,500 Low Income
WA Limits come 13,550 16,910 21,330 25,750 30,170 34,590 39,010 42,600*
Low (80%)
Limits ($) 36,150 41,300 46,450 51,600 55,750 59,900 64,000 68,150
* The FY 2014 Consolidated Appropriations Act changed the definition of extremely low-income to be the
greater of 30/50ths (60 percent) of the Section 8 very low-income limit or the poverty guideline as
established by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS),, provided that this amount is not
greater than the Section 8 50% very low-income limit. Consequently, the extremely low income limits
may equal the very low (50%) income limits.
Income Limit areas are based on FY 2019 Fair Market Rent (FMR) areas. For information on FMRs,
please see our associated FY 2019 Fair Market Rent documentation system.
For last year's Median Family Income and Income Limits, please see here:
FY2018 Median Family Income and Income Limits for Mason County,WA
https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il/i12019/2019summary.odn 1/2
2/26/2020 FY 2019 Income Limits Documentation System—Summary for Mason County,Washington
Select a different county or county equivalent in
Kitsap County
Kittitas County
Klickitat County
Lewis County
Lincoln County
Mason County
--- -------- ——
Select county or county equivalent j
Select any FY2019 HUD Metropolitan FMR Area's
Income Limits:
-- ----------------------------------------
Ab— - —ilene,TX MSA • j
-------- ---------- ------------------------
- - -
---- --- -- -------- -----
I_Select HMFA Income Limits Area
Or press below to start over and select a different
Select anew state j
Update URL For bookmarking or E-Mailing i
Prepared by the Program Parameters and Research Division, HUD.
https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il/112019/2019summary.odn 2/2
and ?
Veteran's Shelter and Permanent Supportive Housing
Facility Purchase.and Rehabilitation Contract
This CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred
to.as"COUNTY"and Homes Firstl hereinafter referred to as"CONTRACTOR."
WHEREAS, COUNTY desires to provide low-income andlor homeless Veterans with a Shelter
and Permanent Supportive Housing; and g
WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR, an established low-income housing non-profit provider, has i
secured.the funds required to cover aportio associated.with purchasing a house to
be us cvrrte aad{or�laoiriefUs Veteran`s Shelter and a duplex to be used as
ermanerit Supportive Housing,for low-incom e.Brans;and !!
WHEREAS, the County Commissioners have pledged $100,000 to be used to complete the.
purchase..and rehabilitation of the properties.
NOW' THEREFORE,for and in consideration of the CONTRACT and the payment to be made
by COUNTY, the parties agree to the following:
Special Conditions i
Funding Sources:
COUNTY is providing $100,000 in revenue generated from,document recording.fees as allowed f
per 2005 legislation for Engrossed Second.Substitute House Bili (ESHHB)21.63 and 2002 n
legislation for Substitute House Bill (SHB).2060 to be used for Homeless Prevention.Additional
funding.sources for the project is a Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce)
2017 Local and Community Projects Program.grant for$199,820 and mortgage loans secured
by Homes f=irst.
CONTRACTOR will own the properties located at 414-416 S 7th Street and 420 S 7th Street ;
located in Shelton,Washington herein collectively called FACILITIES.
The FACILITIES will be used for the purpose of providing Masson County Veteran%with a I
Shelter and Permanent Supportive Housing. Foilowing:the completion of the:ten.(10)year grant
commitment to Commerce, Mason County reserves the right to change the use so long as it
aligns with CONTRACTOR's imaslon.
Tenant Eligibility and Rent:
1 Tenants of.the Permanent.Supportive Housing,and Veterans staying in the Shelter must have
a verified ificanier that does not exceed5041 of the area median income as determined annually
bythe.U..S. Department of Housing anc!Urban Development(HUD). P
1„ �
2.The total monthly rent for,the Permanent Supportive Housing by the tenants_can't exceed i
HUD's annual HOME Program Rents or current HUD low-income housing program..
3.The monthly rent for the Shelter can't exceed HUD's annual HOME Program Rents or current
HUD low-income housing program.
Use of Income Generated from Rent:
CONTRACTOR will use.any net income generated through these property rentals to provide �.
additional low-income housing in Mason County.
Procurement of service providers and/or goods is to be conducted in compliance with applicable l
procurement and contracting procedures and laws as.detailed RCW 39.20 or per Commerce's
procurement requirements. In instances where the requirements differ CONTRACTOR will comply i
with tbe_regairement that is the strictest.
,�Annua^I Reports: 7 f
C`ONTRACTOR�iirill provide COUNTY an annual written report that, at a minimum details:the
number of!�leterans served at each of the FACILITIES; income.and expenses per facility;
number of Veterans on the waiting list(s);number of Veterans turnedd away from the Shelter due.
to lack of space or capacity;summary.of &nUfied unmet needs as defined by the social
services provider managing the FACILITIES; two(2) Impact or"success"stories; and.a
summary of potential new low-income housing investments_in Mason County. The report is due
annually on or before January 31st.
Local Preference: j
COUNTY requests that CONTRACTOR use local (Mason County) service providers, I
contractors and vendors whenever possible.
Period"of Affordability:
The Period of Affordability for this CONTRACT will start on.date of last signature.on this
CONTRACT and will continue for thirty(3O) years.
Should the'CONTRACTOR opt to sell either or both of the FACILITIES prior to the end of the
Period of Affordability COUNTY reserves the right.of first refusal. If either or both of the
FACILITIES are sold CONTRACTOR will reimburse COUNTY's original$1.00,000 investment l
plus interest to be.computed utilizing CommerceTs interest calculation formula. Sale process will i
follow generally accepted best practices in Washington State real estate market at.the time-of
Failure to Comply:
Should the CONTRACTOR fall:to comply with the terms detail:ed'Commerce grant and
Commerce requires the CONTRACTOR to repay the total'sum granted plus interest,.COUNTY
will also require the.CONTRACTOR to repay the$100,000 investment plus interest to be-
ecomputed utilizing Commerce's interest calcul'at'ion formula:
General Conditions
Term: E
CONTRACT will start on date of last signature on this CONTRACT and will continue far Thirty I
The duration of this CONTRACT may be extended by.mutual written consent of the parties.
CONTRACT total value is$100,000,
• 9_
Labor Standards:
CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all applicable state.and federal requirements, including v
but not limited to those pertaining to payment ofwages'and.working conditions, in.accordance
with RCW 39.12.Q40;the Prevailing Wage Act;the Americans:with Disabilities Act of 1.990;the e
Davis-Bacon Act; and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act providing for weekly
payment of prevailing wages,minimum overtime pay; and.providing that no laborer or mechanic
shall be required to work in surroundings or under conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, ,
or dangerous to health and.safety as determined by regulations promulgated by the Federal
Secretary of Labor and/or.the State of Washington.
Independent Contractor:
CONTRACTOR's services shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR as an independent
contractor; and nothing herein contained shall be construed to create a relationship of employer-
employee. All payments made.hereunder and all services performed shall be made and
performed pursuant to this CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR as an independent contractor.
CONTRACTOR will defend,.indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY, its officers,.agents or
employees from any loss or expense,including, but not(united to, settlements,judgments,
setoffs, attorneys'fees or costs incurred by reason of claims or demands because of breach of
the provisionsof this paragraph.
Non-Discrimination in Employment:.
COUNTY's policy is to provide equal opportunity in all terms, conditions and privileges of
employment for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to race, color,,creed, i
religion, national'origin, sex,sexual orientation}age, marital status,disability, or veteran status,
CONTRACTOR shall comply VAth all laws prohibiting discrimination against any employee or
applicant for employment on the grounds of race,color.,creed, religion, national origin.sex,
sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or veteran status, except where such j
constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification. 4
Furthermore; in those cases in which CONTRACTOR is governed by such laws, p
CONTRACTOR shall.take affirMative action to insure that applicants.are employed, and treated
during employment,without regard to their race, color, creed, religion;.national origin,sex,'age,
marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status, except where such constitutes a
bona fide occupational qualification. Such action shall include, but not be,limited ta:.advertising,
hiring,promotions, layoffs or terminations, rate of pay or other forms of compensation benefits, i
selection.for training.Induding apprenticeship, and participation In recreational.and.educatloilal
activitie& In all solicitations or advertisements.for employees:placed by them or on their behalf,
CONTRACTOR shall state that alk qualified applicants will receive consideration for employ men }
without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin,.
The foregoing provisions shall also be binding upon any sub-contractor,provided that the
foregoing provision shall not apply to contracts or sub-contractors.for standard commercial:
supplies or raw materials, or to sole proprietorships with no employees.
- E
5 I
f �
Non-Discrimination in Client Services:
CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate on the grounds-of race, color,creed, religion, national I
origin,sex, age,marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status; or deny an 7
individual or business any service or benefits under this CONTRACT; or subject an individual or
business to segregation or separate treatment in any manner related to.his/her/its receipt any i.
service or services or other benefits provided under this CONTRACT;or deny an individual or
business an opportunity to participate in any program provided 6y-this CONTRACT.
Right to Review: 1
This CONTRACT is subject to review by any Federal, State or COUNTY auditor. COUNTY or
Its desigrfee shall have the-right to review.and monitor the financial and service components of
this program by whatever means are deemed expedient by the Administrative Officer or by
COUNTY's Auditor's Office. Such review may occur with or without notice and may include, but
is not limited to, on-site inspection by COUNTY agents or employees, inspection of all records i
or other materials which COUNTY deems pertinent to the CONTRACT:and its.performance, and
any and all communications with or evaluations by service recipients under this CONTRACT.
CONTRACTOR shall preserve and maintain all financial records and records relating to the P
performance'of work under this CONTRACT for six(6) years after-CONTRACT termination, and y
shall make them available for such review;.within Mason County,State of Washington, upon i
request. CONTRACTOR also agrees to notify the Administrative Officer in advance of any
inspections, audits, or program review by any individual, agency, or governmental unit whose
purpose is to review the services provided within the-terms of this CONTRACT. if no advance
notice is given to CONTRACTOR,then CONTRACTOR agrees to notify the Administrative
Officer as soon as it is practical.
insurance Required:
At a minimum, CONTRACTOR shall provide insurance as detailed in"EXHIBIT A Insurance
Industrial Insurance Walver:
With respect to the performance of this CONTRACT and as to claims against COUNTY, its
officers, agents and employees,.CONTRACTOR expressly waives its immunity under Title 51 :of I
the Revised Code of Washington,the Industrial Insurance Act;for injuries to its employees and
agrees that the obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harfnless provided in this CONTRACT j
extend to any claim brought by or on behalf of any employee of CONTRACTOR. This.waiver is-
mutually negotiated by the parties to this CONTRACT. l
CONTRACTOR.Commitments,Warranties and Representations:
Any written commitment received from CONTRACTOR concerning this CONTRACT shall be
binding upon CONTRACTOR, unless otherwise specifically provided herein with reference to
this paragraph- Falture of CONTRACTOR to fulfill:such a commitment shall render
CONTRACTOR liable-for damages to COUNTY.. A commitment includes, but is not limited to,
any representation made prior to execution of this CONTRACT,'whether or not incorporated
elsewhere herein by reference,as to performance of services or equipment, prices or options
for futureacquisition_to remain in effect for a fixed period, or warranties:
Defense and Indemnity Contract:
Indemnification by CONTRACTOR. To the fullest extent permitted bylaw, CONTRACTOR ,
agrees to Indemnify, defend and hold COUNTY.and Its departments, elected and.appointed
officials, employees,.agents and volunteers, harmless from and against any-and all claims„
damages, losses.and expenses, including but not limited to court costs, attorney's.fees and
- A
• i i
alternative dispute resolution costs,for any personal injury,for any bodily injury, sickness,
disease or death and for any damage to or destruction of any property(including the loss of use
resulting therefrom)which 1)are caused in whole.or in part by any act or omission, negligent or i
otherwise, of the CONTRACTOR, its employees, agents or volunteers or CONTRACTORs E
subcontractors and their employees, agents orlvolunteers, or 2) are directly or indirectly arising
out of,resulting from, or. connection with-performance of this CONTRACT; or 3) are based
upon CONTRACTOR's or its subcontractors' use of, presence upon or proximity to the property
of COUNTY. This indemnification obligation of CONTRACTOR shall not apply in the limited 1
circumstance where the claim, damage, loss or expense Is caused by the sole negligence of
COUNTY. This indemnification obligation of the CONTRACTOR shall not be limited in any way
by the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act; RCW Title 51, or by application of any other
workmen's compensation act; disability benefit,act or other employee benefit act, and the
CONTRACTOR hereby expressly Waives any immunity afforded by such acts. The foregoing
indemnification obligations of the CONTRACTOR are a maternal inducement to COUNTY to
enter into this CONTRACT, are reflected in CONTRACTOR's compensation, and have been
mutually negotiated by the parties.
Provider's initials acknowledging Indemnity terms:
Participation by County—No Waiver. COUNTY reserves the right, but not the-obligafion,to i
participate in the defenseof any claim, damages, losses or expenses and such participation'
shall not constitute a waiver of CONTRACTOR"s indemnity obligations under this CONTRACT.
Survival of CONTRACTOR's Indemnity Obligations. CONTRACTOR agrees all
CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations shall survive the completion, expiration or termination of
Indemnity by Subcontractors. In the event the CONTRACTOR enters into subcontracts to the
extent.allowed under this CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR's subcontractors shall Indemnify the
COUNTY on a.basis equaf to or exceeding CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations-to COUNTY.
The E-Verify contractor program for Mason County applies to.contracts of$10.0,000 or more
and.subcontracts for$25;000 or more if the primary contract is for$100,000 or more.
CONTRACTOR represents and warrants that it will, for at least the duration of this CONTRACT,
register and participate in the status=verification system for all newly hired employees..The term I
"employee"as used herein means any person that is hired to perform work for Mason County.
As used herein, "status verification system" means the Illegal Immigration Reform and
Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996 that is operated by the United States Department of
Homeland Security, also known as the E-Verify Program, or any other successor electronic
verification system replacing the E=Verify Program. CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain records i.
of such compliance:and, upon request of the COUNTY; to provide b.copy of each such
verification to the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR further represents and warrants that any-person
assigned to perform services hereunder-meets the employment eligibility requirements of all
immigration laws of the State of Washington. CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that any
breach of these warranties may subject CONTRACTOR to the following-,.(a)termination of this
CONTRACT and ineligibility for any Mason County. Contract for up to three (3) years,with notice
of such cancellation/terrnination being made public, In the'event of such
termination/cancellation,.CONTRACTOR would also be liable for any,additional costs'fncurred
by the COUNTY due to contract cancellation or loss of license or permit.`CONTRACTOR will
review'and enroll in the E-Verify program through this website:www.uscls.gov;
Compflance with Applicable Laws,.Rules and Regulations: }
This CONTRACT shall be subject to all laws, rules, and regulations of the United States of i
America, the State of Washington, political subdivisions of the State of Washington and Mason
County. CONTRACTOR also agrees,to comply with applicable Federal,.State,.County or
municipal standards for licensing, certification and operation of facilities and programs, and t
accreditation and licensing of individuais.
Administration of Contract: j
COUNTY hereby,appoints, and CONTRACTOR hereby accepts,the Mason.County Budget 1
Manager and his or her designee, as COUNTY's representative, hereinafter referred to as the. i
Administrative Officer,for the purposes of administering the provisions of this COhITRACT, P
including COUNTY's right to receive and act on all reports and documents, and any auditing
performed by the COUNTY related to this CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR's primary contact will
be Homes First's Chief Officer,
Except as setforth elsewhere in the CONTRACT, for all purposes under this CONTRACT
except service of process,notice shall be given by CONTRACTOR to COUNTY's Administrative
Officer under this CONTRACT. Notices and other communication.may be conducted via.a-mail,
U.S. mail, fax, hand-deflvery or other generally accepted manner including delivery services.
Either party may request changes in the CONTRACT. Any and all agreed modifications; to be
valid and binding upon either party, shall be in writing and signed by both of the parties.
Termination for Default:
If CONTRACTOR defaults by failing to perform any of the-obligations of the CONTRACT or
becomes insolvent or 1s declared bankrupt or commits.any act of bankruptcy or insolvency or
makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, COUNTY may, by depositing written notice to
CONTRACTOR in the U.S. mail, terminate the CONTRACT.
If a notice of termination for default has.been issued dnd'it is later determined for any reason
that CONTRACTOR was not in default, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the.
same as if thenotice.of termination had been issued pursuant to the Termination for Public
Convenience paragraph hereof.
Termination for Public Convenience:
COUNTY may terminate this CONTRACT in whole*or in part whenever COUNTY determines, in
its sole discretion,that such'termination is in the interests of COUNTY.
Differences between the CONTRACTOR and COUNTY; arising under and by virtue of the
CONTRACT"shall be brought to the attention.of COUNTY at the-earliest possible time in order
that such matters may be settled or other-appropriate action promptly taken..
Other than claims for injunctive relief brought by a party hereto(which may be brought either in i
court or pursuant too-thiss arbitration prow-'fsion):, arid;consistent with the.provisions hereinabove,; j
any claim, dispute:or controversy between the parties under,,arising out of,,or related:to this
CONTRACT or otherwise;including issues of specific performance,shall.be determined by
6 '
. i
arbitration in Shelton,Washington, under the applicable American Arbitration Association (AAA)
rules in effect on the date hereof, as modified by this CONTRACT. There shall be one arbitrator
selected by the parties within ten (10) days of the arbitration demand,.or if not, by the AAA or
any other group having similar credentials. Any issue about whether a claim is covered by this
CONTRACT shall be determined by the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall apply substantive law
and may award injunctive relief, equitable relief(including specific performance), or any other
remedy available from a judge, including expenses, costs and attorney fees to the prevailing �.
party and pre-award interest, but shall not.have the.power to award'punitive damages. The
decision of the arbitrator-shall be final and;binding and an order confirming the award or.,
judgment upon the award may be entered in.any court having jurisdiction. The parties agree
that the decision of the arbitrator shall be,the sole,and exclusive remedy between them
regarding any dispute presented or pled before the arbitrator. At the request of either party
made not later than forty-five (45)days after the arbitration demand,the parties agree to submit
the dispute to nonbinding mediation,which shall not delay the arbitration hearing date; provided,
that either party may decline to mediate and proceed with arbitration.
. l
Venue and Choice of Law: I
In the event that any litigation should arise concerning the construction or Interpretation of any
of the terms of this CONTRACT,the venue of such action of Litigation shall be in the coutts•of
the State of Washington in and for the Mason County. Unless otherwise specified herein,this
CONTRACT shall be governed by the laws of Mason County and the State of Washington.
Severability: i
If any term.or condition of this CONTRACT or the.application thereof to any person(s) or I
circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions or
applications which can be given effect without the invalid term., condition or application. To this
end,the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT are declared severable,
Waiver of any breach or condition of this CONTRACT shall not be deemed a waiver of any prior
or subsequent breach. No term or condition of this CONTRACT shall be held to be waived,
modified or deleted except by an instrument, in writing, signed by the parties hereto.The failure i
of COUNTY to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants of this CONTRACT,or to
exercise any option herein conferred in any one or more instances, shall not be construed to be
a waiver or relinquishment of any such, or any other covenants or contracts, but the same shall
be and remain in full force and effect.
Order of Precedence:
A.Applicable federal, state and county statutes,regulafions, policies, procedures,federal.Office
of Management and Budget(OMB) circulars and federal and state executive orders,
Entire Contract:
This written CONTRACT, comprised of the writings signed or otherwise.identified and attached
hereto, represents the entire CONTRACT between the parties and supersedes any prior oral
statements, discussions or understandings between the parties.
of the date and.year last written below.
rutly Sou- u Chief Officer Terri:Jeff.rey
Dated: C _ Dated:
` �.
Tim Whitehead,Chie QPA
8 _
.......... ...... .__........,. .. .. ..
Contract Between
Mason County and Homes First
Professional Services Contract: "Veteran's Shelter and Permanent Supportive Housing Facility
Purchase and Rehabilitation Contract"
Amendment# 1
The purpose of this amendment is to change the use of one of the properties and clarify funding
re ulations with corresponding roles.
IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THEREFORE: That the Original Contract is hereby amended as
1. Use
A change in use of the property at 420 S. 7th St., Shelton, WA from a "Veteran's Shelter"
to a "group, transitional home for single adults with a veteran prioritization".
2. Funding Sources and Regulations
a. RCW 36.22.178 Item 2 a and c to serve households under 50% AMI (Area
Median Income)
b. Dept of Commerce State Capital Budget 057 funds which are non-capital bond
proceeds with the only restriction that they cannot be loaned out.
c. TST: RCW 82.14.460 Item (3) Moneys collected under this section must be used
solely for the purpose of providing for the operation or delivery of chemical
dependency or mental health treatment programs and services and for the
operation or delivery of therapeutic court programs and services. For the
purposes of this section, "programs and services" includes, but is not limited to,
treatment services, case management, transportation, and housing that are a
component of a coordinated chemical dependency or mental health treatment
program or service.
3. Tenant Eligibility and Rent
The following terms replace items 1 —3 under Tenant Eligibility and Rent.
Contractor agrees to operate the tenant eligibility and rent according to the funding
sources attached to each property in the following manner:
414S. 7 th St., Shelton (Duplex Unit): State Capital Budget funds. Permanent
Supportive Housing for low income Veteran Families that earn up to 80% of the Area
Median Incomes (AMI).
416S. 7 th St., Shelton, WA(Duplex Unit): 2060 Local Document Recording Fees.
Permanent Supportive Housing to serve Veteran Families that earn up to 50% of the
Area Median Incomes (AMI). -
420S. 7 th St., Shelton, WA (Single Family Home): Treatment Sales Tax. The group,
transitional home for single adults and prioritizes veterans must be part of a coordinated
chemical dependency or mental health treatment program or service.
For all properties, CONTRACTOR agrees that rents will not exceed either 110% of Fair
Market Rents (FMR) as established annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) and when total housing costs (rent, utilities, deposits, fees,
etc.) do not exceed 40% of the household income with the purpose that the tenant can
be a successful renter.
4. Scope of Service: Contractor agrees to:
a. Work with service providers to find permanent housing solutions for occupants.
b. Partner with agencies offering the VASH and SSVF programs to increase
referrals and prioritize households from these programs.
c. Follow the Mason County 5 year-plan under the direction of the Department of
Commerce Objective 2: Prioritize households with the greatest need.
i. An example is to remove any policies that require a person to bedroom
ratio. If a veteran household consists of an adult w/a minor child, this will
not exclude this household from being eligible. Policies and procedures
must consider all families that present at the time of property vacancy and
not discriminate based on minimal family size. Policies can be in place to
establish a maximum, safe number of tenants such as no more than 2
people per bedroom.
d. Adhere to the Department of Commerce directive that all agencies receiving local
document recording fees must participate in Coordinated Entry.
e. Keep a Denial Log that includes the reason the applicants were denied
f. Notify COUNTY of vacancies over 2 months and the actions taken to fill the
g. Contract monitoring. The COUNTY will make every provision to give at least
two-weeks' notice to any monitoring.
ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the original Contract and any subsequent
amendments hereto remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his/her signature in execution thereof on
the day of 12019.
Trudy Soucoup, Executive Director Kevin Shutty, Chair
Homes First Mason County Board of County Commissioners
Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA
FROM: Travis Adams
DEPARTMENT: Sheriff's Office EXT: 622
BRIEFING DATE: March 2, 2020
If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information
Sheriff's Office three-year plan.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and
potential solutions):
The Sheriff's Office is working on a three-year plan to include personnel needs and
space planning.
There are no immediate budget impacts.
Feedback on the recommended actions.
Briefing Summary 2/13/2020